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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 11-24-2003 at 11:30am
Current mood: loving
Music: ppl talking
Subject: this weekend
alrighty this weekend was pretty kickass. friday was honk wich i said was grand.

saturday, woowie lenny picked me up from cheelreading and then we proceeded to my house. dani came over and we got spammed/elmoed yeah. dani and lenny made out dani and me made out....yup. thats what happens when your elmoed. haha

sunday blew i was bored but cheerleading was actualyl really grand i got put into a shitload of stunts and better more in front spots for the dance and jumps...sure you all really care aobut that.

i missed annie so much this weekend it was insane, but i saw him today so it made my day.

Jesse: "yeah she probably smokes as much as you."
me: " i don't smoke"
Jesse:" oh, then she does more"

lenny: "what did you get on your credit cards?"
charles:"...did you just say credit cards?"
lenny:"....uh, no"
ernie &charles: "YEAH YOU DID!"
everyone: "lol"
ernie has gum crotch.

licked by charles,
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neat, 11-24-03 4:32pm

lol i love us. <33

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Re: neat, 11-24-03 9:59pm

i love us too but we're kind of nuts. i guess its cool. oh, well. too bad. haha.

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Re: Re: neat, 11-25-03 5:45am

of course we are nuts!! what do you expect from a couple of CRAZY SEXY teenage girls harharhar

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