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:: 2006 10 June :: 11.28pm

boring. dumb.
Read more..

let go lightly


:: 2006 10 June :: 7.23pm

man, i wonder what it would be like to be part of the FCU.


let go lightly


:: 2006 10 June :: 12.24am
:: Mood: drunk

okay, so i put drunk, but i'm really not that drunk. i just thought it was funny that gunnie put it on the list of options. and it might be good to note that funny and gunnie do indeed rhyme.

work was slow tonight. they had me sweeping floors and hauling dunage (empty carts and racks) most of the night. it was pretty lame. i'm still not sure what all they'll have me do for tomorrow, but i really don't care right now, and i'll be getting paid the big bucks to do it, so fuck.

it seemed to fit, okay? fucking shit. that's the thing that zach and i have going right now. it's like our inside joke or whatever... fucking shit. he invited me to fourth of july. i'm not sure if i'll go or not. i really want to see shannon. and i'm sure i'll see her before then.

she's really quite adorable, by the way. i was noticing that earlier, and i figured it would be nice to make mention of it. she's pretty damn cute. and i think i'll keep her.

so, mom opened the apple wine stuff. it's pretty good. it's carbonated. i'm not sure i'm a fan of the carbonation. but i like the tartness. that's different, and i like it. but that's not why i'm messed up right now. i took some more of that yukon jack stuff. it's really smooth. i like that too. it's sort of minty, like wintergreen flavor. and you'd never know its 100 proof....

okay, well, you might, by watching me. but aside from that, it's very inconspicuous.

ds;ljaf;dlkfja ;sdlkjf;alsdfj ad.

my fingers are rebelling again.

it's time for bed. i have to work in the morning.

fucking shit.

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 9 June :: 11.24pm

I just cannot figure it out.

Is it real? I dont know. I think so but I dont know when I'll figure if it is or not for sure.

But that, give me a break. It's insane. Is it just peoples' solace for absolutely everything that is going wrong in their lives?

it must be. I can't believe any of it. it's so incredibly stupid and fake. WOW

i would hate to be one of them the day they realize it's all a fucking joke. but hey, i guess everyone needs a little solace in their life.

let go lightly


:: 2006 9 June :: 11.56am

I'm goin to tokyo!

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 8 June :: 12.54am
:: Mood: chill
:: Music: brian bromberg - you know that feeling

how country are turnip greens?
i hate B-93. and i dislike a vast majority of country music. i just had to get that off of my chest.

something else i've had to get off my chest:
when i went to the snows' house saturday night, while shannon was babysitting, when i went to the bathroom, there was a sign on the mirror that said "J.O.Y."

it was an acronym, that said "jesus first, others second, yourself third". now, this really irked me. not because of putting others before yourself, i do that all the time. it's the only way to fly. but the problem i have, is with putting jesus before others. that's like... holy war, or some shit. now, i know that's not what they had in mind with the whole "joy" thing, but to me it just seemed ignorant. that jesus himself would likely want us to put others first, him second, and ourself third. or rather, that he was just another human. that he would include himself in the "others" and so, it would just be everyone else before you. that to me is what makes sense. putting jesus before others is just downright scary. i've seen it. not fun.

moving on, to a happier note, i bought some books and cds while i was down there, and i'm enjoying them very much. i'm not quite halfway through murder on the orient express yet. i'll let you know what i think of it, once i'm finished.

i proofread shannon's short story last night. i haven't heard back from her since i submitted my revisions.

and, inspired by her writing, and the rain and the thunder, and a conversation we had this past weekend, i began writing my own short story. which i'm sure will wind up being neither short, nor much of a story. but it'll be fun to write, i hope, anyway.

that's all for now. stuff to do. things to see. hours to sleep.

7 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 June :: 1.48pm

omg. the following news it utterly unbelievable.

my parents are letting me go camping with roman. i'm leaving tonight and coming back thursday to go to work.

hooray hoorah suck it losers.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 June :: 10.19am

God I dont' know what to do anymore.

I seriuosly can't handle living two hours away from Roman anymore. I can't handle not having the best friend I used to and her acting like it doesn't even fucking matter. I can't handle having this stupid open house that I haven't even prepared for AT ALL and I can't fucking handle Rosie's anymore because here's how my schedule goes...

I get my schedule 2 weeks ahead of tiem from Menards, then I take my schedule into Rosie's and the days I don't work at Menards I tell Rosie's that those are the days I can work and so unless Rosie's doesn't schedule me on the one or two days I can work for that week, then I work at Rosies. Which leaves me with like no time off at all unless I ask it off and a full plate and feeling tired and like nothing is getting done. Yeah it's good money but I am feeling so drained. I feel like I never want to go out and do anything because then I'll be too tired the next day at WORK.

Also, roman and i have tried to pick out a day that we both get off so we can see each other. It was tuesday but then when menards doesn't schedule me on tuesday, i've been asking to work at rosie's so guess what, I have been working on tuesday leaving no day for us. and yes, we need an entire day because goign to see each other requires four hours of driving. and when we see each other once every other week or so then we need to take advantage of the small amount of time we have so shut up!

and rosie's always makes me feel like they don't want me there anymoer because i can only work a few hours. I am really close to quitting because it's so pointless. they just make me feel like crap and keep hiring people so i feel like they are slowly pushing me out. ....ugh whatever i'm not going to get into it. the farm will be starting soon so i'll have that job again too. i guess i'm just prety sure i'm goign to quit rosies.

So far this summer and even before summer started there hasn't been a day at rosies that i've worked and havent felt like shit ... i'm not gonna get into it but it's completely true. and yeah, i can't really take that anymore.


oh but wait. i get to work at rosie's tonight at 3. yesterday omg, i worked at menards from 12:30 to 10:30 because the stupid hardware department made us help them with stock when every single night the cashiers have to stay the latest anyway doing returns and they get to leave!!! next time i'll be like hey bitches we helpecd you, you help us. but no, they'll just leave early like always. big suprise.

7 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 June :: 7.36am

so.... going to be bored today. We went to osaka and hiroshima, good stuff. I've been trying to avoid the obvious tourist things... but to no avail, no matter what i do here I'm always going to look like a tourist. Osaka is fucking huge city, which is apparently now notable for what matt calls "osaka style". Everyone dresses like some bizarre model and has a walk. I'll get a picture of it. Also, theres these groups of guys that hassle girls on the street, and they all look like punk chique(SP) sort of speak. You would only see people like that in new york on acid or in hell... but I guess osaka harbors them. My brother forgot to bring his charger for the camera phone thing so I have lots of pictures of hiroshima but none of osaka. Speaking of which, Ironically enough there was a HUGE festival in hiroshima when we were there, just out of random chance. It was nutts. They like hott dogs on a stick alot. I saw where the a-bomb hit and what not, that's a once in a lifetime deal, phil would have appreciated that. Speaking of which, I apologize phil... I get mixed up alot, especially lately being that I couldn't drive.

I got addison and chris gifts... and oh boy, chris, you're going to love yours. so that leaves alot of people. Oh well, big trip to Tokyo tomorrow with just me :(. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I want to hit some clubs. In your opinion, is it wierd for me as an american, to just go to a club by myself? take note that just because I'm american it doesn't make me a demi god to japanese women, just gives me a slight advantage. Here= ugly dudes with HOT girl friends = me having a slight chance - the ability to speak japanese = damnit

P.S. I got naked with my brother... if you are following then good, if not, don't think about it too hard

P.S.S. Sorry phil

P.S.S.S. Amanda, almost got you a kimono, and if you want boy problems, I can help you baby ;)....

alright, now that I've just creeped everyone out, I'll just be on my way....

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 4 June :: 8.09pm

oh and ps i'm totally done trying.

let go lightly


:: 2006 4 June :: 8.05pm

wow. are you fucking kidding me?

let go lightly


:: 2006 4 June :: 9.30am

Oh and in other news about myself instead....

the senior all night party was a lot of fun and when i got back from it , i met roman and he drove us to the apartment but we were early so just to simply kill time, we stopped at a garage sale that was on the same road as the apartment. we were about to get going, with me just buying a Pictionary game, lol, when roman spotted a sign that said more in back, Bedroom suite blah blah blah and so we asked about it and she had two different ones for sale. Long story short, we ended up buying a mattress/box spring/everything you need that's less than a year old, a headboard, a tall dresser, a night stand, and a huge vanity with a mirror and shelves on the side and a light over it It's SO NICE. ... for only $200!!!!! That honestly is such a good deal. we thought we'd be spending 200 for like only a mattress.

but this lady just wanted to get rid of everything because she had a son die or something so its sad but we got a great deal. yesterday my dad and brandon and i went to pick it all up and she sold me this whole dish drying rack thing filled with kitchen utensils like spoons and stirrirs and tongs and a nutcracker and spatulas for a dollar. AHH it was crazy!

so now we have everything we need for the bedroom except some sheets but some lady from romans work is giving him these brand new sheets she never used because she didn't end up buying a queen size for them. so yay

i'm so excited now we only need a table and a futon and we'll be good to go.

today is stef's shower so off to detroit i go...

let go lightly


:: 2006 4 June :: 9.29am

it's SO fucking stupid. be real. stop being so fucking FAKE!

let go lightly


:: 2006 2 June :: 4.20pm

So , I'm alive. For all those who think Japan is fucking crazy... you're right. What's the first thing I see? Fucking beer in a vending machine... what did I see an hour later? Porn in a vending machine... Those two things make me want to become a Japanophile. So I really wasn't supposed to leave until today, but , well, let me explain. My flight was the same number and time as the one the day before it. Which makes sense. However... to my luck, being that I drove to detroit to get on a plane, the flight was delayed. This is good, because I would have been sent all the way back home, but the clerk just assumed that I was supposed to be leaving on that one because it was delayed. I now realize how funny this is because he couldn't find my reservation for the plane with my last name... now I know why... So, point being that he changed me to fly to L.A. (which is an annoying airport btw) , then to osaka. The total in air time was about 17 hours, but the flight was nice. I drank wine, ate sushi ( really bad sushi and wine) , watched king kong 4 times and some korean movie about a girl ina guys apartment and dancing, it was great. Landed in osaka at about 5:45 P.M. ( 4:45 A.M for you bitches), and went to get my train ticket. That left around 6:50, then after an hour on that train I had to get off and on another one for 9. So in the end, I traveled for about 27 hours... but now I'm here and it was totally worth it. Everyone is really polite. Osaka is fucking huge, I can only imagine what tokyo is going to be like. Also... I find Japanese girls to be more attractive in their own context, if that makes any sense... Going out tonight, going to be a blast... Gotta go those, catch you handsome gents later...

6 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 1 June :: 12.34pm

Yay! Wedding is tomorrow!
I still have a pretty bad cold.
Tried on my dress again today. Finished vows. Am going to finish packing. Yikes. :-)
Getting boquets tonight.
I lost a couple more pounds too. Crazy how that works.

let go lightly


:: 2006 31 May :: 9.04pm

wow, i love my almost-husband.

bridal shower on sunday. sending out the wedding invites sometime before then. i love feeling like I've got things on track.

on a less positive note, my dj appears to have dropped off the face of the earth. which could totally suck, if I have to find somebody new.

also, i desperately need a new job.

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 31 May :: 9.35am

okay i am so excited.

my apartment is SET. number 212. That's gotta be lucky because 2 is my lucky number. it even faces the pond which is exactly what i wanted because that pond is so super cute. on the second floor like i wished and requested. i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the only bad thing is her office is closed tomorrow so we can't come see it and roman still hasn't even got to view it so now we have to wait longer... well at least it will give us more time to decide on what colors we want them to paint it because i still haven't been able to decide.

if anyone has suggestions on what color we should paint a kitchen with no window, a livingroom with a big sliding door window/patio, a small bathroom, and a bedroom
...let me know please

me and roman are moving in!!! like i said, my trunk is just filling up with odds and ends we need. tomorrow, we are going shopping and browsing for more things we need. stef and paul have been so nice giving us a ton of stuff we'll need. and gave us a GREAT deal on a tv and tv stand. we already had one but it wasn't too great and now we'll have two if want want one in the bedroom.

i'll be starting college 2 weeks after we move at davenport. roman and i have both put in our transfer requests and should be able to smoothly transfer to the clyde park location. i am so excited.

ahh this is so great

Yay i'm so happy. the rest of the deposit is due sometime this week and i am so excited!!!

4 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 31 May :: 2.30am

Well... off with me then.

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:: 2006 31 May :: 12.49am
:: Music: my fan / the thunder

lightning in the southern sky

this weekend was too incredible to describe with words. so i won't bother. we went canoing, swimming, movie-ing, chilling, playing cards, driving, everything.

it was great. and i still can't belive the trip home. all the way from elk rapids to big rapids. my ears were ringing. jeez.

moving on,
it has been a very long time since i have had my hair in a ponytail. but after today at work, i think it is a necessity, given that my hair kept swinging down and dripping sweat all over my glasses and safety goggles.

that's all i have to say for now. i can't feel my fingers, and that makes typing difficult.

but it's been like a week, and i feel entitled. or something.

i wonder what time i'll get up tomorrow. i'm not going to set an alarm, i know that much.

let go lightly


:: 2006 31 May :: 12.27am

So this is how it rolls: List ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'.

1. You hurt me.
2. It's all a joke.
3. I really like you. Honestly, I love you. I'm sorry I lie to you and I want to be what we should be.
4. I don't think I'll ever forgive you and I don't think you are as great as you seem to think you are.
5. One day you'll realize that being so 'good' isn't good.
6. Stick in there. Deep down I know you and I are a lot alike. And I believe that you'll be really successful when you grow up so don't worry.
7.I never tried. And also I cheated a lot.
8. I'm not as great as you think I am.
9. I don't deserve it.
10. I wasn't lieing when I said I didn't like myself.

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly

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