2012 1 June :: 1.22pm
So first off I recognize my delinquency in that matter but with multiple student loans through multiple companies they can slip through thecracks. Thank you state of Michigan for not telling me I'm behind but instead just garnishing 25% of my income. Seriously. Fuck off
2 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2012 31 May :: 5.47pm
What the fuck is going on.
4 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2012 29 May :: 10.33am
I have a notion, a feeling that something big is about to happen, something is going to change and something is going to come to fruitition out of nowhere.
1 Lover |
Leave me some Love
2012 24 May :: 4.45pm
Two more classes left then I graduate, so happy it is finally here. So ready for Jordan to come home, sucks only having him for weekends.
Leave me some Love
2012 23 May :: 9.50pm
I seriously cannot find a person to cover my shift on Friday. This frustrates me because I feel like if one of my coworkers needed a day off to go to their friends visitation service that I would cover their shift in a heartbeat. The one Guy said that he has people coming in from out of town and I'm like seriously have a fucking heart. Generally I tell my boss that I'm not coming in but he is on vacation. I just want to be with you guys. It seems to be the only thing that helps this hurt subside. There is a small chance that I can make it but I wont know until Friday morning.
5 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2012 22 May :: 7.04pm
I remember the day he became my friend. For years I would see him at parties and he would call me Justin's sister. That night at the Sparta Beer Tent he spilled his beer down the front of my shirt and I said Bitch if you're going to spill your beer on me you'd best learn my name. Years of random hanging out and bdubs trips. Then I left Andy Clute and he became a person who I could call to cry to. A friend whom I could depend on for anything. A random Stony cruise (with me driving because he always scared the shit out of me behind the wheel). The only person who I would allow to fuck with my radio knowing that he would inevitabley turn to my across the universe soundtrack because it was the only thing we agreed on. I will miss you Andy. If I have said it once I have said it a million times. You will always be my favorite Andy.
3 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2012 19 May :: 11.32am
Look out, we got a badass over here
Leave me some Love
2012 9 May :: 6.44pm
Loving life! 10 more class days then I'm done with school! Cant wait! So ready to have a summer free of school. Things are still going great with Jordan, cant wait to start living together. Even though we pretty much already are now. Shadow just keeps getting bigger, learned how to swim in deep water yesterday so proud. Other then that just happy with my life right now :)
2 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2012 26 April :: 10.36am
One lab accident short of being a super villain.
10 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2012 25 April :: 5.13pm
Things are going great, almost a month left till I graduate. I cant wait. Me and Jordan are doing great. We plan on moving in together between july/august. Pretty much already living together with how much time we spend together. Started biggiest loser again, so ready for the wt to fall off by summer. Shadow is getting huge, already 42 pounds. House projects are coming along, going to be finishing the basement soon and making it in to a fun room or as jordan calls it his " man cave". Disc golf league started and softball will be soon, love summer.
Leave me some Love