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:: 2008 14 April :: 12.20am
:: Mood: tired

first entry
This is my first entry and i have no idea what to say. I am having severe cravings for waffles and i am getting driven crazy for the need of strawberry eggos. I am in also in love and going to bed. I am definately not the most interesting person to read about and for that, yeah goodnight.

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:: 2008 8 January :: 11.00pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Mad Sin - Tumblin' Down

What the hell. Why was I not informed we moved back to Woohu?

Been awhile since an update and I have neither the time nor energy to go over everything, so here it is in a nutshell. *Deep breath*

I'm engaged, she should be here by the end of February, I've been vegan some time now, I work at a sports bar as a cook and am going up that particular career ladder in bounds, I'm now the proud owner of a cadillac, I purchased rock band, it kicks an unreasonable amount of ass, I'm thinking of going back to school, either EMT or Mortician, kind of undecided, I've lost a good 60 pounds since last I saw any of you, and finally, I love and miss you Carl. Homies 4 L1f3.

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:: 2007 2 August :: 12.22am
:: Mood: nauseated
:: Music: Psychostick - Fake My Own Death and Go Platinum

Well I went to court and had possibly the most leniant judge ever to cross my path. Typically, I get the mid-high bracket of sentencing and considering witnesses stated I staggered out of my vehicle, obviously drunk (which could've led to wreckless driving) I was atleast expecting a hefty fine. But no. Asks my plea. No Contest. Ok, hundred bucks. *slam*

My brother's coming into town tomorrow so even though I haven't worked at all this week, I'll probably tell my boss I'm not working tomorrow either. Ever since I moved out here I've been getting more and more enraged and self destructive. I've had some pretty bad mental situations in my life and this one is definitely towards the top. If anyone can pull me out of this shit, atleast for a day, it's my bro.

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