2004 20 October :: 5.19pm
:: Mood: appreciative
:: Music: bubble toes- jack johnson
before i begin this entry, i would just like to state for the record that this is not being written with malicious intenions since i know that this is a touchy subject for some people...
but rather as something for myself, so that when i look back on my year i have this entry to reflect upon my feelings at this time. no harm meant.
today after 5th period, all of the peer leaders were signed out of school and met at the greenville church for a "getting to know you" meeting with the teachers that are involved in the program. we just sat around like always and talked about things that concern us, which i thought would be difficult with teachers other than peter present, but it wasnt. we went around the circle introducing ourselves and we each had to say one good thing about this year so far. and as everyone went around talking about "ive learned not to stress" and "i got 100% on this test" and "my sports team is kicking ass", the one thing that particularly came to my mind was how much i loved being there. so when it finally got around to me, i introduced myself and then said that one really good thing about this year for me was being able to participate in peer leadership. i just feel very privelaged to be part of a group of such great kids and i honestly enjoy every minute of discussion that we have in group every monday, and look forward to every meeting. i love being able to take part in group and discussions of serious topics that i believe in, and i feel that as the meetings continue to happen we grow closer and get to know the sides of people that otherwise wouldnt come out. i feel that ive found a home and a listening ear in peer leadership and i feel very fortunate to be part of something that i have so much passion for. i think its a great outlet for me, and i think its going to help make the rest of highschool awesome for me.
the end of the rainbow
2004 16 October :: 1.01pm
:: Mood: contemplative
lately ive been attempting to sort out my emotions. i find that i feel like theyre all balled up inside, twisted around, all mixed in together, almost like a bunch of yarn that had been batted around by a kitten and is now a big knotty-mess, to the point where since i know that im feeling things, but i dont know what. im feeling bombarded by these emotions, and its making me crazy, i need to straighten them out....this is my attempt. i figured that i would use my heart as a sive, and try and empty out all of the petty, little emotional burdens, and find out what the meat of it really is, and this is what ive come up with::
this weekend i was supposed to go into the city to see morgan and hang out with him on his birthday. he told me that his parents wouldnt be home, so that means that we would have his empty apartment to ourselves for 3 or 4 hours, which usually, under normal circumstances would excite me...but for some reason, this time i wasnt thrilled. it was just kind of a statement that had no affect on me at all, which i didnt really take to mean anything, until later that day when i started feeling like, not only was i not excited by the fact that his parents wouldnt be there, but now i actually feel like i dont even know if i want to go. something between us just felt different to me, i couldnt put my finger on it, but the chemistry between us, just seemed to be...absent. this started to worry me, becaause i know that when i start to question wanting to hang out with my boyfriend, thats never a good sign. so later that night i was looking through some of our old conversations that my computer logged, and i noticed a recurring trend- every single one of them revolved around us hooking up. thats all we ever talked about- which says to me that thats all we ever had. for those of you that know me well, you know that i dont want a hookup, i want a relationship. i want a mind, i want emotions, and i want a heart....i dont want a pair of lips and emptyness. thats just not me. also throughout reading the conversations, i took note of the fact that at the end of every conversation, he would say i love you to me. this almost makes it worse because i know that hes saying it because he feels like he should, not because he wants to or actually does. that struck me as very "5th grade"....i felt like i grew out of that a long time ago, and that at this point, u stop throwing stuff around like that until u really mean it. that really bothered me too, and it made me think of when i was with taylor last spring and how when we said it to eachother, i felt like i meant it, and after meaning it, ur whole view on using the word love just...changes. i felt like i had finally started to gain back sight of what my entire "relationship" was, when the whole duration of it i had been blinded by the fact that i thought i liked him so much that i couldnt- and refused to- see all of this. of course, after untying that emotional knot, i still felt dissatisfied, i knew that there was more. i sat here and continued to contemplate my relationship with morgan, and thought of his flirting problem with my best friend victoria. when im not there [and sometimes even when i am], he constantly tackles her and tickles her and jumps all over her, and doesnt even take into account that im there, and if im not, that he has a girlfriend. it makes me uncomfortable, as well as victoria, because shes the victim of it and feels like shes betraying me by allowing him to do it to her. ive spoken to him about it before, and of course he says: "i was just tickling her. at least i didnt stick my tongue down her throat danielle, dont tell me i was flirting, u hooked up with my best friend." ---and i know that to some extent he has a point, but touching someone all over their body is flirting. just because its labeled tickling, when u think about whats actually happening, its rather sexual. and the fact that he feels he can get away with it, time after time that ive told him it bothers me, makes me crazy. aside from the flirting, ive recently come across an interesting tidbit of information that struck me hard. he has his friends cover up for him. they all talk to me and purposely bring him up and say "yeah he misses u, yeah hes thinking of u, ur his girlfriend blah blah blah...."- but they do it to make me feel good, not because he actually does. they do it to help him keep the relationship in tact. at this point, i shocked myself- usually that would devistate me, knowing that my relationship was a string of lies that that, but it barely phased me. after realizing this, i figured out that whats dividing us is our maturity levels. he wants, and is satisfied with what we have, a hookup, something that doesnt really involve much emotional attachment, but is just a form of getting ass. i on the other hand have other desires. i dont want something empty, i want to be held by someone that actually enjoys JUST holding me. i dont want someone whos holding me in their arms so that way they can just hook up with me later. im not satisfied with that, and almost insulted by it, and im finally realizing how ive been. this summer i was just reassured of the things that i wanted, and that yes, even though ive been told time after time that i wont ever find them, theyre worth waiting for. this summer i had a series of hookups that meant nothing, which caused most of my friends to see me differently, to view me as had letting my morals go and just becoming a "regular" girl without any emotional attachment, and up until this point i had been blind and hadnt seen this. but after being through all of that, im finally realizing the importance of the way i actually am, or "was" as the case may be. i learned that i am incapable of being with someone that just wants me for ass, because in the end, it just crushes me when i realize what had been going on. the fact that i was so naiive this whole time, and now being able to understand how the world really my heart needs to be cared for...was a very important transition this summer. i remember the night that i hooked up with aj [which most people viewed as an empty hook up, but now that i look back on it, it wasnt on my end] i connected with him so much that night, and when we were kissing, he held me very strongly to his body, and even if it wasn't an emotional thing for him, thats how i want to feel. i felt safe, and it made me feel- good, for lack of better words. i want to feel safe in the strong arms of someone. thats what i want. and now that ive been through all of this bull shit and run- around nothingness, ive realized that i once again will not settle for anything less. all of this experimenting that i did this year showed me that none of that will work for me, i need what i always felt i needed. im sick of trying to be something im not. im back to being me again, the same old danielle who yearns for real love and wants a meaningful relationship, and will not settle for anything less. im back, and there is no more questioning.
1 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 14 October :: 8.56pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Enter Sandman-Metallica (so got this stuck in my head after last night...MARIANO is the MAN)
Okay so last night was effing awesome. The postseason energy is just incredible. It's amazing. I forgot how different it is in the playoffs. I was at a Yanks/Sox game a couple weeks ago and even though we crushed them then, the energy doesn't even compare to this. I literally felt the upper deck bouncing up and down. No joke.
I can't believe it's 2-0, I'm pysched and can't wait to watch baseball all weekend.
Today felt like winter, and made me ask myself why the hell I've actually been excited for it. But I come home and I still am excited for it. Oh well. I'll be crying over it in a few months.
Soccer's almost over, which is really sad. This season has been so fun.
I've become such a slacker. I don't do ANY work. Ever. I need to get better study habits. Thank God it works out that I don't really have to study that much ever.
Spanish is the funniest class.
I'm really continuing having issues with this one person, it's giving me bad memories of the past and I don't know what to do. It's making me go crazy. Gahhh.
Speaking of the past..........yeah. Sigh.
okay well that's it.
4 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 12 October :: 4.26pm
:: Mood: sick
closing time, open all the doors and let you out into the world....
so this weekend we closed up the beach house. we packed up our belongings, tossed everything in boxes, stripped the beds, cleaned out every cabinet and emptied the refridgerator, and then locked the door, leaving the interior of the house looking sterile and unlived in. that weighed heavy on my heart, packing up and leaving that way. as i was going through my room putting stuff away, every little thing reminded me of something from my summer. it was like one of those cheesy movie scenes when u see like, a piece of paper and u smile at it and then have flashbacks. and then, after the memory would pass, i would put it away until the next summer. it came down to me not packing up the objects and material items, but it was me packing up my summer memories, helping me to let go. while my dad was finishing up around the house, i took a walk by myself up to the beach, i walked up the wooden steps and as felt the cold wind against my skin, and then finally came over the dune to come into view of the beach, that was when it really hit me that we were leaving....for the year. it just looked- cold. i dont exactly know how it could look that way, but the sand was whiter, the water was greener, the sky was paler...and the way that the wind bit at my nose, i just knew, that was it. the lifeguard shack was all boarded up, and the beach was inhabited only by seagullls. i finally gathered enough strength up inside of me to turn my back on the beach and walk back toward my house, which almost aided me to let go of the summer. i walked back down the sidewalk onto my deck where i found my dad putting the last bike inside to store it for the winter, and the closing and locking the door behind him. we loaded up the wagon and before we left the deck, he just sort of studied the house and then looked out at the sky for a second or two: "bye house". it was, hard, very hard. we started toward town to catch the boat and every house on the way there was deserted looking. all closed up, every flag, sign, chair, taken inside---they were all so dead looking, scattered with dead, fallen leaves at their bases. it was so depressed looking. and then we finally got to the boat where we departed, leaving behind our home, our memories, and our summers passed, until the spring when we return to open up again. i'm forcing myself to accept this weekend as the..."hybernation" of my summer, to help let it go, and accept the fact thats its over. i cant let myself hold on anymore, i need to help myself move on, and this was the closure that i needed. it was hard for me and unpleasant at that, but it was an ending, and i couldnt have asked for anything more.
so, this is goodbye, to the best summer i have ever known. until the next one, the memories ive accumulated will live with me always. ive put you in a cardboard box and sealed you up, preserving you with care and love. until next year, affectionately- danielle
"summer has come and passed, the innocent will never last, wake me up when september ends, like my fathers come to pass, seven years has gone so fast, wake me up when september ends, here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are, as my memory rests, it never forgets what i lost, wake me up when september ends..."
2 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 9 October :: 12.56pm
:: Music: wake me up when september ends- greenday
so me.....SO me.
the end of the rainbow
2004 9 October :: 11.36am
the end of the rainbow
2004 5 October :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: the scientist- coldplay
what a week......and its only tuesday- ughhh.
okay, so u know when you get a test and you look at the first couple of questions and u say to urself, okay i dont know any of these so i'll just keep looking until i find one that i know the answer to?
so then, u keep on looking, and u look and look and look and look and u just keep on turning those test pages until u turn the last one and all u see is the desk thats underneath the test packet and u never find any questions that u know the answer to? yeah. thats pretty much the story of my 7th period yesterday. i studied for days for my euro test, in the very "danielle" fashion that i study in, but rather than going into this test saying to myself, i know this stuff, im going to ace it, i went into this one, not only guessing or assuming, but actually KNOWING that i was going to do extremely poorly on it. just as every ap euro student has before me and how every ap euro student will after me, i got that test, looked at it, and within that instant got knots in my stomach. ive never taken any test like that before, and although i was told by everyone that "all the kids get really crappy grades the first time around", its still very discouraging to me to know that i studied for all the time to come into a class room and feel like i know nothing. i left half of the first page blank. ive never done that. anyway, im just anticipating getting it back and knowing what it feels like to fail, and no, im not being the typicial edgemonter who says she failed and gets a b, im saying i failed and honestly, at my best, i got a fact, i would be satisfied with a d, thats how bad it was.
the weather is slowly starting to turn colder and im slowing feeling the presence of the fall. it was 45 degrees when i woke up this morning- thats really really really cold. i miss the warm weather. i dont particularly care for this "brisk" air that comes along with the seasonal changes that fall brings. give me snow or give me the beach, i hate when weather does this neither here nor there stuff. its like, pick one, summer or winter. spring and fall are always sort of "transition stages" for me, i barely see them as seasons.
the whole school routine and feeling is starting to kick in again. after going to classes for a while and having to wake up early every day, i start to feel groggy and disgusting, and just...tired of the hum-drum boring same day that just seems to repeat itself over and over again. i dont even feel like getting dressed in the morning, i just feel like putting on sweatpants and a sweatshirt and bringing a big fluffy blanket with me to school. and for those of u that know me, i dont even like sweatpants. the weekends seem to get shorter each time they roll around, and with every weekend the weeks seem to stretch out longer than the one that preceded it.
this long weekend is anticipated and much needed in my opinion. i have to babysit on saturday night which im not terribly thrilled about. babysitting, although its easy money, isnt my favorite thing to do- not like i have better plans though, right? i guess itll provide time for me to do all my homework and clear out my schedule for sunday and monday which will be spent in fire island closing up the house for the winter. columbus day weekend always makes me sad in that sense, everyone flocks to the beach for one last hurrah, and then on that monday they lock up, leave and dont come back until the spring. its almost like we all just put the summers away in a little box in an attic, if that analogy made any sense at all. the bright side to this though is i get to see all my friends again this weekend, including nick, FINALLY. i havent seen that kid for a month and a half and i cant wait.
i have to go cook for italian---spaghetti con broccoili, olio ed aglio (spaghetti with broccoli in a garlic and olive oil sauce), nothin like carbs to make u happy right??
danielle <3
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the end of the rainbow
2004 30 September :: 9.40pm
random thought:
listening to george w. bush talk makes me want to gag myself with a spoon. within the first 10 minutes of his speaking, he "mis-spoke" at least 4 times. this is the man leading our country....and this scares me. what a moron.
1 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 28 September :: 5.31pm
:: Mood: grumpy
:: Music: crash- dave matthews
"if you're my student once, you're always my student."- the great louise kuklis
after being in ap euro for a few weeks now, im finally realizing what everyones always buzzing about with the "work" and whatnot. the class itself is hard to explain. its not that its all that much, since we rarely have homework, but the amount of reading is monstrous. i've also found that this class, very much like the college class that it is, is very "teach yourself". when you come into class, you're expected to have a complete understanding of the topic and very minimal confusion, and even then when we come into class, the discussions are so off topic and random that its almost like if i werent there it wouldnt make a difference. perlman has her favorites and im afraid im not one of them- i dont get hearts on my papers and she ignores my comments and when i raise my hand, she never calls on me. shes also really old school and traditional, and coming from mrs kuklis's classroom environment, its almost, shocking. all this said, and the fact that we have our first test on friday, i started to get concerned that this class wouldnt be as easy as i expected it to be. i decided that i needed to go to mrs. kuklis and talk to her about the course. it was really good to talk to her again, and really makes u appreciate what an amazing teacher she is. and just to think, at the very beginning of last year, i hated her...hah, i was so stupid. i really appreciate being able to have had her now, because now i finally realize how uncommon teachers like her are. she gave me that extra boost of confidence that i needed and reminded me that shes always there if i need help. "if you're my student once, you're always my student". that made me so happy when she told me that. its good to have a teacher thats so supportive of you, it helps.
kuks is the best :)
1 bought a ticket to |
the end of the rainbow
2004 25 September :: 6.34pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Switchfoot~Dare you to move
"What can I say? Just tip my hat and call the Yankees my Daddy."
~Pedro Martinez
Holy Shit. Absolutely classic.
And Lindsay Lohan's new song is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I'm almost embarassed for her.
I was looking at like really old yearbooks from Elise's brothers and it's so funny and so cool.
Okay, that's it. I just had to post that quote, it's amazing.
And I guess I'll just have to entertain myself in making my own posts because it doesn't look like anyone else will get le job done.
much loveeeee..<3
the end of the rainbow