2006 5 March :: 10.27am
My parents just dropped 50 on an SSR yesterday! Holy crap. They were working and saw it and then just decided to buy it. It's really cool and I get to drive it to the beach this summer. It's a convertible, too. And the color changes. Aqua Blur. AHHHH.

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2006 5 March :: 10.05am
everyone around me is braking up. it's so crazy.
this winter has been a little too cold.
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2006 4 March :: 2.40pm
i totally just saw a couple get married at mcdonalds on the news.
they met when they both worked there.
that is so cute.
i knew mcdonalds was good for something other than creepy guys hitting on you at the window . . .
well, maybe not for me but it is for some people.
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2006 3 March :: 11.28pm
seven days off of work and ten days off of school. or something to that effect.
i am stoked.
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2006 3 March :: 5.36pm
well 5 hours has turned into 15 minutes and i'm SO EXCITED!!!!
have i said that enough!?!?!?
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2006 3 March :: 1.04pm
So Roman's gonna be here in 5 hours and then we are heading off to the suprise!!!
And jess sorry i wasn't in PE today... my mom took me out to lunch and by the time we were done, it was kinda pointless.
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2006 3 March :: 11.08am
Today is finally here! I can't wait to suprise Roman
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2006 2 March :: 9.48pm
yeah i love roman totally with all my heart. but i never started loving you any LESS because of my love for roman.
doesn't any of that sound relavent.
well it should.
oh and on a totally different note. i seriously fucking hate racism.
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2006 2 March :: 7.52pm
155 days.
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2006 2 March :: 4.40pm
Well now that everything is a closed chapter I guess all I have left to do is move away from here.
Oh and I seriously don't know how Im' going to be able to stand IT. Oh my goodness don't even get me started.
And well I guess cause it's just me and you now......
I seriously would give anything to be alone in your room again ordering pizza and then finishing it off with some Edy's Mint Chocolate Chip.
UGHGHGHGGh. But no, if i wanted that now... I 'd have to drive 2 hours for it.
Stop taking everything for granted you stupid stupid bitches.
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2006 2 March :: 4.34pm
well i know what I'm sick of and I guess I'm free of it now.
so yeah thanks in a weird fucked up way. UGH
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2006 2 March :: 2.24pm
I want to go on a trip. A big one. I'm so excited.
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2006 2 March :: 1.55pm
Hmmm. Well, my car finally did start. AHHH. That always happens. And I didn't have any class to go to or anything. I was just waiting around. Today was interesting. My table service class is going to be fun. I think.
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2006 2 March :: 10.57am
Okay so I have the best suprise for Roman. The idea came to from someone else so thanks to that someone I got this great idea. And then my mom came up with an addition to it to make it an even GREATER idea and then that idea took a while to work out and I tried and tried and finally I GOT IT!
And then Roman told me he couldn't come here on Friday because he had to work and I cried and cried and cried. And then he said he can leave at 4.
And then the car was going to be fixed and he got the part and then OF COURSE it didn't work.
But his sister is letting him take her van and he will be here at six tomorrow and i CAN'T WAIT!
It has been so hard keeping this suprise from him because I'm so used to telling him everything but I seriously can't wait.
And, as for everything else in my life. I have no idea what is going on.
so whatever.
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2006 2 March :: 10.16am
Lookin like a long day ahead of me kids... I'm tired as hell and i have to wait till 6. Kind of sucks.
Later then...
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2006 2 March :: 1.40am
:: Music: cake - love you madly
i may be fucked.
yep. thinking so.
but at least i have good music to listen to. is it weird that i miss her? she's right here, i know. just that i haven't seen her. and i'll be seeing her soon.
right. business.
except for not.
EXCEPT FOR TOTALLY!!! bwahhahahahaha... oh, i'm one silly bitch.
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2006 1 March :: 8.16am
DANG YOU! ! ! ! !
Now I'm stuck here. Probably for hours.
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2006 28 February :: 9.11pm
sarah, gus, and i are having a giant orgy right now. it is so cool.
i am so hot for them.
oh gosh.
i hit a racoon on the way.
we mourned all the way home.
poor poor racoon.
oh sweet thing.
it's fur was so soft and smooth.
he was such a smart little guy.
except that he ran out in front of the car.
so dumb.
it's been a bunch of months.
let go lightly
2006 28 February :: 4.55pm
:: Mood: whelmed again...
:: Music: ben folds - carrying cathy
"do you go 'round drenching everyone with flame retardent chemicals?!"
i got this like an hour ago (shoved through the crack under the door):
"although students do not need to vacate their living centers over spring break, those planning to stay for all or part of spring break MUST notify their living center director by completing an extended stay form which they can pick up at their front desk. students must register with their housing staff member no later than noon on tuesday, february 28th."
if i receive the message during class, to be retrieved when i get out of class at 4pm, tuesday, february 28th, how am i supposed to do all this running around filling out papers bullshit before noon today? i'm pretty sure that's not humanly possible. i just get sick of all the bullshit, and how i'm always the last one to know. like it's some big secret... or even if it isn't a secret, chris can't know, because it'll piss him off, and that'll be one funny reaction to watch. oh, what a laugh. (realistically, i know it's not a malicious thing, but still)
and like, katie calls me up this morning and is like "hey, we're gonna go get lunch and pick up our shirts that we ordered, since we need to do that by friday, or she's going to start giving them away". and i was like "frida... wha?!"
"yeah, it's on the message board downstairs, on the other side of the building"
"well, that's gonna help me a lot. you know what pisses me off? i sent her an email like a week ago, asking her when was a good time to pick it up, and she hasn't even replied to my message yet! and now she's threatening to give my shit away that i PAID FOR?!"
it's just little shit like that. always happening. homework assignments. get togethers. little shit. and i just hate that feeling of inescapable oblivion. it's not even blissful ignorance. it's the futile pursuit of enlightenment. and i hate the fact that it's futile. because apparently it's on a need to know basis, and i'm just not good enough to know. that's a sickening feeling. and i despise it.
thankfully it has not yet pervaded my consciousness completely. i've got many other, far better, feelings running around upstairs, to keep me good and distracted.
so, i have to finish two stats assignments, write a paper, lead a class discussion, do some german (but not much), vacuum, do laundry, clean the bathroom, fix the truck, get money, spend money, band practice tomorrow, hunter's party saturday, radio show friday, oodles of honors reading. and i have to clear out by 10pm on friday, since i didn't have a chance to fill out an extended stay form.
i'm trying really hard not to be angry, honest. it's just not working. time for food and loud music. then band tonight. but maybe i should get some pants on first...
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2006 28 February :: 12.13pm
I think.. no I know that I am being slowly driven insane by my utter inability to do what I say I'm going to do... It's sort of like that "you can't do anything right" feeling, but with the conscienceness of knowing that it is infact your fault.
Damnit, I just did it again...
I'm thinking about chopping my hair all off, or letting it grow out. I'll let the democratic system decide this one... insert your votes.
I can see this making me feel bad about my looks...
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