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:: 2006 25 April :: 9.51pm


spanish exam. done over. yay. good. piano exam tommorrow and then i'm basically done. i just have to do my online human sexuality exam clean my stuff up and make out with jenna. that's it.

THEN ON TUESDAY I START MY NEW JOBBBIE! yay for me! and thanks JESSICA WILDE. no we're gonna see each other all the time. maybe we'll go out and get crunked after work. ha hahahahahah.

tomorrow i'm having a dance party with the peepers
that'll be sweet.

i'm so burned out right now. like i've never even been so weary. ugh. i almost lost my patience today with the kids. only one more day.

at least i got to eat lemons for dinner. and i got a free sensual massage. good times.

6 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 25 April :: 8.40pm

It's been quite a while since I've gotten on here. I am SOOOO happy class is almost done. I'll miss the people in my table service class but I'm happy that's over too. It makes for long days! Hmmm. News...
I've been sick for about 40 days straight, every day, every time I wake up. At least I know nothing is wrong, but still. UGH! I'm so glad it'll be gone soon (hopefully). 12 weeks today and Charlie and I get to hear the HEART on friday! WHOOOOO! Also we're going to a picnic for GRCC culinary students which will be a BLAST. This has been a pretty sad weekend due to the passing of a really wonderful grandma, but we know she's in a better place now and watching over us. I wanted her to see an u/s of the baby. I wanted her at our wedding. But that's selfish and she was in pain. So she'll be everywhere now. It was a beautiful day for the funeral (yesterday).
Okay. Okay. I'm gonna cry again.
I didn't go to work tonight because I felt like I was going to be sick any minute. Ugh. Gotta love it. But soon I will be able to feel the baby and that will be awesome!!!!
Alright I have to write a paper now on the Patriot Act. Fun stuff.

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:: 2006 24 April :: 8.10pm

okay. one exam down. only two days left at Arcadia. sad sad.

let go lightly


:: 2006 24 April :: 2.09pm


what else can suck.

"it's like he just woke up one morning and was like, bring on the piss!" lol.

ugh how long till you're with me. seriously.

let go lightly


:: 2006 23 April :: 8.06pm

I swear, if one more person starts out a sentance by saying "I seen..." or "We seen...."

I will kill them. STOP BEING STUPID. It's "I saw, We saw." Gawd I swear its like you all think it's cool or something to sound so effing retarted.


ps. blah blah blah i love roman can't wait to be done with school grilled cheese are yummy love dani and went to the casino and cmu and woo woo fun time and yay ayyaayay prom cant wait and bonanza wah hoo. love love blah blah blah.


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:: 2006 23 April :: 12.10pm
:: Mood: slightly disoriented
:: Music: QOTSA - song for the deaf

last weekend of the semester....

so, friday was pretty busy. class at 10. class at 2. radio show at 5. open swim at 7. dishes and dinner after swimming. then it was off to the big lake at 11. we left the big lake around 1 or so, having done all that we set out to do. saturday was moving moving moving shit, and going to the bank for cash for tuesday. i hung out with mom and bruce for a bit. then i came back to campus. placed the drink order for tuesday with andre. helped katie and ellen unloft their room. proceeded to unloft/clean/vacuum my room with jim. everything's all squared away now, i think. well, not everything. but as much as i could do. today shannon's coming back, i need to start my honors essays, maybe study for stats and german a little bit.

stats exam tomorrow at 2pm, i think ... i have it written down somewhere. Deutsche Prüfung dienstag um 12 Uhr. honors essays are due tuesday at 4pm. after 4, we're getting dinner i guess, then party at hunter's tuesday night. wednesday i have a meeting with my advisor, and jim and i are moving out of the dorm. thursday i need to go into adecco and do all my paperwork stuff for steelcase, and maybe a drug test, and shannon is moving out, and i'm going down to richland with her. marty's doing a play on friday, so i guess we're going to that. saturday shannon needs a ride up to muskegon, so we'll do that, and then i'm home for the next week or so. then work starts.

that's chris's tentative life ina nutshell at the moment. it helps me to get things out of my head and onto, erm, paper. and hopefully it helps those of you who are wondering what the hell i'm up to all the damn time.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 20 April :: 10.42pm

it's like just one more aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalkj;lkj;lkj

so no school tomorrow either because of a health event thing.

and everything is okay for the moment.

and by everything i mean almost nothing but more than something.

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 19 April :: 10.03pm

Oh my gosh. Best night ever!

Sarah Weddington is probably the most awesome person on the whole planet. I think I'll have to be an official femminst in her honor.

seriously. nicest person ever.

and i never thought that much about abortion before. i never was emotional about it anyway.

so this is what i think: stay the fuck away from my uterus.

if i had the oppurtunity to move to canada and jake would come with me i'd be gone in a heartbeat. this country is moving backwards and i'm not going with it.

ps-jessica benzer, she compared fighting the pro-choice fight to LOTR.

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:: 2006 19 April :: 10.04pm

i love how nothing is EVER right


oh and one more thing
god i fucking hate all you people who get to see your boyfriends everyday.

aslkfja;sldjas;lkfj FUCFK

let go lightly


:: 2006 18 April :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: other
:: Music: benton falls - fighting starlight

shannon is super-sexy

Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

1. How am I feeling today?:
2. Will I get far in life?:
3. How do my friends see me?:
4. Where will I get married?:
5. What is my best friend's theme song?:
6. What is the story of my life?:
7. What is/was highschool like?:
8. How can I get ahead in life?:
9. What is the best thing about me?:
10. How is today going to be?:
11. What is in store for this weekend?:
12. What song describes my parents?:
13. My Grandparents:
14. How is my life going?:
15. What song will they play at my funeral?:
16. How does the world see me?:
17. Will I have a happy life?:
18. What do my friends really think of me?:
19. Do people secretly lust after me?:
20. What should I do with my life?:
21. Will I ever have children?:
22. What is some good advice?:
23. What is my signature dancing song?:
24. What do I think my current theme song is?
25. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
26. What type of men/women do you like?:

1. Weird al yankovic – like a surgeon
2. Jamiroquai - loveblind
3. Dave Matthews band – rapunzel
4. Barenaked ladies – war on drugs
5. Jamie cullum – blame it on my youth
6. Lee Michaels – do you know what I mean?
7. The Beatles – because
8. Red hot chili peppers – californication
9. Frank zappa – tell me you love me
10. 3 doors down – By my side
11. Joseph Haydn – symphony no. 95 (3rd movement)
12. Morphine – a head with wings
13. Ladd McIntosh big band – taco tee shirt
14. Alice in chains – heaven beside you
15. Weezer – The world has turned and left me here
16. System of a down – holy mountains
17. Extreme – who cares?
18. Gorillaz – white light
19. Jimi Hendrix – bold as love
20. Homestarrunner – everybody knows it
21. Queen – somebody to love
22. Bing Crosby – Last night on the backporch
23. Ben folds five – selfless, cold and composed
24. Rush – by-tor and the snow dog
25. Dave Brubeck quartet – pick up sticks
26. Jet – cold hard bitch

*note: there were some edits made to avoid repetition of artists (some would say i cheated)*

this just in:
i'm tired.

be safe! stay classy!

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 18 April :: 9.42pm

okay so get this

on TOP OF THE FRICKEN FULL RIDE i also got a $1000 scholarship I applied for a long time ago

and my parents say

what you expect us to pay for you books




2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 18 April :: 11.44am

hahaha, cedar people who used to hang out by the window in the main hall near the crotch read this.
so I was just reminising(sp). I went back and looked at stacy's old journal and the one where I insulted everybody I could have possibly insulted. 101 comments I think over 3 days or something. pretty good. I don't even remember what spawned it. It must have been those damn pictures with the lyrics. I still hate those by the way. Basically my plan was just to throw as much bullshit and random insults into the arena, and that's what I got back from everyone, bullshit. Some of the stuff was kind of harsh. I had a good time with some of it though. Funny part is I hang out with these people now sometimes. here's how it went.

Me: Babble babble babble

Joe: You fuck pigs!

Me: You're stupid for saying I fuck pigs!

Joe: I hate coherency!

Jimi : My cock is huge! I agree with joe! Brag!

Me : babble babble babble

Stacy : I like sasauge!

Rachel from belding : you're an asshole!

Me: You're a cum guzzling whore!

Rachel : Shit!

Me : Tool! Tool!

Some Jessica Girl : I have no part in this, but I enter anyway with extended comments on how you don't make any sense, even though that was obvious from the get-go!

Me: your stupid for not noticing that I was merely babbling! And I'm stupid for never using the correct fomr of " you're"! TooL!

Phil: haha, TOol!

Mitch: Way to use everything that maddox uses! I only used to quote penny arcade every day nonstop!

Me: Way to notice things I make obvious! Asshole! FUCK!!!

Mithc: I'm sorry I couldn't have made that last comment longer, I was just so excited I noticed obvious things...

Me: Want to be in my music video with jessa? You'll get to make out with her, I promise...

Mitch: YES!

Tom: I kick ass

Me: yay!

Rachel : Blahhh!!! I'm a vampire!!! I'll use our 5 second sexual encounter to deduct conclusions about everything!!


Jimi: My cock is still huge... but I'll make sure I can negify that comment by stating that my penis is as small as a japanese mans penis, there by stereotyping japanese men... although I earlier refered to you as hitler/ and or agreed with someone when they made that reference... I hate myself

Stacy: am I still even relevent in this argument?

Me: watch as I continue on, regretting everything I say

Joe: I still think you fuck goats (insert reference to my mother being a dirty whore)


I think we should all come together and make this a play... or movie... or a novel that has a play made about it that turns into a movie. It would be fun...

It is, however, good to see that everyone has grown up so much. I consider Joe a good guy, dont' really have much to do with jimi, and Stacy is always cool in my book. Rachel, apologize for the whole whore thing. Phil... you're just phil. Mitch and I have our disagreements but we never let it get to us. It's all good and fun. Infact, reading how stupid we all were made me feel really good about today. Japan in 44 days! I'm goin clubbin. With your response today, leave me what you would like from japan, and for the 55th time, no you cannot have a child. go:

13 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 16 April :: 10.55pm

Everything seems so shitty. ugh, it is.

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 April :: 7.14pm

so i worked all day and now i'm finally home.

ughghghghghg what a dumb day.

let go lightly


:: 2006 15 April :: 10.15am

is there any way to make this all go away? i just want to be happy and actually hold on to that. i just feel any motivation and good feelings ebbing way.

let go lightly


:: 2006 14 April :: 11.29pm

Does anyone have either

a. Some jewelry i can wear for prom ( i know you said you probably did for me erika)


b. Some light pink gloves...

my dress is light pink and... um.. i dont really care what it's like if you want to tell me about it... just not like a little chain w/ a jewel or something... something a little more than that.


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:: 2006 14 April :: 11.06pm

This one reminds me of people at rosie's and maybe what i'd like to say back to them:

Fairway: Your Source for Vintage Foods
Old woman: No! No! You need to cut from that side of the meat. Last week you gave me a cut from the right side. I want a cut from the left side! Don't you know that I want a fresh cut of meat?
Deli guy: Only way you gonna get a fresher cut of meat is if I take it from your wrinkly white ass.

--Fairway Market, 74th & Broadway

Lol and this one is so funny
Woman on cell: No, I mean, whatever. I cried for that baby when it died and all. Shit! I even went to its funeral and the damn thing wasn't even born! Who the fuck has a funeral for a baby that wasn't even born?...Whatever, that's not the point. The point is, I'm sure as hell not going to a birthday party for a baby whose funeral I went to a year ago. That is fucking morbid...and they had better not be expecting presents.

--14th between 7th & 8th

hahha all these remind me of the other day when me and roman went to applebees to eat and we listened in on this lady (we couldn't help it because she was SO loud and then it got SO interesting) for like seriously an hour about her husband who worked for a school and then she found out he was cheating on her with a student... she had two kids and he left home and she figured out he was at a hotel nearby that they had went to together before and she was able to coax the hotel manager into giving her a key because she had the same last name as her husband and she said she had the kids and didn't have a key and she went to the hotel room and put the card in and opened it a crack because she was afraid of what she'd see and she saw make up on the counter(GASP) and then it all came out that it was a student and blah blah blah... unfortuanttely that was all we got. it was so funny. we hardly spoke a word to each other because we were listening to her story.

Girl #1: I know it smells kind of cheap, but I like it because it's the perfume I was wearing when I lost my virginity.
Girl #2: I thought you were wearing Ralph when you lost it.
Girl #1: No, that was my other virginity.

--60th & Columbus

Woman: Look at all these rude motherfuckin' men! Can't get up and let none of these ladies have a seat.
Man: Having a vagina is not a disability.

--L train

let go lightly


:: 2006 13 April :: 11.37am

so i'm back and badder than ever. i know that isn't even correct, but i mean that i'm a bad-ass. you know how i roll.

i'm not even fully functional and i'm still badder than you. i can't even walk up stairs and i'm such an m-fing baddy mcbadderson sack.

also i can't sleep. freaking a. i went to bed at 10:30. didn't fall asleep til almost one woke up again at 4:30 to read and then woke up again at 6:40 to go to menards and fill out an app. i'm a monster. then i helped jake jump start his car and drove all the way to the zoo and didn't pass out. then i dragged my bag upstairs without any help.

you can't even touch me.

i miss jenna and i don't know where she is and my belly hurts and i'm hungry. and i don't want to put pants on.

okay and these people owe me:
Chris Best-One Georgia Book
Jessica Wilde-Ditto (sorry I keep nagging, I just love my little bookies)
Travis Macdonald-How to Survive the Loss of a Love (I know you don't even read this, but it's not called how to survive the loss of a book) IF ANYONE COMES IN CONTACT WITH THIS CHILD OR HIS TWIN SHOULD NOTIFY HIM OF MY ANGER.
Biondi-The Diary of Marie Antoinette.

That is all.

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:: 2006 12 April :: 8.42pm

i am so tired. yesterday and last night was such a long day.. and then this morning ...and then driving 2 hours just to work 5 more.....


let go lightly


:: 2006 12 April :: 8.11pm

looks like I get to leave the country again... yay!!!

12 hold on tightly | let go lightly

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