2009 2 July :: 5.39pm
:: Music: Angry Aryans-Guilty of Being White
My dad gets married in less than an hour...again. I miss the fuck out of ya'll. Shit's been fucked and I wish I had stayed in touch. But regardless of what turns out know that I always have love for each of you.
2009 1 July :: 1.20am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "Use Somebody" By: Kings of Leon
Fourth of July
Yeah so, things have been going great. I've been watching Bree for Aunt Judy and Uncle Rich, so I'm earning money. Then I'm getting more at the end of the week. I'm going to Sand Lake for Fourth of July, and I think Brendon's going with me. He said he wants to, he's just got to check and make sure. So, it should be fun. Hang out, walk around the carnival, and watch the fireworks. But, I better go. Bye.
2009 27 June :: 1.33am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: "Waking up in Vegas" By: Katy Perry
Well, only a couple people have heard aside from my mom and dad, but I have an announcement. Calm down, I'm not pregnant. Ready? Ok, I'll tell you. I'm going back to school to get my diploma this coming Fall. I am not going to the regular High School though. I hate that school, alot of the staff, and alot of the student body. I am going to CTA. Creative Technologies Academy. Well, we still have to enroll me in August and I hope I can go there, but if they accept me, then I will be happy. There is still that lazy part of me that doesn't want to wake up early in the morning, get dressed, walk to school, do boring work, then come home tired. But, I need an education to get anywhere in life, so I am taking action and going back to school. I have to keep my enthusiasm and effort up, because in the long run, going to school everyday is worth it. And I think that I just didn't realise that when I was staying home and skipping all the time. I need to buckle down, as my dad would say. I used to hate that expression and when he used it I wanted to punch him, but he's right. I need to graduate. So, I just figured I would let you guys know that I am going back to school. But, I have to go. Bye.
Wish me luck!