Stopped by the bookstore today. Noticed that the girl working the front desk was quite attractive. She really pulls off the hot librarian scheme really well, and in the end comes out looking fairly sincere. "I'd hit it," is the phrase I guess I would use. The way she asked me if I had any Bulldog Dollars, mmm mmm mmm.
Maybe I was so turned on by the $30 I saved by going to that bookstore in the first place. I hate Ferris and their horrible price mark-ups on their books. They want my soul, man.
Started off with Mike's alarm going off for 45 minutes because he was being an ass pigeon and sleeping through it.. and that was at like 7 in the friggin morning.
And then the phone rang and it was his cousin, her and her friend had been in an accident and needed someone to flip their car back over, and pull it out of the ditch.
Then we made a trip to MCC to get a paper signed so he can get money!
Then it was home for a quick bit before we headed to GR..
Which was long, boring and irritating.
Social Security Office is insane. It's like the secretary of state, but 3 times worse.
The people smell, the employee's are fucking dicks.
He couldn't apply for a new Social Security card becuase of 1 fucking letter.. 1 lousy stupid fucking little letter..
After almost 27 years, someone finally realizes that his name was spelled wrong on his social security card.
I swear the only thing people in GR are willing to stand in line for is free moolah to milk off the state.. (Social Security/Welfare).
Then it was off to Ionia so he could take a mid-term.
At 9:30 in the morning I am meeting with Lisa from Qualified Staffing to discuss a possible job placement.
Kind of excited about that. Hopefully its reasonable pay.
But I guess I can't complain too much, I need a job and unemployment is about to run out.
And I can't wait until I can afford to get my eyebrows waxed, and get caught back up on bills, and be able to do things so I'm not such a hermit anymore.
I can't sleep.
I'm kind of irritated right now because I have heart burn from bean dip..
And i really want grapes and apples and tums.
Oh and here is one of the only things that made me laugh today, other than Mike making some little mexican girl that was only like 2 years old start screaming..
Mike: I don't like the word beat down.
Me: It's two words.
Mike: Not if you put them together.
So I had this dream that I was on a tropical island, drinking a mojito (does that mean I'm gay? oh only if the mojito was wearing loafers) and walking down the beach. Then I saw Bill and Phil with laptops but they wouldn't talk to me. I kept on walking and saw a plethora of old high school friends, but none of them seemed to want to pay any attention to me, so I kept walking. Then there was a John Mayer song playing in the background ( yep, gay), one of the old ones. And then I saw Andrea Groner, and she said Hi. Then I woke up.
You see Andrea, as creepy as I may be, this is inevitable... :P
no more 3x5's Andrea, no more 3x5's...
On a less creepy note, good weekend ahead of me, but first I must get through class today. I managed to get all the homework done for b-law despite the ridiculous requests the professor makes.
I've managed to wash my hands relatively clean though... and it feels good, and is a plus for my mental status. From now on one step at a time, no more trying to change everything at once. Should be interesting, I'll keep you posted.
so tonights update involves weird dreams, sitting on my butt, and bowling.
there has been a battle in my head about various things in life, and afterlife, questioning my beliefs and such. I'm not sure what I believe right now, Almost like I'm scared to believe. weird isn't it?
Anyways, Tonight I sat around and pretty much did nothing, I talked to Erin and noc online and now i'm laying in bed, fuck i forgot my pushups and crunches, so i'll be doing those right after this entry.
I bowled tonight, Nothing great, a 144 was my high game :( we got raped tonight, everyone on the other team was bowling much much better than we we're. oh well, shit happens.
Erin's coming soon, I'm excited for that. Really really excited.
I need to find a new job soon, I want alot of stuff and I can't afford it driving pizza. Its just not worth my time to do it anymore :(
For Sale
I have some Infinity platinum car speakers for sale.
I have a set of 2-way 300 watt 6 x 9's and a set of 2 way 150 watt 3 1/2 front speakers for sale.
Asking 75.00 for the rears and 40.00 for the fronts.
I paid 159.99 for the rears and 45.99 for the fronts. They can be looked up on best buys website, they are about a year old but were only used for a couple of months.
I am only selling these so i can Pay to get one of my cars moved from my old place before something happens to it.
I went to pay my ticket and the envelope said it was $70 and 3 points, I get there and the lady tell me its going to be $80 because they raised the prices.
Then i show up late to work because i was at the court house longer, Bill was opening today, for those of you that don't work at hungry howies, bill is the district manager, He wasn' t pissed thank god.
I had to close with him tonight though, we had the entire place ready to close at 8:30, I was impressed with how he did stuff.
I get home, played some Q3 with the rabid-duck crew.
Now my arms and abs are sore from the pushups and crunches i just did.
It feels good.
You dont know Shit.... about Horse Shit that is..
So i just got back from a hard day of work, and nobody can tell me, that i have an easy job, well working at the quick lube shouldn't be bad, but i also work at a horse farm now.. Thankfully the smell of horse shit doesn't bother me, but man was i happy to smell dinner on the table when i walked through the door.
Today i had to dig out 5 stalls that haven't been done since august, which was about 15 large wheel barrels, feed, water and put the horses in their stalls and fill the chest back up with grain, which was about 25 5 gallon buckets worth.
And i did it all with a terribly blown out back. All ive got to say is.. Thank god for Vicodin.
So I just received this very awkward and creepy message on myspace that I thought I would share with you!
I'm Joel, 5'11', very fit with exceptional blue eyes. I own a law firm and enjoy helping the public. From your profile it is obvious that you have an electric personality, that you have a big heart and that you are intelligent. I love traveling, shopping, cooking, music, movies, working out and the outdoors. What do you do for fun? Where would you most like to visit? Do you agree with me that any relationship is based on friendship, communication and honesty? Australia is one of my favorite destinations. You look amazing and I look forward to hearing from you. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I don't have a photo posted because my firm advertises on TV. I'm 5'11' and work out daily. When you tire of meeting losers at the bar give me a ring. I have never been married and have no children. I'm 36 and reside in lansing and Bloomfield Hills. Chivalry is my middle name and I am moving to your area very soon. I have a villa in Palm Beach so if you love the sun let me know. You can reach me at 517-449-5723.
There was no friend request, just a message..
And when I viewed his profile, there's nothing on it. No friends other than Tom, no pictures, or info.
All ive got to ask is.. Who's goin with me?
Posted Friday, 1 February 2008 - 0:48GMT by Webmaster
Official Press Release
BURBANK, CA (January 31, 2008) – In what’s sure to be the hottest concert ticket of the summer, multi-platinum rock acts SLIPKNOT and DISTURBED will lead the first-ever ROCKSTAR ENERGY MAYHEM FESTIVAL, a riotous road show packed with some of hard music’s most influential artists and a plethora of the genre’s most exciting young voices. The tour is set to kick off July 9th at the White River Amphitheatre in Seattle and will hit 30 cities in the U.S. and Canada between early July and late August (a full itinerary will be announced in the coming weeks).
Joining Slipknot and Disturbed on the main stage will be DRAGONFORCE and MASTODON. In addition, the tour will have two second stages: one sponsored by JÄGERMEISTER and featuring SEVENDUST, AIRBOURNE, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, 36 CRAZY FISTS and the JÄGERMEISTER Battle of The Bands Winner. An additional second stage will feature MACHINEHEAD, BLACK TIDE, SUICIDE SILENCE, THE RED CHORD and WALLS OF JERICHO.
08/06/2008 Clarkston, MI @ DTE Energy Music Theatre
Start stashing some cash cause this is going to sell out quick!