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I don't hold my breath, and I don't hold my tongue.

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:: 2009 12 July :: 8.42pm

So I go back to work tomorrow, and Im not excited about it.. At all..
The last few days I have filled my time with online Monopoly and watching 16 and Pregnant on MTV!!



:: 2009 11 July :: 12.30pm

Ready to Kick Some Ass
I've been so insainly busy lately its nuts! (kind of redundant but whatev)

First I went to Chicago to check out my school and where I'll be living. AMAZING I hate to gloat but my God this place is amazing. Everything I want is right near me, free concerts, 10 bucks to see a broadway play. Come On! What could be better? The only downfall is that I'll be there alone in a big city having no idea what I'm doing for the first few weeks but hey if I don't like it there after awhile I can move to Boston and have my credits transfered annnd then I'll be closer to my lovelies.

There was soo much to do there, my feet hurt so bad after walking over seventeen miles throughout Chicago. Thank God for spa tubs with jets am I right or am I right? We got to see Neyo live and went to the Taste of Chicago which was a rip off but the food was very very good. :D
The rainforest cafe' is always fun no matter where you are. It was Thads first time so he freaked when the 'storm' came through. :D hah

As soon as we got into the Chicago area I was threatend by some big black guy who said he would 'beat cho' ass gurl!' to sum that up I rolled up my car window and sang the tunes on the radio.

We finally got home early morning like 2ish and hit the sack but not long for me, I had to get up and ready to see my babies. Well not so much babies anymore. Abbys turned 7 and Marley Rose is 4 now! We had fun we went to Cranes Apple Orchard for lunch and bought the worlds best cider donuts and I took them swimming at the marina and bandaged wounds for a week. They can drive me absolutely crazy but I love them very very much and I wish they didn't have to leave.

....This morning someone shot my car

...great news pops, Gotta go




:: 2009 11 July :: 2.25am

Sold my desktop, feels good man.



:: 2009 9 July :: 11.39pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: Darkbuster - Whiskey Will

Wow. I was in rehab in two days and got kicked out. That light at the end of the table is quickly fading out.

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:: 2009 8 July :: 6.08pm

Life right now is great.
Other than I still don't have the career part figured out..
But I am extremely happy in all the other aspects of my life..
After trying to get shit figured out all these years, I finally feel like I have everything.
Even though my dog has decided he wants to tear up the carpet in out rental house, where my landlord doesn't know we have the little ass hole!!

Yesterday I was ready to get rid of him, and was going to put him on craigslist, but I really do love the little ass hole to pieces and Im happy he's a part of our family..



:: 2009 8 July :: 5.26pm

i still can't seem to figure out how funny these guys are. i don't know if they're actually funny, or if i just started watching long enough to where brain cells actually started dying.

you should also check out the promotional videos for cleveland. because at least it's not detroit.

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:: 2009 5 July :: 10.35pm

Well I am thoroughly enjoying my time off work and filling it with friends and whatnot..
We went out for Rhonda's birthday thursday night, and I drank way more than I could ever imagine..
I have a ton of bruises.. and I am becoming a professional drunk dancer!
Now I just need to figure out what to fill this week with..
We need to decide what we are going to do for Mike's daughter for her birthday, which is wednesday..

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:: 2009 4 July :: 2.13pm
:: Mood: content

Good times never seemed so good.

I don't care what you say, this is a good song, and I love it.

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:: 2009 4 July :: 1.46pm

That asshole Hancock, singing his name real big on Tom Jefferson's declaration, I don't care if you were the president of the convention.




:: 2009 2 July :: 5.39pm
:: Music: Angry Aryans-Guilty of Being White

My dad gets married in less than an hour...again. I miss the fuck out of ya'll. Shit's been fucked and I wish I had stayed in touch. But regardless of what turns out know that I always have love for each of you.

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:: 2009 2 July :: 5.35pm

Well since the remote, he ate part of another flip-flop..

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:: 2009 2 July :: 3.26pm

I am not sure what to do about my birthday puppy.. He eats everything..
We're up to a tally of 4 pair of flip-flops, all the other stuff, and now a fucking T.V. remote..

Seriously.. The shit has to hurt when it comes out.. so why eat it??
He reminds me so much of Marley from Marley and me, that it isn't even funny..

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:: 2009 1 July :: 6.01pm

Strange Cousins from The West will change the way you hear music

for serious

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:: 2009 1 July :: 4.01pm

Is there a show on Discovery that Mike Rowe doesn't voice over?

I mean that guy is awesome and he must be making some serious C Notes

Love Mike Rowe!

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:: 2009 1 July :: 3.12pm

Whoa. Lets all start shit on woohu like a buncha of retards. You know who wins in this situation. JAY RUSTER DOES! Why? I laugh at all of you being retards. Oh for the record, MJ was aquitted of molestation charges. But hey, we live in america so there is no such thing as a fair trial right. Suck dicks and die, people.

Also, chuck norris is a bitch and would get destroyed by many other martials artist actors. Oh my, i know karate!

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