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:: 2008 26 July :: 12.37am
:: Music: Go Fish - Part of the Proof

seriously. i just want a day off. one fucking day off.

we filmed again today. james's room is fully dressed. but since our camera broke this afternoon, and they didn't get to the interior shots on the call sheet, they pushed them back to the end of the schedule, so that room didn't need to be dressed at all... so dumb, but it couldn't be helped.

i'm having lots of fun. but i'm so fucking tired. and i'm just getting sick of being there all the time.

and i'm smoking way too many cigarettes. this is killing me. neither softly, nor slowly.

but i'm determined to have fun, dammit. we're making a movie. it should be a good time.



:: 2008 20 July :: 3.51am
:: Music: Your 8th Birthday by Cloud Cult

We moved from a two bedroom apartment to a three bedroom apartment in the same apartment complex.

Katti and Oliver are here.

Which is cool because we have a place to live. Not cool because I wanted change. I wanted different.

But that'll just have to wait until after graduation.

Saw Batman. It was great.

Need to do my resume tomorrow.

Love you.

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:: 2008 20 July :: 1.55am

i'm SOOO tired. but it's back to the grindstone again tomorrow, so i suppose i ought to suck it up and deal.

sleepy time looms.

foreboding and somnambulant are the pertinent adjectives.

i think.

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:: 2008 18 July :: 1.28am

drizzunk? schmammered? was macht es?

seriously, guys. 9pm. friday night (tomorrow... or today, depending on how you view it). sazerac lounge. be there (i will).

and fuck you jessa, for getting that damn song stuck in my head, right before i go to sleep. it will drive me insane.

; )


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:: 2008 17 July :: 12.17am

went to blues on the mall tonight with mom and lib.

i got some free beers (we went to the BOB during the thunderstorm), and i got to hang with my family and pontificate some. it was gratifying.

but after spending all day working, and all evening walking around downtown, i am completely beat. and i get to do it all over again tomorrow.

no rest for the wicked, i guess. and apparently i'm totally fucking wicked.



:: 2008 15 July :: 8.52pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: none

Summer Film Project

i have finished day two of our preproduction preparations to the caledonia location. there's a shit ton of stuff that needs to be done, but at least we're finally getting somewhere.

i'm not doing anything involving audio, as i said before. but i do at least get to do construction stuff, which i'm fairly good at. not like it's rocket science.

but yeah. it's fun. the people are cool to hang with. but it's a lot of work. i mellowed out a lot once i resigned myself to the fact that this is just a really slipshod operation, and that i won't be able to rely on anything. i will do the best i can to make it happen for them, but nobody, not even me, can ask for anything more than that.

and i think i'm doing my part. i certainly have lots of tools down there, and we're making decent progress. i'll keep you guys posted on the happenings as i can, but no promises. it's keeping me plenty busy.

the important thing for you to remember is:

Friday Night - 9PM - at the...
Sazerac Lounge
1418 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI

Be there if you can. although, i believe it's 21+.


call me if you have questions, or shoot me an email. i'll get more info as it becomes available. (like i said, slip-shod).




:: 2008 5 July :: 1.09pm

One of my sister's friends died the other day.

He was driving his moped from Kroes to Courtland, right by my parents' house when he was hit by a car. The police say he didn't yield but I think he really just thought he could make it across in time. He wasn't wearing a helmet.

He was 18. He was going to attend Aquinas in the fall. I was getting his information ready for STAR when Ashley found out.

I saw him do stand up at Rockford High School. He was a funny kid.

It's just so sad. He was so young.

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:: 2008 30 June :: 12.02am

I got my hair cut this weekend.

It is pretty hot.

Katti said it is an adult version of my asymmetrical haircut from high school. And it is. And that's awesome.

We're watching The Pixar Story and it just makes me want to watch all the Pixar movies again.

I love you all.

P.S. We saw WALL-E this weekend and it was fantastic.



:: 2008 26 June :: 10.07pm

Katti and Oliver are here all weekend (today is only the beginning) and I am pumped.

It is going to be an awesome weekend.

ALSO! I am getting my haircut on Saturday. ALSO! Nick is getting a facial (AT THE SAME TIME) because I told him how awesome it was and called them and set up an appointment and told him he was going.

ALSO! You all = awesome people and I love you.

Happy (early) birthday to all you birthday peeps this weekend. Holla at me and tell me how awesome your birthday weekend is going.

I love you all.

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:: 2008 23 June :: 11.10pm

I miss people that I have never met.



:: 2008 19 June :: 4.49pm
:: Mood: getting frustrated

summer film

as you are aware, if you're a devoted fan, i'm involved with the summer film project at GVSU. i feel kind of gipped in this whole experience, because it's been a mish-mash mess thus far. nobody knows who the professor is going to be, what positions the students are going to fill, or anything.

not to mention, i've been getting emails from a wide assortment of people for the last three months, all claiming to be giving me information on what the fuck is going on. seriously a class act. not to mention, the week that my summer project starts, is the same week as the world premiere of last year's summer film.

my theory is that, basically, the film department blew their load on last year's film, and now this year it's gonna suck. so, they're trying to publicize last year's film as much as possible in order to boost morale and public reception of GVSU's film dept. image or whatever.

and i'm a sound person. i have made that no small secret to anyone. when i applied for the summer film, i told them specifically that i'm a sound person, and wanted to work with sound if at all possible. at first they told me i was going to be a grip. which, you know, i was not into or whatever. but gradually i warmed up to the idea, talked myself into how awesome it could be, met a bunch of the other grips on the roster and tried to get friendly with them a little bit. and now i get an email, less than a week before class starts, saying that i'm now a set dresser.

yes. A SET DRESSER. what this has to do with sound, i know not. perhaps i will be able to manipulate the set in such a way that i will isolate its reverberative characteristics. yes? NO. there is no way i will have any impact on sound whatsoever! and all of that work i did on learning about lighting and shit, getting all buddy buddy with some of the grips is now completely out the fucking window. i'm with a bunch of other people i've never met, in a job i've never done. all the grips pretty much stayed the same. all the sound people changed, however, except for one. why i did not get one of the positions that was vacated during the shuffling, i know not. why the one person that remains from the initial lineup is the one that has no specific interest in sound whatsoever, is also beyond me.

i feel like i'm not in the right place. for awhile i was. i was in the right place, doing the right things. now, somehow, i've gone and fucked it all up. and i don't know how to fix it. and it's manifesting itself in extremely unpleasant ways. i don't know. something just feels really really wrong. and i don't like it. i'm just absolutely petrified that this year's going to suck. a lot. and rather than going on my way, continuing in my career like everyone else, i'm going to be the world's biggest fuckup, with no place to live, no job, no life, and $200 a month in student loan payments that i can't afford to make.

but i could be wrong.

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:: 2008 19 June :: 12.36pm

Job ID: 10593
Job Title: Bell Person
Work Schedule: Flexible
Hours per Week: 16-32
Wage: 2.65
Employment Start Date: ASAP
Employment End Date:
Job Description: Assist guest with luggage and other room deliveries.
The wage is $2.65/ hour, plus tips.
Qualifications: Previous customer service is preferred.
okay, really. i mean, how can they get away with this? paying a person less than half of minimum wage on the assumption that their tips are going to compensate? there was another posting for a breakfast waitress (not a waiter, mind you) for $4/hour. i just don't see how that's fair. and i thought it was kind of sexist to ask for a waitress. i kind of wanted to apply, just to see what they'd do.

so yeah. that's all i got.

bonnaroo was sweet. i'm still recovering. i'm a peely bastard too. that's what i get for going out in the sun like i did.


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:: 2008 16 June :: 11.03pm

Today was an up and down day.

Up: I got beginning boosts (TWICE) in Mario Kart. And then I never got it again.

Up: Work sped by. And I got thanked for being nice to someone. Which was weird but neat.

Up: Nick let me choose dinner and I ate chicken nuggets from Wendy's. And it was num-num.

Down: Our lease is up at the end of June, not July. That would be this month, not the next month. That would be a week and a half to find a place to live, not a month and half. So. Yes. Needless to say, I am freaking out.

Down: I am PMS-ing like whoa.

Down: My Marian Keyes book took a bad turn. So bad that I shouted at the characters to STOP and DON'T because they are ruining everything. I do not think they are STOPping. I should go check.

I love you all.

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:: 2008 15 June :: 10.44pm

Mario Kart
Katti/Oliver bought Mario Kart Wii over the weekend. I are hooked.

I got my first sparks today. Blue and orange. I was proud of myself.

Picky thing one: blue shells show up a lot more than they used to. Maybe it is because I am in first place a lot more often but I never get one to throw at people, I only ever get them thrown at me. Every lap. Picky thing two: I oversteer and then overcorrect and then over the edge of the map I go. Stupid maps without walls. Stupid maps with walls, actually, messing up my sparks. Picky thing three: I am obsessed with those stupid sparks. They distract me from actually racing and I just focus on milking the drift for orange sparks.

For those with the game (Jason/Michelle), how in the world do I do the boost at the start? I have tried the Mario Kart 64 timing at the arm drop and it's not working. That is picky thing four.

I also suck at bikes. I need to practice more, I guess.

I still use Peach. I always have. Baby Peach gets used sometimes to because she is too darn cute.

Anyway, here is our Mario Kart friend code: 3652 1810 6619. This game is way fun, just frustrating. My New Year's resolution of not swearing is always put on hold as DK or stupid Mario go blowing past me.

I love you all.

P.S. Drafting? AWESOME.

P.P.S. Wario's mine level and DK's snowy retrofitted level SUCK. I hate them. I hate them like whoa.

P.P.P.S. We saw The Happening on Friday. I read what it was beforehand and was expecting horrible things. What did I get? A horrid movie. It was bad. And way too over the top. I just kept promising myself that if M. Night showed us one more person killing themselves, I was walking out. I stayed and just kept looking away and covering my ears. It was BAD. The people throwing themselves off of buildings made me think of September 11th and the thunking noise they made as they hit the ground made me want to throw up. The dialog was awful.

P.P.P.P.P.S. Hulk, on the other hand, was awesome. Nick is right, I am a closeted comic book fan. I am excited for Cap'n America's movie.

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:: 2008 11 June :: 8.33pm

I don't know about you but I never knew
On Nielsen ratings and Nielsen boxes:
Read more..

So it's like some crazy exclusive quilt-making club that no one is allowed to see, hear, join or talk about. You only get to see the quilts and wonder why your favorite quilt design got discontinued. Then you can only conclude that they obviously aren't recruiting the right type of quilters. If they were, the Arrested Development quilt would still be available.

I love you all.

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