I gave myself the morning off from classes. It felt so good to SLEEP. They gave me thirty hours this week, and next week. I don't know how I'm going to be handling that, but I guess I'll find out.
Papers to write, but I have four hours now, so that shouldn't be a problem. I need to take some time off more often.
It's Monday morning and I've had a very long weekend. I worked last night until eleven, went home, and wrote a paper for this morning. I didn't write the other paper that I needed to, but I'm sure she said something about we can wait until Wednesday to do it. I hope, at least.
I'm working thirty hours this week. Although I don't have school on Thursday or Friday, it's still going to be hell. I'm going home on Thursday so Rueben and I can go to his family's Thanksgiving. Then we're driving back up the same day so I can work on Black Friday. Ugh.
Now, off to Communication Theory, which strangely, I've come to enjoy.
Rueben and I just saw Across the Universe. It was a great movie.
I don't know what more to say.
It presented realities.
I've always had a problem with reality. Not reality in the sense of knowing what's going on in the 'real' world, but my alternate realities. The ones in my head. The reality of what could happen. What might happen, what seemed to happen, what didn't happen, but seemed like it did.
I've had this problem since I was a small child.
I feel like I have so much to say, but I can't possibly scratch the surface here. I want _____ . I need _____ .
I'm good at playing by the rules, but that doesn't mean I like it.
I think I'm Marxist leftist...whatever that means nowadays.
I'm writing a speech on Mike Gravel and one of the articles I found while researching was called: "Mike Gravel, more Leftist than Marx"
How can I rely on words to explain myself when they simply can't? That's one of the things I've learned these past few years. I envy those who can use words to their advantage. I just fumble with them. I don't get them.
I got music and I turned my back on that. What do I have left? Two years of college, and three more to go so I can teach kids of average ability how to read the sentence: The cat sat on the mat.
Let's face it, without some time of national initiative on the part of the people, this country will never be more than substandard in anything but blowing things up.
Oh the things I could have done, you could have done, we could have done, if only we were given the chance. The opportunity. Limited opportunity isn't enough to make humanity what it should be.
Everything should be unlimited. Free healthcare, free education.
I don't care if we need to be like China and weed people out at sixth grade. Look who's on top. China.
Why would you let children who will never get it hinder the children who could change the country? Why do you bring down the best to make everyone average ? What good does that do?
ok well i'm doing nothing today. just sitting around chilling playing beautiful katamari and some halo 3.... god i want xbox live back this sucks lol. well everyone if anyone wants to do something today give me a jingle i'm free. peace.
Well the party is this weekend, seems like it was so far away lol. Its finally my week of not working that much, my work schedule is so messed up. I got my costume today for jimi party. I'm so excited, thank god someone had a party after october otherwise I would of missed out. So things are going pretty good. Just have to get rest of the apartment together for this weekend.