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Don't Be Silly..!

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:: 2016 8 September :: 10.05pm

I can make it if I tired

I closed my eyes I kept on swimming

I say!


:: 2016 5 September :: 11.13pm

splurged on some new clothing today. torrid was having a buy one get one free clearance so I stocked up. a lil reward for paying off my car! I deserve it!

I just hope it all fits. the shitty thing is no returns... but let's be honest I'm too fucking lazy to go into a store.

I have some Blazers that never get worn.. I want to start wearing them more often just because. I'll dress up on Tuesdays, since men have tie Tuesday.

and maybe I'll get some new lipstick too...

I say!


:: 2016 31 August :: 9.07pm

maybe I really am just not ready

I fucking hate that motherfucker. I hate who I've become. who he trained me to be. I am so weak. still a slave to those putrid habits.

I am broken indefinitely. with broken strings it's hard to fix oneself.

I say!


:: 2016 30 August :: 8.05am

reasons I hate work:

- nothing ever works
- offshore processing

I say!


:: 2016 28 August :: 10.27am

oh my god I am tired

I say!


:: 2016 25 August :: 10.08pm

off to the tri cities for another Mexican birthday celebration and the taco guy

he makes the most delicious tacos, and to watch him prepare them is a treat

camping out in the back yard in a tent

it's going to be how you say

el mejor

I say!


:: 2016 24 August :: 12.51pm

I never have been

And I never will be

good enough

I say!


:: 2016 22 August :: 9.52am

probably the best thing growing my hair out has going for me:


I say!


:: 2016 20 August :: 3.28pm

he's sawing adorable logs on the couch next to me

I gently touch his butt

he wiggles and makes the cutest sleep chuckle

I could die so cute

I say!


:: 2016 19 August :: 9.30am

so some good news after the terrible horrible no good very bad day yesterday...


now to just get the title and she's mine ALL MIIIIIIINE

1 said | I say!


:: 2016 18 August :: 11.42am

I live fat ugly and stupid
I'll die old alone and unloved

I try so hard to be seen
but I've never been more invisible

I say!


:: 2016 15 August :: 5.25pm

I fuck up too much to be a good relationship partner.

I can't feel enough to be a good relationship partner.

I will always be weird inside, I will always be lame.

I say!


:: 2016 14 August :: 9.20am

I feel so fucking guilty for being a home body.

but the older I get the less and less I want to spend time with new humans. they just aren't worth it.

especially now that I am the DD 99% of the the time. being the sober cat around a bunch of drunk dogs fickin blows. no amount of being checked on will make me have a better time.

I'm just a big old lame ass. I can't even get drunk anymore. my belly starts to hurt before I feel anything.

I suck.

I say!


:: 2016 12 August :: 6.40pm

I could be happy forever with my cinnamon girl

I say!


:: 2016 8 August :: 11.48am

got my in person interview tomorrow!!!

so excite much nerves!

1 said | I say!

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