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*~Sacred Obsessions~*

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:: 2003 26 November :: 1.27 pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: blink182

"sigh" last night
yay yesterday josh drove me home from school and damn that boy is an insane driver. well anyway, i was supposed to go to cheerleading but after me and my mum went shopping i didnt feel like going so i stayed home. wel i got online and lennys away message was about everyone having fun so i felt left out.

i called lenny and decided to go party at bell tower with her yay. well i ended up staying the night with her and andrew :=) i love my boy yay

im happy happy happy.

2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 25 November :: 5.42 am

haha yesterday was cool stuff stayed after school and got to see my boy <3 but the funniest thing happened this morning

i woke up and there was a red heart on my chin i kinda wasn't awake yet so im like what the fuck? but i look down at my hand and i drew a red heart yesterday and it musta rubbed off on my face when i slept. it was really funny stuff


1 mug of juice | pimp juice?

:: 2003 24 November :: 11.30 am
:: Mood: loving
:: Music: ppl talking

this weekend
alrighty this weekend was pretty kickass. friday was honk wich i said was grand.

saturday, woowie lenny picked me up from cheelreading and then we proceeded to my house. dani came over and we got spammed/elmoed yeah. dani and lenny made out dani and me made out....yup. thats what happens when your elmoed. haha

sunday blew i was bored but cheerleading was actualyl really grand i got put into a shitload of stunts and better more in front spots for the dance and jumps...sure you all really care aobut that.

i missed annie so much this weekend it was insane, but i saw him today so it made my day.

Jesse: "yeah she probably smokes as much as you."
me: " i don't smoke"
Jesse:" oh, then she does more"

lenny: "what did you get on your credit cards?"
charles:"...did you just say credit cards?"
lenny:"....uh, no"
ernie &charles: "YEAH YOU DID!"
everyone: "lol"
ernie has gum crotch.

licked by charles,

3 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 22 November :: 12.38 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: MTV

skip day
yesterday was so amazingly kickass. me and lenny didn't go to first period so lenny could do her driving test thingy, well when she was done we sat in the bathroom for the rest of 1st deciding it was far to nice of a day to go to school :) so we went and got andrew and skipped the whole day! i know its not that big of a deal, but it is to me cuz i never did. we went to belltower and saw cat in the hat. then that night me and my boys went to HONK. rj was so good, that sexy frog haha it was fun. tonight dani and lenny ocme over to party yay

2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 21 November :: 5.51 am
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: Linkin Park

my life is really really boring lately. Nothing much has happened this week ata ll, im ushering for Honk tonight becuase i could really use the extra credit points plus i get in free. dani, and lenny come over this weekend we party yay. thats pretty much it. im trying my damndest to not stress out about stuff, just let it happen.


pimp juice?

:: 2003 20 November :: 5.44 am
:: Mood: full
:: Music: Linkin Park

nothing new lately. pretty much decided against doing anything WRONG this weekend becuase i have a shitty feeling. uhm, nothing else truly exiting. me and tarek talk again and he helps me a lot. thanx tar.

2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 17 November :: 7.05 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: T.V.

yeah, today after school went to Rutenbarg with jayme, andrew, and matt....kinda fun being the only girl haha. yeah...i dunno Andrew got mad or hurt or something at seems that we fight or are sad more then were happy? or is that just me thinking this?

i love andrew but im getting the feeling that something might be happening soon with him, good or bad i can't tell

1 mug of juice | pimp juice?

:: 2003 17 November :: 4.39 am
:: Mood: dizzy

2 fuckin a.m.
yes im aware that its hardly 4:30 in the morning but hey might as well update my journal consderign i've been up since 2. good lord i need to sleep. eh who needs it? its quite fun actually waking up and knowing that you've got a hell of a lot of time before you have to go to schoool. yup SO great news everyone, parents are going away the WHOLE WEEKEND...hmm ya know i don't think i should have written that...oh well. yes, and you know what after stupid science and theater history and all that other bullshit called school, i deserve a fucking party weekend. yes so that is all


pimp juice?

:: 2003 15 November :: 12.04 pm
:: Mood: is the fact that my eye is burning a mood?
:: Music: lennys sweet and erotic voice

fuck me gently with your penis,...i mean chainsaw
last night was interestign to tsay the least. annie is uh...okay. so everything else was great. i got to hang with my boys and dani and jayme hooked up hahaha yeah my thoughts on that are no. uhm today lenny is over and we party like woah at mall maybe. yes lick me. yes. yes yes lucy is eating every fucking things in sight stupid fucking baby puggle.

pimp juice?

:: 2003 12 November :: 5.31 am
:: Mood: no
:: Music: no

yeah yesterday boring went to carries, i like her house its grand, smells like carrie makes me smile :) uhm monday night movies....boy has crush on dani which is good she needs some action, i love ya danison! uhm yesterday sucked major ass but then blahblabhabhl so i was happy hahaha.....
stoned as a countertop,

5 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 10 November :: 5.42 am

carnival saturday night, fun. yesterday sucked.

14 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 8 November :: 8.28 am
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: tick tock tick tock

lenny does the baby sleep
lenny sleeps like a little baby right now, i like it haahaha. well last night was pretty fun, andrew charels and lenny came over and we got a lil buzzed but not trashed. well my mommy wasn't home so me and annie went to bedroom and had fun ha but then lenny and charchar knocked on the door and scared the crap outta both of us lol well around 9 charles and annie left us :( me and lenny got home ated the food naughty and i went to sleep cuz i have cheerleading for six fucking hours today. yeah thats all


pimp juice?

:: 2003 7 November :: 6.03 am
:: Mood: crappy

i'm going to get myself into trouble over this

1 mug of juice | pimp juice?

:: 2003 6 November :: 5.52 am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Goldfinger

"i can't be happy without you, you can't be happy without me but still you always have to pick a fight "
fuck you mother FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU damnit i cant say anything FUCKING RIGHT. grrrrr...this was supposed to be a happy entry too well thank you BITCH.

anyway, i couldn't sleep last night finally dozed around 12ish oh well who needs sleep? i woke up kinda late i hope lacross is canceled so i can see annie after school....

im not feeling to great today, mentally that is, so uh if i bitch at you take it personally

fuck you,

pimp juice?

:: 2003 4 November :: 11.52 am
:: Mood: im not sure, maybe someone will tell me what im fe

lenny mad? lenny no mad? what is this what is THIS

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