2007 19 March :: 1.14am
"i never took any pictures of my camaros, i was to busy driving the shit out of them" -Andy
2 Rain |
2007 19 March :: 1.14am
"i never took any pictures of my camaros, i was to busy driving the shit out of them" -Andy
2007 17 March :: 9.38pm
You want a rant? I'll give you a rant.
For the record, I don't do drugs.
Drugs are not the reason for my increased weight loss.
I haven't ever done drugs. I have no intention of ever doing drugs.
And Mike doesn't do them either.
I wouldn't date someone who does drugs because they make me uncomfortable, and it's not something that I want to be a part of my life.
If you really knew me, you'd know that.
The reason I have limited my friends to a few, is because a lot of the time they only want me to come party with them.
I'm not a big 'i like to party' kind of person.
Plus, during the week, I don't feel like doing shit, because I have to get up at 4:30 every morning.
And for a person that needs atleast 8 hours of sleep a night my days are cut short.
My weekends consist of me sharing a vehicle.
It sucks, trust me.
But I don't see any of you making an effort to come my way.
God for bid you drive to come see me.
It won't kill you.
You don't like my boyfriend, and there are various reasons, some of them I know, but I am dying to hear all of them.
He doesn't hold me captive.
He doesn't control me.
I make my own decisions.
And if anyone gets treated like shit, it's him.
I am a total jack-ass.
I don't see why I get so pissed about stuff like this, when I shouldn't have to justify myself.
I shouldn't make my decisions based on what makes you guys happy.
The only person that has been supportive of my being with Mike, is Carley.
And I thank her for that.
You all amaze me.
10 Rain |
2007 17 March :: 2.03pm
I didn't think one human could experience so many emotions
Yesterday was cram packed full of not being home.
I went to Rockford to donate blood, but my iron was too low.
One percentage.
I then traveled home to change my shirt and shoes, and on the road i was again.
Micki and I went to Wal-mart to get my eyebrows waxed and then we went to howard city.
We had plans to go to the movies, but that quickly changed when we felt like watching the Matrix Trilogy.
So we went and got them from my dad, and ended up watching tv for like 3 hours.
So then we came back here and I fell asleep and she left sometime.. haha
Oooh, and I got checked out by 3 weirdo's at the gas station.
Now I sit here eating my subway wishing I had KFC mac & cheese.
Next weekend is Hotel in Lansing.
I'm excited about that!
4 Rain |
2007 17 March :: 10.29am
last night was unbelieveable.
clutch played for 2 and a half hours....
i wish they would have play careful with the mic and the soap makers, and the yeti.
before they played electric worry (beale street to oblivion)
neil fallon was like "thank god for the internet" great show.
never seen so many older people at a show in my life though.
you'd have think we went to a CCR show. haha. they rocked my socks off though.
10 Rain |
2007 16 March :: 3.33am
you know, people are starting to steal "skife" from me.
i've been using that name online for 9 years as up august 1st.
i feel raped.
2 Rain |
2007 15 March :: 7.27pm
I'm sick.
The kid I babysit is sick.
I'm stressed from school and whatnot.
Didn't even go today.
I have sucha bad headache and a fever.
So gay.
I dont know if I'm going anywhere this weekend or not.
It all depends...
2007 15 March :: 3.04pm
humans are the most frustrating and mind boggeling creatures on earth
1 Rain |
2007 14 March :: 6.36pm
quote of the day.
me: that draino is getting to your heads
sean: no its the oven cleaner.
1 Rain |
2007 13 March :: 11.21pm
i feel like driving right now. windows down, music up. my arm hanging out of the window of the grand am flying down back country roads....
i long for those days.
14 Rain |
2007 13 March :: 10.41am
high of 72 today
12 Rain |
2007 12 March :: 10.45pm
Last weekend was fucking awesome.
2007 12 March :: 7.47pm
so yeah, downloaded "From beale street to oblivion" today.
not as good as RH/E or pure rock fury.
i think PRF or elephant riders are still my fabroites.
2 Rain |
2007 12 March :: 4.23pm
:: Mood: pleased
Quitting babysitting after tomorrow!
Starting a job washing dishes at the Eagles in a couple of days.
I'm excited.
Cant wait for money that doesnt involve children 24/7.
Cant wait for my taxes to come back.
I love money.
2007 12 March :: 2.45am
hey nate or box.
you guys ever thought of putting like a 10 foot diameter trampoline in your apartment? how awesome would it be to jump from the loft on to it?
13 Rain |