Why is it that anytime someone has a song they like or is stuck in their head they have to post the lyrics to it?
I don't mind hearing about what other music people like.. But instead of posting every word of the song and taking up half a page doing it.. Just post the Name of he band and title of the song and "If" I feel like knowing what the lyrics are.. i can look them up myself or just listen to it.
Maybe its cause Im lazy and don't like scrolling past a half o' page of lyrics, but it really annoys me when people do that.
this song gets stuck in my head. It plays when i read my woohu.
"Point / Counterpoint"
I've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock
My finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked
and I can't stop staring at the tick tock clock
and even if I could I would never give up.
With a vest on my chest, a bullet in my lung
I can't believe I'm dying with my song unsung.
And if and when I die won't you bury me alone?
'Cause I'll never get to heaven if I'm singing this song.
If there was something wrong would you be oh so strong?
Would you do what it takes to move this hollow life along?
I'd like to think I would, you know I'd like to think I would
but I can guarantee that what you see is not reality
and every time she makes a point, I make a counterpoint
She said it's easy but in the end you'll have no choice
and you know that's only just the way that it goes
You said it right man, That is just the way that it goes
And the days, and the days they seem like forever
And the days, and the days they seem like forever
But forever isn't ever enough!!
I'd like to sing a song
Promise you won't be long!
I'll try not to be long but I don't want to get this story wrong
There was a kid who never cared about the little things
Don't even bother because I'm tired and I'm sick of it
And every time she makes a point, I'll make a counterpoint!
She said It's easy but in the end you'll have no choice
And you know that's only just the way that it goes
You said it right man, that is just the way that it goes
I've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock
And my finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked
and I can't stop staring at the tick tock clock
and even if I could I would never give up.
With a vest on my chest, a bullet in my lung
I can't believe I'm dying with my song unsung.
And if and when I die won't you bury me alone?
'Cause I'll never get to heaven if I'm singing this song.
Oh, you don't know where I've been!
Oh, you don't know what I've seen!
If I did something right
Would you give up this fight?
Would you say you were wrong and maybe someone else was kind of right
I'd like to think you would
You know I'd like to think you would
but I can't guarantee that what you get is an apology
Jump back to the day we met
I never thought that it would end this way
If ever I let you down I want to ask of you
To take it down a notch and we can talk it on through
And the days, and the days they seem like forever
And the days, and the days they seem like forever
But forever isn't ever enough!!
I'd like to sing a song
Promise you won't be long!
I'll try not to be long but I don't want to get this story wrong
There was a chick who never cared about the little things
Don't bother 'cause I still don't give a shit
And every time she makes a point, I'll make a counterpoint!
She said it's easy but in the end you'll have no choice
And you know that's only just the way that it goes
You said it right man, that is just the way that it goes
I've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock
And my finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked
and I can't stop staring at the tick tock clock
and even if I could I would never give up.
With a vest on my chest, a bullet in my lung
I can't believe I'm dying with my song unsung.
And if and when I die won't you bury me alone?
'Cause I'll never get to heaven if I'm singing this song.
Oh, you don't know where I've been!
Oh, you don't know what I've seen!
So tell me friend, how's it going to end?
When the shit goes down and there's no one left around to get your back
You'll crack
You'll smile and agree with everything they say
They'll try to tell you that it's all okay
But it's not and you're shot and you're bleeding pretty bad
And you can't stop thinking about the things you never had
Like a wife and a kid and the things you never did
You're running around
You're living a life that's empty in the end, my friend
No, you'll take back all you've said
Oh, when the regrets fill your head
Trust me I've been there before
I would not wish it upon my greatest enemy
What irony!
Once friends, but I find
You'll have to learn this lesson on your own
So I waited by the phone but that phone never rang
and I sang so loud so I wouldn't hear the bang
When the bang never came and I never got the call
Fuck It! Thank You! I Love You All!
Some are going to say that we're doomed to repeat
all our past mistakes
But that's not me
and even if it was I would always disagree
Because in the end I always get the better of me
I've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock
And my finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked
and I can't stop staring at the tick tock clock
and even if I could I would never give up.
With a vest on my chest, a bullet in my lung
I can't believe I'm dying with my song unsung.
And if and when I die won't you bury me alone?
'Cause I'll never get to heaven if I'm singing this song.
Oh, I'll take you where I've been!
Oh, I'll show you what I've seen!
2007 27 November :: 1.59pm
:: Music: Life is beautiful
I think I've broken my body. It took me only 21 years, but I think I've finally got it on the ropes, and I have proof.
I can't sleep. At all.
I just wind up staring at the ceiling, and getting that half ass sleep that isn't really refreshing so much as it is irritating. Oh, and your mind goes to bad places when you can't sleep, bugging you about things you shouldn't think about.
The semester here is nearly over, and its about damn time. I'm already at that point where I want it to be over, but hey guess what? I'm a fucking freshman, so I'm nowhere near done. I'm actually getting started! wheeeee. Next semester will be where its at, as I've never completed a spring semester in the past 2 years without giving up, quitting, skipping, etc. etc. I'm curious to see if I have that fuckit mentality again. I hope not, but I won't be surprised if it surfaces.
I made my [Brass Hammer] last night, and despite some slight tolerance issues, I got 100% on it. If you guys saw my handiwork in high school and middle school shop, maybe you just shat yourself. Hell, if you've ever seen me try to do anything more complicated then change a light bulb, you should be shitting yourself. But I ran that lathe machine like a PRO. PRO I say. Even though I had no idea what I was doing yesterday due to sleep exhaustion and general lack of knowledge about drill presses and advanced lathe functions. But hey, its done, and I'll probably get an A or a B+ in that class, so rock on.
Other than that, I got nothing. I'm not sleeping, its freezing, I'm hungry...but I'm still somewhat happy. I blame Trans-Siberian Orchestra, as that will be epic on saturday night, and I can hardly wait.
Peace at last..
Well, She is finally getting the help she needs and that is a huge weight taken off my shoulders. Its nice being able to stay out late with my friends and not have to answer for myself when i come home.
I'm tire of being treated like a 13 year old with a curfew. Why do women always assume that just because you live together that they can dictate everything you do. I'm sorry if i sound like an asshole, but if i haven't put a ring on your finger, whether were living together or not, I do not answer to you or anyone but myself and am not jumping thru hoops to make you happy.
except i felt intimidated while going into the church.
I walked in and the cathedral (is this the right word for it) was huge!!! there was this giant statue of jesus on a cross and it just didn't seem like a happy place, they played the orgen and it sounded depressing. the pews we're hard wood and we're built in an angle so that your back began to hurt after sitting in them for awhile. when the paster/priest(again, i dont know the proper term) started to speak his voice echoed through the giant room. it was extremely intimidating. then everyone else knew "the lords prayer" and all this other ritual stuff.
Death has become a common thing with me lately, in the past month I have lost 3 people i knew. It makes me think about my beliefs, question them, question if there is a god or not.
in one hand i think "hey, there is no god its just a big myth"
then i look at it as "why would people dedicate their lives to something that doesn't exist, something has to be there"
i'm just in a state of confusion lately.
at least i got my exercise today though "stand, kneel, sit, stand, kneel, sit"
Yesterday I spent a good portion of my afternoon, and evening at the hospital.
My grandmother was admitted for observation because they still weren't quite positive why she quit breathing. They think it may have been a mini stroke.
This is already a hard time of year as it is.
6 years ago wednesday my grandfather passed away. (it was the day before thanksgiving that year as well).
3 years ago my grandmother passed away the day before christmas eve.
2007 12 November :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Old school Kirby stuffs
Petty annoyances
So, lately I've been depressed, and have been unable to locate the source of this depression. I've discovered the truth behind it, and while I don't like the answer, I've accepted it.
I truly live for the weekend. I hate the weekdays, and most people I meet. While a few weeks ago I learned that drowning my sorrows in booze is nowhere near the answer that I seek, surrounding myself with friends and family is.
Had a great time with phil and nate on friday, though I got the impression that nate's woman wanted to rip my head off. That won't be the last chick I drive to a murderous state of mind.
Saturday and sunday were spent hanging out with david. I'm amazed at the nothing we can do, and yet I enjoy myself so much. One of these times we will actually do something, god willing, that doesn't involve booze or sitting around all night.
The other problem is that if I'm not with someone on the weekend, I get lonely, and that has become devestating for me. The whole over-analyzing thing bites me in the ass, and I contemplate many things that I shouldn't, such as things involving heather, my friends, my 'distant' family, myself, hell, even Katie Albrecht. I mean, srsly, what the fuck is wrong with me?
A stupid girl today reminded me that most people are worth dick. She was talking on her phone, and followed me nearly all the way to class. With speakerphone on. For about 5 minutes, I got to listen to two typical valley girls chat it up. Yeah, no problems there.
After Lara (the girl using her speakerphone) told Sandy that she couldn't figure out why Jamal left him, I spun around and replied, "Maybe because you are whiny, or self centered, or stupid. Maybe we can just combine all three and say he left you because you are a whiny, self centered, stupid bitch." She then looked at me and said, "Don't butt into my conversations!" We argued, but I eventually copied a move from david's book and used the over exaggerated head nodding with a goofy smile technique. It was super effective.
For some reason, I haven't given a damn what anyone thinks about me since then. All it took was a huge moron to remind me why people aren't shit, or at least most of them out there. Now to finish that homework that I've been avoiding for about three hours...though this kirby game won't play itself...dammit.
So Christmas came early at my house last night.
Mike bought me a 20 inch Widescreen (because they only had widescreen) Flat Panel Monitor.
I have a sort of interview tomorrow, to take an IQ Test.
There is a place in Edmore looking for an Office Assistant and April from Manpower is looking into that for me.