2003 13 November :: 7.44pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: my mom attempting to sing milkshake ha
omg im lmao--this is soo funny..for ne1 whose ever heard my mom sing, ya its pretty hilarious, she's like :
"ooh my milkshake makes them want to come to the playground.. they love my milkshake..its not ure milkshake its mine and the boys love it, damn right im gonna charge you oooh"
ok feeling pretty just contuing with my random highs and lows--on a higher end of the spectrum, which is good..hope it stays that way.
im looking very much forward to my weekend!
and it just keeps getting closer! (the holidays not my weekend lol)
and i had a good successful talk with a friend today..and she should NEVER doubt me lol..glad we talked that out
and im going to the gap tomorrow yay
and im soooo much better off without was a tough desicion, but im a happier person and much less stressed..i hope it continues to pay off.
much love*
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 13 November :: 5.56pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Jimmy Eat World "Sweetness"
Are you listening...?
Today was the funnest day! Like everything just was great :) Firstly, it was 11 months for bryan and i :0 almost approaching the big one year! I love you! On the bus we discussed east coast-west coast battles. Dor is just so knowledgable in rap. hehe. I'm from the dirrty south . Stop. drop.kaboom....i love it rachie! I sang it alll day! First hour was fine...listened to poor britney..pobrecita. 3rd hour was great..sunil, christine, rachel and i just blabbering the whole period. We (I) have come to the conclusion that woohu will keep us together after high school and until the day we die! We'll still be updating woohu's like the second before we croak. haha. Lunch i adventured around with dan...then morone was hilarious! Christine inspired me with her wonderful voice mail :) So i made the funniest voicemail. i think it is anyway!! (It's not original..but really, its great). So Sameen and i were argueing and he was like "talk to the hand!" And i go..."no talk to the voicemail!" hehe..Then in dance i realized that i'm getting a lot more flexible and a better dancer overall. Of course i'm certainly not ever gonna be perfect, but it was encouraging to see my progress :) After school was the chaotic nhs meeting. ay caramba! But i got to hang with my bry anddd we got COOKIES !! hehe. The ride home was really funny...just all the convos esp with rachiela..the "not milkshake song", how rap is getting to our heads, our summer jobs (hopefully!). So i'm in a good mood! Thanks for those who have contributed to it :)
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 13 November :: 5.26pm
the internet works !!!!! (for now) . i havent been on in foreverness. things have been alright lately. some depressing days. some ecsaticly fun days. alright i suppose. monday me and shane went to andreas after school and we went chopping and we went to see elf. we saw the funniest ebaums world video. lmao. "koot bah papa!" "okay, bastoo!" ::crash::
and we saw a replay of it in elf. that movie was so freaking funny
i wanna see it again. then the oh so funnt spill of the cd's occured at borders . i shall never drop that. tues was a hw/ lazy day. wed i went home with andrea and we hunged out and went to youth group. it was cool seeing everyone again :) specially candice and joe and scott. i miss them ! i wanna start going weekly again. it is fun.
today was funny. nhs meeting after school. me and adam played leapfrog in the parking lot after. i learned at fat camp. :-/ . michael picked us up. haha. adam thought the doors to the passat were childproof and was playing with the backseat door while michael was driving fast, and opened the door. funny stuff. hardly any hw tonight = me watching friends and will and grace !!!
now that grandmas gone mommys making me her slave.
adios tacos
we cannot forget the new voice mail of mine. you must call and listen. it is quite entertaining.
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 12 November :: 8.52pm
k i know i just updated but this looks like fun:
just surveys...
What song...
Fits your life as it is currently the most?: livin on a prayer
Reminds you to be grateful for the little things?: idk
Makes you wanna get up and dance?: cant touch this
Makes you reach for a box of kleenex?: songs dont affect me that much
Reminds you of something you've lost?: ill be missin u
Is the one you secretly like but would NEVER admit?: invisible..wait did i just admit that?
Reminds you of your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend?:-
Is the most depressing?: -
Can put you in a horribly depressing mood?: wtf? didnt you just ask that?
Can put you in a hyperily happy mood?: anything christina lol
Inspires you?: fighter
Makes you kinda horny?: danger high voltage~electric 6
Is your all-time favourite?: there are soooo many
Makes you calm and rather content?: just missed the trian~kelly clarkson
Sing a Song... brought to you by BZOINK!The signifigance of color...
What does the color navy blue make you think of?: deep ocean water
What emotions to you associate blue (normal tone) with?: cold, distant
What do think of when you see the color red?: evil
Which color would you say best represents the feeling of physical pain?: red
Which color would you say best represents the feeling of true love?: white
What does the color orange make you think of?: uniquness
What natural setting to grey colors remind you of?: dullness
Is yellow a "hot" color for you?: no
What do you first think of when you see the color brown: ewww
What does the color pink make you think of: a little girls room
What emotion do you associate with the color green?: natural, content
What color do you associate with your signifigant other and/or best friend?: im not sure
What is your favorite color?: idk
Your Perceptions brought to you by BZOINK!
Eat fried ochre/Drink cat piss?: eat fried ochre
Go to jail/Watch infomercials?: watch infomercials (i do that anyway)
Eat a roach/Drink blended squid?: drink blended squid
Have sex with a complete stranger/Your brother: um pass
Biuld a bridge/Biuld a house?: build a bridge
Now For The Tough Stuff...
Would u give up a day of u life so som1 u never met could live?: yes
What if this person would become an ax murder & kill a # of ppl?: no !
What if it was a year of your life, not just a day?: then, no
Which would ya save first/ u 100 y/o self, or a nwborn baby?: a newborn baby
If your house was burning, & u could go back 4 1 item, wh@ would u take?: my blankie
If you were to dye your hair, what color would you dye it?: red or black
Would You Rather brought to you by BZOINK!
red sox or yankees: YOU HAVE TO BE SERIOUS!
diet or regular: reg
caf or decaf: caf
curly or regular (french fry): both
chocoloate or vanilla: chocolate
single or taken: single
summer or winter: winter
beach or mountains: beach
city or town: city
school or sleep: sleep
swim or run: swim
bike or walk: walk
rain or snow: rain
dog or cat: cat
tall or short: never got this 1
?THIS OR THAT? brought to you by BZOINK!
Dad or mom?: yikes
Friend or foe?: pal
Girl or guy?: guys are easier mostly
Love or lust?: love
Bald or hair?:... hair
Boxers or briefs?: boxers
Bike or car?: car
Life or death?: LIFE
daughter or son?: 2 daughters 1 son
Math or Science?: math
Choir or PE?: pe
walking lawn mower or riding lawn mower?: riding
Trick or Treat?: treat
ok really bored sry congrats if u read all of that!
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 12 November :: 8.10pm
:: Mood: grumpy
why does my mom love to make me feel guilty and like a brat for having a good life?
I really am a good person, its not my fault ive had some good karma in return. she thinks that im supposed to be like Mother Theresa for being indulged alittle. news flash hello.
i cant even process my own thoughts lately. i hate thinking!!!
2 more weeks til ill be okay, just gotta hang in there.
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 11 November :: 8.19pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: killing me softly
hey ok im updating cuz SOMEONE keeps bugging me about it, im not very social with my thoughts and stuff that i do yah today i woke up enjoyed the non school morning watched non stop mtv hits for an hr or so, went to the mall...rushhedd bak for basketballl..took a shower..ate did hw..umm watched non stop mtv hits..and now im here..writin this, talking to a few ppl online about stuff, i CANT WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! its the most wonderful time of the so excitedd like maddd!! our lord and saviour Jesus Christ is coming soon!, its sad how we all forget the meaning of Christmas, i try my best to remember but of course..the gifts and shopping sometimes overpower my desire to b a good person about Christmas and to know the true meaning...yah, so i hope i make JV basketball--im starting to like it alot more now, i hated it last year but who wouldnt when put in my very very unfortunate situation with a certain coach...ya ya u kno who im talkin bout bballers and volley not rlly nervous bout basketball this yr..if i make it great..i wont get tooo fat this winter..but if i dont..o well its not the end of the world..its all good-- alright gabs i hope your happy with what ive written, ivve pouredd it all outtt......
2003 11 November :: 8.15pm
:: Mood: disappointed
dammit--pettitte/mussina didnt get cy young AND matsui didnt get rookie of the year!..DONTRELLE WILLIS? WTF?! 9.18 ERA in the postseason, yeah incredible...fuckers
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 11 November :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: refreshed
:: Music: Taste of Ink
Is it worth it- can you even hear me...
Today marks my one year of woohu-ness. Scary, huh? A lot has happened in the year...relationships have changed a lot . But i love the way things are now :)
I had a nice relaxing day. I will get the bare minimum of hw done, but it was a good mental health day.
Savor every moment of this.....
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 11 November :: 3.48pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: david bowie~rebel rebel
Selfishness: Something I cannot stand, especially among people I care about. even the tiniest acts of selfishness just make me so mad. ive been pretty temperamental and emotional lately though.
wow, some of my friends are really getting on my nerves. i just need to take a step back and take a break from (some of) them. Don't you just hate seeing the bad side of friends?? it sucks and so do some of my friends sometimes even though i love them to death.
but u know what i figured out last night 2.5 WEEKS TIL CHRISTMAS SEASON!! HOLY CRAP! we've already started to schedule all of the traditions...ive started my list and everything, i have to start thinking about what im gettin for other people, but all i know is that that thought is keeping me VERY happy lately through some sketchy times.
These random days off are veryyyyy beautiful...and to anyone who's sad just think 2.5 more weeks til the most wonderful time of the year!!!
hugs&kisses to all
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 10 November :: 11.14pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: So FaR aWay
ChEck Out Me AnD meRiS JoURnaL @
LeAvE uS SuM CrAzY LoVe!!
*LoTs oF LoVE <3*
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 9 November :: 6.11pm
:: Mood: exhausted
blehhhh i'm tired. its SO stupid that we have school tmrw. this wknd ran me ragged..i just took a 2 hour nap and now i'll probably have a hard time falling asleep later, which could be good, i might get some hw done.
But the weekend was fun...first friday with thrillerrrr...that was a lot of fun, everyone being all made up + scary (or at least ugly). I called us- eaglettes gone ugly. It was a cool performance...i loved the scream at the beginning! I hung out with bryan and amy during 3rd quarter, which was fun.
Saturday- bryan came over like at 3:30 and was amzed till about 7 at all the channels and capabilities my tv has. lol. Then we went to vanessa's party..i had a fun time...i mostly hung with bryan, christine, and rachel. We seemed to have missed every game. Except the limbo and scanvenger hunt, which ahem, we won! yay! My other homies were christina, sameen, and allison...I wanted to i danced. lol. Occasionally someone danced with me! I taught bryan some of the end rach bry and i danced to all the corny dances- chicken dance, macerna, ride the train...lala so it was fun
Today we had an eaglette show...these show situations are so tent for 36 gurls...uhhh not happening! I just changed outside lol. (my tops). So now i'm tired..and have done no hw. great. at least i dunt have to worry about green day stuff yet!
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 9 November :: 1.25pm
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: sugar sugar
last night was a lot of fun. it's a good thing to reunite with old friends and just hang out. theres some ppl from the past i wish i could just talk to...but everyones so different its hard. i just wish that i didnt have to fall out of touch with so many friends, but this year theres a lot of people ive gotten to talk to and gotten to know since elementary school, and i like it alot..its a really good thing just to be able to talk casually with people you used to be inseperable with. and you realize that theyre much better people than they are judged sometimes.
yesterday in church there was a flyer for the advent wreath party, this thing weve been doing the first sunday of advent for like ever.
and it got me sooo excited i just cannot wait for christmas. i really miss miami and my family and friends down there. being there is seriously pure bliss, and during christmastime? awesome. w/e i still have quite some time til that so im not gonna get too excited...yet. im also really excited for some other traditions, gingerbread houses, plays, city trips, some w/ friends some w/ family...its just a really happy time and i know how much ppl are looking forward to it and how happy everyone will get.
and 1 of my friends, i really dont know how to deal with her. shes trying so hard to fit in and be someone shes not. shes not being her own person and i cant stand watching her do this to herself and create this image that she think she has to be. anyone know how to deal with this type of thing??
much love to everyone
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i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 7 November :: 9.42pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: roses outkast's really amazing how such a small simple gesture can make such a difference. its so weird but its true...and its really amazing how avoiding perhaps a small gesture that should have been given..makes a big difference too. some of my feelings have changed though about certian *things*
i dont know--im feeling much better..esp. after having a good day.
well gg watch the matrix2 with kate and elise ugh SAVE ME!
much love*gma
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 6 November :: 9.42pm
:: Mood: sigh
:: Music: Something Corporate
And there you go for the last time...
I love the new something corporate cd . Especially a few songs: "Ruthless", "She paints me blue", "Down."
The rain was a bit exciting in my drab life. Weeks go by these days and they have fun stuff but i never seem to remember them at the end of the day. I live for the weekends. Today...i got to stay in 1st hour for an extra 10 min. whoppee. During lunch i was in the band room for a bit then went and talked to freshmen. I need to stop doing that. I meet more and more freshmen everyday, becuz all my already freshmen get a crush or a new friend and then i meet them too. My love (aka my brother) decided to make a presecence in morone' It was nice seeing him in a class of mine again <3. Even with the reoccuring shouts of "incest!" The lecture was kinda boring, but i still <3 that class and the fantastic people! My lesbian lovers hehehe. In dance, we jazzed and tapped. I like dance class, its fun, and i get to talk to people outside of sophomore IB land. It was a funny bus ride home...adam & co were entertaining. I never friken remember the jokes after the ride tho! That bothers me. Tomorrow is a stresful day. I really want to do well on the stats test, and i have no other option. I have to do well! So thats lizzyland for ya...
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...
2003 6 November :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: hungry
 cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
yeah whatever
i'd dance 1000 steps for you...