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:: 2008 10 February :: 7.16pm

I love when people who don't have kids but only watch (babysit/daycare) or teach them talk about how kids act or how they should behave. Like those 3-8 hours are representative of how the child is. Or how the parent raises them.

It disgusts me. Especially when they are basing their judgments on a TV show that has been edited to only show certain parts. So when one kid hits the other one, the kids beat on each other all the time. And when the parents are crabby during one episode, they're overbearing tyrants.

Seriously, people? This is all you have to do? You just sit in front of the TV watching this one show and then go online and complain about the half hour of parenting you see these people, the people you don't even KNOW or have even ever MET, do on ONE DAY?

The world is kind of disgusting me today. Also, Mitt Romney says if the democrats win, the terrorists win. I'm kind of tiring of hearing about the terrorists winning because of the opposite political party. This fear mongering shit is getting old, people. The sad thing is that it works on some people. Those same people are probably really excited for Larry the Cable Guy in Witness Protection.

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:: 2008 9 February :: 2.42pm

The only role I can stand Julia Roberts in seems to be Tinkerbell in Hook. She's not grumpy, at some points she's smiling and moving her arms. She has a different look on her face than that same look she has in every other movie she's in.

That same look:Read more..

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:: 2008 6 February :: 5.16pm

c/o defectiveyeti.com - awesome blog btw


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:: 2008 4 February :: 8.17pm

I have to choose, for tomorrow, the dance I want to teach for my Folk and Square Dance class.

I have it narrowed down to five dances. I am going to sign up to teach Easy Come Easy Go (a line dance, which everyone but Ashley and I love) but I have the four backups just in case.

I've decided that dancing is my hobby. It's so much fun, I'm going to have to find classes or something once this class is over.

I love you all.

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:: 2008 2 February :: 11.07pm

Does anyone need a babysitter or know of someone who needs a babysitter? Or needs help moving or help with anything?

I could use a little extra cash this week and next week. Our bank being stupid sort of screwed us over a lot.

So if you need anything or know anyone who needs anything, let me know.



:: 2008 31 January :: 7.41pm

I want to go on a vacation this year with Nick so I was looking at train rides yesterday.

Nick and I were thinking of going to Seattle/San Fran/Portland/west coast. Is anything awesome happening anywhere in June or July? I just remembered that I might be working full time in June and July. Okay, anything happening in the Seattle-area in May?

Or does anyone know of anything awesome happening anywhere in May?

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:: 2008 30 January :: 9.46am
:: Mood: ugh

I made Nick drive me all the way to work before thinking that possibly the school was closed. We pulled into the parking lot and I thought: where are all the cars? I called the weather hotline and then Campus Safety who confirmed that "all functions and classes are canceled today" means that all offices are closed too.

And then we realized that our account was overdrafted making us literally poor. My paycheck on Friday, instead of going to food for the next two weeks, will go to paying off all the account fees. And Nick's paycheck will all go to rent, still making us very, very poor for two weeks. And we'd just gotten all caught up. It was ridiculous because none of these charges showed up until yesterday when all of them took place a week ago.

I love you all.

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:: 2008 29 January :: 11.24pm

Our electricity went out for a few seconds but now it's back on. I almost hope it goes out again because not having electricity is a lot of fun.

Also, birthday laptop = awesome. Rutherford B Hayes be his name.



:: 2008 28 January :: 1.36am

It is my birthday. I am 21 years old. This is exciting. I will officially be 21 at 8:25 Chicago time.

I went ice skating for the first time ever on Saturday and it was the most fun I've had in a long time. I was so happy and just smiling the entire time. The skates hurt my feet a lot though and now I have two really gross looking blisters on my ankles. They hurt a little. I have decided that I am going to join an ice skating nomad colony and ice skate for the rest of my days.

I am writing this all on the Wii using a USB keyboard. Jason, you should submit Eddie Izzard to the Check Mii Out channel.

Happy birthday to me! I kind of feel like celebrating with a drink but I have class at 11 and I'm not really thirsty.

I love you all.

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:: 2008 27 January :: 3.03pm

So I'm over at KT's house right now on Andy's friend's compy. Ran into him at Meijer yesterday and we decided to play basketball today, just like old times. Now we're just chillin' and listening to music.

How's everyone else?



:: 2008 25 January :: 8.51am

I uploaded what could be called "a shit ton" of photos on flickr the other day but none of them are labeled or anything. If you want to see my unnamed photos go here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlewindow/



:: 2008 24 January :: 4.56pm

Birthday Weekend begins tomorrow.

I don't know how many of y'all are going to be in town but on Saturday we're going ice skating. I don't know what time or anything yet. On Sunday I want to go sledding or tubing or something but at Pando or wherever it's expensive so I might just get a sled and find a hill somewhere. I want to try to go out at midnight but all you school kids will probably be gone and I'll have a hard time finding a place anyway.

Let me know if you want to join the festivities.

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:: 2008 24 January :: 4.18pm
:: Mood: frustrated

i had a bunch of weird dreams last night. the one that sticks out to me in particular is the one where i was with emily, (i can't remember what we were doing) and i got a loose tooth. but we were running around, trying to get shit done, and all of a sudden i pulled it out. it didn't hurt, but it was absolutely MAMMOTH, and it left a bunch of chunks in my mouth, which i then had to spit out, which struck me as odd. but apparently nobody else found it bizarre that a 21 year old had just lost his tooth, and so the dream just kept right on cruising.

i ran into a bunch of problems with my film project yesterday. i'm kinda pissed, but i'll get over it. hopefully i finish in time.

and i resolved to call up on my W-2s and see where the hell they're at, like a responsible person, and the people all said that i wouldn't have them until the first week of february. fuckers. way to wait until the last possible second.

so then i was like, "well, i'll do as much of the fafsa as i can without my tax info," but noooo, the fafsa website had to go and crash on me too.

i swear to god. it's like a sign telling me that i'm supposed to give up. because every time i try, i get pushed aside or yelled at or in some way usurped, and i'm just fucking tired of it. i'm losing sleep, having weird dreams, freaking out on people that don't deserve it.

and now i can barely keep my eyes open.

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:: 2008 23 January :: 8.08pm
:: Music: Sexton Ming

AAaaaAAAaaaAYYY'm the sweet condensation that's creepin the nation;&



:: 2008 21 January :: 8.32pm

crazy ass shit
this is ridiculous. nothing is working out cleanly or adding up evenly.

which means the great sheep in the sky didn't like my emo entry about how i'm pissed at it. but i'm not pissed anymore. so it should be nice to me and make the stars align once again.

i'm sorry, oh aviary ovine! i didn't mean to upset you. may your wool grow long and thick! and may your first child be a masculine child! i suck at forcing things to work. which is why it's so much more pleasant for everyone involved when you make things line up properly, so i don't have to mash them together in my rudimentary way.

that would be super-duper.


basically, all this means is that i had avoided making plans so we could go get the car tomorrow, but they never confirmed with me, so i had this empty day ahead of me, with a shit-ton of stuff to get done, and a couple of hours ago, bruce called me and said, "so, you busy tomorrow?"

and then this weekend, kristi was like "so you wanna go to president's ball?" and i was like "yeah, that'd be fun!' but it turns out that it's the weekend of winter camping.

so, i'm fucking retarded, and the world hates me. scheduling conflicts galore, and my laziness has placed me squarely behind the eight ball in so far as the amount of shit that needs to be accomplished within a certain time frame.

fuckin' a.

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