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gilded smile

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:: 2006 20 March :: 10.11pm

Oh yeah, and we were going to wait until next year, but we decided to get married in June! Yay :-) We want this, that's why we're doing it. I think my work, Applause Catering, is going to cater it. And the wedding will be at his Great Grandma's farm, it's really pretty there. More details later...

let go lightly


:: 2006 20 March :: 10.06pm

The Stills- Love and Death
Oh WOW! It's been an interesting weekend. And a great one.
Saturday Char, Lissa, Katriana and I went to finish registering at Babies R Us. Then Char and I went to a beautiful park and he proposed on a bridge. It was wonderful! Sunday we talked to my parents and they aren't mad or upset. So that is nice. We also went to his Great Grandma's house for dinner. So overall everything in life right now is... right. And great.
Wednesday I have a class at the doctors so I suppose that will be pretty interesting. Tonight at Ice Carving I carved a bowling ball and a pin and everyone went bowling. I carved it only with a chisel too! It was way cool.

let go lightly


:: 2005 1 January :: 3.34am

new graphics card in.. yay!

10 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 20 March :: 7.16pm

oh. one more thing. I miss my friends.

and am I ugly?

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 20 March :: 7.14pm

okay so well 2 more pages to go.....

ugh! suck me english paper! go to hell!

let go lightly


:: 2006 20 March :: 2.40pm

Nobody get too close to me...

I might taint you with my unholiness!

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 20 March :: 1.54pm

can you believe i'm honestly STILL procrastinating to start writing this paper and it was DUE TODAY?!?! .....

so yeah... maybe i'll start it sometime today...

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 20 March :: 12.50am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: bnl - break your heart

long weekend.
saw peter pan saturday night. that was interesting. weird to be back at school. i'll visit sometime in may, probably. just to see all my old teachers and friends and everything.

friday night i saw "V for Vendetta", and went to olive garden with shannon, stephanie, and sarah. it was stephanie's birthday. she's younger than addison, but she's a sophomore. tee hee.

umm. friday night went down to shannon's. saturday morning drove her to binder park zoo to fill out the paperwork and take her drug test and get fitted for her uniform. spent the afternoon loafing around her place. i played pokémon with marty. that was interesting. came back here last night, crashed for like 11 hours straight. french toast for brunch, and a nice long walk through the ravines. i took some pictures. did laundry. got a sharpie tattoo. dentist appt. tomorrow.

and i'm sick. but that's okay. i'm not crisp, but i can still function.

sleep well, kids.

edit: in case anyone cares, we kissed on the roof saturday, just for shits and giggles, and it made me laugh. but it did not, thankfully, provoke the evacuation of my bowels. just f.y.i.

4 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 18 March :: 10.39pm

and well blah blah blah and then she was dead.

ughghghgh the end.

Oh! But I see Roman tomorrow.... thumbs up! way up.

let go lightly


:: 2006 18 March :: 7.44pm

So I'm wearing something sparkly and shiny on my left hand these days...

Eh hem. Eh hem.

let go lightly


:: 2006 18 March :: 1.23pm

at least i'm doing something for phillip. i can't sit around and be sad.

i miss him though.

let go lightly


:: 2006 17 March :: 2.51pm

hot damn!!!
so i definately waited around for like three hours at school only to find that my teacher totally wasn't there and didn't bother to post it online or anything.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 17 March :: 2.34pm


let go lightly


:: 2006 17 March :: 12.08am

Today was busy. The Heritage opened. Ahhhh I helped Chris wait tables. Crazy crazy. Then Government.
Work went late. We went to the Gardens and it was a party for 315 people. The plates looked superb and we got major compliments. whooo! And I found out we won best caterer of w. michigan this year too (& 2003 & 2004) So that was cool.
Tomorrow I work at the Heritage so all those CC kids should stop by sometime.
Saturday Lissa and Katriana and Char and I are all going to go register! FUN STUFF. :-)

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 March :: 2.25pm

so . . . today was productive.
and i will still have time to do my homework when i get home from work.
stupid honors stuff.
colleges shouldn't make me work to get in . . . they should beg me to go to their college.
i should just be able to get all F's and still get scholarships.

like seriously.

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 March :: 2.19pm

I've kissed...
01. [x] on the cheek.
02. [x] on the lips.
03. [x] on their hands or fingers.
04. [x] in my room.
05. [x] in their room.
06. [x] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [x] a little younger than me.
09. [x] a little older than me.
10. [x] with black hair.
11. [X]with curly hair.
12. [ ] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [ ] with red hair.
14. [x] with straight hair.
15. [ ] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [x] who i truly love/loved
18. [x] who was drunk.
19. [ ] who was high....
20. [x] in the morning.
21. [x] right after waking up.
22. [x] just before bed.
23. [x] late at night.
24. [ ] who i had just met
25. [x] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [x] just talking not dating.
27. [x] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [x] at school.
30. [x] against a wall
31. [x] at a show. (what kind of show?)
32. [x] at the beach.
33. [ ] at a concert. .. well kind of
34. [x] in a pool.
35. [x] who was/is a good friend.
36. [x] in the rain.
37. [x] with a mole on their body
38. [x] in the shower
39. [x] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [x] in the movies.
41. [x] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [x] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [x] under water
45. [x] while driving
46. [ ] a stranger
47. [ ] more than one person at once
48. [x] crying
49. [ ] goodbye forever
50. [x] when i was drunk.
51. [ ] who didn't speak english
52. [ ] in a hot tub
53. [X] in an elevator
54. [ ] an ex
55. [ ] last night.
56. [ ] Just today.

wellll good.

let go lightly


:: 2006 16 March :: 2.18pm

aw poor you!!

cry me a fricken river!

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 16 March :: 12.04pm

I've kissed...
01. [x] on the cheek.
02. [x] on the lips.
03. [x] on their hands or fingers.
04. [x] in my room.
05. [x] in their room.
06. [x] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [x] a little younger than me.
09. [x] a little older than me.
10. [x] with black hair.
11. [ ]with curly hair.
12. [x] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [x] with red hair.
14. [x] with straight hair.
15. [x] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [x] who i truly love/loved
18. [x] who was drunk.
19. [x] who was high....
20. [x] in the morning.
21. [x] right after waking up.
22. [x] just before bed.
23. [x] late at night.
24. [x] who i had just met
25. [x] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [x] just talking not dating.
27. [x] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [x] at school.
30. [x] against a wall
31. [x] at a show. (what kind of show?)
32. [x] at the beach.
33. [x] at a concert.
34. [x] in a pool.
35. [x] who was/is a good friend.
36. [x] in the rain.
37. [x] with a mole on their body
38. [x] in the shower
39. [x] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [x] in the movies.
41. [x] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [x] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [x] under water
45. [x] while driving
46. [x] a stranger
47. [x] more than one person at once.... ( ha ha... funny story... )
48. [x] crying
49. [x] goodbye forever
50. [x] when i was drunk.
51. [x] who didn't speak english
52. [x] in a hot tub
53. [ ] in an elevator
54. [x] an ex
55. [ ] last night.
56. [ ] Just today.

all I know now is I feel like a whore... I shouldn't have taken that...

14 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 16 August :: 11.49am
:: Mood: spät
:: Music: Frat Rock (various artists)

i've kissed 36 ways?
Read more..

who'da thunk it?


dude, that command was super-easy.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 15 March :: 11.30pm

Some dude hacked my e-mail... sorry to those angered by the things this guy said but it wasn't me...

His excuse? it was done to him so he did it to me....

Tuwang128@gmail.com <----- add it

and andy, if you can at all help me figure out where this guy is loggin in from than that would be nice...

14 hold on tightly | let go lightly

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