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I close my eyes and you're all I can see

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:: 2004 23 June :: 4.00 pm

Hmmm....that's a little strange....

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 23 June :: 12.36 am

Me and Jess took all these really cute pictures. Heh I love them. And I did her hair, all curly. It took like 5 fricken hours, but it's adoreable, and I'm going to do it for homecoming...just thought I'd share.

Yes, so Jon, you just may the be the dumbest person I have ever met, yes...I do believe that you are. Do not tell me what you think is going on in my life, because you have no clue. And I am the one who only ruin's friendship and realtionships? Get a clue buddy, you don't know me at all, you never did and if you're talking about whatever "friendship" it is that we had, YOU are the reason it no longer exhists. At least one good thing came from you. I swear to God, if I ever have to deal with you in person, Ever again, I'm going to fucking go insane. Do me a favor don't be such an ass and I won't be such a bitch. ughh adjflakjdf;lkj You are a moron, yes a moron!!! ughh you fucking bald ass bitch. Don't sayanything and I won't. I don't enjoy wasting my breath talking about you, I hate even thinking about you, because I cannot stand I ever let someone like you in my life. Ughh fuck you Jon, seriously, you are the biggest bastard I know, and one day all the people who hate you, because take a count sweetheart, you're number's much greater than mine, I mean hell you have the whole fucking sophmore class wanting to fucking kick your ass, oh well , you dont care, you dont care about anything. but yourself. why i am even making an attempt to explain how dumb you really are, I don't know because you are far to pathetic for words. And this will be the last time I waste a second on you, espically since you thrive off this shit. You just LOVE seeing people get worked up, ughh you are soooooooo incrediably fucked up. Screw this, no more.

Anyhow, White chicks, lol me and jess are going to see it tomorrow, and damn it better be good, because we want to see it so bad.

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 23 June :: 12.39 am
:: Mood: quixotic

Jessie and I!
Click HERE if the pics don't work!

Photos by Shannon :D

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 22 June :: 6.51 pm

Heh well that was fun. Me and Jess get naughty, freaky naughty! lol We went to go see Dodgeball..since I didn't ever get to see it with Dan, oh well. Lol it wasn't that great, and we stayed after the credits to see fat Ben Stiller play with his titties while singing Kellis's song, "MilkShake" was dumb. Then we went on a car chase to chase Andy... even though...we dislike we're dumb.

Gosh, just apologize...that's all I'm waiting for. I apologize when I know I should, your turn girly! Otherwise, everything I'm just going to throw away. I'm not riding the roller coaster anymore.


-Complete Driver's Training

-Get over "this"

-Put up a guard

-Get a permiant job.

-Hang on to what's left.

-Take Piano lessons.

-Get a tan baby ;)

-Try to understand how you could possiably be this's got to be for a reason right?

-Save my moeny for my car

-Remember I don't need you.

-Convience the parentals of Cedar Point w/ Jess.

-Have fun, and not care.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 22 June :: 6.42 pm Why is your name...adlfjasl;dfj

I hate people who act like they care, just to get something out of youfjaklfjaskldfj screw you! bitch

I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck all of you. I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't careI don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care


1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 22 June :: 2.54 pm


You know, I just wish you would leave people alone. I chose to pretend like I don't remember you, or anyting about you, because I hate how you treated me...but yet somehow I always hear about you from everyone else...I just hate it, becuase everytime I hear about what an ass you are, I remember every second I spent wasting my time on you....there's got to be some part of you who dislikes the way you treat just stop, gawd, please , for everyone's sake including your own. You may not be my favorite person, but you're better than the way you act, everyone is. So just please, it for yourself. I can't stand thinking about you for even a second. It hurts far too much. More so just angers me for being so dumb and letting myself fall into a stupid mess. My fault..when I start to care..I need to start to understand from that point's my fault in the end.

*shakes head* I just hate this. I don't want things to be this way..I hate this part..where you try to deal with taking off a bigger piece than you can chew. I don't want to allow myself to with this shit anymore. I thought i'd open up, once more. Not anymore, not because of anyone else. I don't give a shit who you are. Once more...and I'm going to be messed up. I admit this is totally my fault ..I let myself depend on something that could easily be gone in the blink of an eye. Could easily be taken away from me. My fault, but what can you do besides learn from it? Let yourself not be so dependable on other, but yourself. So I chose to not doing anymore of this crap until I'm ready, until I want too. I hate that I let someone grow on me, where I need them to smile. The only person I know will always be there, the only person I truely trust with my life, is Jess. I know no matter what happens, no matter where we go, she'll always be there. That's it. That I'm so greatful for, because I know no matter how far I fall, there's going to be someone at the bottom to catch me. She puts up with me through everything...and still loves me. Yeah, it sounds corny, but my life would be totally different without her. Not many of you realize how important our friendship is. And you don't have to, as long as we do. She's my right arm, she's my ear on the other end of the phone when I'm so bored we call and talk listening to Real World, she's my hand to whipe away the tears on my face when I just had a bad day, she's a reason to be the best person I can be, she's a part of my family, and I love that I can look back on all the memories of my *entire* life because she was there. That means more than anything.

On a happier note me and Jess are going to the movies at 4:15 woo! We get to blare the rap all the way to the movies! Go us!'s so sad...were's so dumb, and we find it so funny lol ..I love it though.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 22 June :: 12.52 pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: seether/amy lee:broken

Some of the crulest lies, are one's never spoken......
I love my Pappy, I really do. Jess is the only thing to really make me smile when I'm down. I don't know what I would do without her, but she needs to back off the titties ;) haha *inside joke*...obviously...

It's just that's the only way I know how to deal with things like this, it may not be the best way, or the easiest way, but that's how I deal with crap, and it works for me.. and that's how it's always going to be. If I could have learned to deal with things easier, I would have. I just can't. So just know I'm going to pretend to be, and that it's ok, and'll work and I will be, or not. Just don't forget that's totally different. I just don't want to talk about it, or listen, I chose to throw it aside, and not deal with it, because that's how I want to deal with it. Hoping that I'll be able to act that way, for real, and really feel that way. Does that make sense? So it just needs to be understood. Hopefully. It's not the end of the world, but even if I don't act hurt, don't forget that I really am, because I'll admit that..I just dont' want to deal with it, now, ever. So just remember a little, please, that is all I ask.

*long sigh* I need to go blow dry my hair. cya

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 22 June :: 10.37 am

It's not the end of the world. Even though inside I'm torn, and feel like shit. It's not something I can't deal with. So I chose to ignore it, until Ic an't anymore. Is what I'll do.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 22 June :: 10.30 am

"Jess did you know you said "wtf" in your sleep at least twice?"

"Leave me alone you bitch, I just want to fucking sleep"

"Back off my titties"


"Look what our pussy can do, a trick drink diet coke" <--JENNA KNOWS WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! :)

ahhhh hahahaha GOOD TIMES!


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 June :: 11.27 pm

This hurts alot more than it should. You know...that's what I think I should say, but what I really think is this meant so much to me, you were everything I thought I wanted, and I thought it was going to go someplace, and now it's not. This is my fault. And once again, I'm the crushed un-happy one.

I just don't understand anything, ever...*sigh*lkfa';dkf;al'sdkf;a'lsdkf

I don't know how I even feel, I can't put it into words, I just want to sleep it all off.

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 June :: 5.38 pm

ughhhhhhhhhh I am such an idiot!!

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 June :: 5.21 pm

I love my bestfriend, yes Jess Wilde I love you to death. I really don't know what I would do with out you. And your Bomb *** ***** I'm sure you can finish the phrase heh.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 June :: 2.53 pm

All I want is you.

4 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 June :: 2.53 pm

Dating status?:Single
Sexual preference?:Male lol *with dark eyes and dark hair*
Part One:
Your best friend(s) and why::Jess because I've known her my whole life, and she's the closest person in my life, ever.
Your best memory(s) with them and why::Last summer we stayed up all night, and made pudding and scared Steph's boyfriend when he came over at like 2 in the morning, and jess broke my house haha just fun times
The best relationship you've been in and why::Kyle because it was when we were young and STILL had brains left and didn't care about stupid crap
What was your first kiss like?:A small short peck
Did it taste like tomatoes?:Nope, no tasting involved
What's your favorite dinner food?:Bacon Salads from McDonalds
What kind of crowd do you think you tend to be with?:The crowd that's nice and crazy, who has fun, and aren't dumb.
Do you have an online photo account such as FTJ or WYHT? If so where is it?:No
What does your room smell like at the current moment?:The Vanialla Candle I was burning
The things we probibly didn't want to know:
What are your parents like::Nice when they want to be, Harsh when they have to be.
Are you a virgin?:Yes
If so, is there anything dirt-ay you've done?:Yes
If none of the above? Then why the hell not?:
Are you strait edge?:huh
Do you get mad if someone does something to make them not 'strait edge'?:I don't even know what tha tmeans
If yes, why so?:grr
Do you agree with any followings? (IE: religion, beliefs?):Yes
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?:Run away from what I wanted
Do you regret it? Why or why not?:Yes, because I could have been so happy
Have you ever lied to protect a friend? Why or why not?:Yes, because that's what friends do.
Have you ever kissed anyone of the opposite sex? Did you like it? o.O:Yes, it's not like I kiss the same sex.
What is your deepest darkest obsession?:Glitter!!!!!
Does the thought of blue cheese make you sick?:yes
Wrapping it up:
Have you ever been corrupted or felt you have to someone else?:Yes
Which do you feel closer to, your family or someone elses? Why?:I love my family, but I'll always be closest to Jess
What food always makes you happy?:Grapes, and Hoeny Pretzels
Find a random picture off the internet and link to it.:no
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?:Duck I think
If a hobo asked you on the street to brush their hair would you do it? Why?:ehhh
Have you ever been on the T? Any weird expeiriences?:On the T? I don't believe I have.
What's your favorite band to see live? Why?:I don't know I don't see bands live
If you take raw chicken and squeeze in your hands what does it feel like?:I don't know, I've never done that
If it's something sexual, give me an ay-men!:eww
Did you like my survey?:sure
Do you like Me?:no
Think of a question of your own.:What's someting you've looking for right now?
...Now answer it. Or uh, don't.:You

LOOK ITS FROM LYNNE. brought to you by BZOINK!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 June :: 11.34 am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Big and Rich-"Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy"

"Haha Jess we are crazy...who does this on the phone...HAHAHA I CAN SEE YOU!!!"

It was actually nice to have a night going to bed at a normal time and waking up at a normal time. I would have slept later
but stupid Jess called me. Heh just kidding dear, I loooove you ;) heh. I'm really confused. He called and told me to go to bed,
it was like midnight. did he know I was still up anyhow? Ahh...*shakes head in confusion* I'm probably just
missing something, because I never think about anything...hhmmm....oh well. Jess and I are going to party tonight! woo,
I've missed my biatch ;) We haven't hung out for a week, which may not seem like long, but for us it's like a friecken year! Then tomorrow Erika, Brandi, and Becky will come over, visit , stay the night, have a girl party. woo.Fun fun!

*sigh* I really do wish I had never ever met you. You're the closest thing to a best friend and my worse enemy I have ever had.
Or will ever have. I hate you for making me care about you, I hate you for making me think you were someone you cleary aren't,
I hate you for the way you still piss me off because you can't get over it, even though you say you have. I hate you for making me
want to hate anyone. If I could wish for one thing at this very moment, it wouldn't be for a car, or a liscence, a shopping spree, not
even a million bucks, or to marry Kenny Chesney, it would be to earse you from everything, to have NEVER met you. Don't you
find that a little sad? I hate you more than I have ever hated anything in my entire life, and that makes me sad. That I hate someone
that much, but I do. I hate you. I hate who you are, I hate the way you act now, how you aren't the same person you use to be, how you care about stupid crap, I hate what a jerk you are, I hate how selfish you are, I hate absouletley everything about you, and most
of all I hate you because I dislike myself for hating someone, which is you. Which I chose to blame you, not myself, because you are
the reason I have to hate anything. A reason you make apparent to almost everyone you come in contact with. Ugh, and I hate that I'm talking about how much I hate you.

I really want to talk to Dan. It be nice to vent to him right about now. It's nice that I can talk to someone who's really intelligent and makes me see things from different perspectives. Most people just agree with you, and go with what you say, so you don't really know what they're *really* thinking. Plus a lot of the things I get worked up about, he makes me see how silly they really are.

I had another crazy dream last night. My parents bought me this huge bright pink cell phone and like every time it'd ring, I would like *bam* be someplace else. Lol it was insane. lol I'm insane, oh well.

I think I'm going to go to Champion so ttyl


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. | Random Journal