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:: 2005 26 August :: 9.28pm

i'm on the lappy.

i'm in college.

i got a speeding ticket.

i went to cedar point.

my girlfriend is awesome.

i feel better.



:: 2005 25 August :: 11.55pm

I was looking at my memories and I had some quotes I liked:
-“Will you lend yourself to beauty that will horrify? Let me hide within your black, the still inside your eyes.”
-“I traced all the letters on all of your letters. You never wrote in perfect lines and I never wrote you perfect lines.”
-“Under that threat of sky we lie together, why care about the weather. It only ends in dark.”
-“Flesh seems thicker, sandpaper tears corrode the film, and I need you now somehow and you’re my obsession.”
-“Maybe you’ll kill yourself before you get a turn, maybe I’ll fall in love and never learn.”
-“And whispered rumors of the way you wear you’re black eye like a badge of honor, soaking in the sympathy of friends who never loved you nearly half as much as I do (but irony is for suckers).”



:: 2005 25 August :: 11.07pm

If you can't find it within yourself to understand that I was coming from my heart, not my mind, and you can't find it within yourself to even talk to me about it first...then...



:: 2005 25 August :: 8.55pm
:: Music: robby playing the piano

what the deal? luke martin i think you might be working with me at the old mcd's. my manager asked if you were retarded. i told her you were of course. ha. only joking.

so i am pissed that summer is almost over. crapity crap crap.

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:: 2005 16 August :: 10.42am

well. looks like i'm going to traverse city on thursday. that should be fun.

and it also looks like i'm going to cedar point next wednesday. that should be more than fun.

and it also looks like i'm getting a laptop. it's a compaq with an amd processor, but whatev. i don't know. maybe i got ripped off. but i don't feel too bad. and it needed to be done. should be in in about a week. if you're interested in the specs, it has a 64-bit processor, running at 1.6 GHz, 512 ram, 60 Gig hard disk, cd/dvd burner, and something like a 15 inch screen. i'm not sure if it has usb 2.0 or not. but i figure either way, it'll do what i need it to.

and i am overcome with the strong desire to tear my car apart, so i can put it back together... the way I want it. but for now i'll have to settle. i figure i'll just kinda nip at the little stuff as it comes. i do need to change the oil soon. maybe i can do that tonight.

well, not that i have anywhere to be, but i should start getting stuff done.

talk at yous all later.

and love to everybody, but most to jackie...

and boob hugs aplenty!



:: 2005 15 August :: 3.19pm

oh alcohol, i still drink to your health

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:: 2005 13 August :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: frustrated

The kids I am babysitting are being so naughty. They can't stop fighting. I need 4:30 to roll around a lot faster than it is. They are grounded to their rooms now and I do not feel bad in the least. Grahhhhhhh......
Parents gone all weekend. Yess!!!!
I'm gone all weekend too though but it still means freedom.
Grawk.. fighting again gotta go.
I wanna punch them. I already swore. Opps.



:: 2005 12 August :: 12.57pm

Countdown Commencing!

T: minus two hours... (-2:00)

it's gonna be weird though. and i had a little trouble getting to sleep last night.

but yeah. we'll be just fine...

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:: 2005 12 August :: 11.15am

Here's some pictures...
Baby Katriana- She's a cutie!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com


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:: 2005 11 August :: 9.57pm

I say that a lot. I almost got in a STUPID accident on my part.... Yeah that sucks. Char saw the whole thing too. hehe. I feel stupid. Anyway, I am just feeling good about things. Class will be starting soon. I guess I can kind of post my schedule. (I'm kinda guessing)
Mon---- Bakery/Deli Operation 8:50am-1:50 pm
Tue---- Bakery/Deli Op 8:50-1:50pm......Menu Planning/ Nut. 2-3:30..... Business Eng. 5:45-9pm (BUSY!)
Wed---- Bakery/Deli Op 8:50-1:50
Thurs--- Bakery/Deli Op 8:50-1:50......... Menu Planning/ Nutrition 2-3:30pm
Fri-------Bakery/Deli Op BLAH BLAH BLAH......
Sat.------ First Aid 7:45-11:45

I actually think I got my schedule right. Yeah. It's full. Plus work. Plus Char. Plus friends. I go in at 1:30 tomorrow. Yay! I have to talk to a lawyer. blah. And I was also a witness today at work. Interesting...



:: 2005 12 August :: 8.42pm
:: Mood: lonely

I am so bored. I haven't visited Woohu in forever. I guess I just don't have anything to say. It sounds like people are having fun- and a lot of people are leaving. I haven't seen my friends in forever and I'm starting to go crazy. I'm starting to become a mess and I think I'm having fun at the moment- but I'm fucking up in the long run. Well, I've got to get it together for school soon so I hope this doesn't last. Or that it does in another form.

I'm severly pissed off I missed a Flogging Molly concert yesterday. And even more that I've got other problems that constantly need to be addressed. What is so hard about not going out with other people on seemingly looking double dates when your girlfriend isn't there? Especially since she has never met the people you want to hang out with in the first place.
Is it weird that Jas is one of David's best friends and I have never met him once?
And Jas's girlfriend calls David up and asks him if he "wants to go see tittys with her for her Birthday"?
I'm blowing thinga out of porportion probably but I'm a girl and it feels good. I just don't like being too trusting when all men are dirtbags.

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:: 2005 10 August :: 11.21am

Well. I work in about 2 hours. Last night went well. Charlie came to visit me :-) <3 I just have this feeling. This really great feeling. Just complete love. It's beautiful. I feel really great. Today is going to be a good day.



:: 2005 10 August :: 9.37am

Radio thing...

i heard... like 20 mins ago... on GRD, something about a Charity drag race at Berlin?

i didn't get to hear the whole thing, because i was working.

but i wouldn't mind tossing the bunny around the track, especially if it was for a good cause. does anyone else here know when it is, what it's for, or how much it will cost? SPEAK UP!

thanks muchly.


oh yeah, and love and peace and junk.

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:: 2005 9 August :: 12.01pm

peace of crap.

what good are brats without onions and peppers?

after all, apple pie without cheese is like a hug without a squeeze.
so squeeze me with all the sharp cheddar you can muster.

speaking of which, between dad and i, the ched'dure is certainly not stakking high enough. he's gonna scrap the contour, since fixing it would cost at least 2500 bucks. and i need to scrap the rabbit. but i might get a decent price for it, because the engine runs.

and work sucks. but THREE MORE DAYS!!! jigga jigga for that.

like today. there was a cart with two units in the lumberyard (waiting for wood parts)... terri comes and finaggles the wood for one of the units, not saying anything to me. then today, gib comes up and tells me when i do that, i need to send the one unit to be built. so, he sends it instead. but he didn't put a note on the cart like you're supposed to, so the build line knows to only run one unit. so then mike comes to me and asks me to get the wood for the other unit, and i have to explain to him that i don't have the other wood.

i just was very upset that i got blamed for 3 different things... none of which i did... and only on 1 fraggin' unit. i mean, c'mon people. talk about communication breakdown.

anyway.. i digress. or moot. or whatever the hell it is that i do.

cathartic, that's the word. although, i don't think i spelled it right.

and i still havent had lunch yet.

i guess we'll call this my morning break.


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:: 2005 9 August :: 11.05am
:: Music: Small Brown Bike

So... Things have been going pretty steady. I work at 1:30 today. That's preeeetty late. I was supposed to hang out with Jane and Ashley tonight but I don't think it'll work out tonight. Charlie hasn't been able to sleep so I don't know what to do. The new kitty Abby is doing really well. She's getting along with all the other kids and singing "Reunited and it feels so good!"
Maybe baby. I'm going to wait to see. Cooking thing is goin'. My back has been hurting like a crazy mofo, like before. I slept sooooo much today.
This is all just a rambling entree.



:: 2005 8 August :: 10.03pm

It's going to feel good to sleep for a while. Oh so good.



:: 2005 8 August :: 12.01pm

well. the demon that lives in my stomach is purring right now.

and i think that's a good thing.


and i still love jackie. even at work. even during my lunch break.




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:: 2005 7 August :: 6.08pm

Holy crap! I just spent $600 online. bleh.

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:: 2005 6 August :: 11.34am

Char and I saw Dukes last night. YEEHAW
okay. that's enough. Seriously funny movie.
"Do you know how fast you were going?"
"Officer, isn't the speed limit 10?"

I didn't have to work today! Hoo-ray!
I got to sleep in and it felt fan-fucking-tastic! Charlie and I get a new kitty today from his mom's. So it's not really new...and it's not really a kitty anymore, but still. I love Abbs. And we shall have to see about a little something else. Maybe by tomorrow. Good talk last night. I mean, not while it was going on but I feel better now.



:: 2005 5 August :: 11.05pm

Your IQ Is 120

Your Logical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Average

thanks jimi.

and, because i'm a cheater...

Your IQ Is 140

Your Logical Intelligence is Genius
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Genius

well. yeah. i wish addison would have called. what a little bitch. and he's not gonna be awake tomorrow in time to go canoing. i reiterate; what a little bitch. but that's okay. that's why i like him. if he wasn't that way, he wouldn't be addison. and kevin has much the same characteristic about him.

anyway. that jamiroquai song is fucking hard for me. but i think i'll be able to get it. the part that i thought was going to be the hardest is actually proving to be the easiest. i wish it were not the case, but when it comes down to brass tacks, i'm really crap at funk drums. i just don't ever play those sort of grooves. it has always had to be ROCK this and ROCK that. it's pretty absurd, really. but it will be good for me to learn the new stuff.

gah. i don't know why i'm so flipping tired. i took a fucking nap. what more could my body ask for? grrrr....

anyway. i suppose it's time for bed soon.


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:: 2005 4 August :: 10.46pm

Oh gosh wow. This feels so weird.
I need some sleep.
P.S.- Kyle Kelly works w/Road Commission??? Crazy! Did anyone else see him today?

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:: 2005 3 August :: 9.34am
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: the work radio clash (when LAV, GRD, and B93 collide...)


well. dad and i have had some good conversation. we're trying to get my college payment plan figured out. not to mention, he's already living paycheck to paycheck, has 2 grand in outstanding debt, is still paying on his student loans, needs a new transmission in the contour... the list goes on.

i suppose suddenly my problems don't seem so bad. but still... i've been having a difficult time lately. and i absolutely loved this weekend. i had the greatest time... and it's just so cool up there. and i know i did a good job of not ripping jackie's head off, and i did my best to be as un-annoying as possible... but part of me still feels like i could have done something more. or i should have done some things differently. i should just treat it like the static noise that it is, and tell it to shut up. but i'm having some difficulty doing that.

the break will be good for both of us, i think. but i still really miss her. and i just keep wondering where i'm supposed to be going with my life, and what i'm supposed to be doing in order to get there. and i just genuinely hope she's a part of that picture.

band practice tonight. i have "coldplay - shiver" down pretty well, but i spent all last night on a wild goose chase trying to track down jamiroquai, and to no avail, so space cowboy will have to be learned on the fly. which, from what i can recall of it, will not be easy.

break time over.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 9.15pm
:: Music: Belle & Sebastian-"Piazza, New York Catcher"

this anxiety is killing me. i like this song though. it's really nice.



:: 2005 2 August :: 9.12pm

Last summer I started reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold on vacation. I got it today. I started reading it. I can't put it down, once again. The only problem is, I started reading Haunted by the one, the only, Chuck Palahniuk. Oh man oh man. If the hardest decisions in life were which book to read, it'd just be great. Damn.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 9.02pm

MMMMM...Honey Wheat Thins...MMMMM
Well. I have a lot to talk about. Work has been going quite well now! I like working with Ashley. She's so nice and fun and easy to talk to. I am really sad about what's going on with Jane right now. She could have cancer :-( She's only 19! I worked later than I was supposed to. I had 9 hours of sleep. I am exhausted though. I just feel semi-not like me. It's weird. And school is starting soon. AHHH I need to chill. Just chill. And we'll see...

P.S.- I love my Charlie <3<3<3<3


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