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The Wonderful World of a Princess

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:: 2002 20 July :: 12.58 am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: get up kids- out of reach

Long way from home
Lost by an echo never of known
I've got pictures to prove I was there
but you don't care

Here's me overseas
cross the pond by the dover peaks
I've smuggled myself into new nationalities
think you'd be proud of me

There's room to believe
Out of sight
Out of mind
Out of reach
Start over
it's no way to begin

Long way from home
Lost by an echo never have known
I've got pictures to prove I was there
but you don't care

There's room to believe
Out of sight
Out of Mind
Out of Reach
Start Over
Start Over
It's no way to begin

There's room to believe
Out of sight
Out of Mind
Out of Reach
Start Over
Start Over
It's no way to begin
way to begin
way to begin

1 crown | crown me!

:: 2002 20 July :: 12.35 am
:: Mood: moved
:: Music: mmm.... some song with a pretty acoustic guitar

ok...this is it. it's the last one. i just couldn't leave without saying goodbye to everyone on instant messenger! i'm such a dork. but yep... i'm almost to tears from this song and mixed emotions. i love you guys.. wait..i already told you that. oh well... see you when i get back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo ...hugs..kisses... high fives... anything else... hand shakes i guess... mmmmm...they make milk shakes at camp!!!!! they are ssssoooooooooooooooo is their ice's homemade!!!!!! anywho... have lots of fun and i'll talk to you all when i return!! GOOD NIGHT!

crown me!

:: 2002 19 July :: 5.31 pm
:: Mood: happy and excited..but sad too :(
:: Music: stroke 9- kick some ass

this is crazy!!!! i'm so freakin excited about camp!! like..i can't wait.. i can taste the food, i can smell the way the dorms always smell, i can feel the hugs and i can hear the laughs. i absolutly cannot wait!!!!!! on the other hand, i'm going to miss you guys alot! i hope you all have a GREAT week and don't update too much so i don't have to sit here forever to catch up. i'll think about you guys everyday. hmm... i could put the camp address on here but i don't think people would write me. oh... you know what else is weird??? my music that i have donloaded on here is making me so happy. like... it's the same stuff i listen to every time i'm on the computer, but today... it makes me want to run around screaming the lyrics so loud so the world can sing with me. i love that rush i get from music. all music.... i always get a rush when we play a really intense or pretty song at camp. it's the greatest thing. for the next week i'm going to be surrounded constantly with music and it's going to be so wonderful. i can't wait. take care of yourselves... don't get hurt or lost and don't do anything dumb. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! SEE YOU ALL IN A WEEK!!!!!!!! BBBYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 crowned | crown me!

:: 2002 18 July :: 10.23 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: some song in b flat

hmmmmmm...... hm hmmm hmmm... i want to say what i'm feeling...but if you refer up to my mood, i can't really put it into words. so.. oh well i guess.

2 crowned | crown me!

:: 2002 17 July :: 12.07 pm
:: Mood: eehhhhhh....
:: Music: ben folds five- underground

What obscure band are you?


crown me!

:: 2002 17 July :: 12.05 am
:: Mood: awake/bouncy
:: Music: this is sooo funny.... casper- cha cha slide... it fits my mood though :)

what can i say.. i'm really awake tonight. i think i still have some energy left in me from pit. wowzers trousers we had fun. i laughed so hard i thought i was going to split my gut, but on the other hand, we had somewhat of a searious conversation as well. i think i really needed that tonight. it was just good to talk to people who are on your side about things!!!! i think the 4 of us that were there got alot closer tonight. it will be really weird missing next week and then going back and having the other 2 there. oh well i don't think i'm going to worry about it because i'm going to have the time of my life next week. also i was thinking, i am basically busy for over 3 weeks straight. ahhhhh.... and it's almost birthday time!!!!!! but i'm flying out to montana the night of my birthday!!!! yay!!!! anyway... i feel like doing cartwheels and making the most beautiful music in the world or have the most deep conversation with the best person in the world or running to band camp 5 days early and everyone being there or jumping into the most wonderful guy's arms or smell the sweetest perfume or hear the most beautiful song that would put me to sleep.... mmmmmmm.... music...i'm tired now and i'm listing to the get up kids so i guess that puts me in a whole different mood. good night :)

1 crown | crown me!

:: 2002 16 July :: 3.47 pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: ben folds five- underground

ok, somehow our little countdown got off and it's wrong now. if we were still going the way we were, we would say 4 days. but even if you don't include today, 4 days would be saturday and camp is on sunday. so i guess it's 5 days if you don't count today and 6 days if you do. either way we're still excited. i started packing last night. woooo!!!!!! pit tonight. we get our shirts. woooo!!!! again. anyways, i'm gonna scooot. later.

crown me!

:: 2002 15 July :: 11.58 pm
:: Mood: thinking
:: Music: ben folds five- brick

just a thought
i was just thinking, you probably don't have a clue to who moe, earl, josh or miss torre is do you?? gosh, now that i really think about it you probably don't even know beans is sarah! ha! oh well.. to better understand:
moe= my aunt's (by marrige) mother
earl= moe's son (but he's like 50 or 60 something)
josh= my cousin that is getting married in montana (as well as moe's grandson and earl's nephew)
miss torre= my counsler at camp, a tuba player and music education major at CMU

ok...that cleared possible confusion up. gnasd :)

crown me!

:: 2002 15 July :: 11.53 pm
:: Mood: kinda tired, but ready for bed
:: Music: the ataris- how i spent my summer vacation

every time i see the word atari, i think of dan kunhle (sp?) and his atari shirts...heh..i'm a dork
and no where in that fun entry about wal mart runs and yummy salads did i mention.... 5 days till camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heavens to beatsy...can't forget that! i talked to miss torre tonight and she's going to get me an info packet about CMU and she said i made her day when told her i wanted to major in music at CMU. she was so happy and said that i would love it there. so yay!!! i'm excited!!!!!!! good night!

crown me!

:: 2002 15 July :: 6.48 pm
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: get up kids- i'll catch you

don't worry i'll catch you, don't ever worry
i went shopping today. mom and i went down on a wal mart run because we had to get more lawn chairs but we ended up having a little added shopping bonus at debs and kohls. oh and we had the most awesome salad at applebees too. yummy!!!! this may sound crazy but i did get another dress at debs. it's soooo pretty. i think i'm going to wear it to swirl or save it for my junior prom. i'm not sure yet. gosh i'm a dork. well i'm off to call beans. yeah... i miss you too. :)

1 crown | crown me!

:: 2002 14 July :: 10.53 pm
:: Mood: calm and good...just a good nice mood
:: Music: ben folds- hiro's song

wow. i had a nice day. just a really nice day. i went to church with mom and chatted with scott, shannon and their mom for a while after. that was really nice. then my mom, dad, jessie wilde and i all went to muskegon beach together. my parents were actually being fun and we weren't yelling and fighting. and dad was being somewhat fun! ahhh!!!! we got home and everyone was just getting along. it was great!!!! then moe and earl came to pick up punkey. i could see my cousin josh right through earls eyes. it was so wonderful. i just love family. it made me so excited for montana because the rest of our family will be there and it will be so wonderful to see everyone. so i'm really happy now because i just had an all around good day. i hope you did too. good night kids :)

1 crown | crown me!

:: 2002 14 July :: 12.14 pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: ben harper- pleasure and pain

yep...beans is messing up the whole count down. the pourpose of the countdown is to make it seem like we don't have many days left till camp. yeah... i know and you know there is 7 days left until camp. but... if you don't count today, it's 6 days. hence forth more excitement twards going to camp. there. i'm going to the beach today. woooooo!!!!! have a great day kids :)

4 crowned | crown me!

:: 2002 14 July :: 12.42 am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: creed- one last breath

i was wandering around in old entries and flipping through some picture books and i realized how much i miss my girls. i have so many pictures of us having a ball and the time of our lives. it was the greatest. i remember one specific night. friday night to be exact. the girls were over here and we were going to go out to a movie. we were all sitting around my living room playing sharades, imitating the kids from our school. oh my gosh i laughed so hard. we then ventured to the movie theater with our pens in our pockets (just in case) because we were on a man hunt. :) we called ourselfs the boy scouts. i also remember that night jessica and i harassed the really cute guy that scooped our popcorn. that was such a fun night. i miss the way things used to be. winter... pep bands, basketball game dances, friends, laughes, skiing, florida trip, hot cocoa...the list goes on forever. mmmm and thinking about those memories is wonderful. but i can't live in the past and i have to move on and be happy. but it's so great to reminice. never forget the good times. shake your booty while the band complains. good night kids.

2 crowned | crown me!

:: 2002 13 July :: 12.30 pm
:: Mood: sneezy
:: Music: green day- brain stew

ok... here it is!!!!! 7 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh i'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! like... a week from tomorrow at this time exactly i'm going to be at wolverine band camp!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! i've been having fun. not today though.... i'm very sneezy..i think it's the dog. yeah i said dog.. we're baby sitting my cousins dog. she was petey's (my old dog) best friend. gah..she looks like petey. it's sad. oh well... everybody dance!!!!!!!!!!

3 crowned | crown me!

:: 2002 12 July :: 12.29 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: green day

8 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crown me! | Random Journal