I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark.
And all the friends that I was telling.
And all the playful misspellings.
And every bite I gave you left a mark.
Tiny vessels oozed into your neck,
and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.
We all went out for Sara's birthday last night.
I drank..
Possibly way more than I should have, considering today I have to attend my grandma's 80th birthday party.
I don't do this whole hungover thing very well.
It's definitely not my gig.
And after the birthday party, Mike is having people over for the superbowl.
Somewhere in there I plan on falling into a deep sleep like coma and not waking up until tomorrow when I have to go to work.
And all I want right now is a back massage and something water that doesn't taste like crap.
If you want to take care of me, I would not object at this moment. haha
So it has been kind of a rough week for some, pretty normal for others, and for the rest of us certain events really had no effect.
Mike's cousin killed himself on monday.
No one is really quite sure why, but there have been accusations made.
He left a couple of notes, but things are still pretty up in the air.
Today was the funeral. Not really much crying, but then again most of the family had earlier in the week to cope with the death and slowly piece themselves together for the funeral.
Dear Jess,
I don't really know how to tell you this, You're a leprechaun. I think I realized it when you put cuffs on me in your apartment and I saw you carve your initials into my knee caps . I'm sure you're open enough to understand that your driving sucks. I'm returning your car to you, but I'll keep my common sense as a memory. You should also know that I get sick when I think of your feet and thanks for the cocaine.
Please don't hurt me,
Jessica says:
Duuuude I drank half the bottle because it wasn't working and now I can't see straight if I move my head too fast
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
thats neat
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
i like doin that
Jessica says:
yeah but it just kinda hit me.. and now I'm all like.. whoas.
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
thats what nyquil does
Funny stuff in madden last night. preview for the super bowl. Samson vs staley cards vs pit. Cards win 38-36. was a good game. hopefully the super bowl will be as much of a barn burner as the game was.
edit. Why did payton get MVp again? he didnt even do that well this year. its bullshit. hes by far and away the best qb in the league right now. its so stupid. i can think of like 5 other qbs that should have gotten it. bullshit.
Because when I posted it as a comment, apparently it was far too crushing to everyone's overinflated sense of ecstasy this afternoon. Here are some of my favorite clips from Cracked's live blog of the inauguration.
Right now is one of those moments where a nap didnt cure my bad mood..
So here's to hoping that a bowl of chocolate ice cream covered in chocolate syrup will..
For years, I have had dreams that have made me wake up out of a dead sleep and look around wondering if it was actually real or not.
And last night was one of those dreams.
I had a dream that I thought I was pregnant, and then a few days after thinking that, I gave birth to a 3 month old like it was nothing. And of course everyone was in shock, and my landlords filed a complaint for not being informed and I had to sign a contract that if anything ever happened like that again I would be evicted from my house. My friend Sara quit talking to me. And a group of people were standing in a circle doing tattoo's on each other, all while water was being sprayed all over them, and my baby was asleep on the bed like 4 feet away from them. Then, when I took my baby out of that room, I went into a lobby, and the neighbors I grew up next to were there, and one of them would not even look at me because I was holding a baby. And to finish off the dream, Mike and I went to Meijer to buy chocolate chip cookies.
Cant wear skinny jeans cause' my nuts dont fit
The Breslin Center was awesome. Watching the Spartans put a hurtin on OSU was the highlight of the night though. Cannot wait to go again.
I guess the advantage I have in life is that I use some sort of realism to keep me in check. I know what I can probably do, and I strive for greater things sometimes, but i don't really think beyond that. I just stick to what I know will work and I go with it.
So when it comes do dealing with certain situations I don't think about it too much if I'm convinced that there is only one really realistic solution to the issue at hand.
I see it, but maybe no one else does, but I do.
Its done me well to be in my "realistic bubble" where I know how bad things are and can potentially become...