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I don't hold my breath, and I don't hold my tongue.

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:: 2011 12 May :: 10.50am

I just wanted everything to be okay.

I know it sounds stupid and quite frankly unrealistic but I can hope right?
Now there has been a new blessing in Thad and I's life it at least at first all sempt so... It felt like we were lying to people. I still after 5 weeks couldnt believe it so anytime I'd even remotely open my mouth about it I just felt horrible...Like I was telling my best friernd a lie. Well finally now at week 10 I can see my life I can see my baby and it all feels so real now. Which makes every little thing that people have said to me blown up. I feel abandoned. I find myself alone or with family members most of the time; which I dont mind I am very family orriented...but it would be nice to have a friend in the mix. Tomi's to busy with work and Attley, which I understand, and Hillary's to busy with grown up stuff so it kind of leaves me to myself. You know I just always felt like no matter what I would have a certain group of friends that would go through hell or high water with ya... Again not so realistic.
Maybe Thad is right. I'm just an emotional wreck lately.
Maybe I shouldn't take everything so personally
Too bad it all feels so...

Everything that you say hits me like a ton of bricks when at one point not to long ago in my life I could shrug off whatever you had to say. Maybe its because its the people closest to me that are acting so strangley towards me.
My family says I'll kill Isaac; I have quit smoking and I drink only the pop my doctor allows, I work out, I have read almost every baby book I come across, fast food I miss terribly.
Tell me again how I'm going to kill my child? By trying to do everything correctly? By being a little paranoid? Okay. I'll do better

Like I said...I'm an emotional mess


Any baby that comes onto the television (that doesn't look like it came out of childs play) I bawl my eyes out

Due to the fact I can smell everything- I yell at anyone who exits a bathroom or anyone that cooks

This post...

I make issues sooo much bigger than what they should be...Sorry Thad

I like to spend a majority of my time asleep, thank God no one reads this someone would think I was crazy, but I have dreams that my babies here and I get to spend a couple moments with him before I wake up to pee. The last dream made me sob for close to an hour. I dreampt that he was laying in between my legs and he stretched and looked up at me and smiled then I had to nurse him...I cannot describe the feeling though...it was my child in the dream. Although it felt like a girl more so than a boy that I'm almost positive I'm having. It was the most wonderful feeling I've had in my entire life and when I sleep sometimes I get that feeling back for just a split second.

I'm just tired of being ignored...and I'm sure once the baby is here people are going to regret not spending the time that they should have because quite frankly I'm going to be really busy and time with them wont be on the top of my list. I have seven more months...Oh well. See now I sound whiney but its true. I wont be allowed a life anymore when the baby gets here; because he'll be my life. Period.

Now that I've made myself sound absolutely nuts I gotta get going.

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:: 2011 11 May :: 1.03pm

The years they don't treat you like they used to.



:: 2011 10 May :: 6.00pm

Throw your needless shame out the window.



:: 2011 6 May :: 12.50pm

phil-himself aka USA #1



:: 2011 6 May :: 8.58am

pull the trigger, drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads



:: 2011 5 May :: 11.20pm

Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to

i could totally rock this shit at karaoke still. judge if you want to, i guess.

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:: 2011 5 May :: 11.05pm

Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event

always love me some four finger five. i remember getting sufficiently buzzed at one of their shows at founders and listening to this song and dancing my fool head off. which is sad, because i'm really a spectacularly terrible dancer. i apologize to whoever may have been forced to endure it.



:: 2011 4 May :: 1.45pm

Speed: GO



:: 2011 30 April :: 4.18pm

Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

i remember driving out to the big lake a lot one summer, and this album kept finding its way into the mix. it's seriously great driving/beaching music. and this particular song is pretty representative of the one that got away - at least we had our summer.



:: 2011 30 April :: 4.15pm

Day 05 - A song that reminds you of someone

i refuse to admit who this reminds me of.



:: 2011 30 April :: 4.05pm

Day 04 - A song that makes you sad
there are like seventy million sad songs that i really like out there. and some songs that make me sad, even though the songs themselves are not.

here's what i came up with:

i think it's a pretty cool video, even if the audio is slightly distorted.

and this:

while it's not my favorite version of the song, it is the original. i like his voice, but the backing music is pretty lame.



:: 2011 29 April :: 10.13am

Got a hole in my head
Everything falls right out
Through my ears, through my eyes
Makes no difference where you are

You wanna know how I do it?
I do it all right
You wanna know how I do it
I do it all right

I got a hole and I’ll never go home
There ain’t nothing can fill it up
I got a hole and I’ll never go home
There ain’t no one thing

A new road, a new road
A new road, a new road
You never get right back
A new road
You never get it right back
A new road

You wanna know how I do it?
You wanna know how I do it
You wanna know how I do it
I do it all right

I gotta hole and I’ll never go home
There ain’t nothing that can fill it up
I gotta hole and I’ll never go home
There ain’t no one thing out there

Not me with a gun to my head
I can let it go
Not me with a gun to my head
I can let it go
So I sing



:: 2011 27 April :: 12.19pm

sometimes you just deal

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:: 2011 26 April :: 2.07am

Day 3
A song that makes you happy:

normally i prefer sad songs. i just think they sound prettier. but every time i hear this song, it's inexplicably difficult for me to suppress my shit-eating grin.

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:: 2011 25 April :: 10.55pm

I read journals from friends and myself back to 2006 today and I'm wondering where the hell the time went and what the hell happened to us all.

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