I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me.

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:: 2006 19 November :: 9.07pm

Next Semester..

German I
Sight Singing & Ear training II
Music Theory II
Piano II
Women's Chorus OR Concert Choir
English I
Recital II
Studio II
Voice Lesson

Fuck four classes! lol.

Anyway, Mozart's Requiem was almost flawless. It went so smoothly.

And I sing in front of my 100 level jury In December. Also exciting.
Move out of my stinky dorm in December.

At least there is SOMETHING to look forward to.

you worry too much


:: 2006 18 November :: 5.30pm

All I have to say is big trucks and shooting guns excite me.

I got to shoot a gun for the first time today. I shot 3 of them actually.
I am going to start hunting next year.

you worry too much


:: 2006 14 November :: 8.29pm

well lets see
Well I'm not single.... We worked things out for now. I'm working at Blockbuster mainly now. I enjoy it very much. It's super easy also. Umm.... November 28th Superman Returns comes out on DVD at least thats what my boss said... but I get my little employee perk so I'm going to use that... and ummm yeah not much else sides playing Tony Hawk's Project 8 so yeah.... Yall have fun and everything. peace

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 13 November :: 1.37pm

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
You can't deny the truth in it...

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 12 November :: 9.47pm

Ohh my laptop is one sexy bitch.

Only its a he. And his name is Harold.

Harold is a sexy bitch.

you worry too much


:: 2006 10 November :: 8.50pm

I shouldnt write this but oh well
Well everything has been made like I wish it wouldnt be but I have to live with it. I'm single now and thats how I'm gonna be for a while. well I'm gonna go and play ddr or something thats all I can do.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 November :: 11.27am

did you know that more people are killed annually by coconuts than sharks? true story.


1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 8 November :: 10.44pm

No one really listens to what I have to say anymore.

It's just makes me sad. I try so hard to care for everyone in my life. Everyone is too self involved.
And I'm left with nothing.
I'm left with nothing.

When did everyone stop caring?

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 8 November :: 3.10pm

Everyone is daft.

You have no idea how this hurts me. Many people.
You dont care, and you will not care to understand.

You are happy because you have controll again.

No one even understands me, or what I feel.

Once again, ignorance has left its mark.
Way to go Michigan, you just set yourself behind.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 6 November :: 3.09pm

I think that there is a point in every relationship were atleast one of you starts feeling not good enough or like there is always someone better for the other person.
Frankly, I just got over that feeling.
I have finally realized that if there was someone better or someone else he wished to be with, he'd be with them instead of me.
Everytime I look at him, I fall even more in love with him.
We've been talking a lot more lately.
Working on talking about things before we get frustrated.
And getting things out there in the open.
It seems to be working, because we are both extremely happy.
We've been together for a year and one week.
Even though I have hit some low points over the past year, I'd have to say I've been the happiest I've ever felt.
I love him more than words can explain and I won't let anything or anyone come in between that.

Saturday night when we were bowling, we sat a little ways away from each other, and we just kept looking at each other and smiling and starring into each others eyes.
And when we got home everything was perfect.
I loved every moment of it, and I was quite surprised.
I am really glad that things are working out.
And most importantly, I am really happy that we're together.
We are getting out of our financial slump and talking more about that.
We plan on being out of here by December 1st.
He's supposed to call a guy back on some more details about a place we looked at last Wednesday.
I'm getting really excited.

you worry too much


:: 2006 5 November :: 11.20pm

today has been bad.
this weekend has been bad.
a lot of things have been bad.

i want to go to sleep but my stomach is upset and i feel really nervous.
it hasn't been this bad since high school.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 5 November :: 1.01am


I got home last night and there were cop's waiting for me.

Can't tell you how much fun that was.

Let me tell you, it's been awhile.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 4 November :: 11.25pm

Proposal 2

I can't wait for voting to be over with.

I just don’t feel like arguing with people on affirmative action anymore.

Can you honestly say you think that women will EVER be equal to men? Blacks to whites? Never in the history of the world has that held true.

And I find, with most people I talk to, white men are just angry that they don’t get funding and that THEY are unequal. Are you kidding me? According to the history of the world, since I was born without a penis, and will always be unequal. It will never be equal because Men in general have this instinctual urge to be in control of everything. I know you know this to be true. I understand that slavery has been abolished. But if proposal 2 passes, basically we are giving white men financial power. So much power stems from money. It only makes sense that if white men have more money that they will have the control they so instinctually crave.

I think that every woman who votes yes on proposal 2 is just setting herself back a few steps and ASKING for hardship. Yes, let’s make things more equal with inequality. It’s bad enough women are still only making .70 cents to the dollar a man makes. So women, what are you REALLY asking for when you vote yes on proposal 2? You WANT to be more economically disadvantaged because you have boobs and a brain? Do you seriously want to go back to stereotypical women jobs? Believe it or not, I want to make a living for myself, and not depend on another. Marriage and kids are not even close to my top priorities.

Has anyone even READ proposal 2? I have, do you know how vaguely it speaks on women? It is leaving so many opportunities open for women to be repressed. Do you want that for yourself? Your Girlfriend? Sister? Daughter? Cousin? Ladies, if you know anyone who wants this for you, they are not helping create equality in any way.

There is a reason that there is only one state in 50 that has no affirmative action. Seriously think about it. I could not agree more with the "vote no on proposal 2" slogan "Don’t roll back progress". Because if this proposal passes, that is in fact all we will be doing.

Take a stand. Have a spine. Think outside your narrow white box.

you worry too much


:: 2006 2 November :: 11.35am

everything just seems easier when you're listening to John Mayer.


you worry too much


:: 2006 31 October :: 4.09pm

So right now on our one year anniversary, we're not talking.
All because he doesn't believe me that he took me a on a date 1 year ago today.
He's siding with Paula, the mother of his child who was married when they had their thing.
Wonderful. Just wonderful.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 31 October :: 4.04am

happy halloween folks.....

you worry too much


:: 2006 30 October :: 11.52am

well since i cant get into myspace, i guess i have to update here. i have started to get my arm sleeved, its going very good. well, i dont know what else to say

FOREVER INC. muthafuckers

you worry too much


:: 2006 30 October :: 8.34am




you worry too much


:: 2006 29 October :: 6.15pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians

If you were in band or chior in high school you don't count. You gave up on something so big.
I might not be the smartest person ever.
But I'm smarter then you think.

And I have something so much more then the ability to understand math.

I have the ability to understand music.

and many of you, no matter how hard you try, will fully understand what I am being trained to do.

you worry too much


:: 2006 29 October :: 2.15pm

Poor poor pitiful Preston.


1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 30 October :: 6.59am
:: Music: Over my head - The Fray

Last night Mike and I went a date.
He took me out to dinner and then we went to wal-mart to get a bunch of stuff that I needed, and he paid! haha
And then we went bowling.
Where I beat him 1 game.
So now I can make fun of him and say he was beat by a girl.
Poor loser!
It was a lot of fun.
We bowled like 4 games.
We're thinking of making it a weekend ritual.
So maybe we can get more people to go with us each weekend.
It was so much fun last night.
And now he's at work.
I hate it when he works the weekend because then im stuck alone.
But this time I have the car, because I need to do laundry and i'm not sure if Im going to do it here or take it to one of my parents houses.
Anyway, all I know is that my apartment is so freakin' hot!!

you worry too much


:: 2006 29 October :: 6.01pm

It's amazing how all through high school I was afraid of commitment and all the stuff that comes with it.
And then when I graduated, I started dating Shaun and thought I was ready for something that I wasn't.
So our relationship soon ended because I then found something that I thought would make me happier, when really it turned my whole world upside down, inside out and everywhich way but the right way.
After that whole experience, I was a mess.
I thought my life was over, and I wanted it to be. After a couple months of doing stupid stuff and holding in all the depression, I started dating Michael.
After we started dating I started to release all of that pent up depression and I started drinking a lot.
But soon quit after I made a terrible mistake which resulted in our relationship coming to a week long end.
Here we are, still together.
Tuesday will be 1 year.
Not only is this my longest relationship, I am the happiest I've been in a long time.
I love him very much and even though we fight, and have our problems I wouldn't trade it or him for the world.
And recently I had the same thoughts that Brianna has been having.
And Im sure if I asked Michael if he thought we were meant to be together, he'd tell me the same thing Dann told Brianna.
But sometimes, even though you don't want to hear the answer that they have, you have to ask the question.
The truth hurts and will always hurt.

All day today, I look at him and just smile.
He makes me really happy.
When I look at him, it makes me so happy to know that I'm with him.
That I am able to wake up next to him everyday, and fall asleep with him every night.

If you haven't noticed, I really do love him.

Justy, I miss you.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 27 October :: 10.34pm

So its been awhile since a real update.
There really isn't much to fill you in on.
As I'm sure you all know the contents of my life.
And I'm sure most of you are just as surprised as I am, that next tuesday will be mine and Michaels 1 year anniversary.
My longest relationship.
We've been in a slump the last month or so.
But things are so much better.
And I love him so much.
I get depressed way too easily.
But anyway.. this isnt much of an update because I have to go to bed.
I have to be to work at 4. Sucks to be me.

you worry too much


:: 2006 26 October :: 9.32am

I'm tired.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 25 October :: 1.34pm

Love is a plaintive song,
sung by a surfing maid.
Telling a tale of wrong,
telling of hope betrayed.
Never a selfish whim,
sorry when he is sad.
Blind to his every mote,
Merry when he is glad.
Merry when he is glad.
Love that no wrong can cure,
love that is always new.
That is a love thats pure.
That is a love, a love thats true.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 24 October :: 8.38pm

homecoming was fun. i liked it. Emma was driving to the dance and they passed a van and she looked over and there was a cat in the van and she was like "look, theres a cat in that van!" she tells the story all the time ask her about it.
now i am at Andrea's waiting until 3 in the morning when i get to go to Canada. woo for that! i think its safe to say there will be no sleep tonight.


you worry too much


:: 2006 24 October :: 8.38pm

stop me if you've heard this one before...


4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 24 October :: 8.35am

Anyone want to buy a brand new Video Ipod 30 gig??

13 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 23 October :: 11.58pm

Dr. Robinson

I like the sound of it.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 24 October :: 12.41pm

I called in sick today.
Probably shouldn't have because I desperately need the money.
But what can ya do.
I can't seem to get rid of this headache.
Depression is starting to get to me again.
The one thing I should probably do, I can't.
I don't want to. I want things to get better, fast.

you worry too much

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