2005 30 September :: 3.40pm
just wanted to let everyone know I got a part as an Oompa Loompa/citizen/reporter in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
you should all come and see it, I'm working the set too and it is going to look great (the gates, the machines, the elevator)
as far as the part goes, I'm happy with it, it seems to be based more on looks and height considering the target audience (Elliot is an oompa loompa too, and Kate didn't even get a part) so I'm hoping to get a bigger role in the STC show (Arsnic and Lace, The Three Musketeers, or The Bill Show, it's a debate) and maybe I'll shoot for chorus in Chicago too
it's the year of theatre, I encourage everyone to take a look and see if they're interested
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