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:: 2005 26 February :: 4.42pm

Haha, français.
Ainsi, c'est nouveau. Je me demande qui sait ce que je dis. Soulevez votre main si vous parlez français ! Je veux que le jour national d'histoire soit excédent ainsi je peux
traîner avec mes personnes. Mais, ce qui jamais. Je devine...
Je veux definately me casser vers le haut avec Mike. Je pense que je pourrais aimer Curtis.. Uh OH ! Je devrais être une nonne et ne pas regarder des garçons jamais.
Haha i serait une nonne drôle. Ok, le temps français est fait.
juste badinant, je n'aime pas vraiment Curtis... J'ai juste la chose où j'aime seulement des personnes quand je
biseaute les ai. comme avec Michael.

Hahahahahaha, you dont know what i saaaid!

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:: 2005 26 February :: 12.38pm

Panda fortunes are true!! That was so crazy. I'm taking Mandy to vegas with me.. Haha.

I sucessfully dodged three attempts last night. Call me mean, i call it self defense. I dont know why i did though. There is a fine line between sexy vulnerable and wuss, but im pretty sure he crossed over to the dark side. Oooh this was a mistake. I wish i were able to actually commit myself to a relationship and have it WORK sometime.. but thats not very likely. I now know though that if i continue, i will feel guilty for leading him on. Its not fair for him to think i still like him when i DONT! Why did i think it would work a second time? Grr!! I need a sex god. Minus the relationship part.

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:: 2005 25 February :: 8.40pm

Book Report
It looks like your stomach is kind of, bulging." Shortly after Bartoli noticed this strange phenomenon, his intestines, liver, and kidneys burst out of his stomach. The room was in pandemonium in a matter of seconds. Various people on the jury began screaming, the judge started yelling about the apocalypse. Ben just laughed hysterically. Madec spontaneously combusted and incinerated in the hospital. In the Court Room, the judge had pretty much gone insane from fear and was beating Les Stanton to the ground with his gavel. Two of the jury members had committed suicide, and three more had died. One died from slipping on Bartoli's fluids and falling to the ground, head first, breaking his neck on the hardwood floor. The other two ran outside and were gunned down by the Anti Jury Member Mafia. Then, a Philippine suicide bomber ran in and nook out the rest of the jury members, Les Stanton, and the judge. Ben had already run outside, screaming gibberish. He seemed to be the only survivor. Well, he was, until Strick unloaded a clip of .50 caliber bullets into Ben's back.


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:: 2005 24 February :: 10.19pm

You're the top..doo do doo do do do.. Cody was kinda flat, but other than that it was a pretty good play! Vivi came over and we ate burritos *mmm* mandy, you missed out. Haha. Hmm, so yeah.. It was cool... :-D

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:: 2005 24 February :: 9.19pm

My favorite poem ever:

Angry Lashes

The eyelashes
In the bottom corners of my eyes
Speak the truth of my soul
As they curve to crack
And spike like prickly cactus pins
Against the beauty of my mask

I suppose it is true
That thou shall never put mascara on the bottom
Of thy lashes
But glitter is so tempting
To place betwixt the vines


It is by Sophia, and it is good.

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:: 2005 24 February :: 7.56pm

well. . . uhh
i started drawing in my sketchbook again. . . mmmm manga.

I'm so-so iffy ok at it. But Karen-sempai says im pretty good, and i guess that would be a better opinion than from myself. I'm going to change the ending of a book for a book report. Apparently im a good writer. . .

I wrote a strory for a socilal studies project, people said it was really good. Like, novel good. I should be a manga artist and make manga books!

That'd be a cool profession. Yeah and I'd be even better than Yu Watse! ok maybe not.

lol i had a buncth of old yu-gi-oh cards. . . lol hey man don't be prejudice its actually a pretty fun card game. Anyway, i looked through them and found like 14 of them that were 1st edition. So im going to auction them off for 10-20 bucks each ion ebay, and use the money to buy a broadband adapter for phantasy star online. I had one before, but it got jacked while i was at my cousins house.

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:: 2005 24 February :: 5.00pm

Oh yeah and today durning lunch I toop pics of alot of ppl and some of them dont even know. And the ones that do know think I only took a few of them but really I have like 20 of them ha ha I am so sneaky. Oh yeah and I found cream puff!

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:: 2005 24 February :: 4.58pm

Then today we didnt want to go to class so we skip 4th,5th and 6th again. Oops...... So we walk down to starbucks downtown and we get this really really good hot chocolate. Then we walk around and we took alot of pics. Some hobo ppl came up to us it was kinda scary. Then we walk back and get pizza and go back to school.

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:: 2005 24 February :: 4.56pm

Omg I have been really busy and really lazy. There is something wrong with me. Yesterday Raelynn and I were eating and then the bell rang but we werent finished so we decide to skip 4th,5th and 6th period. So we walk down to riverfront park. We buy bread and fake nails. Then we go feed the duckies and put on fake nails. We walk back to school and then get an icecream cone it was such a fun day.

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:: 2005 24 February :: 3.09pm

Hahaha I'm so funny! Me 'n Meghan were walking home from da bus and we were talking about crack whores and stuff and I'm like "Meghan, you're so pretty I could sell you for drugs!" ... And it was really funny at the time... Haha. Something Corporate is tonight and i can't go. I'm going to anything goes though.. I was gonna go with Ashlee, but she ditched me for Heather, Annie, and Breanna.. I obviously came out on the upper hand with that trade. At leat my mom isn't a Crack Whore like Breanna... Its funny though cuz I think Breanna's Mom really IS a crack whore.. Hahahaha. No wonder she's so screwed up! Constantine again tomorrow. I'm DEFINATELY having doubts.. right on time too.. 3 weeks.. as always..... Urgh. But thats my problem.. And i dont want anyone else to think they should talk to me about it.. unless i start the conversation. Then its ok. I HAVE TO PEE!!

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:: 2005 23 February :: 9.06pm
:: Music: Something Corporate-- drunk girl

Curtis is funny. Hee hee.

Sophie and Jarret should SO hook up.

I thought about HIM today and it upset me. ><

Ann.. is there anything to say...? I mean.. come on..


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:: 2005 22 February :: 7.31pm
:: Music: Something Corporate-- Straw Dog

sorry alex, i cant go... :(

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:: 2005 22 February :: 7.21pm

i feel like a bad person. I dont like making people sad.

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:: 2005 22 February :: 4.10pm

I am about to break a very strong moral rule i have by posting this.. BUT I LOVE THIS SONG!! I LOVE THIS BAND!! I LOVE EVERYTHING! Hahaha.

"Drunk Girl"

I kissed a drunk girl
I kissed a drunk girl, yes I did
Kissed a drunk girl on the lips
I let my guard down
how could I have been so dumb
Her eyes were open
I know I am not the one
I know I am not the one
I know I am not the one

I kissed a drunk girl
Why do I do these things I do to myself
I kissed a drunk girl
I'm sure I could've been anybody else

I went to her house
and everybody there was gone
her little cousin just passed out on the lawn
We walked to my car
She mouthed "Is everything ok?"
We leaned in slowly
So now I can say

I kissed a drunk girl
Why do I do these things I do to myself
I kissed a drunk girl
I'm sure I could've been anybody else
anybody else

I pulled away
cuz you see I didn't think it would be
right I said let's save this
for some other night
She said "No, no, no I know
That everything is gonna be just fine"
How could I do this when I want her to be all mine.

I kissed a drunk girl
Why do I do these things I do to myself
I kissed a drunk girl
I'm sure I could've been anybody else
anybody else

I know you don't care about me
I'm sure when all is said and done
and I go home feeling lonely
You will have had your fun
do you even remember?

I kissed a drunk girl
Why do I do these things I do to myself
I kissed a drunk girl
and now I'm sure
and now I'm sure
I could've been anybody else
anybody else
anybody else
I could have been
anybody else


Isn't it great? Its by something Corporate.. Which is an awesome AWESOME band. Thank you Alex for telling me about them.

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:: 2005 22 February :: 3.22pm
:: Music: Kernkraft 400-- Zombie Nation

Oh gad, it hurts to move.. the pain of the muscles... yeah. The YMCA sucks, just kidding, but still.

Mike was being an ass today, but its ok..

HE GAVE MY LOVE ORANGE TO MORGAN!! I dont know why, but it upset me.. I mean.. i know he shouldnt know that i care about little things.. but i do..ish.. and it just annoys me.. and i dont want to tell him cuz its dumb.. but still...Yeah.

I thought my cat died this morning, but hes alive and purring, *yay*

I want to go to Something Corperate really really bad.. but I'm broke and TORI NEEDS TO FRICKEN PAY ME FRICKEN BACK!!! GrR. Its on a thursday though so it could go either way.

I think Sophia and Jarret should hook up. They were sitting by each other at lunch and i could totally see it happen. I think he would be a good remedy for her Battered Soul... Haha.

I miss Pepe :( And Dante... Ohh poor Dante, i hope you could see that even though you had to die, the sacrafice was for the greater good of sim-humanity...

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