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I close my eyes and you're all I can see

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:: 2006 10 December :: 5.47pm
:: Mood: contemplative

I'm procrastinating again. I've read over all of my English material, and now I need to go back and intensively anaylize and take notes with possible essay questions in mind.

I don't really want to. But I don't have anything else better to do.


I'm sorry I take up your friends page, but I'm pretty sure that if I don't update on woohu every day, I'll go into withdrawl. Sometimes I don't have anything important to say, but I still update. I've updated more now, than ever, and I attribute that to 1. I have access to high speed internet day and night here and 2. I don't have much else better to do.


The former Chilian dictator Pinochet died today. Ninety-one. After he overthrew the democracy of Chile, he did great things for his country. He kept them out of communism and the like, however, he had a blatant disregard for humanity. He maimed, tortured and killed thousands in the name of national security.

Why didn't the U.S. go after him? I'm not saying that it was wrong to prosecute (and mind you, NOT persecute) Sadam, but for all of you head strong, Pro-Bush Republicans, doesn't it make you think why the U.S. chose him to prosecute, and ONLY him?

Just wondering if anyone out there was still thinking.


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:: 2006 10 December :: 11.31am

omg look at my journal. isn't it awesome

okay so i can't really read the words but i dont really care. i need to figure out how to change the font cuz i can't do it the normal way but ohe well.

i'm obsessed.

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:: 2006 9 December :: 6.16pm

Another Post



I think I might has witness the phenomenon know as 'the sun' today. However, it was only for a brief period of time.

Six more days, bitches. Six more days. Six more boring, heart renchingly stupid exam days before I come home.


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 9 December :: 3.30pm
:: Music: Shankill Butchers - TD

A wicked wind will blow your ribbons from your curls
96 Works.
Three novels, One play, Many 'short' stories, Many poems, a Joyce.

My British Literature class is over and I was making a list of the works and the page numbers for the class so I could refer to them during the final on Monday. I'm a little intimidated, it's worth 25% of my grade.

Ah, well, I'm going to reread them all today and tomorrow, because, well, I haven't got much else to do. It's really quite boring up here on the weekends if you're not out getting trashed, or high, or raped, or going to church, or hit by cars, or getting put in jail, or vandalising homes, or, well, you get the point. The highlight of my evening last night was watching the guys across the hall get busted by the RA's, and then watching them down the rest of their alcohol in case the RA's came back.

No, Thank you, John

" I never said I loved you, John:
Why will you teaze me day by day,
And wax a weariness to think upon
With always "do" and "pray"?

You know I never loved you, John;
No fault of mine made me your toast:
Why will you haunt me with a face as wan
As shows an hour-old ghost?

I dare say Meg or Moll would take
Pity upon you, if you'd ask:
And pray don't remain single for my sake
Who can't perform that task.

I have no heart? - Perhaps I have not;
But then you're mad to take offence
That I don't give you what I have not got;
Use you own common sense.

Let bygones be bygones:
Don't call me false, who owed not to be true:
I'd rather answer "No" to fifty Johns
Than answer "Yes" to you.

Let's mar our pleasant days no more
Song-birds of passage, days of youth:
Catch at today, forget the days before
I'll wink at your untruth.

Let us strike hands as hearty friends;
No more, no less; and friendship's good:
Only don't keep in view ulterior ends,
And points not understood

In open treaty. Rise above
Quibbles and shuffling off and on:
Here's friendship for you if you like; but love, -
No, thank you, John."

-Christina Rossetti, 1862

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 8 December :: 8.31pm

My boyfriend is wonderful.

do you know why?

because he bought us tickets to go to the Nutcracker Ballet. I went there once when I was in 4th grade. it was so fun. I can't wait.

it's gonna be great. hooray hoorah oh happy day.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 8 December :: 6.59pm

you would not believe what i just did.

so i'm not even gonna tell you.

it's for your own good. or rather, mine. totally mine.

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:: 2006 8 December :: 3.00pm

I hate TAIT. It's so stupid, and time consuming, and I hate it, hate it, hate it.

But, this is all that stands between me getting all A's for the semester.

I still hate it.

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:: 2006 7 December :: 12.12pm

i cannot take this anymore.

i was just emailed by my professor letting me know that the legal memo i handed in , our biggest project that takes forever to do... is wrong. i did the wrong case. i DID THE WRONG CASE.

which means i have to do it all over again. he handed us two different cases i must have somehow picked the wrong one even though right on the front page it says YOUR ASSIGNMENT and talks aobut all the requirements and everything you need when you hand it in.

this is terrific. and i have to work all weekend.

i will never finish everything.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 6 December :: 11.34am
:: Mood: Upset.
:: Music: none.

I have come to the conclusion that I hate this so-called thing called "The Real World".

Is it wrong of me to sit here and listening to this MKTG 412 class start to leave the class room and converse with one another and feel completely certain that 85% of the words that come out of their mouths are so fake and empty? Is it wrong of me to feel that every sentance that is supposed to come out of them with feeling and emotion sounds to me as a lie. Is it wrong of me to feel totally weird that when they talk to one another it's just all an act.

is it wrong for me to think about how they are acting like robots.... when they go home don't they change into sweats and lounge on their couches?? doesn't everyone? they dont honestly go home and stay in their buisness suits and panty hose and high heels and sit in an upright chair making charts and graphs... no one does that. okay maybe not no one. but REAL people. that is what i'm talking about. real people. don't they head home after this and start using SLANG words and maybe throw a cuss word or two around? isn't that comfortable? doesn't anyone go home and open a bag of oreos and dunk it in their milk like a normal person??? can you imagine a bunch of "suits" dunking their oreos? can you? please...

is it wrong of me to walk into a church and get tears in my eyes because i feel like there are conformists. is that the right word? no... i feel like there are people who are certain of where they are going but are yet to find out they are not. ( this is not to offend ANYONE . this is not sarcasm, these are just my feelings FYI)

Is it wrong of me to hurt when people are just talking to each other? I just analyze it all too much i know. But it hurts me that people are just... yeah

where have all the real people gone

i dont want to go to this school

i want to go to a school where there are gays and there is a lesbian club and there are crazy artistic expressive people. i want to go to a school where everyone accepts each other and everyone gets to know each other. i want to go to a school that has an I LOVE JESUS club and tries to introduce everyone to the Lord. I want to go to a school that expresses individuality.

i want to go to a school where people are real.

i can't be cooped up here anymore. i dont know what i'm going to do with my life as far as a career and i can't stay here any longer pretending that i'll be satisfied with myself as a medical assistant or as a health whatever managment blah blah blah 4 year degree office type.

Is it wrong of me to want something creative and new and fresh and meaningful ... is it wrong of me....................................... i know i wont ever MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD. but i have to do something.... smarter with myself. please

i need to have a satisfying rewarding career.

i need to know that with my everyday work, i make people feel BETTER. More ALIVE. More REAL.

ugh. what do i do. ? please.

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:: 2006 5 December :: 8.54pm

can anyone please help me fix my computer. i am getting SO pissed off.

my dvd player in my computer,,,,.... it will play dvds and the video is fine and up to speed but the sound just skips and skips and no it's not the dvd i'm not that dumb but please help me someone or i am going to throw this thing off my balcony. please!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 5 December :: 6.39pm
:: Mood: bored

The Most Random Questions You Will Ever Fill Out

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?
Left side

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?
i can't dive

3) What color is your razor?

4) What is your blood type? i think b pos

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
roman or jess prob.

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you?
ummm that i'm a bitch or that i am mean or hmm i duno i can think of one specific person who just never has enough shit to say about me to another certain...person!!! but oh well she's a bitch anyway. and that's not a rumor.

7) How do you feel about carrots??
they are orange and okay-tasting

8) How many chairs at the dining room table? well if you mean my table.. there are 2...

9) Which is the best Spice Girl?
who knows ...who cares

10) Do you know what time it is?

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?
no that show annoys me

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
i was just thinking about that today as i rode an elevator... um i would probably just relax and take a nap while someone came to rescue me. i might actually be happy about it.

13) What's your favorite kind of gum?
orbit the green kind

14)T or F: All's fair in love and war. no

15)do you have a crush on anyone? no

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
riiight that doesn't make sense.

17)Do you like to sleep?
way too much.

18) Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings Time?
are there any? i dont think so

19) Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
yes pretty piano in it.

20) Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?
sure i'd sell it though

21) What's something you've always wanted?
a wonderful family

22) Do you have hairy legs?
i guess when i dont shave them :0/

23) What does "Semper Fidelis" stand for?
duno but denee' says it means 'always faithful' and since i copied this survey from her, i know that.

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
lake i dont like salty oceans

25)Do you wear a lot of black?
yeah actually lately

26) Describe your hair?

27) Do you have Entomophobia?
is that even a real phobia?

28) Are you an adult?
according to my age.

29) Where is/are your best friend(s)?
roman is right next to me playing video games, jess is at the airport i guess and jessie g is at school

30) Do you have a tan?
no not yet but i juust finally bought a tanning package thank goodness

31) Are you a television addict? no but i love grey's anatomy

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? yes because i miss her now that i dont live with her. and she is an awesome person. *tear*

33) Are you a sugar freak? i like my chocolate. a lot.

34) Do you like orange juice? it's ok.

35) What sign are you?

36) Where do you wish you were right now?
halfway around the world. not havingto worry about money or anything.

37) Who did you copy this from?

38) How do you know them?
been friends for a long long time. how can you not know the millerings?

39) Have you kissed anyone in the past week?

40) What are your plans for the weekend?
work of course and most likely nothing else. kinda like all my weekends.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 5 December :: 5.04pm

Jess (or anyone else), what was that play that we watched at Rob's house with you, me, him and Zack? Remember, the guy in the flesh colored speedo dancing around? We read it in AP lit, too. I think we should watch it again.

What play is that? I was just reminded of that for some reason.

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:: 2006 4 December :: 5.54pm

It's cold as hell outside. Just got back from tromping in the snow and building hopping to avoid it. Last biology lab! It was pretty exciting. We had a group quiz, and no one but me knew how to do it.

Next week is exam week, and then I return on the fifteenth!

My mother sent me flowers today in honor of my birthday. It was pretty neat.


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:: 2006 3 December :: 10.14pm
:: Mood: high

Happy Birthday to me in less than two hours. Nineteen. Nothing too special, just another year fulfilled. I think I'm getting to that age where birthdays become less and less special, and that's sad.

Sorry, kids, no rantings or substantial writing tonight. I haven't got the brain power for it now. It's hard enough typing as it is.

Drive Safe.

4 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2006 2 December :: 11.18pm

i'm gonna volunteer to be a mentor at wedgwood . isn't that cool? i'm excited

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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