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:: 2003 29 December :: 5.31pm
:: Mood: bleh
:: Music: tv

whatever it takes is on...
Wow... I wasted away the day... I really should be doing my reading, but I'm not that smart.... I took that death quiz... (depending on my name) I'd either die of natural causes, or be murdered by the same phantom that killed michelle... yay me...
eh... I don't want to do anything... I really don't want to go back to school. Sadly, this is the first year I'm dreading to go back... I really don't like many people in my classes right now... And honestly, I keep too many things quiet that need to be shouted to the winds and scattered about the earth... but they're not, there inside this sad twit sitting in a desk at CMR... It was a lot easier last year... And I don't want to go to GFH either... because to be honest, I always thought of that school as causing people to become total asses to those outside their world... that's life though

2 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 29 December :: 7.07pm

2 different names, each with a different death
What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:Terrible animal attack while you were out hiking in the mountains. Seemed that you made good animal food, definately a closed casket.
Death Date:August 28, 2024
Number attending your funeral?20
How much will you leave to friends and family?$1,903,018
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:Your mother warned you not to run around with scissors in your hand. You die by some freak accident. Can't really say it was pretty, your Funeral is a closed casket.
Death Date:April 13, 2034
Number attending your funeral?53
How much will you leave to friends and family?$1,785,285
Created with quill18's MemeGen!



:: 2003 29 December :: 5.41pm
:: Mood: dry
:: Music: fast and furious

Do I have to?
On top of sleeping for around 12 hours last night, I had a very unusual dream. It included peopele such as Bailey's gpa and gma(the wardens), this one guyy...I lived with him, but could never remember his face..I rarely saw it and it just slipped from my vision or something.., but then the little people were there, and Raab, and I believe that is about it....



:: 2003 27 December :: 1.19am
:: Mood: yuck...nyquil
:: Music: My leg.......always feels...dry...not smooth, not rough...dry.....

Time warp!
My hair! It is ONE color! It has been soooo long.....black....and ONE color!! Before it grew to I believe 4 different shades...and Roxanne's mom pulled back a piece of hair and it was BLONDE...like bright..and then proceeded to dying the rest of my face. Luckily it came off. Thus has to have been one of the most boring entries...HAIR....

We took Nyquil. *sleepy...*....

1 truth | lie


:: 2003 26 December :: 8.26pm
:: Mood: stuffy
:: Music: *smack....chomp...chew..* (Roxanne is eating.)

stupid twats
I got my AFI shirt!!! YaYYY!!! But then there was this chick in the same shirt and her friend laughed stupidly whenever they saw me. It is just SO damn funny nowadays to have the same shirt as someone else in a Hot Topic town/world.

2 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 26 December :: 2.50pm
:: Mood: neh
:: Music: Joy to the world...

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Last time I was treacherous... this time I'm a pimp... where is my life going?? :P

1 truth | lie


:: 2003 26 December :: 4.41am

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test



:: 2003 26 December :: 3.51am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: *drill* of the popcan in Bailey's hands....

Thanks for the journalness Roxanne :P
Schizotypal:Very High
Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --



:: 2003 26 December :: 12.58am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Bailey talkin to Joe

God damn fuck! I can not sign in to MSN! GRRRR. That's Life. I hate you Nick. But I suppose that's life. For all I know there could be 50 emails for me. But I can not get em. But there wouldn't be because hardly anyone emails me. But that's life.

Bailey has been talking to Joe for a long while now. She is boring me. Joe stinks. Not literally. But I hate that kid. Lots. Byebye for now...and Roxanne..I will call you tommorrow and such as I am here and not at home and ask if you still wanna go to the mall with me....

2 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 25 December :: 10.19pm
:: Mood: eh...
:: Music: news...

Ok, my parents okayed the movie party being here (for once) so... I don't have the phone numbers of most of the people that would come, so I need those, and I don't have a day set either.... eh heh... but it must be soon, because this house doesn't stay clean for long....

6 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 24 December :: 10.53pm
:: Mood: My nose is running
:: Music: A Christmas Story. 24 HOURS WORTH....

Yumm potatoe.
Another happy thought......AFI got #4 on the best of Hard Rock Live!!!! YaYYYYY AFI!!!!!!!!!!!!

...I had something else....I forgot......*shrug*..Oh well.

I remember now!! From my brother, we each get 50 bucks! That is alot for me! That is $200 just on this portion of the family! WoW I will be happy = )

Happiness shortlived. As usual. My mom says I can not stay the night with Roxanne after the holidays. Or ever again. FUCK. I hate her sometimes.

5 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 24 December :: 7.50pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: Lizzie maguire!

I got Rocky Horror! I got Rocky Horror! I got Rocky Horror! Who got Rocky Horror? I GOT ROCKY HORROR! I got awesome toe socks. AND ROCKY HORROR!!!!!!!! If I could only find the DAMN REMOTE so I could play with my ROCKY HORROR DVD, then live would be GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *angry face insert*\


3 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 24 December :: 4.10pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Life as a Teenage Robot

She summed it up perfectly
"You're a strange one."

yup, I guess that's how it all turned out. Then again, I thought I had found a group of strange ones. Obviously the similarities I saw weren't really existant at all. Always over observant, that's what I am. Too cautious with what I do, what I say, who I say it to, the reasons behind it. I like to understand what's going on. That was a big mistake. I swear Schylar must think that I'm somewhat insane after that argument last school year... Maybe I over analyze, maybe it's all simpler than what I thought. Because I've certainly complicated my life. How humbling to be called strange again.
Love must not be as great as I always imagined it. Always thinking the happy smiles and random kisses... it's all so much more complex than that. The one thing I always thought would be so easy (so easy... only if you can actually find the right person.)... never did find the perfect match. And it's not so simple, all the fights and the I thought I love you's and the bull shit that came with it... I still don't know what's going on... the one thing I'd never get... the one thing I crave most... can't try so hard anymore... can't care anymore.....

7 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 24 December :: 12.53am

As I was laying down, I had a sudden flashback of one of my weirder dreams. It was when I was not obsessed with AFI, yet I had dream about them....2 in one night both having to do with flying platform things..The one I flashbacked is when I was a bellboy in a hotel and the elevator flew and there was infinitely many rooms and I lost AFI and I had their bags...I spent the entire dream getting more and more panicky for fear that I was going to be fired....it was weird...

Just thought I would share that with you all.

1 truth | lie


:: 2003 23 December :: 10.42pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: "Feelin' This" Blink182

I only took the quiz because they told me to...
Youre the Autum Fariy. You are kinda silent and a
loner you like beign alone with the beauty of
autum. You have thoughts of beign with friends
but the the elagance wins you over. Please vote
for me this is my first quiz have mercy!!

Which Beautiful Amy Brown Fairy Are You? (with pretty pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

My aunt told us that the earthquake (in Cali) lasted about 6-7 minutes in Lompoc, where she was with my cousin Colleen. As soon as they could walk again (direct quote) Colleen went running down the street to find Josh and Jeremy since they were selling stuff for a school fundraiser...
and here, Roxanne has disappeared (can't reach her at home)..... so we'll try tomorrow...

5 truthsooth sayers | lie

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