2008 1 July :: 5.01pm
:: Mood: peaceful
July 1st.
I was standing in the Warsaw airport at 6am having gone to bed only two hours earlier. I felt sick from getting food poisoned in Ukraine and everything felt very surreal. Rafael, and Prudence watched quietly, Monika gave me an eiffel tower keychain from her recent trip to Paris, Nella smiled and joked in the discrete way that she does, Britt stood anxiously beside me, and my host mom Danka held an American flag. I was feeling nauseous from the food poisoning, but also the added nerves of leaving the country. Daniela smiled at me warmly and lead me to the bathroom where I threw up. As we walked back to the small crowd, she rubbed my back and mothered me. Minutes passed, Britt and I went through the gate, and a strange calmness came over me as we boarded the plane.
It's been one year since I left Poland and my exchange ended. Today the exchange students after me are coming home. The first time I saw them they were timid but excited to start their own exchange and everything about Poland sounded strange. Then I saw one of them when I visited Warsaw six months ago and she knew better Polish than me.
A year later and I'm sitting on a blue couch with glass sliding doors in front of me watching the Aussie sky turn from day to dusk. I have a beautiful girlfriend, an awesome cat, and I wash dogs for a living. A lot of things can change in a year. A lot of things changed for the year I was in Poland. But right now, things are starting to feel more stable. I have the person I want to spend my life with, we have a place to live, and we're building a savings account. We've got the simple things down; it's just the future that remains unknown. But that's ok.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2008 30 June :: 10.03pm
Why can't we just be friends?
you worry too much
2008 28 June :: 3.45am
I have so much fucking hate for all the dumb cunts in the world.
I never did a fucking thing to you, ever. In fact, I thought we were friends. Well fuck you, you ugly dumb slut.
Fuck this shit.
I need to learn to let this go. I'm just so pissed off, I don't know if I can >:(
you worry too much
2008 27 June :: 8.57pm
So there really hasn't been anything exciting going on in my life.
I got my hair cut. About 5 inches of fried hair went away. So it's kind of short, but it feels so good to run my fingers through my hair and not get them stuck in a snarled mess of fried hair.
My sister and Derrick were up all last week. Didnt get to see them as much as I would've liked. But atleast I got to see them.
My sister looks so cute pregnant!!
College is going pretty good. Can't complain.
you worry too much
2008 25 June :: 2.37pm
shaq and the rock looked impressed. That is why they call him the axe murderer.
you worry too much
2008 25 June :: 3.32am
Why the batman/superman movie will never happen....
*Fade in on the Gotham City Police Department. Batman addresses Commissioner Jim Gordon and his officers.*
Batman: There's no time to waste. Two-Face is holding the Second National Bank hostage, and we-
*Superman bursts in.*
Superman: Yo, Bruce-man, sorry I'm late. What's the sitch?
Batman: Well, as I wrote in the comprehensive brief I sent out-
Superman: Oh, no worries, totally glanced over that. Double-Face, right? What's his deal again? Laser eyes? Super-speed?
Batman: No, he's, um, obsessed with the number two.
Superman: Ha! No, seriously. What's he do? Mind control?
Batman: Well, he also has this skin condition.
Superman: Are you f*cking kidding me? One sec.
*Superman crashes out through the wall.*
Batman: Actually, the skin thing is more of a metaphor for the duality of-
*Superman flies back in, carrying a handcuffed Two-Face.*
Superman: Done.
Superman: Also, while I was out, I went ahead and stopped crime. All of it.
Batman: But- The mission- My parents-
Superman: Dude, no worries, you can totally lighten up now.
*A single tear emerges from under Batman's cowl.*
Superman: Anyway, I'm headed to Cabo. Anybody want a lift?
*A cop tentatively raises his hand.*
Superman: Um, yeah, sorry man, when I say "anybody", I was really only talking to the chicks in the room. Any takers? No? Ah, well your loss. Later!
*Superman crashes through the other wall. Roll credits.*
4 kids |
you worry too much
2008 19 June :: 12.51pm
:: Music: Lil Wayne - Lolipop
I bought Mass Effect for my 360. Its pretty sweet, wish that it was like 10 hours longer but eh what can you do. If anyone wants to burn me a copy of Lil Wayne - Carter 3 it would be much abliged. What have you windbags been up to you?
12 kids |
you worry too much
2008 17 June :: 9.20pm
Norman died.
you worry too much
2008 10 June :: 7.44pm
I was riding my lawlercycle today and I found a friend

LAWLERturtle was all LIEK "HOW DO I DO POND?"
and I said, "IT'S OVER THERE LAWL!"
but he just kept walking in teh wrong direction.
4 kids |
you worry too much
2008 10 June :: 12.21pm
1 kid |
you worry too much
2008 10 June :: 10.58am
I'm settling in. I think I like it here. It sucks because I'm so far away from most of you but I think this is really good for me. I'm moving on. I'm getting past everything thats happened to me. I feel more free.
9 kids |
you worry too much
2008 9 June :: 4.51pm
Okay so for a more indepth update about my birthday festivities..
I'll begin with Friday..
We went over to Rich and Sara's to help Rich put up the pool and we had a cook-out. But it started storming so we just hung out there for awhile. Plus, we were told that Sheridan lost power so we didnt feel like coming home. Then we went to the Brickyard to watch Jimmie DJ.. and that was gay because he was drunk and making a fool out of himself. But that is Jimmie for you.. When we got home about midnight, we still didnt have power.
It finally came back on Saturday morning at like 7. The majority of Saturday was boring until Sara got out of work. Because then Rich, Sara, Mike and I went bowling. Which was a ton of fun. We totally got free drinks and free bowling. Because Rich said he was going to start a tab, and the lady never took his card.. So we said fuck it, we're out of here. And I got some pretty kick ass bowling shoes. Then we finally made our way to the Beer tent in Carson. Made a few drunken phone calls. Got free drinks at the beer tent too. And I actually danced, and Mike let us take pictures of him. So finally after all this time, we finally have a picture of the 2 of us.. but they are crappy ones because I was drunk and looked like hell from the rain.. Anyway, then we went to a party at some guy named Rex's house because it was his birthday too. That was fun for awhile, until I threw up and then we came home.
Even though I was puking drunk, Mike took really good care of me. Which I was very thankful for.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Had another cook-out over to Rich and Sara's.
I got a really cute outfit from Aeropostale from Mike's daughter. And a pair of blue and green plaid bermuda's from Mike.
Now Im sick and I hate it. :(
you worry too much
2008 8 June :: 8.55pm
My birthday was one of the best ones I have had yet.
Free bowling.
Free Drinks.
Free bowling shoes.
I was trashed.
And my boyfriend took very good care of me.
you worry too much
2008 5 June :: 10.15pm
College started this week.
My birthday is Sunday.
I will be 21 years of age.
I am extremely excited.
I need a mountain dew!
you worry too much
2008 5 June :: 10.53am
I just went through and read a bunch of my old entries. Shit. It was hard to stomach, makes me sort of want to puke. Although, I can't say I have changed too drastically; for example, the one where I say that all I have been doing is playing Grand Theft Auto could be applied to about 2 weeks ago with absolute relevancy.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2008 2 June :: 9.23pm
My goodness. Look at this old thing. I can't believe I remembered the password.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2008 29 May :: 1.25am
:: Music: NIN - Were in this together now
Roscoe has been getting me into a lot of nine inch nails lately.
We just laid there listening to NIN all night.
I love Trent Reznor's anger.
It's exciting.
you worry too much
2008 25 May :: 8.50pm
p.s. thank you Woohu for not taking 700 years to load like myspace or facebook.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2008 25 May :: 8.47pm
So I just have to not give a shit, because the guys really dont care. Especialy the guys I hand out with. Girls are just weird about these things.
So don't be a silly girl Jackie.
Be a man.
you worry too much
2008 25 May :: 5.16pm
This weekend has been more eventful than I thought it was going to be.
Today I went to see AJ and Chelsea at AJ's tractor pull.
That was fun.
Tonight Mike and I are going over to Rich and Sara's to grill some food and hang out..
Maybe I will fulfill my weekend goal of getting drunk.
Who knows.
More than likely Mike will find some reason for me not to drink.
Friday I did some good will shopping with Shannon and her daughter Kyah.
That was fun..
I really hope that nothing goes wrong the rest of the weekend..
2 kids |
you worry too much
2008 24 May :: 6.57pm
Why do guys continue to talk to girls that they know have passed out?
Talk about fucking creepy....
you worry too much
2008 24 May :: 2.54pm
we are the earth intruders
we are the sharp shooters
flock of parashooters
necessary voodoo.
you worry too much
2008 24 May :: 12.18pm
My dad is going to be here in a little while on his motorcycle.
He is coming up for the Car show, and we are going to eat elephant ears together.
I am really excited to spend time with my dad, my boyfriend and my boyfriends daughter!
It's going to be a great weekend!!
you worry too much
2008 20 May :: 11.15pm
I wish someone would just tell me what to do.
3 kids |
you worry too much
2008 18 May :: 7.47pm

This is my new nephew born a month ago....
I've given all my nephews and niece nicknames.... his shall be
because his name has two a's in it.... Aaryn
2 kids |
you worry too much
2008 16 May :: 6.37pm
my last huge post got deleted because of my stupid ass computer long story short. mandy pj and kelly thanks for visiting sorry that i could talk go go go all day long.
andrew came and that manager that has a thing for me gave him the staredown. it was really funny. I was pretty proud of myself having some guy giving my man the fisheye. lolz.
anyway it was a good day. gonna be a good night.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2008 15 May :: 6.31pm
I have amazing news.
his name is going to be Seth Ryan Decker.
He is due October 3rd.
My sister had her ultrasound on tuesday.
I am extremely excited!
1 kid |
you worry too much
2008 15 May :: 6.31pm
McCain is comminng to GR next month, I cant wait to see him too.
4 kids |
you worry too much
2008 14 May :: 7.51pm
happy birthday to me.... yay
8 kids |
you worry too much
2008 13 May :: 11.17am
I really do hope that woohu is here to stay. Because I love it much more then anything, ever.
Also I love Snowden. Good band.
2 kids |
you worry too much