I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me.

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:: 2006 21 June :: 11.32pm

Conclusion of the day: I'm not afraid of being alone. I'm afraid of starting over.

you worry too much


:: 2006 21 June :: 7.30pm


Where did you go?

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 21 June :: 3.12pm


4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 20 June :: 12.13pm
:: Mood: Hungry.
:: Music: Do it on it

Work Work Work.................maybe i sould get back to it.....

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 20 June :: 11.45am

Not Much News
Well today is 10 months since the day I asked Jess out. God it's been wonderful. I can't wait to start our lives together. With everything thats gone bad so far and we've still stuck together nothing should break us up. Unless she learns the truth that I'm a male stripper.... rofl, like that would ever happen I get money to get off the stage haha. so umm yeah comment if ya want or something. bye


you worry too much


:: 2006 20 June :: 11.31am

When we went to look at vehicles yesterday, Mike was off in a different part of the lot with the salesman, so I went and looked at vehicles that might interest me. I guess the salesman kept refering to me as "your fiance". I found it strange that he didn't correct him. I even asked him why he didn't and all he said was "shit happens and people get confused". How does that explain why he didn't correct him? There is no ring on my finger. There hasn't been, and there probably won't be. Aside from that, things are going wonderfully. I miss him terribly right now.

Financially, Im a complete wreck. When I think about it, I get depressed and just go to sleep.
Nextel is becoming a pain in my rear end. funny this is, i don't even have an account through nextel, and they are taking money out of my bank account without authorization. The stupid cunts cant even go in and tell me if they have taken my card information and whatnot off of the account that it is being used for, because i do not have this password that they speak highly off.. I have rights too bitches.. And I will get back all the money that they have taken out of my account. If I add it up correctly, it'll be no less than a $1000 and no more than $1200. Cock suckers. i tell ya what, all they want is your fucking money..

you worry too much


:: 2006 19 June :: 1.13am

I have nothing to complain about, so this entry will be very short.
I'm very happy, and very much in love.

you worry too much


:: 2006 18 June :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: PANIC! at the disco

Well kids I have entered the corporate world. I work at the world famous Skanska.
I only do it for the stuff though.
They gave me my own big office, with two computers (ones for drafting) A blackberry, and a laptop.
I work in marketing. It’s a pretty god job. I get paid a lot and its air conditioned! Woo. Beats the hell out of meijer last summer.

I’m so excited to start at CMU in the fall. Im taking 9 classes this semester and 7 of them are music classes. And i would not have it any other way.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 18 June :: 11.07am

I can't believe its fathers day. Hmmmm what to do today. oh i know how about what i did yesterday. sit alone in my house like i've been for the past oh lets see all weekend and watch soccer since there's nothing better. if anyone wants to hang out please Please PLEase rescue me and call me or something. life sucks being alone here. all i have is one bag of cookies and one popsicle.... oh and two burrito's.... its a varitable feast. so call me if ya'll want to do something bye Joey.


you worry too much


:: 2006 14 June :: 10.09am


12 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 13 June :: 9.29pm

Because i love Megan.
MSU here i come!


you worry too much


:: 2006 13 June :: 2.22pm

Last night, I got to do something that I have never done before, that I had always been scared to try, but knew I'd love after I got the balls to do it. I rode on a motorcycle. It was terrible on my back, but I managed. And didn't complain once to the guys. Leon offered to take me for a ride, but I would only let Mike because I trust him. Mike and I rode around for like 3 hours before we even considered heading home. And we were in Wyoming. It was a cold ride home. When we were on the bike, he kept grabbing ahold of my hand and holding it, to reassure me that i was safe. Or he'd put his hand on my leg. And as soon as we got home, we both put on warm clothes, crawled in bed and cuddled to get warm. It was cute.

I didn't think that it was possible to love someone as much as I love him, and have that love grow more everyday. I can't picture my life without him. And I hope it doesn't come down to me living the rest of my life without him.

you worry too much


:: 2006 11 June :: 7.16pm

The guy that stole Mike's truck has been arrested.
He had 3 other warrants. So that was a plus.
He said the truck was impounded.
And gave Mike the keys.
We still have no idea where the truck is.
My car is being hauled to get fixed tomorrow morning.
But won't be worked on until tuesday.

I wore one of his shirts to bed last night because I didnt know when he'd be home. And I went right to sleep at like 1 and didn't wake up until 1:30 today. He finally came home like an hour later, and then left to go see his daughter. Right after he left, I was right back to sleep and slept until 6:30. His scent makes me fall right to sleep. And i sleep so good too. I love it.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 11 June :: 11.02am

Going Away
On June 14, I am leaving to work at a summer camp in Wisconsin. I'll be back August 12, and will leave again for Poland August 24. Who knows if I'll ever be back again after that. So.. I'm having a party to see people one last time.

Where: Jessica Schmidt's dad's house (the one in town)
When: Monday, June 12 (today)
When: 5:00 - ?

Old friends, new friends, I don't care. Whoever wants to come can come, just as long as I know you. No alcohol or drugs.
If you have any questions or need directions, you can call me and Jessica: 616-696-1747

18 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 June :: 5.57pm

Strange. I break things yesturday, and now they want me to run third shift next thursday.....

i still want to shave a little slit in adams head. so he's a literal dickhead. if you dont know what im talking about, go to the 10 mile meijer some night and find a blue shirt that has a hair cut that makes his head look like a penis.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 June :: 5.41pm

Selling a sword
Hey all i'm selling one of my swords if you are interested here's a link for it. the price is about 125 new so i'm thinking about 85 or so.... let me know k...


1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 June :: 11.56am

I'm goin to tokyo!

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 8 June :: 7.21pm

work sucks.

penny and negrodamous are the shit.

and so is oblivion.

oh skeet skeet mother fuckers.

Meijer is ran by Nazi's. Adolfs real name was Adolf Fredric Meijer. He still lives.

Oh yeah, i broke a 3-4 grand peice of equipment last night. ^^ Normally its a pretty sturdy thing, but this time, the handle bar never came back up. Opps. Please dont piss test me......please you Nazi fucking bastardos.

peace niggas bye

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 8 June :: 6.58pm

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(Oh.. Holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 8 June :: 1.03am

It's my birthday bitches!

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 7 June :: 11.30pm

Prader-Willi Syndrome

The trail of blood followed you like a shadow.

I picked up your scent.
Perfume mixed with sweat.

It tempted me to follow you. I was coaxed by the crimson trail and the smell that twisted through the trees. Leaves crunched and twigs snapped beneath your feet and all the while I was asking, praying, begging for something to rip apart. Something to feed upon.

Give me something to devour.


When I'm ready, it will come.

you worry too much


:: 2006 7 June :: 9.32am

Started playing Oblivion again. Xbox 360 has destroyed my life...... for the better.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 7 June :: 2.12am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Snow Patrol - Eyes Open

"You could be happy, and I won't know..."
- Snow Patrol

I really like this new cd. I really like this new laptop. I jinxed myself though. I am no longer blessed. However I only lasted two days on Matt's shit list, while Steve remained two months. hehe.

I really shouldn't be out this late, but hey, free internet is nice. plus delectible(sp.?) coffee drinks. mmm.

P.S. I feel like singing but I'm in public and no one else can hear my music, so they wouldn't understand.

you worry too much


:: 2006 7 June :: 2.04am

Im at my dads house right now and I am really liking his kick ass wireless keyboard and such.. There is this HUGE bug attacking the screen and i've tried to kill it like 4 times already and ive just givin' up and taken up trying to become its friend so that it doesnt attack me while I am asleep on the couch.. if i ever get to sleep..

I really want vista on my computer now.. it's pretty.. perhaps i will snatch a copy of it and take it home with me.. if i ever get home.. haha i will.. my boyfriend is coming to get me when he gets out of work.. Unless I can find someone who loves me and is willing to come get me at 2 in the morning and take me home....

you worry too much


:: 2006 6 June :: 12.44am
:: Mood: *touched*
:: Music: *Collide - Howie Day*

*its moments like these that make me want to live forever*
We're laying in bed, cuddled together, and he turns my head so im looking at him, as he caresses my cheek, he says to me "Babe, Im really sorry that I can't afford to get you anything for your birthday, I promise I will make it up to you" and then he kissed my forehead. I was speechless, and of course because Im a big sap, I got tears in my eyes. And before they had a chance to fall, he kissed me on the lips and told me that he didnt want me to cry because it would break his heart. And thats when I told him that I don't need gifts, he doesn't have to spend money on me, that all I want is him, all I need is him.

In that moment, we grew closer together.

Thursday, I am spending the day with Michael. It's just going to be us. Thats all I want. I don't want presents. I don't want anything, but to spend the day with him. I know that I spend everyday with him. But this day especially, means a lot. For the first time EVER, I have had a boyfriend for Christmas, Valentines Day, his birthday and now mine. We've been together for 7 months and 6 days. For those of you that don't realize, this is my longest relationship. He's my first true love. I have shared more with him, than with anyone else. And I don't want to share what I have shared with him, with anyone else. He's the love of my life. He's my entire world. And without him, I am not me. He helps me to be a stronger person. I would do anything to make him happy.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 5 June :: 9.44pm

Hopefully, 16 days till i am part of the U.S. Air Force.

you worry too much


:: 2006 6 June :: 7.36am

so.... going to be bored today. We went to osaka and hiroshima, good stuff. I've been trying to avoid the obvious tourist things... but to no avail, no matter what i do here I'm always going to look like a tourist. Osaka is fucking huge city, which is apparently now notable for what matt calls "osaka style". Everyone dresses like some bizarre model and has a walk. I'll get a picture of it. Also, theres these groups of guys that hassle girls on the street, and they all look like punk chique(SP) sort of speak. You would only see people like that in new york on acid or in hell... but I guess osaka harbors them. My brother forgot to bring his charger for the camera phone thing so I have lots of pictures of hiroshima but none of osaka. Speaking of which, Ironically enough there was a HUGE festival in hiroshima when we were there, just out of random chance. It was nutts. They like hott dogs on a stick alot. I saw where the a-bomb hit and what not, that's a once in a lifetime deal, phil would have appreciated that. Speaking of which, I apologize phil... I get mixed up alot, especially lately being that I couldn't drive.

I got addison and chris gifts... and oh boy, chris, you're going to love yours. so that leaves alot of people. Oh well, big trip to Tokyo tomorrow with just me :(. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I want to hit some clubs. In your opinion, is it wierd for me as an american, to just go to a club by myself? take note that just because I'm american it doesn't make me a demi god to japanese women, just gives me a slight advantage. Here= ugly dudes with HOT girl friends = me having a slight chance - the ability to speak japanese = damnit

P.S. I got naked with my brother... if you are following then good, if not, don't think about it too hard

P.S.S. Sorry phil

P.S.S.S. Amanda, almost got you a kimono, and if you want boy problems, I can help you baby ;)....

alright, now that I've just creeped everyone out, I'll just be on my way....

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 4 June :: 4.43pm

Trailer Parks are my worst nightmare.
That and getting shot in the ghetto.

you worry too much


:: 2006 3 June :: 2.38pm

Another night spent driving around the Ghetto streets of GR, and still no truck.
Because my boyfriend is a genius and can't remember his license plate number, we can't file it as stolen.
And because Mike's mom has the IQ of a rock, she couldn't keep up with him when she was supposedly chasing him. She probably stopped on some side street to turn a trick or do a deal.
R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D is what she is..

you worry too much


:: 2006 3 June :: 1.44pm
:: Mood: drained

all sorts of stuff
Well Josh got sentanced about a week ago. Since he pleaded guilty we didn't have to go through a trail. That was nice. He was up on not exactly on the stand cause he was facing the judge not the crowd. But the judge asked him if he had anything thing to say and he said he wanted to tell Ms. Price he was sorry. But he didn't fool me. He got sentanced to 11 months in jail minus the 2 (? hell I didn't really know he spent two damn days in jail) he had already spent. Plus 4 years of probation and he has to register as a sex offender. I didn't quite feel like that was punishment enough but that's ok. If he violates his probation Clyndia (the judge) said he'd throw the book at him so that would be like 10 or 15 yrs. I got to see him taken away to where the jail people were comming out of. I knew he was getting thrown in at that moment. it had a werid effect on me. I hadn't cried or been upset about what he did to me in awhile. and it wasn't relief he was behind bars that bothered me either. i just know that shortly after he was put away I started crying. I know I felt bad for his mom. Not his dad cause his dad is a dick ass jack ass and every other bad name in the book. But even after what he did to me... I felt like i was being harsh with him. or that this couldn't be happening. this only happens to other people and all the bull.. It was just.. strange.

On a sader note, my parents dog Giggles, Some of you know her as the beast woman or manly dog.. she was the one with all the wrinkles. Well she died like the first week of may. it was terrible. that morning she was fine and dandy running around and such. then when my parents got home later to take her out dad had to carry her down the stairs and when he put her in the yard she kinda wandered than made this like chuffing noise and went down. now the animal hospital isn't even a mile from my house. she died on the way there on my dad's lap. it was aweful... :( :( :( my parents had her cremated and we have her ashes in the living room....

But now on the bright side of that.... my parents now have a 10 week old now puppy named Mocha. Shes the same breed as Giggy. but shes a coffee/chocolate color. she was just 8 weeks old when mom and dad got her. she's a lil stink thou, she loves to bite. but then again she is teething.

I'm taking summer classes that are hard as hell. I'm trying to work at least 20 to 25 hours a week. My boyfriend and I share a car and he works between 40 and 55 hours a week. We tend to argue alot. Things have been difficult around the house but we're dealing with it. he wants a motorcycle so bad.. but i want him to fix up one of his cars first. but he's so hard to talk to or reason with sometimes... it just gets so flustrating. we fought for like an hour last night over that crap. i just can't deal with it. i can't. sometimes i just wanna go back to my parents house and stay for awhile so i can get away and cry and let my mom hold me like she used to when i was really upset. It's like wanting to be a kid again i guess.

1 kid | you worry too much

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