#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 16 October :: 1.33am

Well the party is this weekend, seems like it was so far away lol. Its finally my week of not working that much, my work schedule is so messed up. I got my costume today for jimi party. I'm so excited, thank god someone had a party after october otherwise I would of missed out. So things are going pretty good. Just have to get rest of the apartment together for this weekend.



:: 2007 15 October :: 11.23pm

the jessa and andy show huh?

what about "the beaver program?"

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 11 October :: 11.59am

so, i am waiting for my photography class to start. I am really lonely, so i wish that i had money to venture up to carthage this weekend, but then again... well, i won't go there.
I am not looking forward to my next class. I am supposed to do a presentation, but the sidewalk is closed off to get to the class, s maybe i won't have class?!?!!
Now, i need to pull together the energy tonight and tomorrow and the next day to work out, even if i do pull 12 hour days tuesday, thursday and saturday.
Someone should visit me. I have captain morgan... hah. j/k that's mikes.
but yeah.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 October :: 1.41am

there are just some things....
i have to much time at night to think lately.
i need less time to think and more busy time.
idle hands are the devil's playthings.

i lost my CD's, i can't find them, i'm extremely sad.

customers piss me off at work, they come in always ask for our $5 pizzas, i tell them we don't have any, they say that little Caesars does. They are always looking for a deal or a way to pay less.

i went to this delivery on cypress, well it was actually on 22 mile with a cypress address, it was rainy, i couldn't see shit, i finally found the place and the guy wanted to only pay $20 for his order instead of the $22 it was supposed to be, i told him i couldn't do it he replied with "fine, i hope you crash on your way back" what a stand up fucking gentlemen he is.

today, i guess i pulled out in front of this guy in a jeep or something, and he pulls up next to me in the left hand lane and says "watch where your're driving asshole" so i yelled back at him "fuck off" he was pissed be cause i pulled out in front of him, he was probably a good 100 feet away and should have already been on his brakes for the red light.


anyways, SoS tomorrow, wheel bearings. Shit like that. damnit.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 9 October :: 10.52pm
:: Music: flogging molly whats left of the flag

i just like this song for some reason

"What's Left Of The Flag"

His eyes they closed
and his last breath spoke
he had seen all to be seen
a life once full
now an empty vase
wilt the blossums
on his early grave

walk away me boys
walk away me boys
and by morning we'll be free
wipe that golden tear
from your mother dear
and raise what's left
of the flag for me
then the rosary beads
count them 1 2 3
fell apart as they hit the floor
in a garb of black
we must pay respect
to the color we were born to mourn
walk away me boys
walk away me boys
and by morning we'll be free
wipe that golden tear
from your mother dear
and raise what's left
of the flag for me

In its place grew
an angry festered wound
full of hatered and remourse
where I pick and scratch
till the blood it matched
silent rage that now fills my lungs
for there are many ways
to kill a man they say
with bayonet, axe or sword
but son a bullet fired
from a shapeless guise
just put the shell of a Thompson gun

walk away me boy
walk away me boys
and by morning we'll be free
wipe that golden tear
from your mother dear
and raise what's left
of the flag for me

from the east out to the western shore
where many men and many more will fall
but no angel flys with me tonight
though freedom reigns on all
and curse the name for which
we slaved our days
so every men chose Kingdom Come
But sure as night turns day
it's the passion play
oh my god
what have they done
with madmen rage
well the dogged craze
but the dead rise again you fools

walk away me boy
walk away me boys
and by morning we'll be free
wipe that golden tear
from your mother dear
and raise what's left
of the flag for me

walk away me boy
walk away me boys
and by morning we'll be free
wipe that golden tear
from your mother dear
and raise what's left
of the flag for me



:: 2007 9 October :: 11.53am

one would think that i could sleep in my own apartment without a bed mate... nope, not happening, it took three attempts at sleep in the living room before i pulled myself up and over to my bed, where i half slept until my alarm went off. I really miss mike. perhaps it's just the comfort of sleeping next to someone, but i suppose it is mostly just a good thing that he is working...

to class. bah



:: 2007 9 October :: 12.32pm

Well, I'm not pregnant anymore... and I kind of miss it.
so, I hold her 24/7 to make up for it.

She was born September 26th at 12:15 pm and weighed a whole 8 lbs. 9 oz and was 21 inches long.

I have no idea how she fit inside me.



:: 2007 9 October :: 12.08am

just another day in the life of a pizza delivery guy.

the end of this movie makes me want to get all teary eyed. (the devil's rejects)

i bought some apple juice today. i havn't been eating very good lately.
truck act's up in the rain, i don't like it.
anyways, thats all i want to talk about, good night.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 October :: 9.51pm

good news, new haircut.

"they call me mr. clean"

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 October :: 8.38pm

66.07 hours for a hungry howies check for next week.

mmmm money.

the kegger went horriable.
there we're random ass highschool kids there.
people driving stupid
people making a shitton of unneeded noise.

so jenny kayleigh and i bailed and went to jennys
people came with us and took the keg.

people came after the keg, almost had a fight.
lots of douchebaggery
somehow i got blamed for a bunch of stuff, fuck you guys that tried blaming shit on me.

shit's weak.

anywho, going to do another starter in the yota, this one did the same shit as last time. fucking napa.




:: 2007 7 October :: 5.55pm

Red Flannel
So Red Flannel was okay. Didnt really find anything cool at the flea market thing. Kinda disappointed, I thought it was going to be bigger. Oh well, But hanging out at Jessicas was fun. So its was a okay day. Besides all the drama at night, but oh well. Going to Ihop at night is always a good call. Well its almost time go bowling. I'm glad I finally joined a league, good times. Life is going pretty good.



:: 2007 6 October :: 12.47am

thinking hurts, girls are confusing.
work was interesting tonight.
i don't know what to think on some things right now.

i do know there is a party tomorrow
and that i'm going to the lumberjack breakfest.... lesbians...


why does music always sound better like this?

my mouth is dry.

i wonder what the dog things.

hopefully things go well at the party tomorrow, i won't drink much, maybe play some flippy cup....

played quarters last night.
will swallowed my quarter.
will puked my quarter back up
i wiped it off and kept playing with it.
Its a 1982 quarter, blackish in color. It was bouced on the shelving unit that i was sitting in front of.

bonnie is dumb.

work is one of the few things keeping me sane. by the looks of it i'm going to get all the hours i need now.
hopefully buying a 4 runner next weekend.

my truck doesn't like me much.

i'm thirsty.
i want some ice cold water, out of a chilled glass bottle.

red flannel tomorrow, i've got to work. i hate working on red flannel.

andy, i'm sorry for not going to your bon fire, i just got out of work and i have to be there at 10 am tomorrow.

that fucking music boosters want pizza at 10:15 or some shit
they want tax exemption too. fuck them, they tip for shit, it takes forever to find a parking spot, they order a shit ton of pizza and give you like a dollar.

i'm glad i don't work inside.
maddie dog is dreaming, i wonder what about. i always think chasing squirrls.

i'm just writing random thoughts down.

i think i want to play drums.


sweet dreams everyone.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 4 October :: 1.50am

nightly update.

things that are going good:
work, and lots of it.
Friends, they are good.
Tempo, because its sold

I might buy another toyota, an '86 4runner with the same motor as my truck, this thing is rusty but trusty. I'd swap the motors this spring, drive the runner through the winter, have my motor rebuilt over the spring with a port job on the head some bigger injectors and maybe some other mods.
Then part the 4runner out when i get the rebuilt motor in the truck.

the bad:
the brand new starter took a shit in my truck today at work, starter is locked up but the siliniod engages
still have some bills to pay.
justin moves in 11 days. wich would be nice if he was moving to GR, but his ass is moving to Florida. one of my best friends is just leaving. he's like a brother to me, i'm deeply sadded.

tomorrow i've got to swap a starter on the yota, then go bowling mmmm bowling, i love bowling.



:: 2007 3 October :: 10.12pm

got home from work tonight and the dog was wound, decided to run with her, went all the way to howies and 3/4 the way back before the dog decided to slow down.



:: 2007 3 October :: 2.44am
:: Mood: uncomfortable
:: Music: flogging molly [whiskey on a sunday]

should i even call hungry howies a real job?
its not much work at all.
oh well, i had fun today.

its really windy out right now i'm enjoying the crap out of it.
i really don't know what to post, i kinda miss having a girlfriend, but whatever you know?

i downloaded some flogging molly today, actually the whole album "whiskey on a sunday" lots of acoustic stuff on it, i dig it.
i want to watch a movie right now. maybe something is on the tv.

see you guys tomorrow


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