I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me.

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:: 2006 3 June :: 11.55am

well turn onto old alpine from alpine DONT try to take it at 110, espically when you have been drinkin. not good, if you go by there the skid makes are from me and Unk. lol i actually didnt get an MIP(edit) and i told the cop i was a minor and i had been drinkin.

13 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 2 June :: 4.31pm

i was just reading some of my old entries. i should have seen this coming, and yet how naive i was to still be so happy.

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 2 June :: 1.49pm

Mike called into work last night.
We went on a search to GR with Will, Josie, Stanley, Scott, Kay and Glen to find Mike's truck.
No such luck because the guy that has Mikes truck, knows his way around GR better than any of us.
So we went to Mike's brothers house and picked him and Little John up.
Little John is this violent big black guy that is sensitve and caring as well. Quite strange.
And we went on the trailer park search once again.
However this time we didn't camp out all night long.
Will, Stanley, Josie, and Scott called it quit at like 1 because Will wanted to get some from his ex-wife..
And Mike and I stayed but we called it quits at like 3 and left his mom and Glen in GR, so that we could finally have some alone time for the first time all day long.
We also left because Mike didnt want to end up beating the crap out of this skanky bitch that kept trying to fight him.
Came home and went to bed.
Now Mike is going to report his truck stolen. Woo!

My car is all torn apart and being fixed..
And Mike has to work all weekend.. So if anyone wants to hang out with me.. Im sure I'll be free..

I haven't ever seen that many ho's or drug dealers before in my life..
When Mike and I were going up to his brother's apartment I went to grab the railing so i wouldnt fall down the stairs and Mike goes "i wouldn't do that, you don't know whats on there, and we dont want our fingerprints on anything"..
So him and I were side by side the whole time we were there.. He wouldn't let me out of his sight because he didnt want anything to happen to me.. Everytime I'd get scared I'd squeeze his hand, and he'd grab ahold of me.. It was cute..

Time to take a shower.. considering it is 2 in the afternoon..

you worry too much


:: 2006 2 June :: 4.20pm

So , I'm alive. For all those who think Japan is fucking crazy... you're right. What's the first thing I see? Fucking beer in a vending machine... what did I see an hour later? Porn in a vending machine... Those two things make me want to become a Japanophile. So I really wasn't supposed to leave until today, but , well, let me explain. My flight was the same number and time as the one the day before it. Which makes sense. However... to my luck, being that I drove to detroit to get on a plane, the flight was delayed. This is good, because I would have been sent all the way back home, but the clerk just assumed that I was supposed to be leaving on that one because it was delayed. I now realize how funny this is because he couldn't find my reservation for the plane with my last name... now I know why... So, point being that he changed me to fly to L.A. (which is an annoying airport btw) , then to osaka. The total in air time was about 17 hours, but the flight was nice. I drank wine, ate sushi ( really bad sushi and wine) , watched king kong 4 times and some korean movie about a girl ina guys apartment and dancing, it was great. Landed in osaka at about 5:45 P.M. ( 4:45 A.M for you bitches), and went to get my train ticket. That left around 6:50, then after an hour on that train I had to get off and on another one for 9. So in the end, I traveled for about 27 hours... but now I'm here and it was totally worth it. Everyone is really polite. Osaka is fucking huge, I can only imagine what tokyo is going to be like. Also... I find Japanese girls to be more attractive in their own context, if that makes any sense... Going out tonight, going to be a blast... Gotta go those, catch you handsome gents later...

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 1 June :: 12.16pm

There is so much going through my mind right now. I dont even know where to begin. Its one big cluster-fuck of a mess. I hate her. I hate all people named Courtney. I just want her to leave him alone. Leave me alone. Why can't she let us be happy? Why does she have to be a home-wrecking whore? I refuse to give him up. I refuse to let him go. And I will not let her win. I will fight until the day I die, to be with him. Am I just paranoid that he secretly wants to be with her. That he's just settling for me? Or pretending. Yesterday was 7 months. The longest I've ever been with anyone. Sad, I know. But I love him more than anything. And I don't know what to do.

And i need a water pump for my car! He's paying for it. He's finding someone to fix it. Because there aren't enough hours in the day for him to do it. So he must care.

you worry too much


:: 2006 1 June :: 6.49am

New Ringtone
Okay all.... I have officially made the coolest ringtone in the world.

"Curl in a ball, grab your ankles. Stretch out your back till your vertebre crack. Bend your left knee, leverage is key. Fight the gorlax. It's the lick your own butthole party dance."

That would be joe's ringer.

you worry too much


:: 2006 1 June :: 6.18am

does anyone know when graduation is tonight? thanks if you do.

oh and i need the time lol.

bye JOey

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 1 June :: 5.42am

Tall Guy leaves in under two months now. probley wont ever see him again. off to make video games, and live it up in oregon. lucky fuckin' bastard.

Well here it goes. I didnt really want to do this but meh.

Craig, you need to chill the fuck out. You make it sound like i cant drive. i can drive. iv drove myself to work. i just cant drive legally. thats all it is, which changes in aprox. a week and a half. Im not going to be an asshole to you, im not going to egg you on. I dont even know why your sooo pissed at me. i didnt horseshit to you. i looked at your woohu one day and you were ripping on both b and i. and i hadnt done shit to you. you and brenton were not on good terms, but i had nothing to do with that. seeing you add me to a bad friend list set me. you need to light a cig, and think right now, while you're reading this and ask yourself, "what got jay involved." was it that you and b were fighting? no, that doesnt make me angry, you and brenton and everyone else that isnt me has the right to hate anyone they want. i had nothing to do with what was going on. then you post about the both of (despite the fact that i had stayed out of everything, and remained unsided) of us being bad friends, and how we make you spend money when we want to hang out with you. i never wanted to hang out with because i wanted you to spend money on us. thats what faggots do. no one sees their friends to try and get the to spend money on them. i know this probley isnt going to do shit, or change anything but i dont give a fuck. it needed to be said.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 1 June :: 1.09am
:: Mood: okay

So Proud
I am so proud of my babe. After everything that she and I have been through, mainly her, she still managed to get her diploma and everything. The ceremony is tonight and she is all worried about it but she has nothing to worry about. She's my girl, of course she'll do great. I'm gonna hate it though because I really wont be able to see her once college starts up. :( I'll have to deal with it though. After all we've survived this long together. Hehe. almost 9 months officially now. I love her with all that I can.

Love always,
Your Boy

you worry too much


:: 2006 31 May :: 3.09am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: The Dresden Dolls - First Orgasm

Little bits And pieces of clouds.
Its been raining all day. on and off. then steady. now its raining.

I fucking love the rain it allows you to stop and think.
i went to the park alone and sat (not morely) a cop came up behind me and asked what i was doing out here.

Me: "trying to clear my head"
Cop: "troubling isnt it?"
Me: "yes it really is, especially when you cant decided on whats worth leaving and whats worthing taking"
Cop: "maybe i should just take your I.D. run it and let you sit"
Me: "that would be nice"
Cop: "ill be back"

(She runs my I.D. and all is well)

Me:"Thank you officer, Have a good night"
Cop: " you too matt, and remember something for me."
Me: "yes?"
Cop: "Whats left to lose?"

I stood stunned and in complete and utter awe at what just happen.
As she walked back to her car and took off all i could to what sit there and stare into the fucking trees as the rain picked up and fell warmer.
It was like i had been trapped in a fucked up movie.
it was perfect. It was honestly the answer i was looking for for so long.
But who was she? Why did she tell me that?
Why would she say that?
Why wouldnt she just be like get on out of here or something else rude and cop like?

Why did she tell me that profound truth?

Maybe she was sent to me from something or somewhere.

either way it was interesting and felt great to sit in the rain and think alone and clear my head of thoughts with a little assitance

BTW Becky, Run with the passing of the torch my dear. Run fast and dont stop.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 31 May :: 2.30am

Well... off with me then.

7 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 30 May :: 12.28pm

Its well over 90 degress in my apartment..
I got my big tv.
Still no job.
I am sweating so bad.
I want to go swimming.
Duane still hasnt brought Mikes truck back so that Mike can get his tools to fix my car.
Oh yeah, my car is broke again.
But I get to drive the suburban!
Yay for laundry!

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 29 May :: 6.35pm

A Recollection

And the studying begins.

After a half an hour of just gathering materials, (notes, worksheets, quizzes) I am finally ready to start remembering all the information I've forgotten in the last few months. This will take awhile.

I'm dreading tomorrow. Math never has been a strength of mine.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 28 May :: 12.20am

I saw x3.... could have been much better. but angel kicked butt so i was happy about that. hopefully he has a bigger part and more ass-kickery in the next one. haha. so umm yeah i have nothing else but to say or ask if anyone knows what i can do on monday or sunday. lol. i'll talk to you later.


you worry too much


:: 2006 27 May :: 10.07pm


thanks jessa
I heart you still
wish I could have seen our twins grow up
ill bet they arent as cute as clementine though.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 27 May :: 2.04pm
:: Music: Muse

I had a nice little vacation this week. It was meant to be for thinking and sorting everything out, but instead it just allowed me to forget about everything that matters. Not as productive, but much more enjoyable. I think I want to go to a different place every week or every other week, just for a couple days or so.

All of my plans for the fall have been a little fucked up thanks to my deadbeat brother (whom I love of course).
Also, I ran into an old friend yesterday and he's totally cool, so I may be seeing more of him in the near future. I'm so blessed. Really, I am.

you worry too much


:: 2006 27 May :: 10.57am

Having a bonfire at my dads tonight..

Everyone's Invited,


ANd Your own drinks..

Be here at 7:30

If you have any questions just ask or call my house at 616-433-6723

I will make a roster list of people as they get ahold of me.. so far its up to:


Me obviously

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 26 May :: 8.43pm
:: Music: angels and airwaves

i cannot live i can't breathe unless you do this with me
so underoath were sweet.
and now i have to wait like a month for their new cd to come out.
damn. that show was kick ass!
as cities burn were great too.
and mi hermono had a good time too.


2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 26 May :: 2.15pm

Ally is getting married tomorrow.
Holy crap.
Her bachelorette party last night was fun.
Rehersal tonight, which shall be interesting.
I have a cold.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 25 May :: 10.41pm

numa numa iei is like the coolest song ever.
cooler than everything
way better than walmart for sure

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 23 May :: 11.37pm

I hate my job so much.
Wal-mart is the worst place in the world and Ray and I have to decided to have a huge bonfire that will burn down all of Arkansas for it is the home of the two worst evils
and Bill Clinton

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 23 May :: 6.32pm

Good news: I do not have cancer.
Bad news: I am in desperate need of new tires for my car.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 23 May :: 12.45pm

45 Minutes until I get my biopsy results back.
I'm a little nervous.
But that is expected when you have a biospy.

And I've decided that I want to grow old with Mike, marry him, and have kids with him.

you worry too much


:: 2006 22 May :: 2.13pm

I go to sleep for 9 hours and the whole place gos to hell... wtf?

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 22 May :: 9.01am

Ok I am going to clarify the cell phone thing more easily.

I can take any song from any cd that either you or I have and edit it or put it in whole onto your cell phone by use of a usb data transfer cable. I need the specific data transfer cable for your phone so that would be all that U would pay for or I would pay for it and you pay me a few bucks or just a reimbursment but either way a much better deal because the few bucks you would pay me would be a one time payment. you can do this anytime you want as long as i'm available which shouldnt be any problem. I wont charge but once and just enough to pay for the cable. besides that there are no other charges. i enjoy doing it far to much to charge for it besides the data cable. so if you want anything transfered off of any phones onto a new one or anything put on your new one let me know. I can also put any images on your cell phone no matter the size.

thanks to all who are interested.

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 21 May :: 11.09pm
:: Mood: Exhausted
:: Music: Ridin' Dirty ~ Chamillionaire

Cuttlerville cops are total bitches.
I love my boyfriend so much.
After last night, I love him so much more.
I am finally doubt free.
And I trust him completely.
I could totally pull off the Uni-Bomber look.
Shit, I look 8 times better than him.
I don't hate my car that much anymore.
It can keep up with a crotch rocket pretty damn good.

you worry too much


:: 2006 20 May :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: you're beautiful - james blunt

9 months
Jess and I have been going out for 9 months unofficially which I totally didnt celebrate with her today so I have to make it up to her. I will do my best at it.

With all my love

In other news i know how to set-up cell phones and transfer ringtones and such so if you have a few bucks or something let me know cuz i totally pwn people on doing that kind of stuff. what now bizzitches

7 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 20 May :: 3.10pm

I shouldn't do that.... really.... It only pisses people off. But I have to compensate the loneliness with some sort of attention, I mean, I can't just deal with it on my own...

sad I'm going to miss half of your open houses, So I apologize ahead of time.

Japan in 11 days!!

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 20 May :: 12.13pm

every friday night the Tat 2 Kid is goin to be tattooing at my place, to come you have to be 18 or older and only people 21 and up can drink. unless you make it onto the V.I.P. list. there is a $5 cover charge to get into the door

if you are 21 and older 5 bucks will get you a cup that you can tap the 2 kegs all night long.

people come and support Forever

my number is (616)835-5896

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 18 May :: 9.42pm

it takes a lot of sand to be a turtledove

you worry too much

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