#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 11 March :: 2.59pm
:: Music: dropkick murphys - for boston

so this week. i've got to decide if i want to stay in ohio, or not.

Advantages of ohio:
School is really good
High performance classes
no parents to bitch at me

Disadvantages of ohio:
No car
No job
250 miles from home
i have rang up about a $7500 college bill
I'm not even sure i want to wrench on cars the rest of my life.

I'm actually thinking of going to GRCC and taking some basic classes.
then maybe a business degree? i dont know really. just get the basics out of the way and have some time to figure out what i want in life.

I've already asked the opnions of some of you, others i really dont want your opnion because its just going to be "quit being a fuckin pussy"

so yeah....

thats just whats going through my head right now.

31 Rain | bows


:: 2007 11 March :: 10.46am

Dear Mindy,

It wasn't me, i was hanging out at AJ's house with Dave, Andy and Rick. But HAHA anyways.


you still suck.

P.P.S. I was probably sleeping when it happened, Call Miranda, she woke me up at like 1:37

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 March :: 11.46pm

Because I make everyone angry, I cause arguments that don't need to be started and people assume way too much out of one simple statement I will hardly ever update anymore.

There, done.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 March :: 9.58am

kinda down.

i dont get to go see dropkicks tonight fuckin sucks.
but i do go get to see clutch next weekend if i can get a ride. but i probably wont because i'm a broke mother fucker without a vehicle.



3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 9 March :: 4.55pm

So apparently I must explain the whole being punched in the face story.
Let me start by saying, it was an ACCIDENT!
We wrestle. It happens. Not the first time I've caught a fist to the jaw or anything like that.
He doesn't do it intentionally.
I try to be all ninja swift and lets face it, Im not.
Is that spelled out enough?
He won't hit me intentionally.
I promise.
If he did, I'd hit him back and leave him.

So please, don't leave me drunken voicemails saying you're going to kill him and burry him somewhere.
I get that you're concerned.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 March :: 7.09pm

I took a punch in the face today.
All I got was a fat lip, and some blood.
No biggy. Nothing I can't handle.
It's going on 2 weeks that I haven't talked to my mother.
My dad got hurt at work yesterday.
I got my glasses back.
I might be getting transfered to Rockford.
Greenville sucks the big anus.
That about wraps up all the details of my life.

11 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 March :: 4.29pm

It's official! I can go to the Dropkick Murphy's concert on Saturday! I'm excited!! =) YAY!!!


Scratch that. Turns out it's sold out.

So gay...=(

3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 March :: 12.11pm

So I had this really bad morning and now everything is great again. My car broke, but I already got it fixed and I got my dad to help me out. So I now owe him 300 dollars or how ever much he's making me pay for that. Maybe if I get lucky nothing. I broke my phone yesterday, I went to the verizon place today and they gave me a new phone for free. So that was awesome. I am loving spring break from college. I took the cats to get fixed today, it will be weird without them for one day. Other then thats its just the usual hanging out and partying. Well off to go grocery shopping.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 6 March :: 4.11pm

It's so cold in here.
I started my application for GRCC. Need to pay yet though.
Probably going to look for some grants in a couple of days so that's cool.
Cold, bored, and hungry. Yup. That's about it.




:: 2007 5 March :: 11.10pm

What a crazy fun night.



:: 2007 3 March :: 9.11am

Im in a lot of pain right now.
I slipped on some ice last night walking down some stairs.
And my back made pretty good friends with one of the cement steps.
Im having trouble walking and it SUCKS.
Every step I take, puts me in tears.
Anyway Im off to go lay in bed some more.
This weather sucks.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 3 March :: 6.27am

man, i hate not being able to sleep, there is no place in this dorm that is comfy to sleep, the mattresses are like 4" think foam, so its pretty much like sleeping on rocks and the couch just isn't as comfy.

i miss my bed at home.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 2 March :: 8.55pm

"617 650 4328"

its one of the dude's from darkbuster's number.

Call them and tell them how badass they are.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 2 March :: 4.16pm
:: Mood: Tired, lonely, and annoyed.

7th Snowdays so far this year.
Kinda badass I guess.
I get some awesome bank on snowdays with these kids.
Granted one of them is a total brat sometimes.
The other one is pretty cute though so that's a plus.
AJ's mom is probably bringing me a car today so that rocks.
I think I'll do my taxes tomorrow and get my hair cut probably.
I'll probably go spend the night at my sister Janis' tonight.
She misses me I'll bet.

But thank goodness graduation is set in stone, or else I'd have to be making up these snowdays later on. haha! suckers!




:: 2007 1 March :: 9.42am

So I just cleaned up shit.
Not just any ol' dog shit or anything, kid shit.
And not out of a diaper or anything normal like you'd be thinking, but off of the floor.
Just some random ass diariah that couldn't make it to the toilet I guess.
He's only three and still potty training and I'm pretty sure he's sick, so I wont rub his nose in it like AJ and Justin advised.
I just threw the rub that it was on outside to freeze and his parents can clean it up. I guess it's easier to clean that way, atleast that's what my mom said.

Well that's the highlight of my snow/ice day so far, and it's not even 11 am yet.
Man it's going to be some day...

2 Rain | bows

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