I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me.

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:: 2006 4 May :: 7.20pm

I got my new phone today, because I kick ass.
No, my other one was broken.
My brother got a new phone today too.
The same one I got.
It came out today. I was the first person to buy it!
Well I wish. But probably not.
I am having a great day already.
Started at like 7:30 this morning.
When my boyfriend got out of work.
And came over to cuddle with me.
I love him.
Just thought you kids should know that.
In case you didn't already.
I'm going to go play with my new phone.

you worry too much


:: 2006 4 May :: 3.49pm

The more I think about what I want to do with my life, the more i think about just seeing the world. I guess thats my goal in life, is to travel the world. try and see everything. *shrug*

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 4 May :: 9.37am

All I have to say is wow.
Not what I expected.

you worry too much


:: 2006 4 May :: 4.02am

Joe With Awesome Hair
Joe with the greatest hair on record

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 3 May :: 1.01pm

alright... one more....

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

11 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 3 May :: 12.58pm

Thank you addison... this comic is hilarious...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

on a side note... TOTALLY forgot about becca and the golf cart thing. Poor becca indeed hilary. We should have just put her out of her misery....

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 2 May :: 6.31pm

my mom bought ping-pong balls today... for playing beer-pong at my open house. seriously.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 2 May :: 5.33pm

This guy on myspace sent me a message the other day, asking if i own a yellow cavalier and if mike and i are still together.. And that he wants to see us again real soon. Mike and I don't know this guy, at all. We don't know a guy named Matt that lives in greenville..

Today he sent me a message that said he was hopnig him and i could have conversation other than on the computer and that if im interested to let him know and he'll let me know how to get ahold of him..

Talk about a creep.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 2 May :: 11.30am

so i have three days left of school.
can i last?

gaah. so many weddings this summer. it's crazy. frickin yeah.

sometimes it makes me feel old and others it makes me feel young.
i'm not sure where that leaves me exactly.
is that young or old?

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 2 May :: 2.06am

everyone add for msn im my email


you worry too much


:: 2006 1 May :: 10.49pm

So everything is back to normal.
We are incredibly happy.
I love it.
I love him.
We had a long discussion today.
Which we will finish tomorrow.
And I truly love him.

There was a reason for this entry, but now I do not remember its purpose. Ah well.

you worry too much


:: 2006 1 May :: 1.15pm

So after a night of sleeping on my bathroom floor, and fighting through text messages, I wake up with the worst back ache.
How could he possibly think that I don't love him.

you worry too much


:: 2006 30 April :: 10.09pm

I managed to sleep my day away, and wake up still tired.
Go me.
Still no kitten.

you worry too much


:: 2006 29 April :: 10.14pm
:: Music: Mewithoutyou-January 1979


5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 29 April :: 2.31pm

tired as hell.

prom was wonderful. still didnt top last years, but we werent really aiming for that. it was wonderful in its own way. me and keegan went with brandi and ryan, im so glad we didnt go in a big group. we got pictures at my house, then at the rockford dam. we had dinner at mangiamo! (the exclamation point is part of the title.. odd as it is) it was absolutely gorgeous. the restaraunt itself is in a huge "old world" mansion. its italian and suprisingly wasnt that expensive. i think it'd be a safe bet to say that we ate at the most beautiful restaraunt. seriously.... lol.

i didnt really care for st. nicks. to me it was set up really awkwardly. the dance floor in its own little room thing... odd. we made it fun though. senior prom.. gotta live it up right? i couldnt have been more happier with the way my hair and dress turned out.. i felt like a princess. and keegan just looked absolutely wonderful. it was nice to see him in black for once. he's gone white, ivory, and FINALLY black. and the black definately looked best. *smiles.... i love us together.

after prom we went to steak n shake and then midnight bowling. we didnt really know what to do. me and keegan wanted to go to oasis, but brandi didnt want to. so we kind of winged it. we didnt want to go anywhere that alcohol might be... which rules out alot of the post prom parties! no worries though. keegan and i went back to his house and stayed there. this morning he even made me breakfast. aww.

all in all i got about 140 pictures. thats gonna be a pain to print!

i cant belive this was my last dance. no more getting dressed up. no more extensive hair, no more beautiful dresses. its about time though. im assuming the next time i get ALL done up like this will be my wedding! bring it on..... all the more reasons to get an expensive dress!

tonights a rampage game. i should probably get ready.

HOLY my goodness did it take forever to wash all the hair spray out of my hair. i havent yet gotten to blow drying it.. but i know thats its mega snarled.

have a good rest of the weekend.

you worry too much


:: 2006 29 April :: 2.06am

Pics From Prom
Joe And Syd At Prom

Jess And I Infront

Jess and I Close

Oh It's Syd

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 29 April :: 12.44am
:: Mood: *in the you can kiss my ass kind of mood*
:: Music: *If you leave me now - Chicago*

*a continuation to my endless rant, call my life*
I don't know what it is, but songs by Chicago, make me want to sing. Extremely loud.

It's hard for me to say I'm sorry, and If you leave me now.

A lot like love is one of my favorite movies. I've seen it like 42 times in the last 3 weeks.

I finally caved in and went to the grocery store and bought some food. Of course I just had to get some Orange Hi-C. It's the best beverage ever. And I was in the aisle that has soup, and I was getting chicken noodle.. And there is like 8 different kinds. Theres superhero shaped noodles, dora the explorer, alphabet, circles, and like 3 other kinds.. besides the regular noodles.. Crazy.

I don't understand it. My boobs are shrinking, yet my stomach is getting bigger. I eat too much fast food (Taco Bell).

I went to Belding, Cedar Springs, and Sheridan today.

I really really really really really really really really really really want a kitten. So that I can name it Otis. Even if it's a girl. Just kidding. Otis is the name of my shark.

Will someone find me a kitten? Please?

I hate Alltel. They are stupid crack whore bitches. It's going to cost like 165 bucks to get my phone fixed. But my phone is still under warranty. For 165 bucks, I might as well get a newer and better phone. However, they tell me that I cannot purchase a new/different phone until 90 days before my 2 year contract is up. And being that I got my phone in July 2005, I am no-where near that. I am getting a new phone damnit. They can kiss my ass for all I fucking care. I will get a new phone..

And if that is Mike that just buzzed me, he's retarded because he has my spare keys.. fuck tart..

you worry too much


:: 2006 29 April :: 12.30am

well all prom is finally over and that means that its not long till my babe graduates. i am gonna get pics up on here as soon as i can and so you can all see how leet i looked in my tux. my babe looked fantastic and i couldnt keep my eyes off her. ahhh she is the love of my life


you worry too much


:: 2006 28 April :: 1.51pm

I woke up today and Mike wasn't next to me.
I started freaking out because he was there when I went to sleep.
Next thing I know, my phone is ringing and its him.
It was like he knew that I had just woke up and wondered where he was and that i hadn't gotten out of bed yet.
And then he told me to go look at my computer screen.
There was a note that said "Hey beautiful, I didn't want to wake you. I went to go get the part for my truck so I can fix it. I will be back later. I miss you"
He makes me so happy.
And I love him more everyday.

you worry too much


:: 2006 28 April :: 6.12am

Drank at GVSU all night. ( it took me 10 minutes to write that) parties are the shit. i havnt felt this great in awhile. peace bitches.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 28 April :: 2.46am

After taking my contacts out for the first time in like a week, my eyes burn.
There is a red ring around the colored part of my eye.
And they are slightly blood shot.
Not like anyone can notice, because it hurts soooo much to open my eyes.

I rented Match Point and Fun with Dick and Jane tonight.
Match Point: I watched like 7 and a half minutes of it, and was bored.
Fun with Dick and Jane: Made me laugh. Like actually burst out in laughter. Too bad, I was alone in the laughing process because my dearly beloved fell asleep and was like dead to the world. I understand though, he worked last night and was up all day.

I can't stop sneezing.
I complain a lot.
But if you don't like it, you can suck on someones junk.
I really like this song and I've only heard 13 seconds of it..
Confidence (For you I will) - Teddy Geiger

Tonight my mom and I went to dinner at Smyrna (big surprise there) and as we were sitting there talking, in walks JIMMY "TIGHT PANTS" MILLER! I totally freaked out. He works at Clarion (where i was previously employed) on first shift, as a die setter. I would stop everything I was doing, just to look at him. His work pants are so tight around his butt. And he has huge biceps/triceps. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. And he's 6'4". A total dream boy. He's 24. Anyway, he walked right by us to the bathroom, and when he was walking back by us, he goes "HOLY SHIT! I didn't think I'd ever see you again". And stopped to talk to us for like 20 minutes before he went and sat with the guys he came in with. and then he went over, ordered his food played a 4 minute game of pool and LOST.. And then came back over to talk to my mom and I for like 45 minutes. And we discussed how I can't be in there after 9 because i'm only 18. He was really shocked.. Or acted shocked.. So me being the unshy person that I am, wrote my number on a napkin and when I left I went over to his table and gave it to him and told him that if he wanted to hang out sometime to give me a call..

My mom and I are sitting there taking a break from moving furniture and he calls me. So of course our 10 minute break ended up being like 40 minutes long because I was on the phone. I was really surprised that he called me. He told me to call him back, but I didn't because I went to Mike's and then we came back here. Perhaps tomorrow..

Oh, and I still love Mike more than anything so don't be thinking that just because my dream boy is talking to me, and called me, that I am going to leave Mike. Sorry kids.

I totally fucking hate my phone.. It sucks so much ass. It's broke. And I have to wait until next week to get it fixed. Bastards. I might as well just get a new one.

I hate it when people have their phones on them, and they don't answer them. they just let it ring like 8 thousand times. Pisses me right the fuck off..

My knee hurts. I feel like bitching. Which is the pain purpose of this entry. Because it is 2:59 in the A.M. I am very tired. My head/eyes hurt. I have no plans. Can't sleep. And I keep sneezing.

Alright, Im going back to my bed to cuddle with the bed hog, who whines in his sleep and when he snores, sounds like a kitten. It's adorable.. For like 2 minutes...

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 28 April :: 12.33am

so. i'm going home tomorrow. blah blah blah. everyone is always like I can't believe how fast this all went! And I'm all, you weren't thinking that when you were in Hispanic Culture. It's gone by all normal. That's it. I don't know.

But I do know one this. This year has been fucking awesome. Not saying that I haven't been down, but for the most part. I'm in love with this place. Sure, Kalamazoo has a higher murder rate than Detroit. And a higher STD rate than the whole state of Michigan. And we live on a hill. But it's still a really diverse and fun place. This campus is amazing. I don't even care that I live in the Valley and I"m disconected from main campus.

This place is beautiful in the springtime. With the pond and the geese and the fountains and the blue sky. AMAAAZZZINNNG. There are flowers all over the place. I walk around and listen to my Ipod and I just want to sing and dance and hug strangers. Or at least smile real big.

And the people! OH! I was overwhelmed at first and nervous and my eyes were tired, but now. . . This valley has more people in it than high school. And even though it's really loud and I hate all the drinking that goes on, there's other cool stuff going on too. I've never met so many great and fun and openminded people. It's mind boggling. Fucking nuts. And you end up getting so close to a person when you share 14 feet of living space.

And all the stuffed I've learned. I feel so smart sometimes. High school was a horror story inside of a monster. I feel so big here. Like I'm about to burst at the seems at any moment. It's the best feeling. I don't even know where to begin with all that I'm feeling. It's like I'm leaving summer camp, but it's much bigger than that.

I love Jenna. She's too awesome, and I'm gonna miss her soooo much. And then there's everyone else that i've made friends with. It's so cool. You don't ever not have anyone to talk to or see. I'm going to miss them a whole lot. This is such a cool community. Just my side of the building is. . .great. sigh.

Plus all of this has made me closer to Jake. We're so much stronger now. I love love love love love love love him.

I had an amazing job, which almost hurts more to leave than school. I love my kids. I can go on for hours about the reasons why preschoolers are the best people on the planet. There so honest and so sweet. Even the naughty ones. And they have no idea about anything. The world exsists for them and that's it. But you can still mold them and love them. ahhhh.

It just feels so fucking sweet. I know what I want to do with my life, I'm crap my pants happy and I know I'm not done growing up. But I'm going to live my life before I do all this settling down business. I feel very mature and very excited about my sweet life. I'm not going to be the girl from cedar anymore.

I'm Sarah Ruth Cohen. And I'm awesome.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 27 April :: 1.35pm

i just tried on my prom dress and jewlery and all that... OMG.


im excited now. it still fits. my tan is wonderful. i cant wait to eat at montiago or whatever its called. !!!!!!

see everyone tomorrow!

you worry too much


:: 2006 27 April :: 11.44am

strange dream... riding in a golf cart with Samantha Huugen(sp) fighting off a really annoying squirrel. She didn't know how to press the gas down all the way...

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 27 April :: 8.55am

Cop : "He cut off my fucking ear. I'm fuckin' deformed!"


Ok, here it is. Pulp Fiction vs. Reservoir Dogs. List reasons why.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 27 April :: 8.39am
:: Music: RATM - Bulls on Parade - Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium

Yo yo.

Ah shit.

Whats up Cedar Springs.

Arms warehouses fill as fast as the cells.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 25 April :: 9.51pm


spanish exam. done over. yay. good. piano exam tommorrow and then i'm basically done. i just have to do my online human sexuality exam clean my stuff up and make out with jenna. that's it.

THEN ON TUESDAY I START MY NEW JOBBBIE! yay for me! and thanks JESSICA WILDE. no we're gonna see each other all the time. maybe we'll go out and get crunked after work. ha hahahahahah.

tomorrow i'm having a dance party with the peepers
that'll be sweet.

i'm so burned out right now. like i've never even been so weary. ugh. i almost lost my patience today with the kids. only one more day.

at least i got to eat lemons for dinner. and i got a free sensual massage. good times.

6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 25 April :: 5.00pm

Do you ever have moments where you just start crying for no fucking reason. And you can't stop no matter how hard you try.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 25 April :: 1.56pm

*phew... sigh of relief.

in other news.. H's prom promise spiel went good today. I figured that'd be a good message instead of handing out crappy pens. Feedback?


you worry too much


:: 2006 25 April :: 1.27pm

Cocoa puff flavored milk makes me happy.

I'm flat broke.
And in love.

Things are going well right now. Too well infact.
I feel like there should be something wrong.
I think I'm so used to things being shitty, that I am looking to find someone wrong. And not enjoying the fact that things are great.

Stupid life.

I'm scared. Not sure I should be, but I am.
I'm scared that I may not be able to have kids in the future. When I'm ready to have them.
Things keep happening and pointing to the possibility that I may not be able to.
And I don't think I will be able to handle it, if I can't have kids.
It would break my heart completely.
I'm too young to even have to think about this stuff..

Welp, it's time to go finish getting ready, so I can take Mike to Jodan's (Nora's baby) funeral.

you worry too much

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