2007 20 June :: 6.26pm
:: Music: Home: Daughtry
My grandmother is being transfered out of the adult care home she is in now.
I am very thankful for that.
I still don't like that she's going to be in an adult care facility, but I suppose ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
I talked to my Aunt Cheryel quite a bit over the weekend.
For about an hour each time actually, and we talked at least 3 times.
Baseball is almost over.
Thank goodness.
I do not know how much more I can take of having to deal with these kids.
They do not listen at ALL.
But I guess quite a few of them are scared to piss me off.
We have a terrible problem with ants.
They are driving me nuts.
They are the little ones too.
Not sure where the little fuckers are coming from being the apartment is really clean.
Anyway, I believe Im going to go clean my car out..
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2007 20 June :: 5.20pm
i see alot of animals at work i like keeping track of stuff i see.
so here is a list:
a whole buncha seagulls
almost a whole buncha turkey vultures
4 turkeys
1 gopher, i almost cought it
quite a few frogs/toads
1 woodchuck, its fate was a 12 gauge shotgun, 3 shots to the gun then throw into the road
1 water snake, i've never seen one before i was ventureing into this area where there was a pond and i kinda guessed that there was going to be snakes around, i look in the pond and this water snake is just swimming around, it was fast as shit too.
tomorrow i've got a doctors appointment at 2:30ish, i'm going to be in GR if anyone wants me to hang out, gimmie a ring or something
hopefully i'll get back on ritalin for my ADD and some anti-depressants.
if i do, i'll be a compleatly different person then i beilve.
also, i'm done partying for awhile, i know i never partied to much before, but it just isn't for me i guess. anywho, i'm off to the pool to sip margaritas and enjoy this beautiful day. HAR HAR HAR~~~!!!~~!!111eleven1111!!!!one
2 Rain |
2007 19 June :: 10.51pm
oh well, shit happens.
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2007 19 June :: 9.41am
:: Mood: loved
Finally Legal
Sunday is probably up there as one of the best birthdays ever.
I'm very happy.
Everything went well.
Family came over, friends came over, Olive Garden was awesome.
I had a wonderful day.
I gambled and lost everytime. Oh well, what can ya do?
Need to shower and beat some kids...bye!
1 Rain |
2007 19 June :: 5.50am
as a side note. I searched chris' journal for that. good times...
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2007 19 June :: 5.34am
so the one night I say to myself... man kevin, probably a good idea to get some sleep... here I am.
2007 18 June :: 7.21pm
Tonight was just made 10 times better and nothing barely happened.
but i feel alot better.
2 Rain |
2007 17 June :: 8.40pm
i'm a little dissapointed i didn't get to hangout with the someone that i wanted to this weekend.
shit happens. :(
5 Rain |
2007 17 June :: 4.54pm
did some redecorating.
1 Rain |
2007 13 June :: 8.25pm
This has been a rough week.
I've been battling a headache for 2.5 days.
The heat is really getting to me.
The forcast shows 94 for like Monday.
With rain.
How fucking retarded.
I wish every day could be like my birthday, and the night leading into my birthday.
They were the best couple of days.
2007 12 June :: 8.39am
:: Mood: excited
My birthday is in 5 days.
I'm excited.
I'll be able to do stuff, like buy ciggarettes and porn, which I will most likely never have to buy.
But I'm going to get my dad some smokes for Father's day, seems how it's that same day n all. lol.
I start waitressing at the Village Inn next week I think. Pretty sweet. That goes with the whole being 18 thing too. lol.
Idk, pretty much that's all I got for now I guess. Not much happened this week.
I did catch some fish yesterday though. pretty sweet. Tried to catch me a snake but I dont think it was hungry...
Welp I'm off. I need to apply for Finacial Aid. I should get an ass load of money from that! I'm excited!
4 Rain |
2007 10 June :: 11.35pm
tonight was a really good night.
2 Rain |
2007 9 June :: 9.03pm
I went with my mom and my aunt to take my grandma some of her things at the adult care home.
The guy told us that while we were gone, she kept asking if he could call one of her daughters because her appointment was over.
It was extremely sad.
And then when we walked in, she kept asking when we were going to take her home.
And she'd start crying as soon as we told her that she had to stay.
She'd ask us why a dozen times.
It was so hard having her ask me that.
Her dimensia is getting worse.
She thinks that she fell this friday, and not last friday.
And doesn't understand why she's in the adult care.
It was seriously heartbreaking.
And then I come home to things out of place, my front door wide open.
I guess Im just frustrated.
7 Rain |
2007 9 June :: 1.57pm
I had a very good birthday.
Plans changed a little bit, but it was still a very good day.
I went to the movies last night and saw Knocked up.
I thought it was pretty funny.
I didn't get to go to B-Dubs like I had anticipated, but what can ya do.
I'm not going to make a big deal of it.
My grandmother was put in an adult care facility.
Her house is going to be put up for sale.
And my uncle cut his finger off yesterday.
I don't know if I can deal with my grandma being in a place like that.
I don't know if I can go through that again.
I watched my grandma vanzoest in an adult care/nursing home facility, and it broke my heart.
It was horrible.
2007 8 June :: 5.30pm
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