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Ever wonder why the stars shine so bright on that one perfect night?

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:: 2004 28 January :: 9.11 pm

Happy but Sad :(
I am not going to cedar anymore it's finalized the papers are all filled out just have to bring em there the next time that there is school... Will anyone miss me?...

I need more hair gel lol not that anyone carees but I DO!!!... so how is peoples life going with the whole getting out early and having a snow day im imagining pretty swell... does anyone think there won't be school tomorrow... that would suck I hate sitting home all bored and stuff...
well anywho... im outtie... got things to do and people to talk to...
love ya all...
ps... I got my msn pic to work... well i couldnt' see it before but now i can...
pss... i don't like guys they are all mean!!!

8 Would you catch me if i fall?Maybe | ...

:: 2004 26 January :: 6.11 pm

Hey all ok now I can't move out of cedar but i am moving into another school thats in cedar make sense? Well either way im moving... and tomorrow morning im cleaning all my stuff up... and saying buh bye!!!... lol anyways lots o love
JC Amber Reich

2 Would you catch me if i fall?Maybe | ...

:: 2004 23 January :: 7.08 pm

OK I'm bored for all of you who have seen my haircut what do you think? I was so scared when I got it done... I fealt like such a dork... anyways... how is everyone?... Ugh... not to swell here im so bored... and so sick of partying yeah you heard me say it... Apryl is moving in with me lol and we are switching schools fun stuff

5 Would you catch me if i fall?Maybe | ...

:: 2004 11 January :: 10.59 pm

I am sooooo excited no one cept apryl will understand why but Im really happy... oh by the way me and Garret have been hanging out lately woohu Apryl fell in the snow... and then we had a snowball fight!!!... lol

Yeah great times great times

1 Would you catch me if i fall? | ...

:: 2003 27 December :: 9.32 pm

Has something ever been so perfect it doesn't seem perfect?... like it's too perfect to be perfect? Thats Charlie... and yeah I'v dated hotter guys... true true... but he's just so nice... it's almost crazy... ya know? And for all of you who know I can't fall in love it's not possible but i do really like Charlie!

3 Would you catch me if i fall?Maybe | ... | Random Journal