2015 19 May :: 9.50pm
I played a bass, a key board and a violin today. can you say killin it?
I love mah band. Tuesday is the best day of the week
2015 19 May :: 1.21pm
sitting next to all these slender sexy men, I can't help but fantasize nibbling on their ears. imagining how big their dicks are. imagining their bodies under their nicely pressed shirts.
i just wanna get laid on the reg.
2015 18 May :: 11.47am
insurance is like a super massive black hole.
and while you never see it as a career opportunity, if you get too close, you'll get sucked in, finger printed in 45 states and then it's 15 years later and you wonder what the fuck happened.
and I'm only a third of the way down.
1 friend |
2015 18 May :: 3.20am
a partir de maintenant jusqu'à la fin de l'eternite
je suis amour toi plus que la vie
2015 17 May :: 2.31pm
yesterday Zoe and I biught dude outfits and colonge and went to the parade, and people were ridiculously unfriendly. at the bars everyone tried to pick arguments with us.
people are so freaking difficult
2015 16 May :: 3.08pm
Silence is worse when you know it won't be broken.
2015 14 May :: 11.24pm
fun night out with Zoe. some real intense conversations about profiles and food. now if only it were friday and not thursday haha
2015 13 May :: 10.17pm
Act surprised, show concern, and don't admit fuck all.
2015 13 May :: 5.46am
:: Mood: cheerful
so, other than feeling really shitty about not knowing anything about the bass, band practice was really fun. i learned so much and know i can actually practice without getting pissed off because i can't get my thumb to move fast enough.
it's finally raining, and it feels so good. i want to cuddle up and watch a movie and eat some papa murphy's.
2015 12 May :: 11.52pm
Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful
or debase it into ugliness. It's in our hands.
2015 12 May :: 10.39pm
How simple life becomes when things like mirrors are forgotten.
- Daphne du Maurier,
2015 10 May :: 8.23pm
follow the paths you made through the holes in my chest
find all your pretty things tied up in knots where they're left
2015 10 May :: 10.35am
went to Andy's band's practice last night. it was so absolutely inspiring. I hope my band rocks half as hardcore as they do. they might let me try out to be a singer! it just.. a huge grin was plastered to my face the whole time. and they just know so much, I am such a n00b
it was a crazy night. so much went down. spokane is sooooo small. the fear of running into someone Sus and I slept with is very real, because I see these women EVERYWHERE and they all remember me, and I don't always remember them. hawkward.
but the family of the house it was at are just soooo adorable. they remind me of my family. just weird and adorable. TEEN BOAT
2015 9 May :: 10.46am
and I know it's hard when you're falling down
and it's a long way up when you hit the ground
but get up now, get up
2015 8 May :: 6.30pm
One brings sorrow,
Two bring joy,
Three a girl,
And four a boy,
Five bring want,
Six bring gold,
Seven bring secrets never told,
Eight bring wishing,
Nine bring kissing,
Ten, the love my own heart's missing.
2015 8 May :: 12.09pm
Nearly all men can stand adversity;
if you want to test a man's true character, give him power.