I hate April
Nick's coworker also passed away Sunday night. He was 35, divorced and had two daughters. He had a massive heart attack and never woke up.
The only good thing about this month is that it is almost over.
Nick's grandmother (the one on his father's side, the one his parents are staying with)'s best friend passed away Sunday. Four years ago on the 15th, Nick's grandfather (her husband) passed away.
So at 9 Sunday morning, we all got up and drove up to the house to basically house-sit while Grandma got out.
I got to see the house in daylight on Sunday. I don't know what was the worst thing to see: how small the hole is...the hole that used to be the house, the steps that led to the front door that are now cement steps to nothing, how little is left or the charred leaves and grass surrounding the house, the charred path carved out behind the house to the man who started it all, the ash that threatened to jump the road to take out another house. I don't know.
I think I was in shock before then because Sunday night it really hit me that it was all gone. And Nick's parents are spending their days making lists of everything they had, trying to remember everything they lived with, how old it was, where they bought it and quoting things that have no price. Things like Nick's grandfather's woodworking tools, the baby clothes, his great-grandmother's handmade quilts, his grandfather's guns, the bunk bed his father made, his mother's wedding dress, Jess' cake and all the pictures of everyone and everything.
I feel like I need to be helping out more but there's nothing we can do. I can make food, I guess. I can give hugs. But these lists, the insurance stuff, everything. I can't help.
When they start to look for places to live, then I can help.
Fox17 (We were there when they filmed the news at 10. We watched this story at his grandmother's house while they were up at the house. It was surreal.)
Everyone is okay. Nick's parents were at work. His mother's sister lives with them and works third shift. She was asleep when the house caught on fire.
We went up there last night to see if we could help with anything. The whole house is gone. They went to buy some clothes and necessities but they have nothing. Aunt Jean saved the laptops and the dog. The stray cat that they feed occasionally is okay too.
Thank goodness everyone is safe.
It's so weird to see the house not there. We visited them for Easter and talked about what they would change if they had to build the house all over again.
Nick, Katti and Jess grew up in that house. His family built it themselves.
I am glad everyone is okay but I really wish it hadn't happened. They are staying with Nick's grandmother who lives down the street for now.
I feel like I should do something for them but I don't know what to do. We are just thankful that everyone is okay.
concert yay!
Nick and I are going to our first concert together in April.
I am super excited because the band we are seeing?
It is Cloud Cult.
Awesome songs? Check. Live paintings? Check. Biodiesel-powered and solar-paneled tour bus? Check. I am super pumped.
I really wanted to see them in concert because they are going on a possibly permanent hiatus after this tour. And this tour celebrates the release of their documentary.
They are coming to GRap on April 14. Nick and I are counting down the days.
I am making a list of emergency places to live in case I don't get a job right away (which will totally NOT happen because I am totally awesome).
Our lease is up here at the end of June. If I don't get something before then, we'll be trapped in Michigan, homeless and living off only Nick's pay (because my work won't be able to keep me on after graduation and I don't want to stay there any longer than necessary).
Obviously a list is needed. Both to calm my nerves and to prepare for craziness.
I applied to a buttload of jobs earlier this week and I'm sending my transcript to one tomorrow.
I graduate in 48 days, people. I want out of Michigan. I want a job/career/whatever. I need one.
One of the girls who graduated LAST YEARjust got a job. I do not want to be her. I work with a girl who graduated last year and is just hanging around at this job trying to find something. I do not want to be in that position.
i have a perhaps unhealthy interest in bathroom graffiti.
but you have to admit, the progression here is truly something special (yes, i do return to the same bathrooms, and since i'm there, i'll check out what's new):
2. my CUNTry tis of thee!
3. my CoUNTry tis of thee!
three visits - each with a new update.
now, bear in mind, this was on a divider between the urinals.
knowing that, how creepy would it be if you were the one standing at the urinal, and someone in one of the stalls STARTED SINGING THAT SONG while you were standing there.
i would probably lose my shit.
plain white ts show tonight. pretty stoked about that. yes, my vag may even be tingling a little. either that, or it's my purity ring acting up again.
i really enjoy the fact that, whenever i have to compose an "official" message or something for a group i am with, it always starts out very prim and proper, but right near the end of it the professionalism diminishes rapidly.
it's probably not a good thing, but i'm amused. because i feel like i'm a lot funnier when i'm unnofficial.
it just goes to show you how delusional some people can be.
2009 9 March :: 2.12am
:: Music: black sabbath - paranoid
i think the interesting part here is not my inane banter, but the fact that japan even confuses facebook.
i have now transcended the time-space continuum, through the simple act of having written something tomorrow.
it makes me almost feel like i accomplished something today.
well, i did talk to dad. and i talked to becca's guy about playing drums in a band, like with actual gigs and stuff. seems pretty exciting. i guess we'll see what wednesday brings. and i worked for a few hours, rather unexpectedly. gotta love management.
This semester I need 11 credits. I am taking 12 to be full time. I only have one required course left. It is, of course, the one course I cannot be on time to, ever attend or do the homework for.
I am hoping I snap out of this soon. This weekend I need to finish up my incompletes from last semester so I can get out of here on time. I also need to CLEP my French credits still.
response to teh fil and jess.
Dear Professor Wiese,
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm in love with your cat. I think I realized it when I finally changed my underwear under the bus, and I saw you carve your initials into the elephant in the corner. I'm sure you're open enough to understand that Santa doesn't exist. I'm returning your Hannah Montana underwear to you, but I'll keep Your photo with the mustache drawn on it as a memory. You should also know that I get sick when I think of your feet and that the apartment building is on fire.