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gilded smile

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:: 2006 30 May :: 9.26pm

Ahhh I have a cold!?
Not cool. I haven't been on here in a while. Bridal shower was fun. Moving is, well, moving. Baby is getting much bigger. Wedding is this FRIDAY!!! Honeymoon to who-knows-where! (Surprises!) Exciting. Work could be going a little smoother but ya know. I felt the baby last week and then we went to our appt. and found out the feet are by my belly button so it was definitely the bambino. That was exciting! And the heart rate went from 150s to 150s-160s. Girl! That's what I think at least. Alexis Evelyn Shick. Or for a boy, Caleb James Shick. Anyway, I have to go to bed for I am sick. And tired.

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 30 May :: 10.20am

nevermind, i guess.

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:: 2006 30 May :: 12.10am

i hate myself.

let go lightly


:: 2006 28 May :: 12.25am

you just have to revive me.

you're the only one who can do that, jess. everyone else just pisses me off.

aww well isn't that sweet. being in love is just the best isn't it.

I am getting kinda excited for stef's wedding and i'm happy that she is with a good guy and that everything is good for them and i can't wait for the baby makin. wait, that sounds wrong. i can't wait for a baby to be made. Yes... lol. i dont really care how it gets done, just do it. lol i want a little nephew. yes , a nephew not a neice. if it's a niece they can have it back. girls just bug me.

i am also THRILLED to be moving in august!!! YAY moving in with my best friend/ boyfriend lol. i love him and can't wait to like, own our toilet paper lol. we will own everything in that little apartment and it will be ours! yay! i am so excited. i can't stop buying little things for us for the apartment. my whole trunk is almost full to capacity and soon the backseat probably will be too. i only need a few more things really. it seems like a lot but it's probably not that much.. i duno. and stef and paul are giving us a bunch of stuff after their wedding gifts which is awesome of them.

i'm so excited! and i love my baby! not literallly baby. not like i'm preggy baby but like my baby darling roman r to the o to the MAN roman banana shana fo fanna foman. roman.


2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 27 May :: 9.18am

ugh how'd i get so fucking replaced?


and oh what else is dumb. i dont have work from 9 - 5:30 like i thought. it's 10- 7:30... so i still dont' have to close but the day will pretty much be over when i get out. hooray. and my wisdom teeth (lack there of) still hurt and are even bleeding still. gross i know but what do i do. i dont know what else there is to do? so now i just get to talk for 9 hours making it worse. ugh!

let go lightly


:: 2006 26 May :: 11.46pm


i realized for the second time that i am done with high school


and i love beans and love working with her but i hate working

tomorrow's another day another dollar. as much as i hate that phrase.

9-5:30..... at least i dont have to close.

ASLK!@! and my teeth or lack there of still hurt. i actually think they are bleeding. come on and heal already jeez.

and oh wait there's more. i am so totally in love with roman bryan nastally garcia. i could just dance! love him. yay for love. and everyone in it.

let go lightly


:: 2006 26 May :: 8.43pm
:: Music: angels and airwaves

i cannot live i can't breathe unless you do this with me
so underoath were sweet.
and now i have to wait like a month for their new cd to come out.
damn. that show was kick ass!
as cities burn were great too.
and mi hermono had a good time too.


2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 26 May :: 10.01am

oh my gosh i need to lose weight.

i'm getting so ... ugh frusterated. what if i can't handle it all. ugh and then right after i type that he calls and says i love you. pfff. sucker. i'm a sucker for him. well okay . in short. i can handle it and i will handle it and it will be the happiest moment in my life when i am finally free. we are finally free. i can't wait and i can say i did it on my own. we did it.

but i still need to lose weight. i'm so gross.
8 months of being apart and never better.

well, doctors appointment and then work from 1 - 10pm. i have no life. but i need the money.

let go lightly


:: 2006 25 May :: 12.57am
:: Mood: not bad. not anything.


first off - funny quote of the day:

"skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face."
- dave barry


okay. work was normal. i did stuff. theoretically got paid for it. life goes on.

i was overcome with this overwhelming desire to call shannon. and what made it more difficult is i know she would have wanted me to. but i had to make use of what little willpower i have, and say no. i will see her friday night. just repeat the mantra, i guess. i feel like i should channel that energy i get into something productive, though. like, when i want to call her and talk to her, i should do something else instead. like she did with my memory box, or something. but i'm not as creative like that, so i don't know. i'll have to come up with something. i suppose i could write. i would be writing a lot. i could keep a pad and pen in the truck though. but i usually have to be in a different mindset to write. i dunno. we'll give it a shot.

the reading thing has worked well in that regard, i suppose. which i've been continuing. i finished part one of lamb, and will now proceed to post up my favorite quotes:

"'i'm thinking of being a professional mourner. how hard can it be? tear at your hair, sing a dirge or two, take the rest of the week off.'
'his father is a stonemason,' joshua said. 'we may both learn that skill.' at my urging, my father had offered to take joshua on as an apprentice if joseph approved.
'or a shepherd,' i added quickly. 'being a shepherd seems easy. i went with kaliel last week to tend his flock. the law says that two must go with the flock to keep an abomination from happening. i can spot an abomination from fifty paces.'
maggie smiled. 'and did you prevent any abominations?'
'oh yes, i kept all of the abominations at bay while kaliel played with his favorite sheep behind the bushes.'
'biff,' joshua said gravely, 'that was the abomination you were supposed to prevent.'
'it was?'
'whoops. oh well, i think i would make an excellent mourner. do you know the words of any dirges, maggie? i'm going to need to learn some dirges.'"


"with the tip of his sword, justus guided my gaze to apollo's stone penis, which lay in the dirt next to the two corpses. 'and do you want to explain how that happened?'
'the pox?' i ventured.
'the pox can do that,' maggie said. 'can rot it right off.'
'how do you know that?' joshua asked her.
'just guessing. i'm sure glad that's all over.'
justus let his sword fall to his side with a sigh. 'go home. all of you. by order of gaius justus gallicus, under-commander of the sixth legieon, commander of the third and fourth centuries, under authority of emperor tiberius and the roman empire, you are all commanded to go home and perpetrate no weird shit until i have gotten well drunk and had several days to sleep it off.'"


"'we have to find out a couple of things before joshua starts being the messiah,' i said.
'like what?' john seemed as if he would start crying again.
'well, like where joshua left his destiny and whether or not he's allowed to, uh, have an abomination with a woman.'
'it's not an abomination if it's with a woman,' josh added.
'it's not?'
'nope. sheep, goats, pretty much any animal - it's an abomination. but with a woman, it's something totally different.'
'what about a woman and a goat, what's that?' asked john.
'that's five shekels in damascus,' i said. 'six if you want to help.'
joshua punched me in the shoulder.
'sorry, old joke.' i grinned. 'couldn't resist.'"


so, apparantly my favorite parts circle around the singing of dirges and bestiality.

that explains a lot.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 24 May :: 2.29pm

go to bank
get schedule at rosies
mail at postoffice
pay car payment

let go lightly


:: 2006 24 May :: 12.11pm

notable mention:

i just had the shortest, most productive phone conversation with my mother, to date.

i thought that was noteworthy. aside from that, i've been reading again which is good. and i'm working. i suppose that's also good. it's looking like i'll have saturday off - keep your fingers crossed. shannon is coming down on friday. friday i have to go into the hiring agency office and sort some stuff out about my check. they shorted me 3 minutes. which, i mean, it's just three minutes. but on the other hand, there's no reason for me to have been shorted at all, and as a matter of principle, that's very aggravating.

and i've only gotten one receipt. i don't even know if i actually have the money yet. i need to go to the bank and check.

and the truck needs work. i don't have time, tools, or a place to do it.

i see not much has changed.

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:: 2006 23 May :: 9.49pm

i just took like 30 pictures of myself and edited them all

getting your wisdom teeth out doesn't hurt THAT bad but it sure it boring!

living room dark red and bed room purple... bathroom i think light blue and what color should the kitchen be?

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 23 May :: 2.33pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: i write sins not tradgedies

life may be okay again

So i think it's fine and we're fine and most of all i'm fine because you were fine to begin with. which i highly appreciate and find completely supportive and sweet and loving and it was sweet to hear it all but i just could not handle it i know.

it is a little tiny bit sad but most of all.. not.

so i am happy and not scared and my mouth hurts but hopefully that willl be the only pain i experience for a long time.

hooray, life is good again i think and i am so looking forward to the move and the apartment. yay!

let go lightly


:: 2006 23 May :: 2.29pm

Bachelorette party was Saturday. Tons of fun! I won money too :-) Thanks Becca! ! !
Ahhh I don't feel so well today.
Lots of stuff to do. Charlie and I still have to finish registering at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. Got my hair done last night. Friday is another doctors appt. :) And Saturday Charlie's mommy and sister want to take me out for corset shopping! :-) Lots of fun. Sunday morning Char and I have to finish registering and then the Bridal Shower is in the afternoon. Then I have to pack. Monday we're going to the flea market and then I have to start moving more stuff. I can't BELIEVE next Friday I will be living in a new house and married. Then next weekend is our honeymoon which I have to pack for.
Oh man there is so much stuff to do! I bought Charlie's ring yesterday but they have to special order it. So it's supposed to come in time.
I'm just babbling so that's about it...
Oh and I'm pretty proud of myself, I actually lost weight, not gained, lost! Crazy.

let go lightly


:: 2006 22 May :: 11.01pm

well i got my wisdom teeth out todya. it wasnt as bad as thought i t was gonna be. i started getting alittle teary-eyed when they stuck the IV in my arm and hooked all the ekgs and stuff up to me. i heard my heart beat and it was going so fast because i got really scared and they stuck the little tubes up my nose to breath and then that's all i remember really. then i just felt really sick on the way home as we were pulling onto my road i was sure iw as going to throw up because my mouth was so dry and i was so hot and i was just like sitting in my moms car passed out while she got my prescriptions and some soft/liquid food. i told her it was okay but when i woke up from my stupor i wished i had told her to just bring me home first because i felt so sick . my mouth was so dry it was jut making me really sick.

but then i just watched a movie and had some more vicadin and fell asleep. .... haven't done much today just stayed in bed and slept and got more meds and slept more and then just went dow n and ate a little more applesauce and pudding. and now i'm just chillin... about ready for bed. and some more vicadin. i deff. dont mind that stuff. i'm really mellow.

for the most part.

let go lightly


:: 2006 22 May :: 2.13pm

I go to sleep for 9 hours and the whole place gos to hell... wtf?

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:: 2006 21 May :: 4.09pm

Go figure. The day before my certification test, I get sicker than I've been in a year.


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:: 2006 20 May :: 6.58pm

ahhhhhh i duno.......

what is going to happen?

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:: 2006 20 May :: 3.10pm

I shouldn't do that.... really.... It only pisses people off. But I have to compensate the loneliness with some sort of attention, I mean, I can't just deal with it on my own...

sad I'm going to miss half of your open houses, So I apologize ahead of time.

Japan in 11 days!!

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 20 May :: 1.15pm
:: Mood: tired

Its been a long time since I wrote in here. Yesterday was the best day of my life. So far anyway. It was the last day of high school, which I have been waiting for for the longest time and it was nate and I's one year and six months. I cant beleive we have been dating for a year and a half. Its been the best year and a half of my life!!! We went to the Oasis and out to dinner. I love the Oasis it is my new favorite place. Its just so relaxing. So if you havent been there i really suggest it. Next week I really have to start looking for a job uhhh. I hate working but If I am going to buy a car I have to be working. The real life!!!! I cant wait to go to college its going to be so new and excited!!! And its not in Cedar Springs so thats a bigger plus. Well for anyone who didnt get an invite to my open house you are welcome to come. Its June 10th just like everyone else from 2-6!!! NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly

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