I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me.

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:: 2007 7 March :: 1.14pm

familyrobinson16 (1:10:53 PM): walter!!
saxybssn06 (1:11:05 PM): hi
saxybssn06 (1:11:13 PM): how art thou my divine jackie?
familyrobinson16 (1:11:29 PM): always amazing
familyrobinson16 (1:11:31 PM): duh

I swear, if it werent for my gay friends, i would have no friends at all.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 7 March :: 9.36am

Ok. Anyone planning on seeing 300 should check my journal friday sometime. I WILL NOT GET AHOLD OF ANYONE OTHER THEN THE ORIGINAL 4 THAT PLANNED ON GOING!!!!!!! I will however post what time as early as I can.

Phil - Im on it. I got my ticket last week. My bros going with me too. Im not sure what time were getting there or even what time it starts but ill def. chill with you there.

"You do any of that crazy shit like pull out your piece on the lane, i take it away from you, shove it up your ass and pull the trigger untill it goes click"
"You said it man, nobody fucks with the Jesus"

Edit : I'm going to get fucked up this weekend. Maybe fall down some stairs. Either way, im getting drunk.

Peace bitches.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 6 March :: 11.56am

Bitches! So far I know Gravy and I are going to see 300 for sure friday, b and triple probley will aswell. If anyone cool wants to go with us, hit me up.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 5 March :: 1.15pm
:: Music: Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf

Mother Rant
My Mom came into town last night. She came for one day, to see my sisters baby, which is now a month old.

And she’s mad I didn’t go see her yesterday. For one day.

She didn’t even call me to say she was here. She just expected my sister to relay the message (which she never does) and for me to show up.

The same person who didn’t bother showing up for my graduation. Nor my grad party. Why? Because she didn’t feel comfortable. She showed up to both of my sisters events, and I'm sure she will for my brothers, but not mine. Neither.

It's because I'm her least favorite child, I know this. But in no way should I be alright with it.

So I didn’t see her last night.

Maybe by choosing that I am perpetuating this situation I want so badly to end.

I'm just not a push-over.

And I'm still pissed off.

you worry too much


:: 2007 3 March :: 9.11am

Im in a lot of pain right now.
I slipped on some ice last night walking down some stairs.
And my back made pretty good friends with one of the cement steps.
Im having trouble walking and it SUCKS.
Every step I take, puts me in tears.
Anyway Im off to go lay in bed some more.
This weather sucks.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 1 March :: 1.39am

Deftones and Dersden Dolls.

Thats how I'm feeling.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 28 February :: 8.06pm

I know that I complain a lot about all of my problems, but I swear one of these days, it'll be for a good cause.
Right now, I just have a lot of venting to do.

I've quit talking to my mother.
She's been trying for days to contact me.
She keeps leaving me voicemails, and last night she told me I need to leave Mike for this guy that lives in GERMANY and is being shipped to Iraq for a year and a half.
Fuck that. I'm NOT leaving my boyfriend who I love entirely for a guy, that I had a crush on when I was 12.
Im not going to listen to someone who cheated on their husband with who knows how many guys and then blame the divorce on him. I refuse.
Im not going to listen to someone who turns trick for a bag of weed TWO DAYS AFTER she sits there and tells me she LOVES Joe.
I'm sick of her bullshit.
She needs help but she refuses to get it. She's in denial.
She left me a voicemail today saying that she's going to assume that I'm pregnant and too scared to tell her and thats why I'm avoiding her.
What the fuck kind of voicemail is that?
She doesn't realize that she's hurting everyone around her.
She's pushing everyone away from her and it doesn't even phase her.

Tomorrow is my dads birthday and because I love him, Im baking him a cake and surprising him with it! :]

10 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 28 February :: 5.27pm
:: Music: Eska Rock

February 2007
"I think you have a new name. It's 'Stallion.' You are untameable. A wild horse is just pretty, you can't do much with it." - Kate's mom talking to Kate

"Oh god, it's a mint, kill me now." - Prudence

"How do you masticate?" - Prudence

"They probably paint the walls with semen." - Brittany

"How can someone let their dog shit on the Circus Maximus?" - Prudie

"They're actually really cute when they're inter-bred with pigeons." - Prudence on seagulls in Australia

"I'll push you into dog piss." - Malcolm

"We ate the bird on the road at Termini." - Prudie

"We should have drank champagne, it'd go straight to our head. We'd be in a naked pile by now." - Prudence

"Do you know how many times I saved your ass because I'm a guy and I was there, with a penis?" - Malcolm

"You've had pierogi with nutella in it?" - Brittany
"It was like semen falling from the sky." - Malcolm

"Let's not get immature just because we're drunk." - Kate

"I bet Malcolm would lick me." - Kate

"You know you're an exchange studen when you're hungover at the airport." - Prudence

"Let's rid the world of mullets by going to Belarus." - Prudence

"Glitter is the herpes of the craft world." - Prudence quoting a comedian

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 28 February :: 10.12am

Still sick.

Still working.

Still hoping most of you die in a horrible accident.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 27 February :: 12.30am

New Movies That Are Coming
Okay, well some of these movies probably will suck and some might be good.... here is a list so far of what I've found out

Hostel Part II
The Hills Have Eyes II
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hellyboy 2
Sin City 2
Jurassic Park 4
Indiana Jones 4
Rush Hour 3
Are We Done Yet?
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie For Theaters
The Condemned (Stone Cold Steve Austin Movie)
28 Weeks Later (Sequel To 28 Days Later)

For Eddy: Pirates of The Carribean: At Worlds End (May 25th, 2007)

Oceans 13
Evan Almighty (Sequel To Bruce Almighty)
The Bourne Ultimatum
Saw 4
Duke Nukem:The Movie
Toy Story 3
Terminator 4

Some Seem Good And Some Seem Like They Will Suck
LOL T4 (I'll be back.........with my wife Maria and The Californians)

8 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 24 February :: 12.28pm
:: Mood: Stressed
:: Music: Slow Motion - Third Eye Blind

Sometimes when things are perfect, they totally suck.
So a lot has happened this week.
The stress load that I had, when from a shit ton, to very little to a whopping fuck ton.
Truths are coming out about my mother.
I had already assumed some of them, but they were confirmed yesterday.
And more were brought out from under a 15 year log.
I have lost all respect for her.
It all just makes me sick to my stomach.
And I don't even want to see her.
It's pretty upsetting when HER best friend calls ME crying because she's worried about my mother.
Neither one of us know what to do.
We want to help her, but we don't know what the most effective approach would be.

Other than that, everything is great.
I have my job back.
I'm hopefully going to get hired in soon.
I got another raise. So I now make $9.00 an hour.
Not too shabby.
Hopefully it'll go up when I get hired in.
Either that or I can find another job that pays even more than that.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2003 17 April :: 2.20am

Being at Eden again is wierd. especially hanging out here for extended periods of time.

7 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 22 February :: 3.38pm

The last few days have been sort of stressful.
I'm still suffering a bad cold.
Thankfully its not pneumonia.
I have an acute respiratory tract infection.
Woo.. Not.
I can barely breathe and my head hurts really bad.
I went to the doctor today.
I hadn't ever been to this one before, and he's already telling me he's worried about my weight.
His words were "You're tall, but don't weigh what you should"

Things are work are going pretty decent.
But I think Lisa is going back to Rockford.

Anyway, its nappy nap time.

you worry too much


:: 2007 22 February :: 2.35pm

even white boys have to shout

you worry too much


:: 2007 21 February :: 10.21pm

Auditions went very well.

I'm not going to be upset if I didnt make it, because I did a hell of a job. I hope they dont count me being a freshman against me. I did seriously kick major ass.

I should find out tomorrow if I made it into Opus or not.

I did hit the sweet spot in Staples hall though ;)

you worry too much


:: 2007 21 February :: 7.48pm

so today we started studying the female reproductive system and its pathology...

she was throwin alot of terms my way...

A vagina has never stressed me out more...

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 21 February :: 3.37pm

Get your own CrushTag!

you worry too much


:: 2007 21 February :: 5.57am


Get your own CrushTag!

you worry too much


:: 2007 20 February :: 11.00am

I can handle the embarassment

Get your own CrushTag!

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 20 February :: 3.33am

I think that Dita Von Teese and Marilyn Manson look Beautiful together.

you worry too much


:: 2007 19 February :: 3.25pm

oh shit. I know it's old, but I laughed my ass off when Josh Homme punched the shit out of that bananna.

you worry too much


:: 2007 19 February :: 9.43am

The new CD "Era Vulgaris" by Queens of the Stone Age is due to be out this June.

And fuck me if I'm not going to see them live.

you worry too much


:: 2007 17 February :: 10.33pm

Found out some bad stuff today.
But because I don't like dealing with my own problems, I brushed it off.
I tried to have a good day anyway.
And to my surprise, I succeeded.
I didn't let it get to me, and I didn't cry.
However I sunk to a very low level.
But that was after he took me out for a reall fancy dinner.

His daughter wanted to spend the night.
But she also wanted her sister and one of their friends to spend the night as well.
And because I have been fighting this terrible cold all week and its still not getting better, he told her no.
She threw a fit, and he even tried to explain it to Paula, and she got pissed.
She drove over here to bitch at him because she thought he was just making up an excuse so that he could go to the bar tonight.
Well much to her surprise, she was wrong.
She apologized because she felt like an ass.

Anyway I am going to go snuggle into my bed, and watch tv while I wait for this cold medicine to kick in and I drift off into a very deep sleep like I did last night.

you worry too much


:: 2007 17 February :: 3.41am

Sometimes I remeber you.

you worry too much


:: 2007 17 February :: 12.23am

Obligations and the frustrations when they aren't fulfilled.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 16 February :: 3.21am

"They say that talk of withdrawal shows a lack of support for our troops. There is no better way to support those who have fought valiantly in Iraq than to gaurantee that not one more of them dies in the service of political misclculation of their leaders. Not on more soldier. Not one more grave. Not one more day. Bring them home tomorrow." -Anna Quindlen

Amen sister. Amen.

you worry too much


:: 2007 15 February :: 9.56pm
:: Mood: sad

Life For Me
Well all life for me is going fantastic this year. Let me list the things that have or are going wrong this year.

My friend died, I have a tumor on my neck/cheek, my dog died tonight and I have a job interview tomorrow. great year for me

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 15 February :: 6.17pm

so I don't know how frequently any of you see Mrs. martino... but I am looking to talk with her. I left her a voicemail but I don't know if she checks them or whatever...

so if anybody reading this could, tell martino that I'm looking to talk with her about a project I"m doing, some pretty intense stuff...

give her my cell number 1-724-812-6724... and MAKE SURE TO TELL HER THIS because I accidentally gave her the wrong number

thank you whoever decides, if anyone does, to do this for me :)

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 15 February :: 1.15pm

I had a brandon boyd dream last night... maybe I'll write about it later...

7 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 15 February :: 7.38am

It's funny to look back at my old journal entries.

I can't believe how much i hated my life...
The things I did...
How annoying I was...

I have done my fair share of growing up.

And for how much I hated it then, I miss it now.

I'm already feeing like an old woman.
Although this may be stemming from me having had no sleep tonight...

I think.

you worry too much

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