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Too Cute To Be Str8

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:: 2004 27 July :: 5.15pm

little lisa has finally made a decsion about her future...she is going to be an army brat...you know how it is...when your brain is one you have to follow it...inside joke many of you won't understand that but its fucking funny...so i will be leaving sometime i'll need all of your addresses before i go...peace homies

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:: 2004 21 July :: 8.58pm
:: Mood: hung over

great times

Sunday was DPs birthday gathering with her roomates John and his roomate. It was not what I expected at all and has sparked many questions. We went to dinner then went back to John and Matts apartment. We sat around and drank and it was fun. I didnt expect to go there. So, anyway. Matt and I got along really well. And we ended up kissing and sleeping. I woke up in his bed and I think Dena freaked out! lol kinda funny. Then big sleepy hang over for work on Monday.

Monday night I went out with Mal. Fun times. Her parents are gone so I stayed to make sure that she didnt get killed. We went out and got some erronds ran. Bought some pj's and a blanket. Fun times had by all.

Tuesday I only had to work till noon so then I went to visit Rob. Fun times. Then I went out to see Buck. He took me to his boys nextel shop and now my phone is pretty. Flashy lights, colors, new rings, wallpapers, clip... its nice to have a hook up. Then I hung out and watched some guy put wiring in Bucks back yard... but it was hot out so that didnt last very long. I went to Mals. Party at Mals. HOLY FUN! If you werent there then you missed out.

I went swimming, in clothes, that, my friends, is a fun thing to do. Some fun phone calls were made. I heard today that I pissed off Jeff. Apparntly he beeped me and some guy answered my phoen saying we were having sex and I made noises. LOL great stuff. But I dont remember it. But he was pised cuz his parents were there. Oh well! Yep, then more fun times. Made out with Eli. Matt and John came to pick me up. Hung out with Matt (wink wink) Holy this kid is so Hot! I dunno. So freaking hot. great kisser, and other things, like talking... but that first thought too. lol. Yeah so I didnt get ANY sleep. We just decided to stop kissing and what not and I layed my head on his chest and the alarm clock went off. Holy piss!

Today I went to work. About died and came home and slept all day! Yep, that was my day.

So now I have thoughts. And I've had a HUGE chat wtih Rob about them. I dunno. I just dont like that I have Rob and Matt. I'm by no means with Matt. We just have fun. But I dont like that I dont know what he thinks. I dunno. Lotsa thoughts that I dont feel like talking about here. I'm tired of typing.

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:: 2004 17 July :: 11.02pm

ok so peter and i are over he wants to give it another shot but when i wanted to he didn't so i don't want to i feel it is for the best.

rob thinks i need to do kory...kory thinks so to

kim and i keep getting weird guys talking to us online...kinda scary...kinda fun

i miss being home

megan is annoying

i miss everyone we need to hang out more people

u should know how to reach me if you don't email me i may respond within a couple weeks

hope all is well in your lives...enjoy school...later

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:: 2004 16 July :: 10.47pm

thats funny cuz i did

You play the saxophone! You're so laid back and
definitly the coolest member of the band. But
you don't rilly care, right?

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:: 2004 15 July :: 6.39pm
:: Mood: kinda sore

my back hurts

Mal if you say its Mono I'm gonna hurt you!

Mon- I dont remember all that well. OH YEAH! Went out with Ashley. We saw Anchorman, I was disappointed. Then I went to Sarahs to see Buckly. He didnt pay attention to me at all, so I left. Points for RJ though who talked my freaking head off. Hes a nice guy, definately a nice guy.

Tue- Half day at work. Went to get my nails done with Ashley. And I had lunch with the girl. Then came home and cleaned like a mad woman and then Rob came over. We had fun, we swam. Good times by all. Caught by mom. No more quickies. lol. But yeah thats true. Then I went to sleep

Weds- Work then Jay's game. Hes such a nice guy. But WOW what a slow mover. Just hurry up and kiss me boy! lol. Well I went to the game and then I went out to dinner with him and his parents. Just an all around nice family. Its great.

Tonight- going out with DP to Johns house so that I can pay my cell bill. lol. And maybe get a look at this sexy womanizer of a roomate. :-)

This weekend. Call me if you wanna do something. Friday Robs parents are gone but first hes playin poker with the guys, so I need filler plans. Saturday day time I have free but then its DP's birthday and then party wtih Buckly. Sunday I got nuttin. 7ish there is a birthday dinner for DP witht he roomies and friends and stuff. So I'll be going to that... but call me if you are free. And we'll hook up.

All for now. I have deep thoughts for later but for now I'm hungry!

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:: 2004 12 July :: 8.25am
:: Mood: indifferent

Too Much Drama

Friday night- Amazing date. I mean the date itself. The guy, eh. Hes kinda impatient about everything. The waitress is slow, theres no parking. And he gets grumpy about it and we all know how I feel about grumpy people. But the date itself was really nice. Went to Grand Haven to this cute little resturant where I could eat outside under a canopy with little lights all around. Italian food... yum! Then we walked down the beach and out on the pier. It was the longest walk ever! No joke! But then we walked back and sat in the grass and watched the musical fountain. Not impressed with the musical fountain, but it was really nice to sit in the grass and just talk and play around and stuff. I like to sit in the grass like that and yall know it. So then we just kept laying there till I was very much so frozen. Then back to his car (another long walk, but not half as long as the first) and we drove back home. I kinda fell asleep but it was ok. Then he didnt wanna take me home right away so we just drove around Grand Rapids. Then I finally went home and passed out... I was tired!

Saturday- Went to Ashley's grand parents' 50th wedding anniversary party. Minimal fun was had. I did get to drink however. I had some of the Jacks party stuff and then free beer. The other was free too but only if I smuggled it in from Ashley's car. lol. Then I went and stalked Mal at TSC. Success. We went to Wendys and then I went home. Home to prepare for a bonfire. Good job Mica and Mal. I had fun, really did. Nice to have some roomate bonding time, interrupted by silly clappers. LOL. No all you clappers I love ya. Then again I slept.

Sunday- I woke up so early! 11 is early when you go to bed at 5... poor Mal who woke up lots earlier than that. But yep, I went and bummed around, cleaned up the fire mess. Then Rob called. So I got all ready and went to his place. We hung out. Layed around and watched tv, ummm yeah, and then more laying, then he took me out for icecream, then came back and watched more tv (I kinda fell asleep here, but I think he did too), then ummm yeah, then more tv, then I went home.

Ok now no one else read this next paragraph unless youre mal or if you really want... but its SO your own risk.

Mal- the 2nd ummm yeah... FAN FREAKIN TASTIC! You would like to know, cuz you always ask. But yeah... multiple. Take the info and run with it hun.

Ok, none yall read that right? good!

Last night late, was no good. Big thing with Buck goin on. Something about a Drew, and past, and drugs, and me, and mal... woah everyone is in trouble. I dunno....

Time for work now though... talk to ya later!

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:: 2004 10 July :: 7.28pm
:: Mood: suductive

lol just kidding

I wanna drink. Make it happen yall!

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:: 2004 10 July :: 2.18am
:: Mood: sleepy


Had another great night with Rob last night. Just layed around and talked and watched a movie. Nothing big and intense there. Ummm did almost get caught by his dad... no good. Funny, but no good. I dunno, all in all it was just a great time. Hes just so freakin nice.

Today, I got new hours at work... out at 5 instead of 6! We just wont talk about when I have to go into work. Anyway, came home got ready and went out with Paul. Nice kid. Went out to Grand Haven. No one got sick! lol. Took me to this cute little ( I use that term loosely) resturant. And then we went walking down the pier... holy long walk. Then we watched the musical fountain. And then we just cuddled in the grass till it got too cold. Hes a nice guy, definitely. Opens doors too. I dunno, moms are teaching their boys so much better lately it seems. LOL

Ok I'm tired, off to bed...

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:: 2004 8 July :: 12.32pm
:: Mood: calm


Last night I went out with Rob.... Holy wonderful. He is such a gentleman. We went to dinner and he opens doors (car to get in and resturants), pulls out chairs, and heres the kicker... orders. It was so cute! Then we came back to my house and watched a movie all cuddled up on the couch.

And we had good talks. Even though we both say no relationship, I dunno sometimes it sounds like it without even meaning it to. He asked me if I'd bring him dinner when he is working nights for harvest. Hes like "If you dont then I wont see you for like two weeks, please come visit me" MELT! Who would say no. Then we talked about when we go to school. He wants me to visit and he wants to visit. SIGH! Emma be ready for a visitor! I dunno, great guy.... tryin not to fall for him.

Tonight I go to his house. Meet his parents and stuff I guess. I dunno he wants to cook dinner for me... I think he wants other things too... lol. Oh well. It'll be a fun night. Fun for all... maybe not all... but for me at least :-)

Ok I'm gonna stop talking now. Let me know what yall thinkin. I really wanna know.

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:: 2004 6 July :: 3.47pm
:: Mood: chipper

hi all

I'm in a good mood and I like it. Nothing special has happened. Going out with my good friend Ashley. Mal was supposed to go to. I'm getting the feeling that Mal isnt as happy with me as she used to be. I dunno what it is. But its like I only hear about her through other people, never through her anymore. Maybe its that whole not living together now thing. Hopefully things get fixed when we move to GVSU. I dunno. I miss my stupid weekly "hey what you doin this week?" I tell her and she tells me "Well lets do something on (insert day here)" Those were nice. Now I hardly see her and when I do talk to her or see her or somethin its not the same. Dunno maybe its me. Prolly is. Lotsa things are changing with me.

I'm finally truely enjoying life. And hopefully not hurting anyone in the process. I'm truely over John, even though some nights I'm more over him than others. I'm just having fun. And I've got to say, its about damn time. I like that I can go out and do things and not feel the way I did before. I'm glad that I'm out doing things and not thinking what I did before. I'm glad I'm not sitting at the damn crying anymore. I am happy now. And whatever I had to do to get happy, no matter how much some people disagree with it, it was worth it. It was worth everything, and worth all the shit people talk, and think, just to finally be happy.

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:: 2004 5 July :: 1.44pm
:: Mood: nava

not a real word but it makes sense to me

Sunday, 4th of July, my favorite holiday. Drinkin with Buckly out at RJ's. Lotsa fun. The people there were so much fun. Crazy drunk guy always with the jokes and the re-inactments. Do you know how funny it is to see drunken renactments of bouncer stories.... over and over and over again.. hillarious.

Then we had the fireworks on the bridge. I LOVE FIREWORKS! But these ones were not that good. Beautiful fireworks but in a bad location... too much neck looking upage.

Then we went back to our cars at the intersection. Did our own fireworks there. Those guys are crazy. Riding down ramps on hanger things and shopping carts. Lighting off the big magnum fireworks under construction barrels. Almost died a few times.

Then back to RJ's were there was more drinkin and sitting around a bon fire. Then everyone left. I went with Buck and had already broken cerfew by a good half hour and so just planned on sleeping in my car. But he said that his neighborhood wasnt safe... and it isnt. So I called Mal, who didnt answer her phone. So I told him I would drive to a Meijers (and not the one on 54) and sleep. So then Rob called me. Holy thank the Lord. And he told me to be really safe and drive out to a party at his friends house. So I did and then we just sat in his car for awhile then, after Seth came and sat on the roof with Shawn knocking on the windows, we decided to go inside. I met everyone and they were all super nice. Then he and I went into the spare room and the rest is history.

Woke up this morning. I love waking up with this kid. He holds me before I go to sleep and still holds me when I wake up. And he kisses me awake and he tells me I'm beautiful. And even when its a 'hey gotta get dressed the maids are here looking at us' he would say something more like. "hey hunny we've gotta get going. need me to help you get dressed" Yeah, so theres no good way to say that... but his makes me smile. And thats all that matters.

More stories to tell... but I think I wont tell. Maybe I'll tell Mal, but I really just dont know.

Ok goodbye. Thanks for reading!

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:: 2004 4 July :: 2.08pm
:: Mood: little hung over

fun times for all

Went out with Buck last night. Went out to his friend Leifs (sp). It was lotsa fun. Cutest kid ever.. Drason. Hes like 6 and autistic. But SO cute. He was so pumped about people coming over and about fireworks. It was way cute. Then the cats. My special ed cat. Crazy cute cat though. Watched some movies, played some poker. Fun times... mmm hmmm. Now I am going to go get ready for another fun night. Out to Carrie's Mom's house. East Grand Rapids-ish to hang out with basically the same people but in a different house. Ok, shower time.

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:: 2004 4 July :: 12.49pm

life has hit a really big rock and i may not make it over this one...peter and i are seperated for awhile...i don't know what i want to do with that...my dad is an ass and i need out of there but with no money and nobody to move with because i'm not living with megan ever again...maybe i should just join the army of something...maybe i should just kill myself...i miss my friends i feel like i had to give up my life for megan and she has no flipping clue..she thinks my life is perfect..haha..i wish it was better then it is but thats all i can do is wish...well enough bitching...i miss you all i work 1p-930p now so if you want to reach me you can call in the morning..or call before 9p and leave a message and i'll call you back as soon as i get home...love you all miss you all...byes

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:: 2004 2 July :: 8.08pm
:: Mood: wet

Just got outta the shower you sickos

So I got home from work today and then took a shower and here I am. I'm getting ready to go hot tubbing with Jeff again. Lets hope he doesnt do another *looks down* "ya wanna" Cuz I cant laugh at the poor kid twice. Anyway, kinda geeked about hot tubbing. Its fun, makes me feel relaxed. Not to mention its kinda fun to have a guy think highly enough of you to shell out the money for a hot tub.

Tomorrow is party with Buckly. We're campin out in a tent in some guys yard and drinking till we cant drink anymore. Then we will wake up and indeed drink more. Then fireworks cuz it will be the 4th of July and who doesnt watch fire works on the fourth.

Gotta think about last years fourth though... prolly shouldnt though. I was with John. We went to the damn. I broke my shoe. lol. And we went down town. Watched fireworks on the bridge. Came home... it was the first time my parents let him stay. Ok, should stop thinking about it. I'll find a truely nice boy one day right? right

As for now, hot tubbing here I come. I should prolly get readier... ya know... find my bathing suit from last time.

Have a happy fourth everyone!

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:: 2004 1 July :: 10.18pm
:: Mood: sleepy

My throat still hurts

Last night was a great night. I went to Jays softball game then mini golfing. Lotsa fun was had. Hes a fun kid... definitely. And he lets me cheat at mini golf! First off, points for taking me to play mini golf, then bonus points for cheating with me.

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