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kiss away my tears

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:: 2004 30 April :: 9.02pm
:: Mood: surprised
:: Music: Glay- Two Bell Silence

...Who the chicken grease actually sent in money for me? Well, whoever it was gets lots and lots of snuggles and hugs and lurve. ^_^ Regardless of wether you want it or not. I really just posted to ask who...'cause that was really nice of you. ^^ I would've sent in money...but, I'm way too lazy and I kept putting it off. T.T Anyway, since I now have a.../paid/ journal. XD I guess I'll keep this old thing. -Pets it- We've been through a lot together. ^_^ Well lovies, I'll update as soon as possible.

...I'm thinking of making a thank-you picture for you commenty-peoples as a group. o.o;;

-Adrian <3

3 tears | weep for me


:: 2004 24 April :: 12.24am
:: Mood: aggravated

The Change
'Lo! Since woohu is changing and stuff...I'll be using an account at livejournal from now on. http://www.livejournal.com/users/obscure_fishnet/ Yeah, I don't have to dollars to spare. -_-

1 tear | weep for me


:: 2004 9 April :: 12.04am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: My Favorite Kiss - Smile D.K

Kissy Kissy makes me happy -- Hunny Hunny Sweet as candy
Guess what? This journal is FRIENDS ONLY. And for a reason too. I'm sure you'll have no interest here unless you (a)enjoy listening to an angry/angsty/depress teenaged girl bitch and complain (b)are a friend of mine and know I've said a bunch of shit about you here or (c)are just extremely curious. Who am I? I'm Alyssa. I live in Las Vegas. And If you're interested in friending me you're not going to do it here but instead march yourself to Livejournal.com and add kuroi_kaitou to the account that you should possess. Now; if I haven't scared you off with my bitch mask, I'm not just letting anyone be added because very personal things go here, rules for joining this are as followed:

Give me a name, an IM so I can make sure I don't know you, and a reason to add you.
Give me some common interests.
If we know the same people tell me.

-Alyssa ~ Slave to the Dark

3 tears | weep for me


:: 2004 25 March :: 10.54pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Kittie- Paperdoll

It feels really horrible, to wake up one day and realize that you have nobody. No friends, that your family disowned you, and your so called Guardian is never around. Even online everyone seems to have gotten tired of me. Lately, I just feel horribly alone. Everybody I loved or trusted is gone or seems to have forgotten about me. And anyone who gets close to me seems to disappear. Well...it hurts. A lot. I know I'm whining, but I really can't help it. I spent almost all of the day in my room, laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. I haven't eaten in days, and no one even cares that I barely ever come to school anymore. I thought...I thought I could handle everything by myself, but I guess I can't. Because I'm having one hell of an emotional breakdown. The truth really hurts...especially when you have no one to share it with. Gods..


12 tears | weep for me


:: 2004 9 March :: 9.36pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: MM-The Fight Song

Nny! ^^
Welll...er...what to say...what to say. -Devlish grin- I know I haven't updated in like...forever or so it seems. But, I'm sorreh! I swear it on my love for Johnny The Homicidal Maniac! -Salutes to his icon- Yes, I adore Nny. I can relate to him, which is /really/ scary in a way. o.o'' I hope I don't start murdering people. >> -Glomps you and nuzzles- So, adoring fan of mine, how are you?

Mmmhm...mmm...yes? Really? Is that so?

Well fuck you Mr. Bear! You speak lies! LIES!

(JTHM Quote)...I'm okay. Breathe in...breathe out....Wow, too much JTHM. e.e'' Oh- well...I'm really sorry for neglecting my journal and my adoring fans. -Cough- Yes, you /are/ all my adoring fans. -Beams- Well, I hope you're all doing fine. I've been better but at the moment I'm so bloody smashed off coffee that you could murder my kitties and I'd be just fine with it. -Snort- Wellllllll-Adios my friends! I'll update as soon as possible!

Love Always and Always and alllllways,
-Adrian <3

6 tears | weep for me

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