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:: 2005 28 January :: 6.20pm
:: Music: only one - yellowcard

i love how people say "ohh im sorry" when you sign on line.. because its convenient for them.. but they cant give the effort to pick up a phone and call you..

is it me? or does that show that you arent sincere?

oh well.. i had a good day today.. a little tired.. but me nd kait had fun.. my pictures wont be readyy til tuesdayy.. grr.. i read a horoscope yesterdayy.. i read the love part and it was sooo rightt.. i aint just throwinn myself out there to be playedd with.. imm stickinn true to myself and not getting hung up over something that probably wont even happen.. boyy oh boyy are first impressions usuallyy wrong<|3

1 tear | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 27 January :: 11.42pm

Wow. I'm really fucking sick.

And it really sucks.

I like my Photostudio.

4 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 27 January :: 8.40pm
:: Mood: gloomy

Then say it...
Not much going on.

Its been a bad week.

I cut my hair...8 inches.

I'll take a shower now.


TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 26 January :: 10.13pm
:: Mood: Shitty

How horrible
Love Ducky.

He's going through a tough time.

Our some amount of months anniversary is coming up. Lovely ^^;

It's this Saturday.

But he's going through such a horrible time.

This is a scary show.

And a commercial for the Grudge DVD scared me.



2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 26 January :: 4.17pm

So there were some confusions bout my previous journal entry. "Who?" It's Gaby...(duh~)....thats spelled G.A.B.Y. She also has a last name but I like her calling name better....mmmhmm ^_^
I think I know why I dont write so much anymore, either the bad stuff that happens to me is something I got used to, or I just know that it's gonna be bout her anyway so I won't write it down... I'm hungry...LATER!

2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 25 January :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: Shitty

Something I feel helpless to.
Good evening.

It's 10:09 pm, and, miracles of miracles, I'm tired. I guess I should find a pencil to shove in my back pack.. I heard of testing tomorrow. And I should look up the parts of speech that accompany the words of my vocabulary, or do my math homework.. but.. I can't.

I'm too tired.

And the fact that the teen populace has fallen into the habit of drugs and smoking has depressed me.

A couple of my guy friends were conferring about weed, the one even had some on him! I thought school was safe.

Another friend of mine was making a deal for a pack of ciggarettes. I thought school taught us better.

I was told how weed was good a while ago.. how it relaxed and relieved stress.. but there's so much more that it does, too, that isn't as good as these things. Like lung cancer and the like. Why can't people understand it's so bad?

Sure it's the earth, and the earth made it, so it must be okay, but what about all the radioactive ores the Earth made? What about all the horrible things that the earth made, too?

Should we suddenly just take up everything that hurts us, roll it in a peice of fast-burning paper and light up?

I hope I never get asked to do drugs are take a breath of smoke.. for I will have to hurt those who ask..


Even if you hate me.

9 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 25 January :: 9.32pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: 50* Disco Inferno

You guys are great...and I thought I had no friends granted I was pissed at Taylor hehe.. I <3 her...and Stephanie too

xXebOny214Xx: hey courtney
ch0clategoddess: hey
xXebOny214Xx: have i told u recently how nice a friend you are?
ch0clategoddess: no...why? lol
xXebOny214Xx: because u are, and i thought u should know
ch0clategoddess: aww i love u! :-)
xXebOny214Xx: lol, yes i love me too.. j/p, i love u too grl

Spanish III
French II



2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 25 January :: 11.24am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Cold- No one

Fuck You?
So, I have been grounded from the computer for about a week and a half.

Nothing great has been going on and really I dont know why Im writing in here because I dont have much to say at all. I am in a wicked pissy mood and I love how people know how to take that and escalade it as high as they can. Everyone is a complete moron lately and I dont feel like being around any of them. People dont know how to respect each other or even themselves. People cant be mature about one Goddamn thing they do and its really frusterating. My mom is re-doing the house...why? Maybe because she feels it will cover everything up. There is no conversation in the house no matter how hard I try. Maybe if it looks pretty we'll forget to notice. I'm having a horrible morning and the only one I want to talk to is being a dick. Sorry...but you are.

We are supposed to have a p-day today for Jenns birthday but no one has called me besides Jenn at 8 in the morning to tell me something that I didnt want to hear. Not because I dont believe she can do what she wants but because she's doing it for all the wrong reasons.

When I go to college that will be the last of everyone minus a couple. I dont even give a shit either.

Thats the mood of the day.


1 tear | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 24 January :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: horny
:: Music: tennis..serena and amelie gruntin

Yo..How many times a dude make u shiver over his vocabulary?!!! lol i love it!

bbTwan134 (10:02:58 PM): whats ur middle name
brownbabid0ll (10:03:26 PM): p******** nicholle
bbTwan134 (10:05:33 PM): thats an exotic concoction of splendid flavors
brownbabid0ll (10:05:43 PM): lol
brownbabid0ll (10:05:58 PM): yo..that was sexy, point blank


brownbabid0ll (10:15:24 PM): but urs is sexyyyy lol
brownbabid0ll (10:15:41 PM): antoine carrington wattt!!! lol sorri
bbTwan134 (10:15:44 PM): but urs liek rolls off the tongue erotically, makes my lips quiver when i utter it

brownbabid0ll (10:31:58 PM): okay remember no p********
bbTwan134 (10:32:38 PM): ooo just readin that sends shivers down my spine, like cold fingers carressin the skin

<3 ahhh!!!!! and.. im gonna do my friend M.. =D

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 24 January :: 9.33pm
:: Mood: Bald
:: Music: The Exies - Splinter

Im in love with her...

2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 23 January :: 8.34pm

i really really dont want to get attached, when i really really aint sure if something would ever happen..

its soo complicated.. i hate getting mixed signals.. im not sure whether to commit myself to the feelings or just wait and see.. i really dont want to make a mistake.. but i really feel like if i commit myself, that will be how i get hurt.. so i'll wait.. wait for a signal that isnt crossed.. one thats straight on..

ali was soo shocked when i told her yesterday.. i dont know what the reaction was, really.. disbelief or just pure omg thats hysterical.. i wanted to talk to her about it tonight.. but she had to watch her stupid movie..

i need to change my layout.. the red is UGLYYY lol.. but i dont really feel like doing it now.. since desperate housewives is on in 15 minutes.. this is going to be the longest update you get for awhile.. i have midterms this week.. my brother doesnt have school tomorrow, ndd neither does fontbonne but i do, ndd kearney does.. and it sucks.. cuz i wanna hang out withh kait nd use up my camera so i can get it developed nd hopefully it wont be a defective camera like my SC camera was... i got my SC video!! i was like crackinn up watching it<3 im gunna go.. its really cold back here.. brrr.. i dunno how meghan sleeps in her room.. its gotta be freezing.. ooh well.. later..

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 22 January :: 10.42pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Beyonce & J* Crazy In Love

yo.. I met a boy from Northern.. he's great.. lol and why dont i have any friends that fuckin CALL me to you guys! I only love.. James, Justin, Todd, Gary, Kiely, and Chris

uhm i was gonna go out.. DAMN THE SNOW!! my fingers are sore and it hurts to jus updating to update.. i love my guys and i only am in like with 2˝ guys... yes I'm intrigued by Amir hehe...B..and Gigi!!! bye! im talking freaky with my men..need to focus lol


brownbabid0ll (10:18:44 PM): yooo i really laughed out loud when i read ya comment in my jawn
brownbabid0ll (10:18:46 PM): i started cryin
xXebOny214Xx (10:18:53 PM): lol
xXebOny214Xx (10:19:11 PM): =D
brownbabid0ll (10:19:12 PM): but ur riteee
xXebOny214Xx (10:19:20 PM): the first day i was really disappointed
xXebOny214Xx (10:19:26 PM): i was like.. whyy are they all ugly
brownbabid0ll (10:19:32 PM): but each time we go they get cuter and cuter!! lolllllllllllllllllllllll
brownbabid0ll (10:19:34 PM): yes yes yes
brownbabid0ll (10:19:49 PM): and now its like.. :-) next week we'll be like :-D
xXebOny214Xx (10:20:21 PM): lol
xXebOny214Xx (10:20:22 PM): i know right
brownbabid0ll (10:20:30 PM): haha
brownbabid0ll (10:20:34 PM): yes im intrigued
brownbabid0ll (10:20:47 PM): but dey did seem FUGLY lol
xXebOny214Xx (10:20:54 PM): but they're seriously getting cuter
brownbabid0ll (10:20:56 PM): i was thinkin "damn..long 10 weeks"
xXebOny214Xx (10:20:59 PM): lol
brownbabid0ll (10:21:04 PM): maybe they tryin to look cuter for us now that they noe we there
xXebOny214Xx (10:21:04 PM): like, im missing class for thiss
brownbabid0ll (10:21:08 PM): yes!!!

2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 22 January :: 11.02pm
:: Mood: Curious/Jealous
:: Music: Bush - Mouth

iSketch Night

22-1-2005 22:44:37 Biggus Dickus
y did u vote to kik her out
22-1-2005 22:44:44 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
22-1-2005 22:45:15 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:45:24 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
With the nun she guessed it in one guess
22-1-2005 22:45:29 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
Why are you asking anyway?
22-1-2005 22:45:33 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
YOu like her?
22-1-2005 22:45:36 Biggus Dickus
just curious
22-1-2005 22:45:44 Biggus Dickus
i dunt like her
22-1-2005 22:46:25 Biggus Dickus
y would u say tat
22-1-2005 22:47:11 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
Cause with most people you dont ask why I vote them out
22-1-2005 22:47:15 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
With her you do
22-1-2005 22:47:23 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
And before she helped you with voting someone
22-1-2005 22:47:31 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
I think to much
22-1-2005 22:49:28 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:49:30 Biggus Dickus
u were right
22-1-2005 22:49:36 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
What? :|
22-1-2005 22:49:41 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:49:50 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
....tell me
22-1-2005 22:50:39 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:50:43 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
Why not?
22-1-2005 22:50:55 Biggus Dickus
cos it was nuthing
22-1-2005 22:51:01 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
22-1-2005 22:51:06 Biggus Dickus
i love u
22-1-2005 22:51:32 Biggus Dickus
u okai
22-1-2005 22:51:54 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
Ermmm well what was I right about?
22-1-2005 22:52:02 Biggus Dickus
u asked me
22-1-2005 22:52:10 Biggus Dickus
y i didnt ask y u voted the rest out
22-1-2005 22:52:17 Biggus Dickus
but wen u voted this
22-1-2005 22:52:20 Biggus Dickus
u asked me y
22-1-2005 22:52:23 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:52:26 Biggus Dickus
tell u later
22-1-2005 22:52:29 Biggus Dickus
i m kidna tired
22-1-2005 22:52:33 Biggus Dickus
guess i ll go to sleep
22-1-2005 22:52:41 Biggus Dickus
and i ll talk to u tomarrow
22-1-2005 22:52:43 Biggus Dickus
i love u
22-1-2005 22:52:49 Biggus Dickus
and thanx for the nice evening
22-1-2005 22:53:23 I never really wanted you to see the screwed up side of me that I keep, locked inside of me so deep, it always seems to get to me
22-1-2005 22:53:31 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:53:34 Biggus Dickus
22-1-2005 22:53:37 Biggus Dickus
tell u toamrrow

What is she hiding from me? I'm curious, but it's not really a happy curiousity, more like worried/jealous. And she just left like that to bed, she could have explained it to me... Thanks for the nice night? What did I do this night? Suspicious >. Ok maybe I'm just being to nosey here, she would tell me if somethings wrong... or if she did something errr without thinking, kinda like what I did.... ok I'll just wait till tomorrow, I don't have to worrie, she didn't do anything bad anyway ^_^ GOOD NIGHT GABY!

(p.s. I'm still curious though....)

(p.p.s. After a Few minutes, she sended me a message saying she had a headache and she had to go sorry for leaving you with so many questions.... Ok....I guess that works for me...ah well, I'll see tomorrow...I'm tired and hungry now...)

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 22 January :: 12.31pm

iMm SoOo hApPyyyyy =]

kait kNoWs wHyyy!!! =]~

dOnt woRry kAit.. dOiNn iTt aS sOoNn aS pOsSibLe<3

hAha.. hE's oNn.. buT witHh hiS aWay oNn.. sRyy =[

bUt i ReaLLy aM hAppy.. =] =] =] =] =] =]

caLL me kAit

maybe i'll stop typing like that.. grrr.. im annoying myself.. im outtttt

2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 21 January :: 4.27pm
:: Mood: Wounded
:: Music: The Exies - Baptize Me

What are the good things that happend when I stepped into her life anyway. A listening ear, company (when I'm actually with her), and my love for her. But I give her more hurt by being far away. I'm not there for her when she's in trouble, I'm not there for her when she just wants me near her. I'm feeling homesick... homesick cause I'm not near her, I really feel bad. I wonder if shes better of without me. She wouldnt have to stay in swiss then for an education, she could go to india and study medicine. She wouldn't have to miss me anymore. She could get someone else...someone better for her, someone who is actually there for her. My face is just hanging down, I'm not able to put up a smile at all. How much can life suck... asking myself that question again at this point I would answer; "It can get worse, it always does". I'm gonna have to live a life I don't like... life is a bitch and I'm getting raped by it...fuck.

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 21 January :: 1.55am
:: Mood: Embarassed
:: Music: Korn - Thoughtless

Guys cannot be trusted... no matter how many times they say "You cant trust me"....they cannot be trusted. EVEN when they CAN be trusted... do not even think bout trusting them... dont ever. If you do, you'll only end up getting hurt hmpf. Yeah I'm not to be trusted either...
I can't believe I did that thing today... It's sad, disgusting and stupid, cause it wasn't even needed... but why do I realize that when its already to late. Ah I don't know, most people would say "come on, it wasn't for real, just online, so it doesn't count." I don't buy that... hmpf... I was wrong ok... I went into some private room with that other chick, I told her what I would like to do with her... stupid me, I should have known better. She kept asking, "what about your GF? You cant have the both of us", and I was like... I would do it with the both of you... God please take my life now... HOW COULD I HAVE SAID THAT!!! I really wish I was dead. At one point the other girl was like, you know if we go further you are cheating on your girl, so you can make a choice, forget me or cheat on your GF... I know it was already to late... but I was like "If not cheating on my GF means forgetting you then YES, I wont cheat on her and thats final"...and then I just left.
I already crossed the line...eventhough if it was online, in some chatroom. I felt disgusted bout myself, and I was to embarrased to even talk to Gaby... I told her directly... all she said was..."Ah well, it's ok"....*sigh* for some reason that doesn't really comfort me. What if she now thinks "oo0o that means I can flirt and go cyber with some guys aswell".....and why shouldn't she, she has every right to do that. I don't own her... and I betrayed her. I'm a piece of shit... I do NOT deserve that perfect girl... I feel disgusted and embarrassed bout myself... I hope I get killed in an accident and fucking burn in hell for eternity... I CANT BELIEVE I'VE DONE THIS >.< I dont wanna be forgiven. Yeah I know, Gaby didn't care bout it... but still. I just need to live with the disgust and embarrassment.... it's more worse then burning in hell if you ask me now since I don't know what hell is like...
I will never do this again, if I'm about to make that choice again I will think bout this time and remind myself how it felt... but don't trust me, I am a guy afterall.

I'm sorry Gaby, eventhough that's not much of an excuse for something I've done... nothing I say will make up for the lame thing I did so I might aswell shut up now. What comes next I hope is not the thing that I deserve, but it probably will be... I'll have to live with that...the little things in life are education, work and other earthenly things, but I just had to take a wrong step with the big things. I'll shut up now... it doesn't matter what I say, not any more least.

(p.s. now I really know what it is like to hate myself...)

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 19 January :: 4.44pm
:: Mood: Destructive
:: Music: Crossfade - Cold

The world is not enough, I want more then this,
I want dreams, hopes and a smile on her face,
What is that special something I miss,
I want the world to be perfect,
I know it's not possible, I just hope,
If it can't be good then it has to be bad,
There is no gray between black and white,
Just like theres only darkness in the night,
This world, its a garbage place,
And every step we take it just makes us more lost in this maze,
What am I even worrying about,
Isn't this what we all do,
I don't wanna do what we all do,
I wanna jump out of this place,
The only thing I do is sit and watch,
Sit here, watch the war, and die?
I don't believe in that, but what if it's the truth...

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 19 January :: 12.20am
:: Mood: Sooo Good
:: Music: ATHF

That's right!


YES!! <<



"Meatwad.. this is your new.. brain."

5 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 18 January :: 12.08pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Keisha Cole* I Changed My Mind

blah blah..

it reswelled up... ::tear tear:: no puedo hablar no más...y ahora estoy muy enojada..

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 17 January :: 3.33pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: John Legend* Ordinary People


my mom decides she wants the computer in the shop today... I have no disks so I cant save they better back it up b/c omg.. I will fucking flip out if all my shit is gone.. i will become a severe bitchhhhh..and my back hurts but at least I can talk vocally... booo im mad @ her!!! Goodbye guys...

I'm not gonna talk to yall til whenever...ima miss Justin & Jerbor ::Tear::...fuck herrrr

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 17 January :: 12.18pm

i need to update more often..

its monday.. school tomorrow.. blahh

i feel like listening to music.. i think i will... i need to change and start my homework.. cuz i have alot of it.. i need to do the corrections for the stupid essay omggggg i keep putting it off but i really cant put it off any longer.. omgg i have one due on wednesday too.. which means i only have tomorrow to write it.. omggggggg i didnt even pick a topic!!! shitttt ok you know what, screw writing an entry.. i have to go start on my 20000 pounds of hw before my brothers friends come over for his birthdayy..

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 17 January :: 1.08am
:: Mood: Philosophically depressed
:: Music: None

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Hey.. It's been a while, hasn't it?

I guess I'll start off by apologizing.

I'm sorry Ducky for killing any plans.
I'm sorry Keith for hanging up on you repeatedly.
I'm sorry Naomi for not going to the movies with you.. or having you stay longer.. or sleep at your house.
I'm sorry Jade that I didn't go to your house, even though you really wanted to see me.
I'm sorry Kristen Joyce for not going to the movies, even though you were genderly outnumbered.
I'm sorry for everything I haven't said sorry for.

And now for what seemed to hurt this weekend.

Not being told that everyone was together hurt my feelings.
My mom seemed to keep putting me down, which hurt my feelings.
I hate myself, and that hurts my feelings.
I wish I wasn't so stupid, it hurts my feelings.
I wish I wasn't human, maybe I wouldn't hurt my feelings.
Machinery is so perfect, and it hurts my feelings.

I've come to a verdict.

Humans will become machines easily.

Mortality will succumb to the metallic perfection of a quick modem.

The homosapien race as we know it has been doomed from creation, prolonged only by the things that cause our deaths daily.

Oh, how hypocritical and bittersweet life can be.


"I know, but I can't get out of the shower."

P.S. I've finished 3 pages in the scrapbook, Naomi ^^ Aren't you proud!?

8 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 15 January :: 6.34pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Blackstreet*Before I Let U Go --> Ja/Joe/Jada* New York puedo hablar.. ::Tear:: I'm evil though.. I started a clique.. not really.. me and Greg made a new word for horny.. creative..and we jus talked bout it at Lockheed Martin..haha .. presenting...

*the cReAtIvE clique orginated by me, also starring Shané, Chastity, Ash D, Pebbles "2 creative 4 da good of it"

x0ShugaPie0x (6:32:59 PM): i wanna b n da creative thing lol
brownbabid0ll (6:33:04 PM): lol

folk... I love you... =D

BaBy gRl of 973 (6:27:35 PM): yuup
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:27:57 PM): buy some stuff ta wear to wont b revealin dis time
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:27:58 PM): lol
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:32:33 PM): ill have nuthin middrift or clevageO:-)
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:32:35 PM): lol
brownbabid0ll (6:32:38 PM): lol
brownbabid0ll (6:32:42 PM): yes no back either
brownbabid0ll (6:32:52 PM): no body face.. lemme stop
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:33:08 PM): lol..forgot bout da back
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:33:12 PM): ur simple
BaBy gRl of 973 (6:33:13 PM): lol


To all my guys that tried to make me feel better and the ones I couldn't go to the movies wit tonite: I Love youu... especially Jerbor, Justin [wooo!!], Kenneth, Todd, Kiely, Luke

Oh.. RV vs Township JV 60-59

Varsity won 64-63!!! That's how my glands got swollen..yelled to much.. omg... Steelers are losing ::tear::.. but ay.. my buddy's making me feel better.. so proud of all my boys [and girls..jus because lol]...


Justin & B's got me speechless

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 15 January :: 8.46pm

Type your username with your Nose, Elbow, Tongue, Chin, Eyes Closed and with One Finger, Back of your Hand, Palm and Wrist.

Nose: freaky

Elbow: freaky

Tongue: freaky

Chin: frfeaky

Eyes Closed and with One Finger: freaky

Back of your Hand: dfreakyg

Palm: freakly

Wrist: frre32

2 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 13 January :: 6.58pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: Jay-Z* All Around the World

Supposed to be @ the band concert...didn't happen, so w/e. I'll get Mastin to forgive me later. I'm talking to people on buddy uhm I'll be back later.


brownbabid0ll (6:50:49 PM): i'm upset u used my word creative lol
brownbabid0ll (6:50:51 PM): u shud see the rest
LadiePerfection (6:52:16 PM): i only used it because i was laughing at u and greg talkin about "dirty" things, but in hidden messages

Love ya girly... and creativity is wonderful

1 tear | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 11 January :: 9.33pm

turk ndd mike esp were on tv!!! ndd esp was supposed to stick to calling turk 'jerry' ((like anyone calls him that)) but he slipped lmaoo.. it was greatt!

TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 11 January :: 12.40pm
:: Mood: stressed

Current Situation
Im not aloud on the computer as you might have noticed.

Today my mom told me I degrade her and she isnt going to talk to me anymore.

My dad is mad at me.

Unknown reasons...overreactions

Im really dissappointed with some people.

I wish I worked more...its the best place to go when you dont want to deal with your own deal with others.

Well this is brief and Im done


TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 10 January :: 10.07pm
:: Mood: Tiredly clean
:: Music: Fan?

Today.. was good.
Yeap, you heard it. Today was pretty good.

1st period:

Normal Richar, normal math, normal is fancy after a long break. We got 2 or 3 new kids, I think one didn't show up.

2nd period:

Bleh, I now have Team Sports. This is bad, because only for the first month are we in the gym, and we'll only be inside later if it: rained, is raining, or is just about to rain.

Please, rain a lot T.T

3rd period:

Same old science. That is good. I kinda hope Shina isn't in that class anymore. It's not like she annoyed me or anything, and she's really nice, but I just kinda like sitting alone.

4th period:

Ew, Health. Not only is our teacher a man (who seems to act and dress like a woman), but it's HEALTH! Atleast Keith and Naomi are braving it with me in the same room, same hour.

5th period:

I love Mr. White ^^ He's such a cool guy. Band is the same, of course, and I like it that way. Naomi and I fooled around almost more than usual xD


Still lunch B. Still good ^^ Today I actually brought food, thus, Naomi and I ate something for once. We're so good.

6th period:

I love Ms. Spurgeon *-* Pre AP English is like.. my friggin' calling or something. I love English e.e;;; I'm such a geek ^^ <3

7th period:

Started Drama today. Mrs. Rubin is such a silly. A deer ran into her car once o.o;

Anyways, that's really my day without the frills. I'm glad my period never acts up too bad.
I think I've been on it since Saturday, but it didn't show 'cause I went swimming.
'Cause swimming stops that sort of thing.

I love everyone.

I feel like painting, but it's bed time.

My room is so clean >>;

Well, kinda. Cleaner than it used to be.

I think I'll paint my nails before I go.

Mm.. black *-*

Love you, you giggle billies <3

"Well.. you're.. a stupid face!"

4 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 10 January :: 9.30pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Ja/Joe/Jada* New York

If you're gonna fuckin use me you bitch you better keep ya shit on the DL...why cuz I fuckin found out so FUCK YOU!!!!!
It feels so good to say that to you. And you know wat I'm straight goes that's how Detroit do.

Yes I'm Detroit, Detroit, and u can tell the way the homie spit that I'm from Detroit >:O fuckkkk youuu , I'm doin with nishaz like you. That's fuckin tahz Emu >:O

I was listenin to Get Back and 99 Problems today so I was -ready- to swing at anyone who fucked with me. Uhm

Township WHOOPED Seneca

I'm still on a rampage... ughhh

I got 99 problems but a nisha aint one.

Rampage... ROAR!!!!
Oh guess wat Mychal is my cousin!

9 tears | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...


:: 2005 10 January :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: Ow, my esteem
:: Music: ..

Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates anope, zero
your best quality isNothing really...
your worst quality isyou trust people too easily
this is becauseOf the people you hang around
Quiz created with MemeGen!


I'm so loved.. <<;;

That raised my self esteem a WHOLE.. LEVEL! xDDD


Love ya


"You will get pregnant.. and die."

1 tear | TeArS i'Ve CrIeD... | Random Journal