#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2008 11 January :: 1.09am

So the other night had this dreams where i got into this elaborate knife fight with katie colligan.

I remember it was sorta like a movie. It ended with us like face to face and me slowly stabbing her in her eye.

It was just fucking weird. Haha.



:: 2008 9 January :: 7.45pm

there is like $53 in debt to the movie place i got taken care of :)

2 Rain | bows


:: 2008 9 January :: 2.39pm

decided its probably a good idea to update...

1 Rain | bows


:: 2008 7 January :: 5.14pm
:: Music: a day to be alone - one less reason

Its amazing how your surroundings impact your feelings.
Lately I have had more than enough time to think about things.
And I'm not sure if it's because I'm a very fickle indecisive person, or because I really truly do not know what I want out of life, but I haven't been able to come up with an answer for anything.
The more I think, the more clustered everything gets.
I'm almost positive what i want to go to college for, and career i want to pursue.
I feel that my boyfriend deserves more than what I am capable of giving him.
But I know that if that were true, he'd leave or been gone a long time ago.
Which makes me very grateful for every moment I've spent with him, every memory we've created, and anxious for moments and memories to come.

Is it possible to be so completely happy, yet feel so depressed at the same time?

Oh, and I suck at journal entries..

3 Rain | bows


:: 2008 7 January :: 1.25am

i havn't updated in awhile... meh

oh well, not really much to say except;

its a new year, tomorrow i'm going out ot manpower, hopefully i can get in at ITW.

Box moved to ludington with his mom.
Its funny how a group of friends can fall apart.

wow, i just relised i started this update 35 minutes ago.
started talking to people on AIM and forgot about it. lol.

i'm watching the shineing now. Its the one with jack nicolson in it, this is the part where there is a naked chick in 237... Oh well, it doesn't make sense to me at all. i'm hungry, going to go find some eats.

you guys have a good night.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2008 6 January :: 1.16pm

in detroit for the day hangingg out with family.
mike is makeing me irritated.
my computer, stay back fool!



:: 2008 5 January :: 4.41pm

woo... that was a close one...

1 Rain | bows


:: 2008 5 January :: 6.52am

resident evil: extinction is amazing....

best resident evil movie yet.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2008 4 January :: 1.07pm

is woohu not generating cookies for anyone else either?

it won't let me stay logged in.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2008 3 January :: 5.04am

good night tonight.



:: 2008 2 January :: 3.19am

last night was good and bad at the same time

the good:
got to hang out with all my friends again, i drank way to much, jenny gave me noise makers :D, i seen people i havn't seen in a long time.

the bad:
i drank to much
i had to sleep on half a loveseat
Will tried to fight me.
Will tried to kill me.

Yeah, that shit was weak, ever been just trying to sleep and the one of your "friends" decides its a good idae to strangle you? fucking weak man.

oh well, the future looks good.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 31 December :: 1.05pm

just wanted to say.

fuck you 2007
welcome 2008

things on my list of shit to reslove

new job
move out
get bills cought up
find a stable relationship.



:: 2007 29 December :: 6.00pm

ahhh the weekend begins. I can't quite see the light at the end of the tunnel yet but I really don't care. Peace.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 28 December :: 2.47am

i've decided i found heaven.

to the left of me is a plate of venisen steaks.
to the right of me, an icy cold beer.

bowled good tonight
another high score for me 195

2nd game was 152 the next was 183.

all higher than my average by at least 30 pins.

life is good.

that is all.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 26 December :: 8.30pm
:: Mood: pissed off

I'm pissed.

one of my friends happened to dissapear, i got an earful from his girlfriend becasue she doesn't have any meds left, doesn't have a car to go get them and has a doctors appointment tomorrow at 10 am.

take care of your shit man, I've had your back before in the past, and you've done a bunch to help me, but your on your own now.

3 Rain | bows

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