2007 11 November :: 3.09am
i have way way way to much shit.
anyone want anything?
10 Rain |
2007 10 November :: 10.23am
well, back to burger king it is.
with the applications i put in, burger king called and hired me
i start on monday.
It feels degrading going back there, but money is money.
otherwise i have been sick since wednesday, i feel like shit.
2 Rain |
2007 9 November :: 12.27am
uggggh, i don't want to be couped up at home tonight alone. :(
2007 8 November :: 1.00pm
i want passion ... i want romance and most importantly, the truth.
are these the things that women leave their husbands over?
3 Rain |
2007 7 November :: 2.05am
i'm excited for tomorrow :D
2007 5 November :: 7.22pm
just wondering if anyone has a barn/garage i could use tomorrow to do axle bearings on my truck.
doesn't need to be heated just something to keep the wind off my back.
thanks guys.
1 Rain |
2007 4 November :: 10.44am
note to self;
not all pirates can drink like they do on tv.
1 Rain |
2007 1 November :: 10.46pm
just a reminder for myself.
8 Rain |
2007 1 November :: 2.33pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Seether
Tale of Predictability
So, I finally dropped out of trig. Since I couldn't maintain a 60% in that class, I figured it was a good idea, especially considering how the plastics degree works. Time for a job, though I have virtually no faith in actually finding one, as I haven't been able to get employed since Cutco came to me.
I'm reading Tale of Two Cities, and I really don't get why everyone praises this garbage. It has the same predictability any other author from the past has, where you can just expect the worst to happen and be right 90% of the time. It is especially awesome how authors stick their noses up in the air and say, "Television is so predictable with their happy endings and perfect conclusions, writing will never be that way." Yeah, you guys show us. Make your books predictable with their sad endings and 'thought provoking' conclusions. No, I'm sure nobody will be able to pick up on your subtle hints of the main character being a modern day jesus christ. *ROLL EYES HERE, LOL*
I'm just tired of reading this rubbish, and I'm thankful this is the last time I'll have to read anything like this. Dickens pretty much told you the ending in the very beginning, or gave you enough hints to come preeeeeetty damn close to figuring it out for yourself. So now I read all the parts in between with 'character development' and 'suspense'. Really, just kill off Sydney Carton who is actually pretending to be Darney. I don't give a flying fuck about anyone else, just stop trying to pretend like you are going to do otherwise.
There is a short chapter where it convinces someone who hasn't read a book from the past like everything will be ok, because Dickens just wanted to fuck with people, and build development. Just...bleh.
Manic McGee...does anyone remember that? That book is the very last I remember reading that was required to be read that I enjoyed. Characters died, lessons were learned, and good times were had too. Not this MARTYR MARTYR MARTYR shit that I have to read years upon years in a row. A life is a fragile thing, our innocense died, good and bad, I get it, I get it. I just don't CARE. That one story...1944 maybe? Chris would remember it. That was pretty good too, though Chris's constant reminders and assertions that I was the crazy athletic guy and he was the kid who PUSHED said athletic kid off a tree trunk was kind of unnerving. Thats why I never let him in my treehouse.
Fuck, I think I wall of text'd again. Anyway, later kiddies.
8 Rain |
2007 1 November :: 11.29am
okay so this is proof that the world is small...
my cousin alysse goes to oakland university in detroit with Samantha Huegan (i know i spelled that wrong... sorry)
Anyways, they are friends and although i never knew sam, alot of my friends did.
So that is me finding irony in life, plus my dad called because he thought i know sam.
Aside from that, i got new running shoes. I can do very short sprints and run a quarter mile before my shins really hurt, but i am workig my way up.
Attempting to quit smoking but i always have to leave room for error. But good for now.
that's it i guess.
3 Rain |
2007 31 October :: 12.47am
I'm calling on you guys for some help here. I know money is tight and everything but my boss really needs some help, she doesn't have insurance.
the past week or two she's had this bump on her finger and its gotten worse and worse and now she can't move her finger, she took her son to the doctor today for something and the nurse said she should go to the emergency room because its infected and if she doesn't get it taken care of the infection could spread into her whole hand. She didn't have insurance so its going to cost a boatload of money for her to get something done.
she finally went to the ER tonight after alot of persuasion from Heidi and i, while we we're persuading her i told her that i would try to raise some money to help pay for the bill.
She is one of the nicest people i know and is always helping anyone that needs help, so if i have ever brought free pizza to a party you we're at or you shared some pizza with me that i got for free, i ask that you please donate some money for this. I'm going to put in $50 of my own money.
let me know if your interested, i'd appericate it alot
1 Rain |
2007 29 October :: 11.30pm
*turns the page*
1 Rain |
2007 27 October :: 2.15pm
i'm convinced i've got the most redneck family ever.
my stepgrandma died, funeral was today.
the lunch-in after the funeral was held at the harvard tavern.
first time ever i've drank at a funeral lunchin
2 Rain |
2007 27 October :: 12.51am
:: Mood: quixotic
:: Music: Foo Fighters
So, it has been awhile, again. But, after seeing Jessi(e?) in Chicago, I'm totally gonna do this again. Totally. First, I'll do some generic shit for myself.
1) I'm no longer dating Heather. That ended a few months ago. Painful, and I'm forever scarred. /tear and all that.
2) I'm not at Central anymore. After doing jack shit for 2 years, I decided to get out of there, and I'm at Ferris now, majoring in plastics.
3) The plastics program at ferris is for the design, manufacture, and all that shit of plastics.
4) I'm SLIGHTLY drunk right now.
So, on thursday afternoon, Amanda and I took off for the HIM concert in Chicago, and I must admit I didn't have high expectations. I don't hate HIM, but I don't adore them the way some people do. I just dig a few of their songs and figured they might be checking out. Here is the problem with heading there though, I never asked myself an important question.
Who is the opening act?
We walked in and Congress Theator is just amazing. It has a huge HUGE roof that once they fix up will look great and could be incorporated into some shows and whatnot. There were screens set up that read, "Bleed Through". I figured out that they were the opening act, and I thought, "Oh, maybe they have a my chemical romance sound, or some generic angsty sound like the plain white T's.
Oh, if only.
Out they came, and I realized right away that my ears were in for a world of hurt. It definately didn't help that I was standing right next to the speakers, and they let loose with their first song, "The guitarist and I are in a loud contest. I'm totally going to beat him". After that earsplitter was over, he let fly with, "My voice is a giant penis and I'm going to fuck you in the ears". I didn't care for that one either.
Afterwards he made an announcement that was basically, "It is an honor for us to tour with fucking HIM. It takes some big fucking balls to put a fucking band like us being the opener for them, so it just goes to show you what kind of fucking band they are."
He continued to blab, and finally said, "Now, I want to fucking make some fucking noise in this fucking bitch and fucking have all of you fuckers moshing in the first fucking rows! I WANT TO SEE THE FUCKING HORNS!!!" and began playing. He then repeated this process for every song. The highlight of them playing was when we both looked each other in the eye, and I shot daggers right at his face.
After they assaulted my ears with another 3 songs, some questions occured to me. Why did they have a keyboard player? It was a chick, so I'm assuming for the boobs. I mean, all I heard was the singer and the guitar player, and I was next to the damn speakers. Was she just their to voice the words and really bang on those keys?
Before playing a song, the singer spoke about his grandfather passing away a week earlier, and said he was going to sing for him or something. I expected a slow song, but it was really fast, and I SWEAR he was repeating, "Big whore, big whore, big whore!" over and over.
After they walked off, I realized that HIM would have to rock my socks double time to make up for this atrocity they put me through. After 30 minutes, they finally came on stage, and, wow, they did.
For those of you that turned down going to see them the past few years, I laugh in your face. It was very worth it. The best part for me was the lead guitarist who is Lindee...I think. He is pretty much Phil, with dredlocks. It was pretty badass. Though, Ville, the lead singer, was up there chain smoking after every song, which I'll admit was impressive. I mean, he smoked in some of videos and behind the scenes stuff I saw, but I didn't know he was kick ass enough to just smoke through a show.
They sounded pretty good too. I have trouble hearing Ville's voice, but everything was just done really well. Sound, lights, hell, I actually laughed at one of his jokes. I was blown away, I really didn't expect it to be that good. There is something that bothers me though.
The horns. They are sacred. You never throw them up for any ol' shmuck who can play a chord or two. Yet, that is exactly what was happening. HIM has a pretty decent collection of songs in terms of tempo and sound, but when they are singing Joy and Sorrow, which you must admit doesn't sound very metal or heavy, and there are 100 idiots around me throwing the horns, it definately hurts its value. There was one instance I actually threw them up, and it was during one of Lindee's solos. Other than that, no way. Nothing else was deserving. They are sacred, and they are being tainted and abused, and it made me sad.
After that, we went to Jess's house like thing and stayed there for the night. I did some catching up, and decided that I should totally start using woohu again.
So, I'm back!
If my comebacks to woohu were sequels, I think we would be at...lets see
Atman's Woohu: The reckoning
Anyway, I'm going to check my friends list and hopefully do something more worthy of mentioning. Oh, and drink. I still have some of that to do.
7 Rain |
2007 26 October :: 12.05pm
scooby doo, i love the hell out of this show.
i just heard scooby and shaggy laugh and was like "oh my god, thats exactly how i sound when i'm high"
its such a good show, its a classic you know?
but my rant here isn't about how good the old scooby doos are, its about how bad the new ones are :(
in the new ones fred is an idiot, its like holy shit fred what the fuck was that? he's not even trying to score with daphne anymore. just kinda fucked up to me.
1 Rain |