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:: 2005 9 February :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: informed

You pop the air bubble when you sit on them and the juice dries up. So then it dosent work.
And always use a condom!
Sombrarro, not mushroom!
Don't ever listen to a guy that says a condom is too big for him, if it is.. he wouldnt be able to walk.
Hahahahahahahaha bad image! Condoms are the number one leading preventor of STIs and Pregnancys (aside from abstinance), they are easy, portable, hassle free, and cheap. SO USE A FRICKIN CONDOM DUMBASS!!! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS!

Isn't OWL great? ^^

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:: 2005 9 February :: 5.57pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Papa Roach-Last Resort

Dumb Computer
Yeah I just got my computer back I really didnt care that it was gone though. Now since I have it back I realized how much I love it. Ha ha cuz i need my music and my aimingness. Omg Raelynn is gonna die. I am really sad. She is in urgent care right now. :( Erg I have pe now I dont like being active when I am forced to be.

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:: 2005 9 February :: 3.18pm
:: Mood: Happy
:: Music: cake--never there

Today was a really good day. I have a B in science for like.. the first time ever, lol. AND the Kuglers hate me!! Why would i want someone to hate me you ask? Well i'll tell you. The Kuglers are manipulating evil skinny bitches and thats all there is to it. But they always talked to me in english and it got annoying. But today i was talkeing to Mike in English and Nicole was talking and being stupid and Mike was like "Can't you just talk to your sister at home?" And she's like "No i never talk to her at home" and i said (quietly i thought, but it must have been loud..) "Yeah, if they were my kids i wouldnt let them talk either" And Nicole was like "You're gonna be sorry for that Mike! And you too nora, you're a bitch!!" And Me and Mike just laughed because her fist is like.. as big as something thats really small... like a grape. So we wandered off and the went about spreading disease or whatever it is they do.. But now i guess they've started spreadng rumors about me or something, but i dont even care. I mean dude, they're just stupid. So that put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. No HW either! And OWL tonight! Yay!!

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:: 2005 8 February :: 7.57pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: incubus-- drive

i feel numb.. and i cant explain why. I dont know if this is a good numb or not..

Im feeling stressed about solo & ensemble.. its on saturday.. UGHHHHHHHHHH i frickin hate that song now.. it haunts my dreams.
The tension is mounting.

According to the love calculator Mike Urlacher and i have an 18% percent chance of working out whereas Michael Urlacher and i have a 29% chance of working out... strange.

I feel kinda sick. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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:: 2005 8 February :: 6.26pm
:: Mood: mourning

It was a good day, untill i found out Fabio died.. Now im really sad. I loved him.

Notheing else worht mentioning... happy Mardi Gras... if its today.. ohh who cares? My lover is DEAD!!

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:: 2005 7 February :: 6.21pm
:: Mood: onion-y
:: Music: Tool-- aenima

Who knew there was a plus side to having a mute boyfriend? To anyone who ever doubted that fact, its rather OK. You can talk about any subject and they can't stop you! And they dont dis you! Still dont know what to get him fro V-day.. Maybe i'll just breakdown and ask him..
Ashlee came over and i totally won at monopoly! It was sweet.
OMG!! I found the coolest peice of bling ever in the park today. Its a big tacky Africa thing... Cuz im just that cool. Kalli talked to me today.. it was actually pretty weird. And Ghetto McWhatshisface asked me if i was goth. I was like... "what???" Do i LOOK goth? I mean, im wearing a blue shirt, a blue "belty" thing, and colorful beads and earrings... yeah, im goth. Psh..
Thank you to people that wore their seahorse colors. So what if its "pointless", all the cool kids are doing it.. you should too. It actually kind of pissed me off that Mike wasnt wearing any.. I dont like having my role of absolute power questioned. Hee hee.
Mardi Gras tomorrow! I was thinking of giving up the peanut butter M&Ms for lent. Just to see if i could. I mean, im friggin addicted to them!! But i dunno.
My math teacher thought i was catholic cuz i was talking about fat tuesday and stuff.. Hahahahahahaha.... Ohh it was funny.
I SKIPPED 2ND PERIOD!! Just kidding i didnt, it was excused.. but still.

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:: 2005 6 February :: 6.47pm


Wear seahorse colors tomorrow!! Its seahorse week! Dont ask questions, just do it. Seahorse colors include...
-Coral (its a color i swear!)
-some shades of purple


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:: 2005 6 February :: 6.26pm
:: Mood: ashamed

i'm a bad hostess. Sophie came over and all we did was play the sims 2.. Not that theres anything else to do, but i mean, we could have gone shopping or something.. Mike called too and wanted to do something and my people cant drive me due to a certian football game going on.. So i had to say no :(
he didnt believe me that coral is a color.
I'm a bad girlfriend AND hostess. I'll never amount to anything in life.
Just kidding, but still. I feel bad

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:: 2005 6 February :: 12.49pm
:: Mood: self concious

I like my body, but i hate my appearance. I have the extierior of a 13 year old boy. .....Or Logan.


:: 2005 6 February :: 9.42am
:: Mood: tired

Yeah so last night was pretty cool... kinda.. I could have saved $10 and hung out with poeple some other time... But w/e. Beaf was the only cool band. Mylestone was.. mylestoney... I dunno, i dont really like them. My throat is really sore now though. And AHHH! I think i have a giant zit! I can feel it... ewwwwwwwww.
Hopefully i can find someone to hang out ith today. I want to watch the superbowl though, Go Eagles!! haha.

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:: 2005 5 February :: 3.15pm
:: Music: crossfade-- cold

Yeah, Back from Colville. I didnt have to go but i did because i dunno, my mom really wanted me to. The service was outside and thank god it was short or i would have gotten frostbite. Then we went to some dude's house and at "food". There was like a bajillion old people that were somehow related to me and i only knew my Aunt Donna and Uncle Vern. I think thats who i was talking to.. i dont know. But yeah it was scary. there was a snot nosed eight year old who was the only other person under the age of 85. So i sat in a corner and pretended to look at artwork for a million years untill my mom finally said we could go. Then she had to drive all over the place and show me the house she used to live in and whatnot.
On a different note... Is it mardigras? Superbowl tomorrow!!! Yessss.

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:: 2005 4 February :: 10.34pm

its sad that almost all of my entries were about boys.

I'm like a middle school girl.

Someone go buy me a valure jump suit that says "daddy's girl"

That is what middle school girls wear nowadays, right?

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:: 2005 4 February :: 10.07pm
:: Music: chevelle-- the clincher

Yep i was a bit overdue for a mental breakdown..

I've lost the ability to rhyme. I can only think of random phrases that could have the ability to become poems, but dont. It's like my muses are spiting me by giving me glimpses of the peoms i could be writing.

Best "Phrases" at the moment--
- Silent observer
- Balmy stoat (although this sounds like it should be the name of a tavern..)
- Encourage Pity
- Drowning in a sea of self pity <-- personal fav.
- sterotypical abnormal

Thats the extent of my poetic abilities at the moment.

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:: 2005 4 February :: 8.03pm
:: Mood: paranoid
:: Music: chevelle-- send the pain below

Dude, that was freakin scary! Ok so I'm all home alone and stuff, rihgt? Well i was closing the curtians in the front room, whisteling the kill bill song and this truck pulls up in front of my house.. and this guy gets out and is like.. walking up my steps, so i RUN upstairs and i hear him knocking on the door.... right? So eventually i come downstairs (secret mission style of course) and im like "OMG!" Cuz the phone rings. But its my mom. But i was still freaked out cuz i didnt know if the guy left or not, so i called my dad and made him come over to see if like... anyone was in the vacinity and no one was, but im still really scared. Cuz my moms gonna be gone till like, midnight.. so im home.. alone... and stuff. My Dad said it was prolly the guy who worked on remodeling the office coming to get his sweatshirt that he left here. Which makes sense sonce he said the sweatshirt (which was in a box on the porch) is now gone.
Ooof, i should go.. not be scared. I get freaked out easily though. Damn, vivi cant do anything either! I really dont wanna be home alone! My mom wont be home till midnight, god this is stupid!

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:: 2005 4 February :: 5.52pm
:: Mood: bored!!!
:: Music: crossfade-- cold

So its official, we're a couple. Hahahaha.
GOD I wish i were at chevelle!! Tori, Morgan, Patrick, and Mike are all going.... There.. but secretly I'm there too, cuz I made a puppet of me and made them take it with them, wich i think they did.. but i dont know..

This is really ramble-y but im talking to Anya so im not really concentrating...

I hafta go to a funeral tomorrow i think.. My great aunt or something.. I dont know. I think i met her once. I really dont want to go. I mean, its in freakin Colville. But yeah... i dont wat to go.

DUDE!! I bought a Super Blowpop at rite aid and it lasted for TWO HOURS cuz i just finished it!! I bet thats like a record or something!

Haha. Yeah. So i went to Morgans after school and tori was there and we went to Sac to see Malone. Buuut, he has 6th per prep, so we missed him. I talked to Mr. Hencz though and he thought my name was Norma. Norma?? I'd kill myself if that was my name! I mean.. come on now... norma.. god. So yeah. We all wrote notes to Malone and put them on his door. I really do miss the homebase days. *sigh*
And then i was ditched for Chevelle... yep. Now im sitting alone on a friday night hanging out with my cat. My CAT. Anya can't do anything and sophie's not picking up her phone.. i dont know anyone else's number either. AND my damn TV dosen't work. I know im complaining alot but i dont have anything else to do... besides math, but what kind of fool does that? Not this one is the correct answer. Ughhhhhh. i should go.. do... something..... Gahhhh

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