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:: 2005 31 May :: 7.22pm

Life imitates the game of chess
You can be the rook or the pawn
If you have the strategy that's best
You can be the king or in this case the don
It's easy to get knocked out of the game
Depending on which way you want to play
You've got to have eyes in the back of your head
Now that we have that out of the way

Rev up the Lincoln
And lets get to drinking some caffeino
Lets go to nicolettis
Cause he makes a mean spaghetti sauce
I'm a connoisseur of the finer things in life
I'll take any flick with al pacino
I'm a man of respect and I prefer to be addressed as padrino

If you're the type that likes to spill the beans
You could be a stone in someone's shoe
You'll receive a kiss on each cheek
Then you'll know that pretty soon the stone will be removed
Everyone knows that crime does not pay
It doesn't pay the taxes anyway
You've got to be slick if you don't want it to stick
Now that we have that out of the way

Repeat Chorus

I know it's not a wise thing to do
Writing funny songs about the mob
But if it's all the same to you
I don't see it as a gang but a club
Where men sit like gentlemen
Plotting their events about
Things I shouldn't understand comprehend or care
Like...oh, I don't know maybe I shouldn't go there
After all it is a family affair

Stay out of the papers
Don't get caught
Leave the singing to Sinatra and always keep your big trap shut

The underworld is like an undertow - if you don't respect it
It will surely bring you down - when you least expect -
Hey expect it from all sides
Once you're in it it's for life
Don't be famous be infamous and you will live to see another day
Be wise about with whom you discuss
Now that we have that out of the way

Repeat Chorus

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:: 2005 30 May :: 12.25pm

Seriously no one fucking gets what the hell happened with me and fuckhole.

I thought tori would.. but she still talks to him on aim. So does mandy.

He fucking told me i meant nothing whatsoever to him right after i told him i loved him. And people think that just wouldnt hurt?

And now he's coming.

Don't fucking ask about it or give me pity.
When i ask why you still talk to him don't say "Well he didnt do it to ME", like you did before.
And if you talk to him, you better fucking not tell me that you did. or what he said.or what he looks like.

For your own damn good.


:: 2005 27 May :: 5.29pm

You totally rock.
Thank you for telling me to talk to you.
It means a lot that you want me to feel better.

Serious part aside...
(4|\| Y0|_| R34|) 1337 Y37?
|_457 7i|\/|3 I (|-|3(K3|), |\|0!!!!!



2 white | You should..comment..


:: 2005 24 May :: 1.56pm

ha ha I am suspended

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:: 2005 22 May :: 2.30pm

meh I saw starwars 2 times. it was really good. Oh and I went to a lock in it was so much fun.

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:: 2005 22 May :: 11.13am

I wonder how many of these freshman actually KNEW him.. as in FRIENDS and hung out together and stuff. cause idk.. it seems like everybodys overreacting.. but then again, I don't know how their relationship was with him.. but it seem sEVERY girl that's a freshman is like.. really upset about this.. and you couldn't have all known him. it's funny how girls freak out about someone's death.. even if they didn't really know them.. and guys don't as much. It's not FUNNY... it's just weird. nothing to laugh about. and I'm NOT saying this is no big deal.. someone died.. it's a huge deal, don't get me wrong. Just saying my feelings about this whole thing.. cause it's a journal... and that's what you do in journals.. so don't attack me for my thoughts.

14 white | You should..comment..


:: 2005 21 May :: 1.37pm

I don't update this thing anymore, mostly because I'm really paranoid, but whatever.

This week was horrible...all around. Not so much for me, but it's been a depressing hell hole of a week for a lot of other people. I'm sorry, and maybe May Week will be fun?

1 white | You should..comment..


:: 2005 15 May :: 9.23pm

1. First Name?
2. Were you named after anyone?
3. Do you wish on stars?
i did before untill I realized it was stupid
4. Which finger is your favorite?
the little one
5. When did you last cry?
today i cry almost everyday I get used to it
6. Do you like your handwriting?
yeah its ok
8. Any bad habits?
uh I am kinda shy
9. What is your most embarrassing CD?
none why should I be embarrased about something I like
10. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
no I am stupid
11. Are you a daredevil?
I would say so I mean why be afraid to do something we are all gonna die anyways why not be sooner then later
12. Do looks matter?
yeah cuz your gonna notice someones looks before you talk to them... unless you are closing your eyes
13. How do you release anger?
in many ways like breaking things punching wall... and other stuff I guess sometimes I hurt myself but thats not very good but I feel I deserve it because I am worthless
14. Where is your second home?
at allysons house
15. Do you trust others easily?
no I cant trust anyone
16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
the grass
17. What class in school do you think is totally useless?
every class I mean I wont become anything in life anyways
18. Do you have a journal?
yeah this one right here
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
with my mom and other stupid ppl
21. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
22. What are your nicknames?
kt, k7
23. Would you bungee jump?
if I had the chance
24. Second most favorite saying?

25. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
my shoes arent tied anyways
26. Do you think that you are strong willed?
27. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
that stuff I ate like 20 min ago
28. Shoe Size?
like 8

29. What are your favorite colors?
brown, black, green
30. What is your least favorite feeling?
Like u wanna kill yourself, and no one would miss you.
31. How many wisdom teeth do you have?
why would I care
32. How many people have a crush on you right now?
None i am ugly and stupid
33. What do you miss most right now?
35. What color pants are you wearing?
just jeans
36. What are you listening to right now? Honestly nothing, cuz this nohting I am a loser
37. Last thing you ate?
I ate mac and cheese and ice cream
38. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
brown or black

39. Whats the weather like right now?
i dont know
40. Last person you talked to on the phone?
I dont even remember no one calls me and the ppl who used to call me I dont think even like being my friend
41.The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
their face
42. Do you like the person who sent you this?
yeah shes ok I guess
43. How are you today?
uhmm no good like everyday I live
44. Favorite drink?
orange pop kinda stuff I guess
45. Favorite alcoholic drink?
I have no clue
46. Favorite Sport?
I like tennis I know its pretty lame
47. Hair color?
kinda blondish brownish
48. Eye color?
hmm who cares
49. Do you wear contacts?
50. Siblings?
a brother
51. Favorite month?
june cuz my b-day even though I never had a good b-day like that one time no one sang me happy b-day
52.Favorite food?
53.Last movie you watched?
I dont watch very many movies
54. Summer or winter?
I dont care
55. Hugs or kisses?
who cares about those things
59. Living Arrangements?
a box
I dont know
61. What's on your mouse pad?
its black thats it
62. Favorite board game?
I dont play those anymore
63. What did you watch on TV last night?
nothing I dont really watch much tv
64. Favorite Smell?
food and flowers.
65. Favorite person in history?
64. favorite day of the week?
none every day is stupid
66. Favorite number?
3 or 8009
68. Would you rather drive a long distance or fly?
69. Are you better with a crowd or one-on-one?
depends who the one person is
70. Country music or jazz?
both sucks ass
71. Do you ever get mad at God?
Theres not such thing as god
72. Do you think computers have personalities?
kinda cuz you save all of yourself on the computer
73. Do you name your cars?
no I dont have cars
74. How often do you wish you were of the opposite sex?
I dont know just sometimes
75. Are you happy when you wake up on Monday mornings?
76. Do you like your feet?
not really
77. Favorite card game?
oh shit
78. If you changed your name, what would you change it to?
kt even though its the same its different spelling
79. Favorite Saint(s)?
80. Cats or dogs?
81. Museums or zoos?
Zoos, museums are kinda boring
82. Do you say what you think or think what to say?
i dont know
83. Brass or strings?
84. Place you'd most like to visit?
no where
85. Place you never want to go back to?
the past
86. Movie you watch over and over?
none right now
87. Greatest blessing?
88. Greatest curse?
89. Sunrise or sunset?
I dont care
90. Who hurts you the most?
everyone but this one person that I though I loved
91. What haunts you the most?
92. Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy?
wheel of fortune
93. Russert or Stephanopolis?
94. Favorite characteristic in others?
Sense of humour, trust worthyness, wild, fun, spontanious
95. Are you good at responding to these things?
yeah I guess
96. Favorite part of your life?
97. Sandals or sneakers?
Skate shoes
98. Popcorn or fudge?
99. Feathers or seashells?
feathers are gross, seashells are pretty cool
100. Why or because?

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:: 2005 15 May :: 3.48pm
:: Music: Shut your mouth and open your eyes-AFI


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:: 2005 15 May :: 3.03pm

Happy birthday Jeymmy!

I haven't updated on here for a while. Uhmm.. yeah.. maybe cuz i have nothing to say.

I've been thinking about fuckhole lately, which pisses me off.. But to be honest, I miss having someone "care about me" (even though he didnt). I know my firends care, and my family and such.. but i'm one of those shallow people that needs a boyfriend.. and when it seemed like no one here would have me... i could rely on him.. Only now i can't...


Emo emo emo emo emo emo emo.

-Emo Boys-
Damn you.
Beautiful, Godly, untouchable.
Lip peirced, hair dyed.
You look at me from across the floor and smile.
You know i want you.
toy with me.
Be coy with me.
Smirk, walk away.
Leave me behind, wondering.
Damn you.
Beautiful, godly, untouchable.


That was in honor of the SUPER MEGA HOT emo boy at Fat Tuesday's last night.... fucker.

But yeah.. i'm pretty much done.. Hahaha.

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:: 2005 9 May :: 8.02pm

today I bought little boy boxers since those are the only ones that will fit me. they are so cool. but again today was a suckie day I didnt even see him today and thats all I have left because I really cant have what I truely want

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:: 2005 8 May :: 8.52pm

why do I even pretend to be happy when I know I never will be

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:: 2005 8 May :: 1.45pm

i wish I could be somebody else

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:: 2005 4 May :: 4.40pm

meh I fell bad for skipping again... oh well we tried on dresses and it was fun and did other stuff. The end...

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:: 2005 2 May :: 9.26pm

ok well I thought today was ok until after skool. I think ppl dont realize what they are doing trying to be something they are not. Oh mother fucking shit I just remembered I had to do this one thing oh well... I will just fail it life. it was what I was ment to do. that was really .... oh nvm ... my ear hurts

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