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:: 2005 11 March :: 3.17pm

SoO...Yeah... today was pretty cool..

Sami is soo funny! Today in science she called the Spokane School number and asked to get a job as a janitor, and when they asked her to describe herself she was like "I'm 5'7, an Aquarius, i like long walks on the beach,a nd romantic dinners" It was great.

We got midterms.. i got an A, B, C, C, D, B. Wich is better than i thought. I hope i dont get grounded or anything though. Maybe my mom wont ask for them.

George and Paulo walked home again today.. I think maybe Paulo /does/ like me.. he's been talking to me alot lately.. Hee hehehehe..

Relationships are for pansies though..

I get to go to Clinkerdaggers or however you spell it tonight.. With My grandma, mom, and the infamous Skip.. We'll see how that goes. I'm not to thrilled.. But cest la vie.

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:: 2005 10 March :: 8.01pm

*Your name?: Nora "Rah Rah" McMoooonadhjf

*If you could have 10 friends stranded on an island with you, who would they be?: Mando, Yah, Oph, Gabe, Chris, Ashlee, Umm, the others...

*If you could have only 5 things (not people) what would they be?: Super Powers, A laptop with a wireless connection, Tons 'o Money, Fantastic hair/ clothes, Fame

*What do you think would be the worst way to die? (Ex. drowning, being burned, being hung, cut up into little pieces): Raped and killed by someone I thught was normal

*If you had to pick someone to marry right now, who would it be and why?: Montel Williams.. because he's the shiz.

*Realistically, do you think you will drink or get drunk before you are 21?: Hahahahahahaha...

*Have you had a nightmare lately? Yeah, i dont remember it though

*Do you ever have a reoccurring dream? Yeah, i have a scary one that the boy from the Grudge lives in my garage

*Have you ever had a dream, and then that exact same thing happened in real life? Yeah, that used to hapeen to me quite a bit.. I"M A PSYCHO!! I mean.. psychic..

*Do you have a secret you have never told ANYONE???: Yeah

*What is your absolute favorite song at this very moment?: The Donnas-- Take it off (Ironic, it just came on..)

*What do you think of "inside jokes"?: Awesome. All the time, anywhere, no matter what. Especially Con jokes..

*Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah

*Have you ever wished upon a star, seriously? If so, what did you wish for?: Yeah, and i cant tell you or it wont come true.. Duh.

*Do you know a member of the opposite sex who you are comfortable enough with to talk about almost anything? I have close guy friends.. but not ones who I tell /everything/

*Do you have a friend of the same sex that you could tell almost anything to? Who?: Sure, Soph, Mando, YahYah, Tori....

*If you found out that you were gonna die tomorrow, is there anything you would want to say or do?: Hard drugs.. and eat a guava.. haha. Just kidding.. I'd prolly get wasted and do a bunch of things that would make me thankful I was dying the next day..

*Right now, what is your biggest regret?: Jr. High

*Name one person who has seriously changed your life for the better: Most of my friends

*For the worse: Fuckhole.

*Do you want to have any kids? If so how many and what will you name them?: No, I'll just have 17 cats, two poodles, and a ferret. AND my ferret racing empire of course.. hahaha the mime knows.

*Is there anything you oppose? (Ex- abortion, gay marriage...): I oppose alot of things.. like the president... lol.

*What is the worst name anyone has ever called you, and who called you that?: I dont want to repeat it.. But stewart called me it in 5th grade. Although i think i made him Unable to bear children soon after.

*When did you last cry? What makes you cry?: Alot of things.. and on.. last friday

*Have you ever seriously thought about committing suicide? If so, why?: Why would i tell /you/?

*Theoretically, if you were going to commit suicide, how would you do it?: Prolly slit my wrists.

*Who are 9 friends you would do anything for? Sophie YahYah Mando Ashlee Gabe Chris Tori Various others.. i only have like 3 friends.. come on..

*If you could change one thing you have done in the last 24 hours, what would it be?: Not done the thing that i did.. i dont know..

*Who can make you smile, no matter what mood you are in?: My buddies. Calvin and Hobbes.

*During World War II, a woman was forced to choose to take with her to safety
only one of her two children, who consisted of one boy and one girl. if you were
faced with this choice, which would you choose?: The one i liked more.

*What is the corniest pick up line you have ever heard?: Did it hurt? Falling down from heaven?

*Is there someone you can talk to for 12 hrs straight and never get bored? If so who?: Maya

*Would you ever get plastic surgery? If yes, what would you get it on: Yeah, prolly my boobs

*What CD is in your CD player right now?: Pantera

*Would you ever get a tattoo? If so, what and where?: Yeah, Some sort of design on my lower back or ankle

*If you got pregnant when you were really young, like 14, would you have an abortion?: yeah

*Do you feel safe at school? On a scale of 1-10 how safe do you feel? (10 being very safe, 1 being not safe): 7

*What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? The funniest?: The Grudge and.. Maybe Dodgeball??

*Have you ever gotten a detention or suspension? If so, for what?: I got saturday school for skipping, does that count?

*And last, but not least, was this a better survey than you have taken in the past?: Yes, without a doubt.. this is da slamminest survey thing EVAH!

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:: 2005 10 March :: 7.31pm
:: Music: Good Charlotte-- I just wanna live

So.. Interplayers on saturday.. that'll be fun fun fun fuuuuuuuun. Haha. What a catchy song this is. It bugs me that its Good Charlotee though.. cuz they're ... Good Charlotte-y... lol.

I heard from a semi reliable source that Paulo might be interested.. Heee hee... I cant believe I still like him! Buuuuuut, i do.. :)

Hmm, the Y was fun.. Me 'n' 'Do played Foozeball (sp?) And I'm really out of it.. I think some blonde rubbed off on me..

That reminds me.. Today in sience, Sami called the twizzler factory and asked if she could apply for a job. It was sooo funny! She just did it randomly in the middle of class.

Ughhh, I'm frazzled and can't type, so I'm... Done... haha.

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:: 2005 9 March :: 4.11pm

Bounce bounce bounce... that what my hair does now. Too bad i CANT FREAKING CONTROL IT! Ohh, well.. i can always cut the rest off.

It was Paulo's B-Day... He is still Yummy Scrumboes... Haha.

Tanner missed his bus.. which i thought was funny.

Thats all thats new..

Ooh! I brought my F up to a D!! Yay! from a 52 to a 66.7. That will go on my mid term, but i think if i start doing my science HW i can bring it up.. I'm prolly not gonna do my homework though... Ohh well..

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:: 2005 8 March :: 6.59pm

My hair is short. I didnt know it was capable of being so...curly. I mean, i have been asked if i got a perm. But i am not ashamed of my natural curly-ness. Its short (ish) and i have side bangs.. but i think it looks cute and springy. I just hope i dont look like an escaped mental patient tomorrw. I dont know what the lady did to make it look decent. But if i dont shower and sleep sitting up, maybe it will look OK.
I need a difuser, but it IS my birthday in 10 days. HINT HINT HINT.
Hahah, ok, peace out y'all.

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:: 2005 7 March :: 4.51pm

God damn it mother fucking shit fuck!

I hate being called a hypocrite!!

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:: 2005 7 March :: 4.09pm

My Brilliant day
6:30- Woke up to the pleaseing sound of my alarm clock
6:31- Went back to sleep
7:00- Forcefully woken by my dad
7:05- Ate breakfast, took shower.. the likes
7:35- Told my dad i didnt feel good
7:37- went back to bed
while sleeping- Had scary dreams
1:00- woke up feeling perfectly fine, save for the searing pain coming from my stomach
1:01-1:30- Lay in my bed of pain listening to weird irish dance music coming from the next room
1:30- got up and consumed as many Midols as humanly possible without ODing
1:34-3:05- Lounged around enjoying my un-at-school-ness, read, and played the sims 2
3:07- Had to go to shtupid gear up thing.. ugh
3:49- Got back to my mutti's house and found a strange man pulling up my carpet.. umm... ok?
4:09- wrote this mutha fucker! Hahahahahahahaha.

That was my day and it kicked your day's ass because i didnt have to go to hell.. i mean.. school.

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:: 2005 6 March :: 11.37am

New Layout!! w00t! Should I change the font? Hmm.. Tell me if you can't read it.

Interesting night..

Stalking.. things, hahahahaha.

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:: 2005 6 March :: 2.52am

Crazy crazy movie... Crazy night...morning... thing.

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:: 2005 5 March :: 10.55pm

Histrionic:Very High
Narcissistic:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Narcissistic.. that was a surprise... hahahaha

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:: 2005 5 March :: 1.36pm

We found a bird in our house today. So we took it outside and let it go. It was one of those little brown birds I dont know what they are called but it made me realize some things

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:: 2005 5 March :: 12.38pm

Once every 53 days is an improvement.. right?

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:: 2005 5 March :: 12.10pm


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:: 2005 5 March :: 11.43am

Romeo and Juliet gives little point to life.

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:: 2005 4 March :: 9.48pm

Beware of Hippos After Dark...
Beware of hippos after dark...

Uh-oh, my window is still open..

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