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*~Sacred Obsessions~*

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:: 2003 31 August :: 11.22 am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: The Ataris

wowie zowie
wow, where to begin? okay well last night i slept over at loulous wiht dani and lenny, it was so much fun!!! i love loulous house its so welcoming and her family kicks some major ass...but anyway we all piled into the back of lou's sisters truck and it was all windy and awesome. so we go to blockbuster but then realize, hey we dont have a blockbuster card! it was funny, so we go to McDonalds and get SO0o0o0o0o0 much food and we flashed the workers hhahaah it was so classis. theres nothign like sitting in the back of the truck with 3 of your best friends eating ice cream and getting covered in ice cream....well then yesterday i went to the mall and met some pretty boys lol i got some junk yeah....last night movies, ooooo okay well SOMEONE did some naughty things with a rather attractive boy named....SOMEONE ELSE haha yeah and me and andrew kinda started off bad but then we got better. gr i did not want to leave that boy, i was very much getting into the making out and such....haha PEACE


2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 29 August :: 6.14 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: dc- Hands Down

far too early in the morning
okay, this just goes to show that i have far too much tiem on my hands since im updating my journal at 6 o fucking clock n the morning...but yeah, w/e i had auditions for HOnk yesterday, stupid musical...i kinda did bad for the singign part but o hwell...okay i must go now. peace everyone oh yeah tongiht i sleep at loulous YAY

pimp juice?

:: 2003 27 August :: 12.04 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: ppl talking in the library

he ya'll im in my 5th period, yearbook.6969 haha that was lenny carrie and lenny both say hi hahaha yeah gianna got the shit beat out of her in 1st lunch. i cant say im surprised, aw i sad i do not know where my boy is i suppose he doesnt want to visit me
:( haha yeah...okay i suppose thats all, oh i dunno if me and morgan are cool or not...i just dont know, oh well i suppose.

2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 26 August :: 12.40 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: library noise

hey im at school woooohooo haha yeah im stayng after too so.....yeah....i love andrew harharhar

2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 25 August :: 5.26 pm

I don't know anything anymore. did i ever know anything to begin with? rumors are so stupid who starts them?? i guess i should explain but i don't want to and its my fukcing journal so i wont. too many people are hurt, my friends, they dont deserve that. no one deserves to be hurt but i cant stand seeing my friends in pain. carrie, your doesnt scare me but it does. i know you cant always be happy and what not, obviously. i just want the better to outweigh the bad. linsey, guys are dicks nuff said. im waiting to be hurt, i know its coming soon.....thats just how it is, kharma i suppose. and apparently im not a very nice person to begin with so i should be hurt the worst, thats how it works right? i think i need to change myself, into what im not quite sure.....andrews great, one part of my life that doesnt suck. i dont take him for granted, so kharma oh whatever please dont let him hurt me. okay thats enough of my bitching for today.....PEACE

p.s. i got a fucking 88 on an english paper, does that teacher not understand that i DO NOT get 88's? ha

6 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 23 August :: 3.15 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Dasboard Confessionals

i have never cried so hard or for so long since, i don't even know when. i am not the type of person who feels sorry for herself and crys over stupid commetns made by stupid people, but morgan you hurt me. you hurt me so much and i don't think your realize it. you sat there tearing me down, pointing out my every insecurity and shoving them into a spotlight. i am sorry for whatever i did but therre was no excuse for that. i thought you were my friend, someone that i could trust to tell me when i did somethign wrong, NOT to tell me what a teribble person i am. right now i feel like such shit, that i dont deserve andrew or anything good that happens to me. maybe it would be better if i just slowly blended in to the background, lost among a sea of faces that no one ever notices. .......

9 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 23 August :: 12.52 am
:: Mood: drunk

evil ghostie sprits
everybodys been pinching my ass lately, i kinda like jk...just got yome from the movies with all my lovers and the wigglers,yay okay must go now, ill explain everythign later...I HAVE A LARGE ASS HICKEY.....FUCKER.....andrew<3

pimp juice?

:: 2003 21 August :: 7.27 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Get up Kids

guess what i did after school? yes you know i stayed after school harharhar, it started pouring and i got completely drenched and i was freezing, it was worth it though becuase i got to be with Andrew <3 haha, okay i refuse to be one of those damn giggly girls who think theyre so damn special becuase they have a bf, okay so yesh.....aywho tommorow night charles and lenny spend the night and we go to movies and EVERYONE is going, even lou and dani! yay it makes me happy, haha okay thats all for now...oh nick didnt come to school :( its all good ill prolly see him tommorow night! PEACE

kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

pimp juice?

:: 2003 20 August :: 9.08 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: annoying clock ticking ticking ticking...ah

Ya know what? geometry can kiss my ass who needs it??? oh well, whatever....yeah somewhat boring day at school i finished my book though! haha only me wuld be exited about that. were doing this kickass project in theater history, were oing a student directed play called Candyland, its gonna be great but...yeah. well nick might come to cypress after school tommorow!! i hope he doessss yay it makes me wiggle haha LINSEY GOES OUT WITH THE RUSSEL BOY! yay it makes me happy happy happy haha okay thats all, i really should try to get my mind to work for PEACE

pimp juice?

:: 2003 19 August :: 5.49 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Dashboard confessionals

i do happy dance
Hey got home aroun 5ish, i stayed after school it sad that after school everyone wants to go home and i just stay at school? haha oh well it started raining which was pretty kickass haha. andrew asked me out, yay i happy! apparently ashley is still mad at me, oh well oh well oh well her loss ya know? well thats all i just thought everyone should know that i am doing a happy dance PEACE

P.S. Andrew said i was the best kisser he ever went out with OH YES wuhoo

4 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 18 August :: 7.49 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Boxcarracer-There is

'Becuase i need you more then you need me...'
Hey i actually did all my homework before 8, come on ppl lets clap for emily. okay well i stayed after school and hung out with andrew and jesse and michelle and linsey and carrie and lil beef...wo lots of ppl. it was fun me and andrew madeout and such, its just that he confuses me...i dont know its just so hard to trust people, guys really. i dont want to get hurt again, i cant do it i realyl cant....oh well i guess....i faintly remeber breathign on your bedroom floor....*sigh* i want that....

2 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 17 August :: 3.03 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: some crap oldies station

lil beef broken lamp lol
heyheyhey last night i spent the night at linseys and lil beef was there yay!! we talked to some pplz online and some dude named chris whos a lil freaky, but kinda col too. and we talked to lots of other pplz too yeah..thats about all oh andrew called me yay haha i sound stupid but it makes me happy! bobs back already got yelled at by him...oh well. oh yeah, carries nick is really cool!!!! hes my new best buddy haha PEACE

10 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 16 August :: 11.30 am
:: Mood: Smiley
:: Music: Bowling for Soup-i don't wanna rock

movies wuhoo
Wow okay i think i shall start from the beginning of my kickass night. okay linsey comes over after school so we can go to the movies later and we were online talking to pretty boys haha. zack said hed hook up with me tonight but his future gf was gonna be there so that made me kinda blah. but i figured at least he WOULD have done something ya know? welll anywhooooo so were all ready and prettified when it started pouring haha great but so my mom drives us to the movies but we don't see anyone there yet so we kinda walked around, looked for some people and such. then we found morgan and jesse and hung with them for a little. then we bumped into andrew and he was lookin for morgan and them so we helped him find them. so....(this is the interesting part) its getting dark and were all sitting at the fountain and so is russel (linseys love interest haha) and andrew just goes hey russel so do you like linsey? and he said yeah so i was happy for them!!! and thennnnn we went to get movie tickets bt we had time to kill so we went to the ice cream place. YAY GOOD PART IN STORY FOR ME NOW...i was leaning against some store window and andrew comes up and takes of the hat i was wearin (which was his and kisses me! WOOOOOOO haha it made me happpppy lol okay well then we go to the movie and linseys gettin on with russel next to me haha me and andrew made out a lot in the movie haha then when it was over he got my number and said wed hang out tonight. okay sorry for the onlg entry but i needed to type it all for my oown happy beneift.PEACE

5 mug of juices | pimp juice?

:: 2003 14 August :: 3.01 pm
:: Mood: chipper

Puggle party
YAY last night charley and lenny spent the night and we had a puggle party. it was daisys birthday so linseys puggies came over and we had a party with cake and bologny (sp?) for the puppies. haha it was fun though and today was great at school, i dunno why it just was. some bitch was talking smack about me, oh well fuck them if they don't like the fact that i changed a LITTLE this summer. but yeah school was good because everything was ...good. ha tommorow night is movies for moi and ...everyone really. i hope there are some boys becuase i need to hook up wiht someone b4 i go insane. yeshyesh all for now PEACE

pimp juice?

:: 2003 12 August :: 8.47 pm
:: Mood: invisible
:: Music: Dashboard Confessionals-Hands down

'I don't think you're worth a second glance...'
I feel strange sometimes, as if im not really standing there. its that im invisible and that people either don't see me at all or do, and just don't care. everyone seems to just look through me to the better girls. i dont know anymore, am i doing something wrong? should i be someone im not, just to impress mindless people i dont know....that can't be right. i think itd be better if, what...if what? i left? i moved? i died? no i dont think that would solve anything at all the cowards way out. i don't know im just being stupid and jealous and selfish and petty and all the things i don't want to be. eh

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